The IRS "Scandal" Isn't a Scandal, But It Will Get Annoying

When you have nothing bring up Boooooooooooooooooooooooooosh..

this scandal is just being exposed and it's not pretty..

the dots are leading right to the DEAR leader...
Everytime the IRS harasses a citizen with bogus claims, freezes bank accounts and hauls a citizen into tax court it is a scandal.

I spent a year sorting out my 90 year old mother's taxes with them and the net result was "You were right, you owe no taxes but we will settle for back interest and late fees to end your case"

Happens ALL THE TIME, they fight and fight and fight and if dare fight back YOU have to prove you are INNOCENT!!!!!
And when they finally admit you are after you have spent 10K defending yourself they have the gall to try to swindle interest and fees out of you WHEN YOU NEVER OWED THEM ANOTHER DIME TO BEGIN WITH.

Anyone that does not know the abuses by the second by the IRS preying on citizens is as dumb as a fucking box of rocks.
Of course it's a scandal. Next thing you know the left will try to tell us that cold weather is really global warming. Wait, they are doing that aren't they. What makes a scandal a scandal? The political bias of the media?
We the people shouldn't have to pay for this agency..they can with a stroke of pen take everything you worked for and own..

something very wrong there
I'm semi-watching the hearings right now. Why am I not surprised that every single Dumbocrat, instead of asking questions, gets on his or her soapbox with the mantra - "ever since the Bush administration"?

One even said it's the IRS' job to ensure political movements DON'T receive a tax-exempt status!

Okay, perhaps that's the law. But asking what prayers they use while kneeling outside an abortion clinic? Or the name and voting records of each member of the board of directors?

Maybe Americans will finally wake up to the abuses by this administration!!! :evil:
I'm semi-watching the hearings right now. Why am I not surprised that every single Dumbocrat, instead of asking questions, gets on his or her soapbox with the mantra - "ever since the Bush administration"?

One even said it's the IRS' job to ensure political movements DON'T receive a tax-exempt status!

Okay, perhaps that's the law. But asking what prayers they use while kneeling outside an abortion clinic? Or the name and voting records of each member of the board of directors?

Maybe Americans will finally wake up to the abuses by this administration!!! :evil:

I've been watching a bit. It's pathetic. It's all Bushes fault or the fault of the American that applied. Despicable dems
Many of these additional hoops prevented these groups from participating in an entire election cycle. Their exemptions were eventually approved, after the election. That's a fair policy to you?
It didn't prevent anyone from doing a thing.

Being taxed = being prohibited???

Donors generally don't contribute to for-profit campaign groups, that's why MoveOn (who I'm sure you support) is tax exempt. That's why Organizing for America is tax exempt. Are you in favor of one side getting an IRS-sponsored advantage?
No. I want it to go back to the original language, changed during the Eisenhower admin.: Exclusively for social welfare, not the changed primarily for social welfare.

That would exclude anyone doing any politics. Why should the taxpayer subsidize any group doing politics?

This would be a major step toward getting big money out of politics.
I wonder if Synthia is bored with the WMD scandal? How about it Syndy?

Yup and I'm sure if Bush were still POTUS it would be a scandal and Synthia would have a thread every day. It would certainly be labeled as more than "annoying."
The IRS "Scandal" Isn't a Scandal, But It Will Get Annoying

Look, we know how this went down: Post-Citizens United, the Internal Revenue Service was flooded with applications for tax-exempt status for whatever organization a couple of fucksacks with a tricorner hat wanted to start. "Social welfare" groups, they were called, and they could not be involved with specific political candidates or advocacy (although, you know, c'mon). So the IRS told its low-level drones who had to look at all the fucksack applications to flag ones that looked hinky. So the low-level drones, who are overworked to begin with because Congress won't give the IRS the funding it needs to do its fucking job, used some search terms.

It's 2010 and who are the fucksacks who are everywhere? The "Tea Party" groups. So, sure, fine, let's fuckin' search that. Low-level drone 1 tells low-level drone 2 (and for god's sake, they live in the dull, dull, boring, dull city of Cincinnati, so give 'em a little break), "Hey, just use 'Patriot' as a search term and you'll get your job done faster because if there's one thing we know, it's that a whole bunch of these applications are from crazed fucksacks applying for tax-exempt status because they hate them that black guy in office." Low-level drone 2 might have said, "Oh, shit, that'll get us in trouble." But low-level drone 1 had a convincing argument by saying, "You wanna get to the bar sooner?" By the way, chances are that LLD 1 and LLD 2 have been LLDs forever, under at least one GOP president.

Does this narrative need to be completed? Sure, fine: A mid-level IRS drone discovers what's happening and says, "Whoa, whoa, you can't just go after the costumed fucksacks. You gotta look at everyone." At which point at least one LLD contemplated suicide, surely. So MLD went to the higher-ups, like Lois Lerner, director of exempt organizations, who said, "Aw, fuck, don't you know that the fucksacks are gonna cause a ruckus over this shit? Change it up." And then the IRS started to look at any group that criticized "how the country was run." Then, because that stunk of Tea Party bullshit (even though it encompassed many groups), the standard was then changed to "political action type organizations involved in limiting/expanding Government, educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, social economic reform movement." And then, a year ago, that was changed to "organizations with indicators of significant amounts of political campaign intervention."

No group was denied anything because of the extra scrutiny. And as soon as someone higher than a low-level drone found out about what the LLDs were doing, it was addressed and changed. To say that Barack Obama had something to do with that is to say that Rupert Murdoch should be arrested every time Sean Hannity lies on the air.

If you want to call the IRS thing a scandal, well, shit, in this dumbed-down post-Clinton blow job era, the definition of "scandal" is meaningless, so why the fuck not? At least it looks like someone did something knowingly wrong, unlike Benghazi, which is a lonely penis looking for a hole to penetrate.

Hell, the Washington Post went all nutzoid on it, proving its street-cred to keep up the subscription rate among Republican readers: "One line of questioning should focus on how the IRS’s procedures failed to catch this 'shortcut' before its employees began using it. Another should center on how this misguided practice came to light, and on what the IRS planned and plans to do about it." Umm, the IRS caught it shortly after it was used. And did something about it. Isn't that the end of the story?

But, no, really, there should be an investigation. Go the fuck ahead, GOP (and, yeah, Democrats who wanna show that they can be all mightily outraged at a black man, too). Call witnesses. Have mighty inquiries where you can preen for the base. It's not like you're gonna do anything better with your time. At this point, you've cried, "Wolf!" so many times that even the wolves are bored.

I have a prediction too, this thing you are calling a non scandal will completely destroy the IRS as we know it.

Have you noticed that the only people supporting the IRS here are the extreme far left authoritarians?

quoted because you will most likely be wrong, as usual. There was nothing illegal done.
You think this might annoy the rude idiot about the Non Scandal...

Treasury IG Compares IRS Scandal to Nixon Only Worse – “This Is Unprecedented”

Treasury IG official compares IRS scandal to Nixon

By Peter Schroeder - 06/03/13 04:38 PM ET

The Treasury Inspector General who uncovered the improper targeting of Tea Party groups by the Internal Revenue Service said Monday he was stunned by what his investigation uncovered.

Russell George, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), said the targeting at the IRS his probe discovered was "unprecedented," and the closest comparison that came to mind was the targeting of political enemies by the administration of Richard Nixon.

all of it here:
Read more: Treasury IG official compares IRS scandal to Nixon - The Hill's On The Money
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

yes yes you people say everything is worse than nixon with Obama... Get some new meme's Steph. I know you are limited with the brain power, but i have faith you can come up with something.
Many of these additional hoops prevented these groups from participating in an entire election cycle. Their exemptions were eventually approved, after the election. That's a fair policy to you?
It didn't prevent anyone from doing a thing.

Being taxed = being prohibited???

Well looky here. It seems donating to a group that doesn't have tax-exempt status can make someone subject to a gift tax.

Donors To GOP Group Drew IRS Scrutiny -

Do you still think this screening didn't prevent anyone from doing a thing?

Except that Freedom Watch actually had tax exempt status when the IRS tried to collect taxes.
The IRS "Scandal" Isn't a Scandal, But It Will Get Annoying

Look, we know how this went down: Post-Citizens United, the Internal Revenue Service was flooded with applications for tax-exempt status for whatever organization a couple of fucksacks with a tricorner hat wanted to start. "Social welfare" groups, they were called, and they could not be involved with specific political candidates or advocacy (although, you know, c'mon). So the IRS told its low-level drones who had to look at all the fucksack applications to flag ones that looked hinky. So the low-level drones, who are overworked to begin with because Congress won't give the IRS the funding it needs to do its fucking job, used some search terms.

It's 2010 and who are the fucksacks who are everywhere? The "Tea Party" groups. So, sure, fine, let's fuckin' search that. Low-level drone 1 tells low-level drone 2 (and for god's sake, they live in the dull, dull, boring, dull city of Cincinnati, so give 'em a little break), "Hey, just use 'Patriot' as a search term and you'll get your job done faster because if there's one thing we know, it's that a whole bunch of these applications are from crazed fucksacks applying for tax-exempt status because they hate them that black guy in office." Low-level drone 2 might have said, "Oh, shit, that'll get us in trouble." But low-level drone 1 had a convincing argument by saying, "You wanna get to the bar sooner?" By the way, chances are that LLD 1 and LLD 2 have been LLDs forever, under at least one GOP president.

Does this narrative need to be completed? Sure, fine: A mid-level IRS drone discovers what's happening and says, "Whoa, whoa, you can't just go after the costumed fucksacks. You gotta look at everyone." At which point at least one LLD contemplated suicide, surely. So MLD went to the higher-ups, like Lois Lerner, director of exempt organizations, who said, "Aw, fuck, don't you know that the fucksacks are gonna cause a ruckus over this shit? Change it up." And then the IRS started to look at any group that criticized "how the country was run." Then, because that stunk of Tea Party bullshit (even though it encompassed many groups), the standard was then changed to "political action type organizations involved in limiting/expanding Government, educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, social economic reform movement." And then, a year ago, that was changed to "organizations with indicators of significant amounts of political campaign intervention."

No group was denied anything because of the extra scrutiny. And as soon as someone higher than a low-level drone found out about what the LLDs were doing, it was addressed and changed. To say that Barack Obama had something to do with that is to say that Rupert Murdoch should be arrested every time Sean Hannity lies on the air.

If you want to call the IRS thing a scandal, well, shit, in this dumbed-down post-Clinton blow job era, the definition of "scandal" is meaningless, so why the fuck not? At least it looks like someone did something knowingly wrong, unlike Benghazi, which is a lonely penis looking for a hole to penetrate.

Hell, the Washington Post went all nutzoid on it, proving its street-cred to keep up the subscription rate among Republican readers: "One line of questioning should focus on how the IRS’s procedures failed to catch this 'shortcut' before its employees began using it. Another should center on how this misguided practice came to light, and on what the IRS planned and plans to do about it." Umm, the IRS caught it shortly after it was used. And did something about it. Isn't that the end of the story?

But, no, really, there should be an investigation. Go the fuck ahead, GOP (and, yeah, Democrats who wanna show that they can be all mightily outraged at a black man, too). Call witnesses. Have mighty inquiries where you can preen for the base. It's not like you're gonna do anything better with your time. At this point, you've cried, "Wolf!" so many times that even the wolves are bored.

If it's not a scandal or an outrage, maybe somebody should tell Obama

That, or ya'll need to get your talking-points scripts straight

[ame=]Obama Says He's 'outraged' by IRS Case - YouTube[/ame]
It didn't prevent anyone from doing a thing.

Being taxed = being prohibited???

Donors generally don't contribute to for-profit campaign groups, that's why MoveOn (who I'm sure you support) is tax exempt. That's why Organizing for America is tax exempt. Are you in favor of one side getting an IRS-sponsored advantage?
No. I want it to go back to the original language, changed during the Eisenhower admin.: Exclusively for social welfare, not the changed primarily for social welfare.

That would exclude anyone doing any politics. Why should the taxpayer subsidize any group doing politics?

This would be a major step toward getting big money out of politics.

Shuttup, weasel. That wouldn't make an iota of difference. Whenever your turd heroes get caught with their hands in the cookie jar, dupes like you are always telling us to look somewhere elese.
You think this might annoy the rude idiot about the Non Scandal...

Treasury IG Compares IRS Scandal to Nixon Only Worse – “This Is Unprecedented”

Treasury IG official compares IRS scandal to Nixon

By Peter Schroeder - 06/03/13 04:38 PM ET

The Treasury Inspector General who uncovered the improper targeting of Tea Party groups by the Internal Revenue Service said Monday he was stunned by what his investigation uncovered.

Russell George, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), said the targeting at the IRS his probe discovered was "unprecedented," and the closest comparison that came to mind was the targeting of political enemies by the administration of Richard Nixon.

all of it here:
Read more: Treasury IG official compares IRS scandal to Nixon - The Hill's On The Money
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

yes yes you people say everything is worse than nixon with Obama... Get some new meme's Steph. I know you are limited with the brain power, but i have faith you can come up with something.
Funny how they skip over Iran-Contra. :lol:
The IRS "Scandal" Isn't a Scandal, But It Will Get Annoying

Look, we know how this went down: Post-Citizens United, the Internal Revenue Service was flooded with applications for tax-exempt status for whatever organization a couple of fucksacks with a tricorner hat wanted to start. "Social welfare" groups, they were called, and they could not be involved with specific political candidates or advocacy (although, you know, c'mon). So the IRS told its low-level drones who had to look at all the fucksack applications to flag ones that looked hinky. So the low-level drones, who are overworked to begin with because Congress won't give the IRS the funding it needs to do its fucking job, used some search terms.

It's 2010 and who are the fucksacks who are everywhere? The "Tea Party" groups. So, sure, fine, let's fuckin' search that. Low-level drone 1 tells low-level drone 2 (and for god's sake, they live in the dull, dull, boring, dull city of Cincinnati, so give 'em a little break), "Hey, just use 'Patriot' as a search term and you'll get your job done faster because if there's one thing we know, it's that a whole bunch of these applications are from crazed fucksacks applying for tax-exempt status because they hate them that black guy in office." Low-level drone 2 might have said, "Oh, shit, that'll get us in trouble." But low-level drone 1 had a convincing argument by saying, "You wanna get to the bar sooner?" By the way, chances are that LLD 1 and LLD 2 have been LLDs forever, under at least one GOP president.

Does this narrative need to be completed? Sure, fine: A mid-level IRS drone discovers what's happening and says, "Whoa, whoa, you can't just go after the costumed fucksacks. You gotta look at everyone." At which point at least one LLD contemplated suicide, surely. So MLD went to the higher-ups, like Lois Lerner, director of exempt organizations, who said, "Aw, fuck, don't you know that the fucksacks are gonna cause a ruckus over this shit? Change it up." And then the IRS started to look at any group that criticized "how the country was run." Then, because that stunk of Tea Party bullshit (even though it encompassed many groups), the standard was then changed to "political action type organizations involved in limiting/expanding Government, educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, social economic reform movement." And then, a year ago, that was changed to "organizations with indicators of significant amounts of political campaign intervention."

No group was denied anything because of the extra scrutiny. And as soon as someone higher than a low-level drone found out about what the LLDs were doing, it was addressed and changed. To say that Barack Obama had something to do with that is to say that Rupert Murdoch should be arrested every time Sean Hannity lies on the air.

If you want to call the IRS thing a scandal, well, shit, in this dumbed-down post-Clinton blow job era, the definition of "scandal" is meaningless, so why the fuck not? At least it looks like someone did something knowingly wrong, unlike Benghazi, which is a lonely penis looking for a hole to penetrate.

Hell, the Washington Post went all nutzoid on it, proving its street-cred to keep up the subscription rate among Republican readers: "One line of questioning should focus on how the IRS’s procedures failed to catch this 'shortcut' before its employees began using it. Another should center on how this misguided practice came to light, and on what the IRS planned and plans to do about it." Umm, the IRS caught it shortly after it was used. And did something about it. Isn't that the end of the story?

But, no, really, there should be an investigation. Go the fuck ahead, GOP (and, yeah, Democrats who wanna show that they can be all mightily outraged at a black man, too). Call witnesses. Have mighty inquiries where you can preen for the base. It's not like you're gonna do anything better with your time. At this point, you've cried, "Wolf!" so many times that even the wolves are bored.

If it's not a scandal or an outrage, maybe somebody should tell Obama

That, or ya'll need to get your talking-points scripts straight

[ame=]Obama Says He's 'outraged' by IRS Case - YouTube[/ame]
Being outraged that public employees made mistakes, or cut corners on procedure is a hell of a lot different than admitting there is some kind of alleged scandal.
You think this might annoy the rude idiot about the Non Scandal...

Treasury IG Compares IRS Scandal to Nixon Only Worse – “This Is Unprecedented”

Treasury IG official compares IRS scandal to Nixon

By Peter Schroeder - 06/03/13 04:38 PM ET

The Treasury Inspector General who uncovered the improper targeting of Tea Party groups by the Internal Revenue Service said Monday he was stunned by what his investigation uncovered.

Russell George, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), said the targeting at the IRS his probe discovered was "unprecedented," and the closest comparison that came to mind was the targeting of political enemies by the administration of Richard Nixon.

all of it here:
Read more: Treasury IG official compares IRS scandal to Nixon - The Hill's On The Money
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

yes yes you people say everything is worse than nixon with Obama... Get some new meme's Steph. I know you are limited with the brain power, but i have faith you can come up with something.
Funny how they skip over Iran-Contra. :lol:

Iran Contra and iraqwmdscam for that matter. They react like trained monkeys to what's on fox "news" and hate radio.
Being outraged that public employees made mistakes, or cut corners on procedure is a hell of a lot different than admitting there is some kind of alleged scandal.

hey, we should all be happy he feigned outrage and didn't admit to some ALLEGED scandal..

can syntha twist himself into a pretzel..?

Last edited:
The IRS "Scandal" Isn't a Scandal, But It Will Get Annoying

Look, we know how this went down: Post-Citizens United, the Internal Revenue Service was flooded with applications for tax-exempt status for whatever organization a couple of fucksacks with a tricorner hat wanted to start. "Social welfare" groups, they were called, and they could not be involved with specific political candidates or advocacy (although, you know, c'mon). So the IRS told its low-level drones who had to look at all the fucksack applications to flag ones that looked hinky. So the low-level drones, who are overworked to begin with because Congress won't give the IRS the funding it needs to do its fucking job, used some search terms.

It's 2010 and who are the fucksacks who are everywhere? The "Tea Party" groups. So, sure, fine, let's fuckin' search that. Low-level drone 1 tells low-level drone 2 (and for god's sake, they live in the dull, dull, boring, dull city of Cincinnati, so give 'em a little break), "Hey, just use 'Patriot' as a search term and you'll get your job done faster because if there's one thing we know, it's that a whole bunch of these applications are from crazed fucksacks applying for tax-exempt status because they hate them that black guy in office." Low-level drone 2 might have said, "Oh, shit, that'll get us in trouble." But low-level drone 1 had a convincing argument by saying, "You wanna get to the bar sooner?" By the way, chances are that LLD 1 and LLD 2 have been LLDs forever, under at least one GOP president.

Does this narrative need to be completed? Sure, fine: A mid-level IRS drone discovers what's happening and says, "Whoa, whoa, you can't just go after the costumed fucksacks. You gotta look at everyone." At which point at least one LLD contemplated suicide, surely. So MLD went to the higher-ups, like Lois Lerner, director of exempt organizations, who said, "Aw, fuck, don't you know that the fucksacks are gonna cause a ruckus over this shit? Change it up." And then the IRS started to look at any group that criticized "how the country was run." Then, because that stunk of Tea Party bullshit (even though it encompassed many groups), the standard was then changed to "political action type organizations involved in limiting/expanding Government, educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, social economic reform movement." And then, a year ago, that was changed to "organizations with indicators of significant amounts of political campaign intervention."

No group was denied anything because of the extra scrutiny. And as soon as someone higher than a low-level drone found out about what the LLDs were doing, it was addressed and changed. To say that Barack Obama had something to do with that is to say that Rupert Murdoch should be arrested every time Sean Hannity lies on the air.

If you want to call the IRS thing a scandal, well, shit, in this dumbed-down post-Clinton blow job era, the definition of "scandal" is meaningless, so why the fuck not? At least it looks like someone did something knowingly wrong, unlike Benghazi, which is a lonely penis looking for a hole to penetrate.

Hell, the Washington Post went all nutzoid on it, proving its street-cred to keep up the subscription rate among Republican readers: "One line of questioning should focus on how the IRS’s procedures failed to catch this 'shortcut' before its employees began using it. Another should center on how this misguided practice came to light, and on what the IRS planned and plans to do about it." Umm, the IRS caught it shortly after it was used. And did something about it. Isn't that the end of the story?

But, no, really, there should be an investigation. Go the fuck ahead, GOP (and, yeah, Democrats who wanna show that they can be all mightily outraged at a black man, too). Call witnesses. Have mighty inquiries where you can preen for the base. It's not like you're gonna do anything better with your time. At this point, you've cried, "Wolf!" so many times that even the wolves are bored.

If it's not a scandal or an outrage, maybe somebody should tell Obama

That, or ya'll need to get your talking-points scripts straight

[ame=]Obama Says He's 'outraged' by IRS Case - YouTube[/ame]
Being outraged that public employees made mistakes, or cut corners on procedure is a hell of a lot different than admitting there is some kind of alleged scandal.

I want to be clear, I am not sure I read your snippet above, correctly, your take on this is, irs employees, made 'mistakes' that correct?

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