The IRS "Scandal" Isn't a Scandal, But It Will Get Annoying

Other things cross my mind....
Savings and Loan

Thing is, they don't have anything to do with several IRS offices, nationwide, simultaneously delaying tax-exempt requests submitted by a certain segment of our population while others were not delayed in the same manner

What was the result of the Whitewater investigation?


Probably the same thing that will happen here.
There will be indictments and convictions but nothing will be connected to Obama.

But, ya see, I'm not so much after Obama as I am after the truth.
I'd like to know how far up the ladder people knew what was happening.
If that includes Obama, well, it sucks to be him.
If Let's see him rip some flesh from the assholes that DID KNOW about it.
Promoting them to head the ACA portion of the IRS isn't's condoning

There is no 'there' there. Despite how much the Right wants there to be.

All the talking points wither on the FOXNEWS vine, but they don't acknowledge it. They are still promoting the falsehood that the IRS guy went to the WH 150+ times, when he only went 11 times in 4 years.
You are correct.

It no longer is a scandal. It has moved into the criminal arena.
More likely Obama will try a technicalilty regarding a third term. He'll just say he didn't run for the office, others did it for him. Not his fault he won without running.
What was the result of the Whitewater investigation?


Probably the same thing that will happen here.
There will be indictments and convictions but nothing will be connected to Obama.

But, ya see, I'm not so much after Obama as I am after the truth.
I'd like to know how far up the ladder people knew what was happening.
If that includes Obama, well, it sucks to be him.
If Let's see him rip some flesh from the assholes that DID KNOW about it.
Promoting them to head the ACA portion of the IRS isn't's condoning

There is no 'there' there. Despite how much the Right wants there to be.

All the talking points wither on the FOXNEWS vine, but they don't acknowledge it. They are still promoting the falsehood that the IRS guy went to the WH 150+ times, when he only went 11 times in 4 years.

WTF is that?
Where did it come from and what does it mean?
I've heard it said numerous times but I don't get it

More Democratic/Big Brother DoubleSpeak?
[ame=]Clinton- depends on what the meaning of the word is...... is - YouTube[/ame]
Probably the same thing that will happen here.
There will be indictments and convictions but nothing will be connected to Obama.

But, ya see, I'm not so much after Obama as I am after the truth.
I'd like to know how far up the ladder people knew what was happening.
If that includes Obama, well, it sucks to be him.
If Let's see him rip some flesh from the assholes that DID KNOW about it.
Promoting them to head the ACA portion of the IRS isn't's condoning

There is no 'there' there. Despite how much the Right wants there to be.

All the talking points wither on the FOXNEWS vine, but they don't acknowledge it. They are still promoting the falsehood that the IRS guy went to the WH 150+ times, when he only went 11 times in 4 years.

WTF is that?
Where did it come from and what does it mean?
I've heard it said numerous times but I don't get it

More Democratic/Big Brother DoubleSpeak?

Well, I guess if that's what you need it to mean, then go with that. :)

There is no scandal, at least in a political sense, that could be used against POTUS or Democrats.

The head of the IRS was appointed by BOOOOOOSH!
Funny how they skip over Iran-Contra. :lol:

yes it was a scandal, but, what has it to do with the IRS issue?
It's telling and funny how the far Right, when they think of some of America's worst scandals, have amnesia about Iran-Contra, and jump right to Watergate, which is arguably not as bad as Iran-Contra.

What's funny is you Obamabots have to bring up other scandals to justify these..

well actually, PATHETIC
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The IRS "Scandal" Isn't a Scandal, But It Will Get Annoying

Look, we know how this went down: Post-Citizens United, the Internal Revenue Service was flooded with applications for tax-exempt status for whatever organization a couple of fucksacks with a tricorner hat wanted to start. "Social welfare" groups, they were called, and they could not be involved with specific political candidates or advocacy (although, you know, c'mon). So the IRS told its low-level drones who had to look at all the fucksack applications to flag ones that looked hinky. So the low-level drones, who are overworked to begin with because Congress won't give the IRS the funding it needs to do its fucking job, used some search terms.

It's 2010 and who are the fucksacks who are everywhere? The "Tea Party" groups. So, sure, fine, let's fuckin' search that. Low-level drone 1 tells low-level drone 2 (and for god's sake, they live in the dull, dull, boring, dull city of Cincinnati, so give 'em a little break), "Hey, just use 'Patriot' as a search term and you'll get your job done faster because if there's one thing we know, it's that a whole bunch of these applications are from crazed fucksacks applying for tax-exempt status because they hate them that black guy in office." Low-level drone 2 might have said, "Oh, shit, that'll get us in trouble." But low-level drone 1 had a convincing argument by saying, "You wanna get to the bar sooner?" By the way, chances are that LLD 1 and LLD 2 have been LLDs forever, under at least one GOP president.

Does this narrative need to be completed? Sure, fine: A mid-level IRS drone discovers what's happening and says, "Whoa, whoa, you can't just go after the costumed fucksacks. You gotta look at everyone." At which point at least one LLD contemplated suicide, surely. So MLD went to the higher-ups, like Lois Lerner, director of exempt organizations, who said, "Aw, fuck, don't you know that the fucksacks are gonna cause a ruckus over this shit? Change it up." And then the IRS started to look at any group that criticized "how the country was run." Then, because that stunk of Tea Party bullshit (even though it encompassed many groups), the standard was then changed to "political action type organizations involved in limiting/expanding Government, educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, social economic reform movement." And then, a year ago, that was changed to "organizations with indicators of significant amounts of political campaign intervention."

No group was denied anything because of the extra scrutiny. And as soon as someone higher than a low-level drone found out about what the LLDs were doing, it was addressed and changed. To say that Barack Obama had something to do with that is to say that Rupert Murdoch should be arrested every time Sean Hannity lies on the air.

If you want to call the IRS thing a scandal, well, shit, in this dumbed-down post-Clinton blow job era, the definition of "scandal" is meaningless, so why the fuck not? At least it looks like someone did something knowingly wrong, unlike Benghazi, which is a lonely penis looking for a hole to penetrate.

Hell, the Washington Post went all nutzoid on it, proving its street-cred to keep up the subscription rate among Republican readers: "One line of questioning should focus on how the IRS’s procedures failed to catch this 'shortcut' before its employees began using it. Another should center on how this misguided practice came to light, and on what the IRS planned and plans to do about it." Umm, the IRS caught it shortly after it was used. And did something about it. Isn't that the end of the story?

But, no, really, there should be an investigation. Go the fuck ahead, GOP (and, yeah, Democrats who wanna show that they can be all mightily outraged at a black man, too). Call witnesses. Have mighty inquiries where you can preen for the base. It's not like you're gonna do anything better with your time. At this point, you've cried, "Wolf!" so many times that even the wolves are bored.

"The IRS has released its 2010 Databook. Fewer than 60,000 501(c)(3) applications were processed during fiscal year 2010, a drop of more than 15% from 2009"

News & Quotes About 501(c)(3) Applications

There goes THAT lame excuse.

SO what will be the next excuse?

And speaking of excuses......if our dear President really wanted to know how this happened he would have told his new IRS appointee to find out who knew what on his first day on the job.

And it would have been easy...

"joe, you were doing this, Who above you knew about it"
"my superior, Anne"
"Anne, you knew joe was doing this. Who above you knew?"
My superior Hector"
"Hector, you knew that ANnes people were doing this. WHo above you knew?"
My superior George."

And so on.

It would have taken all of one hour.


"we need to do an investigation, and those things take time"

Gimme a fucking break!
HOPE this annoys the rude idot...


Donald Lambro | Jun 05, 2013

WASHINGTON - President Obama is being hit by new scandals almost weekly in a growing web of investigations and revelations that have further damaged his troubled administration.

The U.S. Treasury's Inspector General released a new report Tuesday that the Internal Revenue Service spent $50 million on 220 conferences for IRS employees over a three year period beginning in 2010.

Despite annual federal budget deficits of more than $1 trillion throughout Obama's first term, the IG found many of the IRS's expenditures to be downright wasteful.

In one of its findings, the IRS focused on a conference in Anaheim, Calif. -- home of Disneyland -- where some 2,600 employees in the agency's small business division gathered for a little fun and relaxation paid for by the American people.

In a conference that cost taxpayers about $4.1 million, IRS workers were shown two training videos that cost at least $60,000 to produce. One of them was a parody of Star Trek in which employees, wearing Star Trek uniforms, talked about how to dig out tax fraud in a full-scale mock-up of the bridge of the starship Enterprise.

In the video, an IRS employee portraying the Russian character Pavel Chekov tells one of his colleagues, "Back in Russia, I dreamed someday I'd be rich and famous."

"Me, too. That's why I became a public servant," his starship colleague replies.

all of it here
A Darkening Cloud of Scandals Engulfs Obama Administration - Donald Lambro - Page 1
Next April I am telling the IRS I lost all my receipts and am taking a per diem rate of 40% of my net as expenses.
Less hassle and paperwork and when they audit me I am taking the 5th.
That is my right!
We're not talking about you and the Mormon "Church".

Wow, what a biggot
It's spelled 'bigot', Sparky.

Yes, I am bigoted against cults.

well that move was predicted, there spelling bee champ. Let me bow down to your word wizardry (is it one z or two, oh great one?)

but if you dont like cults, you probably should drop out of the liberal one. People like your friend rightwing nut just said a lesbian protestor that interrupted the Queen, was a GOP plant, dont you get tired of defending brain dead cultists like that?

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