The Jared Kushner Investigation has Rightfully Started in the Senate

Well there is no tie to Joe at all
The so called Hunter rent scandal was all lies, standard lies on Fox News. Because of the Dominion law Suit, that we now know Fox News admits to lying to their gullible viewers or else they stop watching.

Oh yeah, biden and his son are all tied up in ukraine grifting. You're just a liberal hack. That's all.
We’ll no, there are things that don’t add up, like the allegations of kickbacks going to joe, why a Ukraine energy company thought it a good idea to employ the son of an American vp who doesn’t bring any experience to the table,, stuff like that.
Joe was not vice president at the time, the 10% for the big guy has two people saying the opposite. The guy who went on Steve Bannons show and another partner in the deal said it was for someone else....when the deal was actually drawn up, there was no 10% for the big guy set aside, each partner had 20% stake and Joe Biden was NOT part of the deal.

the deal was NOT a criminal business deal.

and most importantly, next to Joe Biden being a civilian and not vice president....guess what? The business arrangement deal with the China company with 10% for the big guy email, GOT DROPPED, IT FELL THRU and never took place.

So, as a laymen, I can find this information already investigated by the press, with documents and facts proving such....tell me why the right-wing lying media is so obsessed with it? You know's simply political.... And a cash cow for them.

Then have Republican Congress critters trying to support their corrupt right wing media by investigating something they already know they will find no criminality....

Please stop being so naive on this...


You can Google it, look for the articles written at the time translated from Ukrainian news papers.

Shokin was a crooked prosecutor, taking loose diamonds as payoff for two other prosecutors and him from Russian and Ukrainian Oligarch businesses, to not investigate them.

And Shokin WAS NOT investigating Burisma for their crimes as our European allies and the USA wanted....I

The Ukrainian people wanted Shokin GONE!

You can also Google on this and get info from back then and in time period.

This is what the true definition of a Witch Hunt is... The real deal.

But, that's fine and dandy, waste all the taxpayer's money you want on it by your corrupt Republican Congress critters....they know whatever they say or your corrupt media say, you will believe.... that's all that counts....
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Republicans try to deflect attacks at Hunter Biden for his little $200k painting, and little $500k for working for Ukraine, meanwhile Jared Kushner and trump get $2B from the corrupt Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, to start a "Private Equity fund", with absolutely no PE experience at all. Oh and BTW, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman only obtained power because he had the backing of Kushner and Trump. Even after he killed that journalist.

What a scam ! This is a mega scandal, Pay for Play, Quid Pro Quo on the Grandest scale ever. Kushner sold out America for his personal benefit for $2B and these people complain about Hunter Biden's little $500k? What a joke.

The only reason Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman came to power was because of Kushner and Trump, with out their endorsement he would have never come to power over other members of the family, then for payback he gives Kushner $2B in oil money. Now we know why he got away with killing that journalist. Kushner gets $2B as payment for backing a corrupt Saudi Crown prince's rise to power, what a total scam, sham, fraud, sell out, disgrace to America. Trump is the most corrupt president in US history.

“The financial links between the Saudi royal family and the Trump family raise very serious issues, and when you factor in Jared Kushner’s financial interests, you are looking right at the cat’s cradle of financial entanglements,” Wyden told The Post last week.

In his letter to Kushner, Raskin wrote, “Your efforts to protect the Crown Prince may have allowed him to maintain his position at the top of the Saudi government and, thus, his ability to deliver significant financial benefits to you and your father-in-law after the end of the Trump Administration.”

If I understand you correctly, you're saying let partisan democrats investigate the other side but not vice versa.
......"democrat seeks documents". Lol. And of course the OP can't see the liberal agenda. What a buffoon.
If I understand you correctly, you're saying let partisan democrats investigate the other side but not vice versa.
I am saying none of the GOP investigations have any real merit at all, they are all fake news and lies, told by proven liars that have told other mega lies, like the Big Lie of election fraud that has been proven to be false.

Every one of these fake Fox News scandals have all been debunked completely.

The GOP are all pathological liars, and Fox News just said when they tell the truth people stop watching, so they must lie in order to keep viewers.

BUT on the flip side the GOP keep committing crime after crime after crime and this Big Mega scandal, where Kushner gets $2B, is extremely serious and corrupt and needs to be investigated.

Republicans are the most gullible people in the world, they believe every lie they are told. Its all about to blow up with the Dominion lawsuit and this huge Kushner crime.
I am saying none of the GOP investigations have any real merit at all, they are all fake news and lies, told by proven liars that have told other mega lies, like the Big Lie of election fraud that has been proven to be false.

Every one of these fake Fox News scandals have all been debunked completely.

The GOP are all pathological liars, and Fox News just said when they tell the truth people stop watching, so they must lie in order to keep viewers.

BUT on the flip side the GOP keep committing crime after crime after crime and this Big Mega scandal, where Kushner gets $2B, is extremely serious and corrupt and needs to be investigated.

Republicans are the most gullible people in the world, they believe every lie they are told. Its all about to blow up with the Dominion lawsuit and this huge Kushner crime.
None of the Dems investigations had any merit at all, other than the planted narrative of lefties who furthered the Big Lie about Trump colluding with Russia to influence the 2016 election. The Jan 6th investigation only told the story of the agenda dems wanted to push, refusing to release parts of the investigation which didn't fit their narrative.
None of the Dems investigations had any merit at all, other than the planted narrative of lefties who furthered the Big Lie about Trump colluding with Russia to influence the 2016 election. The Jan 6th investigation only told the story of the agenda dems wanted to push, refusing to release parts of the investigation which didn't fit their narrative.
Jan 6th was a disgrace that can't be sugar coated. Trump and Fox News lied to everyone and they incited a disgraceful and violent insurrection at the Capitol, and its all on tape and undeniable.

Russia helped trump win the election and Russia created a fake News campaign to target gullible and niave republicans to sway them to vote for Trump. This is real, they just couldn't tie it to the Trump campaign (worse still Trump fired Comey and said on TV that firing him would take pressure off of the Russia thing), but there was valid cause to investigate this (unlike all the fake GOP fabricated scandals with no merit).

You need to change your name, you are not an independent thinker at all, you just regurgitate proven lies told to you by Fake Fox news and other fake conservative media outlets. You are about as non-independent as they come and spin everything into a pro GOP stance.
because that is a 100% lie and total fake news

Fake Fox News just fabricated that out of thin air and it is proven to be a lie. This is the big problem, Fox News and Republicans are all lies. Nothing they say has any merit at all.

The Hunter Biden scandal is fake news, meanwhile Kushner gets $2B for backing a corrupt dictator and you ignore it.

The GOP is the party of disgrace and scandal whereas none of the dems scandals are real and there is no major wrongdoing at all by the dems. Its just fabricated lies made up by Fox News and the people that fabricated the big lie.
You are extremely gullible and easily manipulated.

HaHa !
Facts disprove you yet again.

Here's a tip, get on the side with the facts, like me. You are only interested in spinning lies to fit your bias, not facts.

The reality is this rent bullshit is fake news, just like election fraud and all the other GOP lies.
Hunter Biden did not pay Joe Biden $50k/month rent at all in anyway shape or form, and you got played yet again, like always.

You people have a repeat habit of getting played by bullshit and lies. It happens on a regular basis.
Jan 6th was a disgrace that can't be sugar coated. Trump and Fox News lied to everyone and they incited a disgraceful and violent insurrection at the Capitol, and its all on tape and undeniable.

Russia helped trump win the election and Russia created a fake News campaign to target gullible and niave republicans to sway them to vote for Trump. This is real, they just couldn't tie it to the Trump campaign (worse still Trump fired Comey and said on TV that firing him would take pressure off of the Russia thing), but there was valid cause to investigate this (unlike all the fake GOP fabricated scandals with no merit).

You need to change your name, you are not an independent thinker at all, you just regurgitate proven lies told to you by Fake Fox news and other fake conservative media outlets. You are about as non-independent as they come and spin everything into a pro GOP stance.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, we don't know all the facts about Jan 6th because democrats didn't release all of the info, just the info they wanted to release. So, yes, the Jan 6th investigation was a disgrace. Americans deserve to know everything the committee found, not just some of it.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, we don't know all the facts about Jan 6th because democrats didn't release all of the info, just the info they wanted to release. So, yes, the Jan 6th investigation was a disgrace. Americans deserve to know everything the committee found, not just some of it.
We can see the insurrection right on the endless videos that were all filmed live. We all watched the MAGA trash riot at the Capitol in real time. We all saw the insurection. Obviously you live on mars because you fail to even identify what happened on Jan 6th, after we all watched it live and saw those idiot MAGA trash make total fools of themselves.

MAGA trash made total fools of themselves on Jan 6th attacking cops, breaking into the Capitol, and running around in combat vests like wanna be bad asses. MAGA= Joke
We can see the insurrection right on the endless videos that were all filmed live. We all watched the MAGA trash riot at the Capitol in real time. We all saw the insurection. Obviously you live on mars because you fail to even identify what happened on Jan 6th, after we all watched it live and saw those idiot MAGA trash make total fools of themselves.

MAGA trash made total fools of themselves on Jan 6th attacking cops, breaking into the Capitol, and running around in combat vests like wanna be bad asses. MAGA= Joke

I don't remember Trump being in any of those videos. But, democrats did not release all of the videos.
I don't remember Trump being in any of those videos. But, democrats did not release all of the videos.
nothing you say changes the fact that MAGA trash mothafuckers rioted at the Capitol based on total lies, they attacked cops (which we saw) they broke into the Capitol (which was on tape) they ran around the Capitol in combat vest looking for people to attack, and they overthrew all law enforcement and took control of the building by force, in a total disgrace.

It seems you are too weak and pathetic to admit this, which then mean you have no credibility at all and are a total fraud.
HaHa !
Facts disprove you yet again.

Here's a tip, get on the side with the facts, like me. You are only interested in spinning lies to fit your bias, not facts.

The reality is this rent bullshit is fake news, just like election fraud and all the other GOP lies.
Hunter Biden did not pay Joe Biden $50k/month rent at all in anyway shape or form, and you got played yet again, like always.

You people have a repeat habit of getting played by bullshit and lies. It happens on a regular basis.
Dumbass doesn't realize fact check is a mouth piece of the democrat party
and parody.
Like scary movie is a parody of scream
hahahaha-laughing-emoji (1).gif
nothing you say changes the fact that MAGA trash mothafuckers rioted at the Capitol based on total lies, they attacked cops (which we saw) they broke into the Capitol (which was on tape) they ran around the Capitol in combat vest looking for people to attack, and they overthrew all law enforcement and took control of the building by force, in a total disgrace.

It seems you are too weak and pathetic to admit this, which then mean you have no credibility at all and are a total fraud.
Nothing changes the fact that Democrats did a Jan 6th investigation and only released what they wanted to release.

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