The Jared Kushner Investigation has Rightfully Started in the Senate

none of it is true in anyway and all fake news, just like the fake rent scandal that was never true at all and just made up. This is a common pattern amongst republicans, don't believe the baseless lies they keep feeding you.

These are the same people that told you the election was stolen, when they have no evidence and lost all court cases and audits. They have a bad and well documented history of lying about everything.
We’ll, that’s why they are investigating it, to find the truth. You can’t deny the odd coincidence that like the children of 4 politicians were all given positions at Ukraine companies, and for hunter, apparently no skill set that would be beneficial to the board of burisma, yet he got paid millions for that job, and then Biden has a prosecutor Ukraine who was allegedly investigating that same company, then we have the whole 10% for the big guy, hunter the suddenly becomes a painter and sells artwork to..who? For hundreds of thousands of dollars..and after all that, now we’re embroiled in a war defending…Ukraine….

I mean, come on, how many more irons have to be in the fire before you realize..there must be something going on between the Biden and Ukraine.
Republicans try to deflect attacks at Hunter Biden for his little $200k painting, and little $500k for working for Ukraine, meanwhile Jared Kushner and trump get $2B from the corrupt Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, to start a "Private Equity fund", with absolutely no PE experience at all. Oh and BTW, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman only obtained power because he had the backing of Kushner and Trump. Even after he killed that journalist.

What a scam ! This is a mega scandal, Pay for Play, Quid Pro Quo on the Grandest scale ever. Kushner sold out America for his personal benefit for $2B and these people complain about Hunter Biden's little $500k? What a joke.

The only reason Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman came to power was because of Kushner and Trump, with out their endorsement he would have never come to power over other members of the family, then for payback he gives Kushner $2B in oil money. Now we know why he got away with killing that journalist. Kushner gets $2B as payment for backing a corrupt Saudi Crown prince's rise to power, what a total scam, sham, fraud, sell out, disgrace to America. Trump is the most corrupt president in US history.

“The financial links between the Saudi royal family and the Trump family raise very serious issues, and when you factor in Jared Kushner’s financial interests, you are looking right at the cat’s cradle of financial entanglements,” Wyden told The Post last week.

In his letter to Kushner, Raskin wrote, “Your efforts to protect the Crown Prince may have allowed him to maintain his position at the top of the Saudi government and, thus, his ability to deliver significant financial benefits to you and your father-in-law after the end of the Trump Administration.”

We got him now
We’ll, that’s why they are investigating it, to find the truth. You can’t deny the odd coincidence that like the children of 4 politicians were all given positions at Ukraine companies, and for hunter, apparently no skill set that would be beneficial to the board of burisma, yet he got paid millions for that job, and then Biden has a prosecutor Ukraine who was allegedly investigating that same company, then we have the whole 10% for the big guy, hunter the suddenly becomes a painter and sells artwork to..who? For hundreds of thousands of dollars..and after all that, now we’re embroiled in a war defending…Ukraine….

I mean, come on, how many more irons have to be in the fire before you realize..there must be something going on between the Biden and Ukraine.
Here's the deal. I would like you to pay attention to the distinction I draw between what I know ( This is stuff I can source)

What I suspect ( this is stuff that takes drawing some inferences)

I know that Biden didn't get Shokin fired. it was an effort by Obama, the chairman of the world bank and the British. Who ALL considered him corrupt. Biden simply delivered that message. A message that the GOP congress at the time was notified off and agreed with.

I know that this all occurred well BEFORE Hunter joined Burisma. Making it kind of hard to claim they did so because Hunter was involved in fraud.

I suspect, strongly suspect that Hunter Biden got this particular job because who his daddy was. This of course is an unethical way to get a job. But not illegal.

I also strongly suspect that a VP doesn't have the power to influence the foreign policy of the country, the worldbank and the British for the sake of giving his son a job. Seems there's plenty of less involved ways to do so.

I also suggest that it's probably better that the GOP doesn't cry foul to loudly. Considering the fact that the current front
runner for the Presidency is someone who both in scale of moneytising his office and blatant nepotism is in an entire league of his own going by what we know.

I understand that confirmation bias strikes us all, and it's hard to judge what is true in those instances but I'll be happy to provide you with contemporary sources to back up what I know, and hope you're capable of critically examine your own beliefs.
A fake BS scam investment fund that really was a cover term to funnel millions to Kushner in "fees"

Kushner is about as qualified to run a PE firm as Hunter Biden is to be a Nat Gas consultant, only difference is Kushner is making like $50 Mill a year, whereas Hunter got a little $500k...
Jared doesn’t run it. The reality is the left, as agents of Iran, are attacking this fund that is met t bring investment between Israel and the rest of the middle east. Iran and the demafacist hate the Jewish people, and do not want there to be a strong middle east, engaged in peace and economic growth…it a threat to Iran and the demafasict warhawks
Good deal, let’s get to the bottom of it. If kushner is founding guilty of a crime, then he should be punished.

By the way, the investigation into hunter isn’t really about hunter, it’s about what hunter was doing that also may involve joe. If it were just about hunter, I’d say it’s a matter for the fbi, not congressional committees.
So, it's a fishing expedition.....

That ain't any better of an excuse.....imo.
Our politics have decayed to a point at which damn near the only thing our "leaders" are good for is investigating each other.

Okay, investigate each other. Let us know what you find. And if you find something, understand that you will have to PROVE IT.
Our politics have decayed to a point at which damn near the only thing our "leaders" are good for is investigating each other.

Okay, investigate each other. Let us know what you find. And if you find something, understand that you will have to PROVE IT.
They seem to keep the peasant down though. It does not take much to brainwash a population. The Jan. 6 so called insurrectionist hearings as an example. All the videos show no violence or little. No weapons. And no politicians murdered with the capitol building still standing. Pretty simple.
They seem to keep the peasant down though. It does not take much to brainwash a population. The Jan. 6 so called insurrectionist hearings as an example. All the videos show no violence or little. No weapons. And no politicians murdered with the capitol building still standing. Pretty simple.
Yeah, it was just a tour that got a little frisky.
Our politics have decayed to a point at which damn near the only thing our "leaders" are good for is investigating each other.

Okay, investigate each other. Let us know what you find. And if you find something, understand that you will have to PROVE IT.
they do NOT believe in having to PROVE IT Mac....

the investigators just want the opportunity to claim impropriety by making stuff up with ? mark's at the end...if even that.... And their well tuned internet media will spread it like wildfire and FACT endlessly.... even though never PROVEN....and 20 to 30 years from now, they will still continue to claim it... :(endlessly

that's simply how it seems to work in their universe.
they do NOT believe in having to PROVE IT Mac....

the investigators just want the opportunity to claim impropriety by making stuff up with ? mark's at the end...if even that.... And their well tuned internet media will spread it like wildfire and FACT endlessly.... even though never PROVEN....and 20 to 30 years from now, they will still continue to claim it... :(endlessly

that's simply how it seems to work in their universe.
No doubt. It's pretty clear that this will get worse before it gets better. So I'll just keep hoping for a bottom to it. Nothing on the horizon, that's for sure.
A fake BS scam investment fund that really was a cover term to funnel millions to Kushner in "fees"

Kushner is about as qualified to run a PE firm as Hunter Biden is to be a Nat Gas consultant, only difference is Kushner is making like $50 Mill a year, whereas Hunter got a little $500k...
Hunter and Jo the big guy
they do NOT believe in having to PROVE IT Mac....

the investigators just want the opportunity to claim impropriety by making stuff up with ? mark's at the end...if even that.... And their well tuned internet media will spread it like wildfire and FACT endlessly.... even though never PROVEN....and 20 to 30 years from now, they will still continue to claim it... :(endlessly

that's simply how it seems to work in their universe.
Bitch it's your party that believes in hearsay as fact and relevant.
No doubt. It's pretty clear that this will get worse before it gets better. So I'll just keep hoping for a bottom to it. Nothing on the horizon, that's for sure.
Maybe you should look to the money laundering of the Biden crime family.
Yeah, it was just a tour that got a little frisky.
People were safer in there than at any black Lives Matter and Antifa insurrections. People like yourself who are Progs will give up unalienable rights until they round you up and execute you in a concentration camp. And then you will spout why the system you wanted screwed you over. I trust no Prog for he does not have sense in questioning any failing agendas. Many Prog politicians are dirty.
Republicans try to deflect attacks at Hunter Biden for his little $200k painting, and little $500k for working for Ukraine, meanwhile Jared Kushner and trump get $2B from the corrupt Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, to start a "Private Equity fund", with absolutely no PE experience at all. Oh and BTW, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman only obtained power because he had the backing of Kushner and Trump. Even after he killed that journalist.

What a scam ! This is a mega scandal, Pay for Play, Quid Pro Quo on the Grandest scale ever. Kushner sold out America for his personal benefit for $2B and these people complain about Hunter Biden's little $500k? What a joke.

The only reason Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman came to power was because of Kushner and Trump, with out their endorsement he would have never come to power over other members of the family, then for payback he gives Kushner $2B in oil money. Now we know why he got away with killing that journalist. Kushner gets $2B as payment for backing a corrupt Saudi Crown prince's rise to power, what a total scam, sham, fraud, sell out, disgrace to America. Trump is the most corrupt president in US history.

“The financial links between the Saudi royal family and the Trump family raise very serious issues, and when you factor in Jared Kushner’s financial interests, you are looking right at the cat’s cradle of financial entanglements,” Wyden told The Post last week.

In his letter to Kushner, Raskin wrote, “Your efforts to protect the Crown Prince may have allowed him to maintain his position at the top of the Saudi government and, thus, his ability to deliver significant financial benefits to you and your father-in-law after the end of the Trump Administration.”

Witch Hunt.

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