The Jewish Exodus From France*


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Jew hate on the rise again in Europe:eusa_eh:

On January 26, possibly for the first time ever since the end of World War Two, explicit anti-semitic slogans were shouted during a large scale political demonstration in Paris. The incident was just a further indication that French Jews are not as secure today as they used to be a few years ago. Indeed, many French Jews have concluded they have no future in their country, and are leaving for Israel or North America

In 2013, more than 20,000 people formally applied to the Jewish Agency in Paris for aliyah – emigration to Israel – and more than 3,000 completed the emigration process during the same year: twice as much as in 2012. France is now the first country of origin for aliyah, ahead of the United States.

The Jewish Exodus From France? | Jewish & Israel News
Jew hate on the rise again in Europe:eusa_eh:

On January 26, possibly for the first time ever since the end of World War Two, explicit anti-semitic slogans were shouted during a large scale political demonstration in Paris. The incident was just a further indication that French Jews are not as secure today as they used to be a few years ago. Indeed, many French Jews have concluded they have no future in their country, and are leaving for Israel or North America

In 2013, more than 20,000 people formally applied to the Jewish Agency in Paris for aliyah – emigration to Israel – and more than 3,000 completed the emigration process during the same year: twice as much as in 2012. France is now the first country of origin for aliyah, ahead of the United States.

The Jewish Exodus From France? | Jewish & Israel News

In Paris it is common to see Muslims out and about and they are very obvious. Jews not so much. They've gone back underground I'm afraid....and that bodes ill.
[ame=]France's Jewish Exodus Because Of Rise Of Anti-Semetic Attacks - YouTube[/ame]
Jew hate on the rise again in Europe:eusa_eh:

On January 26, possibly for the first time ever since the end of World War Two, explicit anti-semitic slogans were shouted during a large scale political demonstration in Paris. The incident was just a further indication that French Jews are not as secure today as they used to be a few years ago. Indeed, many French Jews have concluded they have no future in their country, and are leaving for Israel or North America

In 2013, more than 20,000 people formally applied to the Jewish Agency in Paris for aliyah – emigration to Israel – and more than 3,000 completed the emigration process during the same year: twice as much as in 2012. France is now the first country of origin for aliyah, ahead of the United States.

The Jewish Exodus From France? | Jewish & Israel News

In Paris it is common to see Muslims out and about and they are very obvious.

The horror!
Jew hate on the rise again in Europe:eusa_eh:

On January 26, possibly for the first time ever since the end of World War Two, explicit anti-semitic slogans were shouted during a large scale political demonstration in Paris. The incident was just a further indication that French Jews are not as secure today as they used to be a few years ago. Indeed, many French Jews have concluded they have no future in their country, and are leaving for Israel or North America

In 2013, more than 20,000 people formally applied to the Jewish Agency in Paris for aliyah – emigration to Israel – and more than 3,000 completed the emigration process during the same year: twice as much as in 2012. France is now the first country of origin for aliyah, ahead of the United States.

The Jewish Exodus From France? | Jewish & Israel News

As ever, anti-semitism is tied to a country's economy. When it tanks, fear of the 'others' rises. And some then use that to their advantage. French Jews aren't leaving France for anti-semitism but France's overall economic woes.

In the nuclear age I often worry about 'putting all our eggs in one basket' as with too many Jews in Israel, or concentrating themselves in modern-day ghettos. Only about 14 million Jews in the world, about half in Israel and most of the rest in the US. If we allow Iran to get nuclear weapons, I fear a surprise nuclear attack could reduce our numbers to a level that isn't sustainable and we'll be wiped out.

We need higher population growth and should examine Japan's social model of encouraging their young to reproduce facing a similar problem. We also need to ensure Israel and the US aren't the only havens for Jews in the world by digging in and fighting hate instead of fleeing from it.
Jews have been persecuted here and there for about 1000 years now, and as Delta so very soundly comments above, always during times of economic downturn. Why don't we look as to why this happens rather than rolling our eyes and talking about anti-semitism as some sort of biblical evil that there just is and it needs to be battled by the forces of good?

Here's my theory, Judaism is the onlty major world religion without any major mandate to recruit. Christians, Muslims, and Bhuddists all push their religion on others and so does Hinduism to a lesser extent. With this being the case Jewish communities traditionally tend to me more insular and do not fully integrate in the same ways as other much less noticable but much more recent communities who have settled in the same place (See Catholics in Britain, Protestants in Spain etc.)

With this obvious divide that is kept and the Jewish trend of dealing in business with other jewish people they know, or are introduced to, before the rest of a community Jewish communities via a simple balance of payments make more money as a whole than the people surrounding them. In times of prosperity this is all good as everyone is making money but when times become harder the rest of the community view the more affluent with envy and when the more affluent are already in their own separate, less integrated community it is much easier to hate them.

Just my 2 cents and all a massive generalization I admit, I just think that there must be some form of sociological root cause of antisemitism as it's been around since the middle ages.
Jew hate on the rise again in Europe:eusa_eh:

On January 26, possibly for the first time ever since the end of World War Two, explicit anti-semitic slogans were shouted during a large scale political demonstration in Paris. The incident was just a further indication that French Jews are not as secure today as they used to be a few years ago. Indeed, many French Jews have concluded they have no future in their country, and are leaving for Israel or North America

In 2013, more than 20,000 people formally applied to the Jewish Agency in Paris for aliyah – emigration to Israel – and more than 3,000 completed the emigration process during the same year: twice as much as in 2012. France is now the first country of origin for aliyah, ahead of the United States.

The Jewish Exodus From France? | Jewish & Israel News

And 600,000 will remain in France.
Immigration to Israel slowing ? except from France - The Washington Post


Immigration to Israel is called making “aliyah,” which in Hebrew means “the act of going up” or “ascending.” And it is slowing, despite intensive, expensive outreach — and outright wooing — by the government and private organizations. About 19,200 Jews immigrated to Israel last year, down a bit from the 22,139 who came a decade ago.

Against that backdrop, France is the exception. There were 3,270 French arrivals last year, an increase of 63 percent from 2012, according to Israel’s Ministry of Immigrant Absorption. Percentage-wise, that is a far greater number than the 3,070 Jews who emigrated from the United States, which has many more Jews than France. The French consul here has said that as many as 150,000 French nationals may now be living in Israel.

“From other countries, the number of people making aliyah is going down — in Britain and the United States; but among French Jews, there are many coming here,” said Yoni Chetboun, a member of the Israeli Knesset, or parliament, and chairman of the newly created Knesset lobby for French immigrants and French speakers in Israel.
It's comical how some people here want to blame the newly immigrated muslims for the resurrection of anti-semitism in Europe.

When in reality, rabid anti-semitism has existed in europe for centuries.

And most of the attacks on the juden are by non muslims. .. :cool:
Jew hate on the rise again in Europe:eusa_eh:

On January 26, possibly for the first time ever since the end of World War Two, explicit anti-semitic slogans were shouted during a large scale political demonstration in Paris. The incident was just a further indication that French Jews are not as secure today as they used to be a few years ago. Indeed, many French Jews have concluded they have no future in their country, and are leaving for Israel or North America

In 2013, more than 20,000 people formally applied to the Jewish Agency in Paris for aliyah – emigration to Israel – and more than 3,000 completed the emigration process during the same year: twice as much as in 2012. France is now the first country of origin for aliyah, ahead of the United States.

The Jewish Exodus From France? | Jewish & Israel News

And 600,000 will remain in France.

and how do you know how many will remain? You're a joke:cuckoo:
And 600,000 will remain in France.

and how do you know how many will remain? You're a joke:cuckoo:

The Jewish population of France is about 600,000.. Do you think they will all move the Israel? I can't imagine that. The French have never seemed anti-Semitic to me.

The would depend wouldn't it? Your blanket statement that 600,00 will remain doesn't really mean much does it. I'm not really sure why you made it. You can say there are still 600,000 Jews left in France, but you have no idea how many will remain do you?
and how do you know how many will remain? You're a joke:cuckoo:

The Jewish population of France is about 600,000.. Do you think they will all move the Israel? I can't imagine that. The French have never seemed anti-Semitic to me.

The would depend wouldn't it? Your blanket statement that 600,00 will remain doesn't really mean much does it. I'm not really sure why you made it. You can say there are still 600,000 Jews left in France, but you have no idea how many will remain do you?

Lots of Jews in France consider themselves Frenchmen.. like American Jews consider themselves American.
The Jewish population of France is about 600,000.. Do you think they will all move the Israel? I can't imagine that. The French have never seemed anti-Semitic to me.

The would depend wouldn't it? Your blanket statement that 600,00 will remain doesn't really mean much does it. I'm not really sure why you made it. You can say there are still 600,000 Jews left in France, but you have no idea how many will remain do you?

Lots of Jews in France consider themselves Frenchmen.. like American Jews consider themselves American.

Will you stop it? Your calm and rational explanation that the hysterical picture being painted of Europe as the next great Caliphate isn't 100% accurate is harshing my buzz.
Jew hate on the rise again in Europe:eusa_eh:

On January 26, possibly for the first time ever since the end of World War Two, explicit anti-semitic slogans were shouted during a large scale political demonstration in Paris. The incident was just a further indication that French Jews are not as secure today as they used to be a few years ago. Indeed, many French Jews have concluded they have no future in their country, and are leaving for Israel or North America

In 2013, more than 20,000 people formally applied to the Jewish Agency in Paris for aliyah – emigration to Israel – and more than 3,000 completed the emigration process during the same year: twice as much as in 2012. France is now the first country of origin for aliyah, ahead of the United States.

The Jewish Exodus From France? | Jewish & Israel News

And 600,000 will remain in France.

And you know this for a fact ?

Care to prove it ?
It's comical how some people here want to blame the newly immigrated muslims for the resurrection of anti-semitism in Europe.

When in reality, rabid anti-semitism has existed in europe for centuries.

And most of the attacks on the juden are by non muslims. .. :cool:

Well raghead you have just made an ANTI SEMITIC ATTACK on all Jews........:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
The Jewish population of France is about 600,000.. Do you think they will all move the Israel? I can't imagine that. The French have never seemed anti-Semitic to me.

The would depend wouldn't it? Your blanket statement that 600,00 will remain doesn't really mean much does it. I'm not really sure why you made it. You can say there are still 600,000 Jews left in France, but you have no idea how many will remain do you?

Lots of Jews in France consider themselves Frenchmen.. like American Jews consider themselves American.

While muslims the world over just themselves as muslims.

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