The largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world...

Correct. And what has happened to the middle class and family owned businesses throughout your life?

What happened to the middle-class is that you can no longer get great wages and benefits for turning nuts onto bolts. What happened to the middle-class is that consumers stopped buying their products which costs included union labor pay. What happened to the middle-class is automation that replaced millions of human workers. What happened to the middle-class was cheap labor in other countries making the products we once made here. What happened to the middle-class was Democrats ushering in illegals to compete for lower wages.
In what way did he handle it badly? Again, we are a constitutional republic. We faced (and still are facing) a virus we knew nothing about. We've made quite a few advancements on the virus and having more survivors
How many more excess deaths do you require before admitting Trump is and was a devout failure in dealing with Covid-19?
Six Ways Trump's Corrupt Coronavirus Response Has Failed
View attachment 426750

A detailed timeline of all the ways Trump failed to respond to the coronavirus

"January 22: While at Davos, Trump makes his first public comment on the coronavirus, downplaying the risk in comments to CNBC and CBS News correspondent Paula Reid.

"To CNBC: We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s — going to be just fine.
To CBS: We do have a plan and we think it’s going to be handled very well. We’ve already handled it very well … We’re in very good shape and I think China’s in very good shape also."

Yes, Trump offered comfort to the public, just like Cuomo did, just like Piglosi did, just like DeBlasio did.

Trying to blame President Trump for the deaths of Covid is just as stupid as trying to blame Obama for the 200,000 plus deaths from the flu during his two terms. A President doesn't control microorganisms or the decisions people make for their own well being.
Trump lied to the public and then continued to downplay and act out against the safety advise being given by his own task force. He still is
Correct. And what has happened to the middle class and family owned businesses throughout your life?

What happened to the middle-class is that you can no longer get great wages and benefits for turning nuts onto bolts. What happened to the middle-class is that consumers stopped buying their products which costs included union labor pay. What happened to the middle-class is automation that replaced millions of human workers. What happened to the middle-class was cheap labor in other countries making the products we once made here. What happened to the middle-class was Democrats ushering in illegals to compete for lower wages.
And now who employees most of America? family owned middle class businesses or large corporations?
That few know about, thanks to a billionaire/government controlled corporate media.

Are not the following words depressingly true?

The Institute for Policy Studies has just released a new analysis showing that since the start of the Covid-19 “pandemic” in mid-March and the subsequent transfer upwards of $5 trillion to the wealthy and largest corporations through the Cares Act, approved 96-0 in the U.S. Senate, 650 U.S. billionaires have gained over a trillion dollars in eight months as the America people have suffered an economic catastrophe. This shift upward of massive wealth under Trump is similar to Obama’s massive 2009 bailout of the banks on the backs of American workers. Both were justified through feats of legerdemain by both political parties, accomplices in the fleecing of regular people, many of whom continue to support the politicians that screw them while telling them they care.

If the Democrats and the Republicans are at war as is often claimed, it is only over who gets the larger part of the spoils. Trump and Biden work for the same bosses, those I call the Umbrella People (those who own and run the country through their intelligence/military/media operatives), who produce and direct the movie that keeps so many Americans on the edge of their seats in the hope that their chosen good guy wins in the end.

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer – Edward Curtin
Like the heritage foundation
It’s the American Way.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020
US Billionaires Surpass $1 Trillion in Wealth Gains During Pandemic as Essential Workers and Others Suffer
The total wealth gain of America’s billionaires has surpassed the $1 trillion mark, a 34 Percent rise since mid-March, the approximate start of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new analysis by the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS). With the close of the markets on November 24, 2020, US...
Read more
I myself have gotten richer from Corona. I invested $20,000 in the stock market in June and it's $26,000 now. Better than the 1% you're getting on that CD you purchased.

Right after the new year I bought $30,000 worth of gold. It was just shy of 20 ounces. Had I sold it at closing today, I'd have gotten right around $37,000 (and some change). I'll take better than 20% over 11 months...
I don’t know what you’re talking about but it is certainly nothing that I’ve ever said

You asked how it plays out over time. Well, it will play out the way it has my entire life.
Correct. And what has happened to the middle class and family owned businesses throughout your life?
“What happened to the middle class?”
Blue collar trades / jobs ruined by foreigners....It’s just that simple.
This guy explains it perfectly.
I don’t know what you’re talking about but it is certainly nothing that I’ve ever said

You asked how it plays out over time. Well, it will play out the way it has my entire life.
Correct. And what has happened to the middle class and family owned businesses throughout your life?
“What happened to the middle class?”
Blue collar trades / jobs ruined by foreigners....It’s just that simple.
This guy explains it perfectly.

I understand why you want to run down this tangent but try and stick the topic sport. We are talking about who owns the wealth and where our currency flows. We can talk about dem policies that have contributed to the problem as soon as your dense brain can recognize there is a problem.
Again, you don’t get it. It’s not about dishing up a finite pie. It’s about the ultra wealthy rigging the system for their benefit.

Do I need to inform you on they do it?

Sure. How do they rig the system, by selling products and services to consumers?
Lol. You really are clueless.

As long as I continue to do well, I don't see any reason to complain if someone else is doing better than I. That's be stupid.

I could've taken greater risks for greater reward, like I did when I was in my 20's, but I'm pushing 60 now. There's a lot less time to recoup any losses I might see...
I don’t know what you’re talking about but it is certainly nothing that I’ve ever said

You asked how it plays out over time. Well, it will play out the way it has my entire life.
Correct. And what has happened to the middle class and family owned businesses throughout your life?
“What happened to the middle class?”
Blue collar trades / jobs ruined by foreigners....It’s just that simple.
This guy explains it perfectly.

I understand why you want to run down this tangent but try and stick the topic sport. We are talking about who owns the wealth and where our currency flows. We can talk about dem policies that have contributed to the problem as soon as your dense brain can recognize there is a problem.

Does that mean you didn’t ask the following question three posts ago?

“Correct. And what has happened to the middle class and family owned businesses throughout your life?”

Were you not looking for an answer?
Again, you don’t get it. It’s not about dishing up a finite pie. It’s about the ultra wealthy rigging the system for their benefit.

Do I need to inform you on they do it?

Sure. How do they rig the system, by selling products and services to consumers?
Lol. You really are clueless.

As long as I continue to do well, I don't see any reason to complain if someone else is doing better than I. That's be stupid.

I could've taken greater risks for greater reward, like I did when I was in my 20's, but I'm pushing 60 now. There's a lot less time to recoup any losses I might see...
Dumb and meaningless.
Again, you don’t get it. It’s not about dishing up a finite pie. It’s about the ultra wealthy rigging the system for their benefit.

Do I need to inform you on they do it?

Sure. How do they rig the system, by selling products and services to consumers?
Lol. You really are clueless.

As long as I continue to do well, I don't see any reason to complain if someone else is doing better than I. That's be stupid.

I could've taken greater risks for greater reward, like I did when I was in my 20's, but I'm pushing 60 now. There's a lot less time to recoup any losses I might see...
Dumb and meaningless.

You only believe that because you can't intelligently refute it.

If I make $150,000, and someone else makes $175,000, and I can take care of my every need with that $150K, why do I care if someone else makes more? More specifically, why should I think he shouldn't be making as much?
I don’t know what you’re talking about but it is certainly nothing that I’ve ever said

You asked how it plays out over time. Well, it will play out the way it has my entire life.
Correct. And what has happened to the middle class and family owned businesses throughout your life?
“What happened to the middle class?”
Blue collar trades / jobs ruined by foreigners....It’s just that simple.
This guy explains it perfectly.

I understand why you want to run down this tangent but try and stick the topic sport. We are talking about who owns the wealth and where our currency flows. We can talk about dem policies that have contributed to the problem as soon as your dense brain can recognize there is a problem.

Does that mean you didn’t ask the following question three posts ago?

“Correct. And what has happened to the middle class and family owned businesses throughout your life?”

Were you not looking for an answer?

Yes I was looking for an answer in the context of the discussion. How has the wealth gap effected small business and the middle class over the past half century?
Again, you don’t get it. It’s not about dishing up a finite pie. It’s about the ultra wealthy rigging the system for their benefit.

Do I need to inform you on they do it?

Sure. How do they rig the system, by selling products and services to consumers?
Lol. You really are clueless.

As long as I continue to do well, I don't see any reason to complain if someone else is doing better than I. That's be stupid.

I could've taken greater risks for greater reward, like I did when I was in my 20's, but I'm pushing 60 now. There's a lot less time to recoup any losses I might see...
Dumb and meaningless.

You only believe that because you can't intelligently refute it.

If I make $150,000, and someone else makes $175,000, and I can take care of my every need with that $150K, why do I care if someone else makes more? More specifically, why should I think he shouldn't be making as much?
Dumb and meaningless
I don’t know what you’re talking about but it is certainly nothing that I’ve ever said

You asked how it plays out over time. Well, it will play out the way it has my entire life.
Correct. And what has happened to the middle class and family owned businesses throughout your life?
“What happened to the middle class?”
Blue collar trades / jobs ruined by foreigners....It’s just that simple.
This guy explains it perfectly.

I understand why you want to run down this tangent but try and stick the topic sport. We are talking about who owns the wealth and where our currency flows. We can talk about dem policies that have contributed to the problem as soon as your dense brain can recognize there is a problem.

Does that mean you didn’t ask the following question three posts ago?

“Correct. And what has happened to the middle class and family owned businesses throughout your life?”

Were you not looking for an answer?

Yes I was looking for an answer in the context of the discussion. How has the wealth gap effected small business and the middle class over the past half century?

That's the thing you're scared to understand...The middle class hasn't been decimated by the upper class at all, it's been all but destroyed by the Dem manufactured, always expanding desperate underclass.
A CEO's salary has never had any bearing on middle class earnings...Middle class wages were always dictated by blue collar trade work wages.
Imagine what an entry level white collar career would have to pay if a journeyman drywaller were making $45 per hour.
Again, you don’t get it. It’s not about dishing up a finite pie. It’s about the ultra wealthy rigging the system for their benefit.

Do I need to inform you on they do it?

Sure. How do they rig the system, by selling products and services to consumers?
Lol. You really are clueless.

As long as I continue to do well, I don't see any reason to complain if someone else is doing better than I. That's be stupid.

I could've taken greater risks for greater reward, like I did when I was in my 20's, but I'm pushing 60 now. There's a lot less time to recoup any losses I might see...
Dumb and meaningless.

You only believe that because you can't intelligently refute it.

If I make $150,000, and someone else makes $175,000, and I can take care of my every need with that $150K, why do I care if someone else makes more? More specifically, why should I think he shouldn't be making as much?
You shouldn’t care of somebody makes $25k more than you. But if somebody else, say your competitor is making $150 million more than you and is able to steam roll your business then it may be concerning. Then if that happens for decades and the majority of businesses that are left are all owned by the same handful of people... well then I’d hope you would be even more concerned
I don’t know what you’re talking about but it is certainly nothing that I’ve ever said

You asked how it plays out over time. Well, it will play out the way it has my entire life.
Correct. And what has happened to the middle class and family owned businesses throughout your life?
“What happened to the middle class?”
Blue collar trades / jobs ruined by foreigners....It’s just that simple.
This guy explains it perfectly.

I understand why you want to run down this tangent but try and stick the topic sport. We are talking about who owns the wealth and where our currency flows. We can talk about dem policies that have contributed to the problem as soon as your dense brain can recognize there is a problem.

Does that mean you didn’t ask the following question three posts ago?

“Correct. And what has happened to the middle class and family owned businesses throughout your life?”

Were you not looking for an answer?

Yes I was looking for an answer in the context of the discussion. How has the wealth gap effected small business and the middle class over the past half century?

That's the thing you're scared to understand...The middle class hasn't been decimated by the upper class at all, it's been all but destroyed by the Dem manufactured, always expanding desperate underclass.
A CEO's salary has never had any bearing on middle class earnings...Middle class wages were always dictated by blue collar trade work wages.
Imagine what an entry level white collar career would have to pay if a journeyman drywaller were making $45 per hour.

That’s bullshit. You don’t think papa John’s put many pizzerias out of business? You don’t think Walmart and Home Depot shut down local mom and pop shops? Of course they did. People don’t start businesses anymore to run them and pass them down to their kids. They start them to get acquired. And who do you think is acquiring everything? You still don’t see it do you? You’re to blinded by partisan hate.
And now who employees most of America? family owned middle class businesses or large corporations?

If you meant to say "employs" it's large corporations that the consumer decided to deal with. At one time Amazon was nothing more than a book seller. They decided to try and takeover the mom and pop stores along with the big box stores. They succeeded.
That’s bullshit. You don’t think papa John’s put many pizzerias out of business? You don’t think Walmart and Home Depot shut down local mom and pop shops? Of course they did. People don’t start businesses anymore to run them and pass them down to their kids. They start them to get acquired. And who do you think is acquiring everything? You still don’t see it do you? You’re to blinded by partisan hate.

Walmart didn't shut anybody down. Papa John's didn't shut anybody down. It's the consumers who decided to deal with these palaces that did. So what do you want to do about that?
I don’t know what you’re talking about but it is certainly nothing that I’ve ever said

You asked how it plays out over time. Well, it will play out the way it has my entire life.
Correct. And what has happened to the middle class and family owned businesses throughout your life?
“What happened to the middle class?”
Blue collar trades / jobs ruined by foreigners....It’s just that simple.
This guy explains it perfectly.

I understand why you want to run down this tangent but try and stick the topic sport. We are talking about who owns the wealth and where our currency flows. We can talk about dem policies that have contributed to the problem as soon as your dense brain can recognize there is a problem.

Does that mean you didn’t ask the following question three posts ago?

“Correct. And what has happened to the middle class and family owned businesses throughout your life?”

Were you not looking for an answer?

Yes I was looking for an answer in the context of the discussion. How has the wealth gap effected small business and the middle class over the past half century?

That's the thing you're scared to understand...The middle class hasn't been decimated by the upper class at all, it's been all but destroyed by the Dem manufactured, always expanding desperate underclass.
A CEO's salary has never had any bearing on middle class earnings...Middle class wages were always dictated by blue collar trade work wages.
Imagine what an entry level white collar career would have to pay if a journeyman drywaller were making $45 per hour.

That’s bullshit. You don’t think papa John’s put many pizzerias out of business? You don’t think Walmart and Home Depot shut down local mom and pop shops? Of course they did. People don’t start businesses anymore to run them and pass them down to their kids. They start them to get acquired. And who do you think is acquiring everything? You still don’t see it do you? You’re to blinded by partisan hate.

What you describe is nothing new to America, it has happened since our inception.
Competitors have always come along and done something different, something better, something that improves perceived value of product or service X...such a dynamic lies within the core foundation of capitalism.
I happen to be a builder / land developer, technically I compete with D.R. Horton....the CEO, David Auld was paid $14M in 2019.
What should that mean to me? I bought more property, a giant new boat and many other luxuries from income earned in 2019 but according to you I should be angry about the income disparity between myself and Mr Auld. For every one business you believe is being gobbled up by evil business empires there are thousands happily earning and coexisting with competitors.

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