The largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world...

That few know about, thanks to a billionaire/government controlled corporate media.

Are not the following words depressingly true?

The Institute for Policy Studies has just released a new analysis showing that since the start of the Covid-19 “pandemic” in mid-March and the subsequent transfer upwards of $5 trillion to the wealthy and largest corporations through the Cares Act, approved 96-0 in the U.S. Senate, 650 U.S. billionaires have gained over a trillion dollars in eight months as the America people have suffered an economic catastrophe. This shift upward of massive wealth under Trump is similar to Obama’s massive 2009 bailout of the banks on the backs of American workers. Both were justified through feats of legerdemain by both political parties, accomplices in the fleecing of regular people, many of whom continue to support the politicians that screw them while telling them they care.

If the Democrats and the Republicans are at war as is often claimed, it is only over who gets the larger part of the spoils. Trump and Biden work for the same bosses, those I call the Umbrella People (those who own and run the country through their intelligence/military/media operatives), who produce and direct the movie that keeps so many Americans on the edge of their seats in the hope that their chosen good guy wins in the end.

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer – Edward Curtin
"transfer of wealth"
That's such a neat catch always seems to get the beggars among us worked up into a begging frenzy.
I'm still confused by this "transfer" and how it all works.
Explain a little further in your own words would you please....Are you saying wealthy positive contributors were somehow stealing from ShaQuita and Guadalupe who have an effective tax rate of zero? How were these wealthy positive contributors "transferring wealth" from the empty bank accounts of ShaQuita and Guadalupe?
Explain this so we have a better understanding...maybe we can level with you if you can better inform us dummies.
Thank in advance.
You really don’t understand what transfer of wealth means?? Come on BL step up your game. It’s not a hard concept when you a majority portion of the currency circulating through our economy ending up in the hands of a very small percentage of people and corporations. You don’t like socialism right? Well this should be on your radar because corporate socialism is a real thing and those who own the wealth also possess the power
No offense bud but one must have a beggars mentality to understand this “transfer” bullshit concocted by...well...BEGGARS. I thank God I can’t.
Third graders know the organic flow of cash in a capiltalist society runs straight to the bank accounts of our most intelligent, most innovative, most productive, most ambitious, most driven...this is no secret to anyone even half sane.
Theres just no way to flow the cash backwards towards your cherished bottom feeders, it simply doesn’t and can’t work that way. Never has, never will.
Beggars mentality??? No dude. It just takes basic intelligence and comprehension skills. This isn’t political, it just numbers. Flow and ownership of currency. It’s not very hard to grasp if you try.

You just refuse to get it...there is no TRANSFER....the currency was never held by your cherished bottom can one TRANSFER something they never had possession of?
Let’s use a real live example. Stimulus checks. The $1200 that was sent out during the beginning of COVID. The bottom feeders as you like to call them got these checks, totaling about $300 Billion. Now a few months later where do you think is holding most of that $300 Billion? Be honest and direct, the answer is pretty easy

Haha...come on man. I just educated you on this, why the need for circle talk.
AGAIN....the natural flow of cash runs straight to the bank accounts of our most intelligent, most innovative, most productive, most ambitious, most driven. How are you lost on this concept and why would you think it can or should run backwards to the accounts of bottom feeders?

LefTard Logic:
“Struggling illiterate, unmotivated, complacent weed smoking Gustavo and ShaQuita paid their rent and TRANSFERRED some of their wealth to that greedy intelligent, innovative, productive, ambitious, driven investor / landlord.”
Keep going with your explanation then. The majority of wealth flows to the top feeders in a capitalistic economy. So how does that play out over time if the government doesn’t redistribute? Play it out for me
So how does that play out over time if the government doesn’t redistribute?

The kids inherit and spend it.
And... keep going

They have kids, second wives, third wives......
What happens with the money smart guy. Who ends up owning everything in this country? More or less people?

What happens with the money smart guy.

Who were the 100 richest Americans in 1900?

Where are they now?
Keep going with your explanation then. The majority of wealth flows to the top feeders in a capitalistic economy. So how does that play out over time if the government doesn’t redistribute? Play it out for me

Your first problem is believing this leftist fallacy we only have so much money in this country, and the reason some have to little is because others have too much. There is no truth to that.
And yet it’s been widely reported border crossings are up, under dumb Don. Are you unaware of this?

Illegal Border Crossings Rise Since Hitting Three-Year Low in April

Your article requires a sign in or membership which I'm not about to get into. Covid is pushing Mexicans into the United States. Prior to that, the border was well under control. Even with Covid however, our forces are sending them back as fast as they are coming in. In an NPR article on it, they are taking the most life threatening paths to try and get here because of our Border Patrol and wall. Now our patrol has to watch these other treacherous areas too.

A completion of Trump's wall would greatly help, but Biden stated he's stopping the wall construction his first day in office. He'll likely reverse all of Trump's successful policies as well. All we can really hope for is they find the F-up's in these Domino machines to turn the vote back in Trump's favor, but that's unlikely to happen.
Then we need to put them to work. I’m against for profit prisons for American citizens because I think it can be abused but I don’t care if illegals get put in a prison where inmates are put to work for profit. That way we don’t pay for them. The prison actually makes money on them so we don’t have to pay.

You can't force prisoners to work. That was outlawed by the courts years ago. They can work, but it's for little pay and optional.
And they think trump did a great job. In reality he did not. He drove up the debt and his tax breaks didn’t even give us 2.4% growth. It really only made the rich richer.
Even his vaunted stock market "gains" are suspect.
Last August three corporations were replaced on the DJIA:

Bull Market? Had Three Dow Stocks Not Been Removed in August, 43 Percent of Dow Stocks Would be Negative Year-to-Date

"One of the stocks replaced, Exxon Mobil, had been a Dow component for 92 years, joining the Dow in 1928 under the name Standard Oil of New Jersey...."

"The two other stocks in the Dow that were replaced on August 31 were the pharmaceutical giant, Pfizer, replaced with biotech company Amgen; and Raytheon Technologies, replaced by Honeywell International."

The much-hyped 30,000 mark largely rests on the performance of one corporation:

"The big secret in the Dow being able to march to a record 30,000 while many of its stock components lose serious ground is the share price of Apple, a Dow component.

"Since December 31, 2019 through its closing price on Monday, December 7, 2020, Apple has seen a 68.57 percent gain."

The rich get richer.
In what way did he handle it badly? Again, we are a constitutional republic. We faced (and still are facing) a virus we knew nothing about. We've made quite a few advancements on the virus and having more survivors
How many more excess deaths do you require before admitting Trump is and was a devout failure in dealing with Covid-19?
Six Ways Trump's Corrupt Coronavirus Response Has Failed

A detailed timeline of all the ways Trump failed to respond to the coronavirus

"January 22: While at Davos, Trump makes his first public comment on the coronavirus, downplaying the risk in comments to CNBC and CBS News correspondent Paula Reid.

"To CNBC: We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s — going to be just fine.
To CBS: We do have a plan and we think it’s going to be handled very well. We’ve already handled it very well … We’re in very good shape and I think China’s in very good shape also."
And yet it’s been widely reported border crossings are up, under dumb Don. Are you unaware of this?

Illegal Border Crossings Rise Since Hitting Three-Year Low in April

Your article requires a sign in or membership which I'm not about to get into. Covid is pushing Mexicans into the United States. Prior to that, the border was well under control. Even with Covid however, our forces are sending them back as fast as they are coming in. In an NPR article on it, they are taking the most life threatening paths to try and get here because of our Border Patrol and wall. Now our patrol has to watch these other treacherous areas too.

A completion of Trump's wall would greatly help, but Biden stated he's stopping the wall construction his first day in office. He'll likely reverse all of Trump's successful policies as well. All we can really hope for is they find the F-up's in these Domino machines to turn the vote back in Trump's favor, but that's unlikely to happen.
So, it is news to you. You might want to consume a broader spectrum of news sources.
And they think trump did a great job. In reality he did not. He drove up the debt and his tax breaks didn’t even give us 2.4% growth. It really only made the rich richer.
Even his vaunted stock market "gains" are suspect.
Last August three corporations were replaced on the DJIA:

Bull Market? Had Three Dow Stocks Not Been Removed in August, 43 Percent of Dow Stocks Would be Negative Year-to-Date

"One of the stocks replaced, Exxon Mobil, had been a Dow component for 92 years, joining the Dow in 1928 under the name Standard Oil of New Jersey...."

"The two other stocks in the Dow that were replaced on August 31 were the pharmaceutical giant, Pfizer, replaced with biotech company Amgen; and Raytheon Technologies, replaced by Honeywell International."

The much-hyped 30,000 mark largely rests on the performance of one corporation:

"The big secret in the Dow being able to march to a record 30,000 while many of its stock components lose serious ground is the share price of Apple, a Dow component.

"Since December 31, 2019 through its closing price on Monday, December 7, 2020, Apple has seen a 68.57 percent gain."

The rich get richer.

Even his vaunted stock market "gains" are suspect.

Russ and Pam are such whiners. And you're wrong!!!

XOM, PFE and RTN were up more, since 8/31/2020, than CRM, AMGN and HON.
Keep going with your explanation then. The majority of wealth flows to the top feeders in a capitalistic economy. So how does that play out over time if the government doesn’t redistribute? Play it out for me

Your first problem is believing this leftist fallacy we only have so much money in this country, and the reason some have to little is because others have too much. There is no truth to that.
I don’t know what you’re talking about but it is certainly nothing that I’ve ever said
Keep going with your explanation then. The majority of wealth flows to the top feeders in a capitalistic economy. So how does that play out over time if the government doesn’t redistribute? Play it out for me

Your first problem is believing this leftist fallacy we only have so much money in this country, and the reason some have to little is because others have too much. There is no truth to that.
Again, you don’t get it. It’s not about dishing up a finite pie. It’s about the ultra wealthy rigging the system for their benefit.

Do I need to inform you on they do it?
So how does that play out over time if the government doesn’t redistribute?
Rather than concocting a theory why not look at the plethora of historical data?....How has it played out over 244 years?
Look at Sears, Roebuck & Co (founded in 1888) and Kmart (founded in 1899)

Do you believe Father Government should confiscate wealth and "redistribute" it?
So how does that play out over time if the government doesn’t redistribute?
Rather than concocting a theory why not look at the plethora of historical data?....How has it played out over 244 years?
Look at Sears, Roebuck & Co (founded in 1888) and Kmart (founded in 1899)

Do you believe Father Government should confiscate wealth and "redistribute" it?
Taxation is quite literally redistribution of wealth. And yes I think our government needs a system of taxation to properly function. I know even a blow hard like yourself would agree on this basic premise
Again, you don’t get it. It’s not about dishing up a finite pie. It’s about the ultra wealthy rigging the system for their benefit.

Do I need to inform you on they do it?

Sure. How do they rig the system, by selling products and services to consumers?
In what way did he handle it badly? Again, we are a constitutional republic. We faced (and still are facing) a virus we knew nothing about. We've made quite a few advancements on the virus and having more survivors
How many more excess deaths do you require before admitting Trump is and was a devout failure in dealing with Covid-19?
Six Ways Trump's Corrupt Coronavirus Response Has Failed
View attachment 426750

A detailed timeline of all the ways Trump failed to respond to the coronavirus

"January 22: While at Davos, Trump makes his first public comment on the coronavirus, downplaying the risk in comments to CNBC and CBS News correspondent Paula Reid.

"To CNBC: We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s — going to be just fine.
To CBS: We do have a plan and we think it’s going to be handled very well. We’ve already handled it very well … We’re in very good shape and I think China’s in very good shape also."

Yes, Trump offered comfort to the public, just like Cuomo did, just like Piglosi did, just like DeBlasio did.

Trying to blame President Trump for the deaths of Covid is just as stupid as trying to blame Obama for the 200,000 plus deaths from the flu during his two terms. A President doesn't control microorganisms or the decisions people make for their own well being.

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