The largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world...

Again, you don’t get it. It’s not about dishing up a finite pie. It’s about the ultra wealthy rigging the system for their benefit.

Do I need to inform you on they do it?

Sure. How do they rig the system, by selling products and services to consumers?
Lol. You really are clueless.

As long as I continue to do well, I don't see any reason to complain if someone else is doing better than I. That's be stupid.

I could've taken greater risks for greater reward, like I did when I was in my 20's, but I'm pushing 60 now. There's a lot less time to recoup any losses I might see...
Dumb and meaningless.

You only believe that because you can't intelligently refute it.

If I make $150,000, and someone else makes $175,000, and I can take care of my every need with that $150K, why do I care if someone else makes more? More specifically, why should I think he shouldn't be making as much?
You shouldn’t care of somebody makes $25k more than you. But if somebody else, say your competitor is making $150 million more than you and is able to steam roll your business then it may be concerning. Then if that happens for decades and the majority of businesses that are left are all owned by the same handful of people... well then I’d hope you would be even more concerned
But that's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about me being able to take of me and mine...
That’s bullshit. You don’t think papa John’s put many pizzerias out of business? You don’t think Walmart and Home Depot shut down local mom and pop shops? Of course they did. People don’t start businesses anymore to run them and pass them down to their kids. They start them to get acquired. And who do you think is acquiring everything? You still don’t see it do you? You’re to blinded by partisan hate.

Walmart didn't shut anybody down. Papa John's didn't shut anybody down. It's the consumers who decided to deal with these palaces that did. So what do you want to do about that?
That’s hilarious.
Again, you don’t get it. It’s not about dishing up a finite pie. It’s about the ultra wealthy rigging the system for their benefit.

Do I need to inform you on they do it?

Sure. How do they rig the system, by selling products and services to consumers?
Lol. You really are clueless.

As long as I continue to do well, I don't see any reason to complain if someone else is doing better than I. That's be stupid.

I could've taken greater risks for greater reward, like I did when I was in my 20's, but I'm pushing 60 now. There's a lot less time to recoup any losses I might see...
Dumb and meaningless.

You only believe that because you can't intelligently refute it.

If I make $150,000, and someone else makes $175,000, and I can take care of my every need with that $150K, why do I care if someone else makes more? More specifically, why should I think he shouldn't be making as much?
You shouldn’t care of somebody makes $25k more than you. But if somebody else, say your competitor is making $150 million more than you and is able to steam roll your business then it may be concerning. Then if that happens for decades and the majority of businesses that are left are all owned by the same handful of people... well then I’d hope you would be even more concerned

Is there a reason you aren’t working this from a different angle? Why not crusade for stiffer regulatory action and tighter antitrust law?
Why would ‘government controlled wealth redistribution’ be your default position on the matter?
And now who employees most of America? family owned middle class businesses or large corporations?

If you meant to say "employs" it's large corporations that the consumer decided to deal with. At one time Amazon was nothing more than a book seller. They decided to try and takeover the mom and pop stores along with the big box stores. They succeeded.
True... so now what happens as they continue to accumulate the wealth in this country?. You’re doing great so far and I appreciate the direct answers.
That’s bullshit. You don’t think papa John’s put many pizzerias out of business? You don’t think Walmart and Home Depot shut down local mom and pop shops? Of course they did. People don’t start businesses anymore to run them and pass them down to their kids. They start them to get acquired. And who do you think is acquiring everything? You still don’t see it do you? You’re to blinded by partisan hate.

Walmart didn't shut anybody down. Papa John's didn't shut anybody down. It's the consumers who decided to deal with these palaces that did. So what do you want to do about that?
I’m not proposing doing anything right now. We are discussing whether wealth accumulation and inequality is an issue or not. Consumers didn’t just decide they like Papa John’s more. They decided they liked paying $12 for a pizza instead of $20. And papa John’s can work on lower margins
Because they have buying power. Rinse and repeat. This is happening across most industries
And now who employees most of America? family owned middle class businesses or large corporations?

If you meant to say "employs" it's large corporations that the consumer decided to deal with. At one time Amazon was nothing more than a book seller. They decided to try and takeover the mom and pop stores along with the big box stores. They succeeded.
True... so now what happens as they continue to accumulate the wealth in this country?. You’re doing great so far and I appreciate the direct answers.
"so now what happens as they continue to accumulate the wealth in this country?"
You talk as if there is a defined amount of wealth/currency. Do you believe that once X currency is "accumulated" it never enters economic circulation again?
You realize wealth is earned and not "accumulated"...right?
Then we need to put them to work. I’m against for profit prisons for American citizens because I think it can be abused but I don’t care if illegals get put in a prison where inmates are put to work for profit. That way we don’t pay for them. The prison actually makes money on them so we don’t have to pay.

You can't force prisoners to work. That was outlawed by the courts years ago. They can work, but it's for little pay and optional.
During the Iraq war bush gave illegals citizenship if they enlisted.
So how does that play out over time if the government doesn’t redistribute?
Rather than concocting a theory why not look at the plethora of historical data?....How has it played out over 244 years?
Look at Sears, Roebuck & Co (founded in 1888) and Kmart (founded in 1899)

Do you believe Father Government should confiscate wealth and "redistribute" it?
Yes. The rich pay taxes that fund social programs.
I’m not proposing doing anything right now. We are discussing whether wealth accumulation and inequality is an issue or not. Consumers didn’t just decide they like Papa John’s more. They decided they liked paying $12 for a pizza instead of $20. And papa John’s can work on lower margins
Because they have buying power. Rinse and repeat. This is happening across most industries

And it's been happening for the last 35 years that I can remember. This is all consumer driven, not government driven, not party driven. As a whole, we opted for cheaper prices even if it means much less quality right down to our food. Middle-aged and younger people don't know what a real Big Mac tastes like, or a real Whopper. Those were great sandwiches when they first came out. As Americans got cheaper, so did the ingredients in those sandwiches. The only two franchises that stayed the same are KFC and Wendy's, but you're not going to get any item from these two places that you get a Popeye's or Rally's for the same money. Here, there isn't a pizza place that isn't a franchise for ten miles. A new one is going to open up this month, we'll see if they can survive selling quality food at a higher price.
True... so now what happens as they continue to accumulate the wealth in this country?. You’re doing great so far and I appreciate the direct answers.

What they do is what industry has always done. They will grow and grow until somebody develops a similar industry only better and cheaper. If anybody here needs a job, Amazon is always hiring. They have three huge warehouses here. I used to deliver to one of them. The place has nearly 100 docks. It's quite impressive. They all have three open floors and you can see the people and automation in progress as they prepare orders, conveyor belts loaded with boxes.

Years ago DIY moved in. They closed down local hardware stores. Then Home Depot took over and closed the DIY stores. Now Menard's is the new thing. I haven't been there yet with the virus and all, but I was told their inventory blows Home Depot away, the prices are just as good, and the employees can actually answer any questions you may have. That's the nature of business.
So how does that play out over time if the government doesn’t redistribute?
Rather than concocting a theory why not look at the plethora of historical data?....How has it played out over 244 years?
Look at Sears, Roebuck & Co (founded in 1888) and Kmart (founded in 1899)

Do you believe Father Government should confiscate wealth and "redistribute" it?
Yes. The rich pay taxes that fund social programs.
Middle classers pay income taxes...You want to confiscate and redistribute their earned wealth as well huh?
So how does that play out over time if the government doesn’t redistribute?
Rather than concocting a theory why not look at the plethora of historical data?....How has it played out over 244 years?
Look at Sears, Roebuck & Co (founded in 1888) and Kmart (founded in 1899)

Do you believe Father Government should confiscate wealth and "redistribute" it?
Yes. The rich pay taxes that fund social programs.
Middle classers pay income taxes...You want to confiscate and redistribute their earned wealth as well huh?
Some of it. A lot of us don’t mind paying taxes if it means social services, programs, infrastructure, public schools.

What you republicans do is eliminate taxes for the rich and social programs that help hose of us who fall through the cracks. So your way I pay the same taxes but receive nothing in return.
That’s hilarious.

Why is that? Do you think Walmart moves in and goes to the other stores with guns blazing telling them to close up or else? In most cases, Walmart is an anchor store. An anchor store is one that attracts all the people, and smaller stores open up around it to form a mall, because when people are done shopping at Walmart, they visit the other stores they probably wouldn't have went to if the Walmart wasn't there.

There was a new mall here that opened up with a Walmart. Walmart found a way out of the contract because they wanted to build a super Walmart in the area. After Walmart left, the mall fell apart. All the other stores closed up and moved out too because they didn't have much business any longer.
That’s hilarious.

Why is that? Do you think Walmart moves in and goes to the other stores with guns blazing telling them to close up or else? In most cases, Walmart is an anchor store. An anchor store is one that attracts all the people, and smaller stores open up around it to form a mall, because when people are done shopping at Walmart, they visit the other stores they probably wouldn't have went to if the Walmart wasn't there.

There was a new mall here that opened up with a Walmart. Walmart found a way out of the contract because they wanted to build a super Walmart in the area. After Walmart left, the mall fell apart. All the other stores closed up and moved out too because they didn't have much business any longer.
You fail to understand what a monopoly is and the harmful effects they cause. You also have no clue of the terrible harm caused by big business and big government working in tandem.

Get informed. Your posts are laughably absurd.
You fail to understand what a monopoly is and the harmful effects they cause. You also have no clue of the terrible harm caused by big business and big government working in tandem.

Get informed. Your posts are laughably absurd.

Sounds like you're the one uninformed. Walmart is not a monopoly. They have competitors like Amazon and Target. There is a host of other online services as well. Do you want government to step in and close down companies because they were too successful?
You fail to understand what a monopoly is and the harmful effects they cause. You also have no clue of the terrible harm caused by big business and big government working in tandem.

Get informed. Your posts are laughably absurd.

Sounds like you're the one uninformed. Walmart is not a monopoly. They have competitors like Amazon and Target. There is a host of other online services as well. Do you want government to step in and close down companies because they were too successful?
There it is again. Your ignorance. Walmart is essentially a monopoly. Just as is Amazon. You can bet they both use government to protect and benefit their business. Guess what my son? Small businesses can’t do this. Do you see a problem yet?
There it is again. Your ignorance. Walmart is essentially a monopoly. Just as is Amazon. You can bet they both use government to protect and benefit their business. Guess what my son? Small businesses can’t do this. Do you see a problem yet?

How can they both be monopolies when they sell the same types of merchandise? Do you know what a monopoly is? If mom and pop shops close up, it's due to lack of business, not what government does. The larger stores get more customers and evolution takes place like it always has. They close up.

You remind me of somebody that used to unload my truck at a company years ago when Home Depot opened up. He brought up how wrong it was that our local hardware store was closing, and much like you, blamed it on our local politicians. So I asked him, out of the last five times you needed hardware, where did you go? He put his head down in shame and said "Home Depot." I said well that's why our hardware store is closing up.
There it is again. Your ignorance. Walmart is essentially a monopoly. Just as is Amazon. You can bet they both use government to protect and benefit their business. Guess what my son? Small businesses can’t do this. Do you see a problem yet?

How can they both be monopolies when they sell the same types of merchandise? Do you know what a monopoly is? If mom and pop shops close up, it's due to lack of business, not what government does. The larger stores get more customers and evolution takes place like it always has. They close up.

You remind me of somebody that used to unload my truck at a company years ago when Home Depot opened up. He brought up how wrong it was that our local hardware store was closing, and much like you, blamed it on our local politicians. So I asked him, out of the last five times you needed hardware, where did you go? He put his head down in shame and said "Home Depot." I said well that's why our hardware store is closing up.
Look up how much of the market is controlled by the two. Then, don’t get back to me.
So how does that play out over time if the government doesn’t redistribute?
Rather than concocting a theory why not look at the plethora of historical data?....How has it played out over 244 years?
Look at Sears, Roebuck & Co (founded in 1888) and Kmart (founded in 1899)

Do you believe Father Government should confiscate wealth and "redistribute" it?
Yes. The rich pay taxes that fund social programs.
Middle classers pay income taxes...You want to confiscate and redistribute their earned wealth as well huh?
Some of it. A lot of us don’t mind paying taxes if it means social services, programs, infrastructure, public schools.

What you republicans do is eliminate taxes for the rich and social programs that help hose of us who fall through the cracks. So your way I pay the same taxes but receive nothing in return.

Dramatic words are cool and all but you probably need to look up the definition of eliminate bud.

“those of us who fall through the cracks”
Again, super cool dramatic phrase...but who exactly are you referring to? Who “falls through the cracks” and what does “falls through the cracks” mean?
Are you referring to lowlifes whom have continuously made made poor life decisions, got in trouble with the law, didn’t go to school, had babies before marriage, chose wrong career paths, smoked too much weed.
Do you call fucking your own life up “falling through the cracks”?
Do you think Father Government should force me to pay for your poor choices?

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