The largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world...

We need a good computer chip ID that can't be faked just like every other modern country that had this problem and no longer does. Your plan is ridiculous too 5 years nobody will ever pass that there is one way to do it and it's not a stupid ridiculously expensive wall or any of this other crap it is an ID card end of story. Your ideaabout the $15 minimum wage is sheer f*** fear mongered bologna. But they should probably have a $12 one for teenagers..... Again every other modern country but us has a living wage and all the other things period -we are the richest country in the world only you brainwash functional morons they're stopping this.

Frankfart, you are an idiot. Why do you think we lost jobs in the past? That's right, unions. Unions priced us out of the world market; that along with taxation and hundreds of regulations. Union companies kept paying their employees more and more. When the economy was good, non-union companies had to also increase their offer to attract good workers. It became too costly to produce here and companies headed out of state or overseas to escape them.

A huge minimum wage increase will produce the same results, except a company won't be able to move to another state to escape it like they did with unions. There is only one thing they could do, and that is move out of the country entirely.

There is no ID with a chip that will stop them from being duplicated. The drug lords are multi-millionaires. Whatever our government can produce, so can they. Even if that were possible, what are we going to do with all the leftist judges in this country?

I’m not concerned about the welfare “cruisers” it’s a problem we can discuss in another thread but not as many people as you make it out to be. I’m talking about small business owners that have to close their doors because of the big dogs. Min wage workers who can’t pay the bills. Entry level workers that can’t break into the next level. Home owners becoming renters. Tje 1%ers buying everything up and gaining a larger percentage of our nations wealth. These trends are only going to continue to grow so we should be prepared for the effects and adapt accordingly.

I could comment on all of them, but speaking as a landlord, you'd be surprised at how many people rent as an option. Younger people don't want to deal with the work and responsibility of home ownership. This trend started after we began recovering from the housing collapse. Besides people losing their home, many of these first buyers realized what it took to own a house.

This is widespread across the country. Some places suggested or actually have rent control laws because of the supply and demand results.
Do you think a healthy economy has more or less people renting or owning? Or do you think ownership does not matter?
I’m talking about small business owners that have to close their doors because of the big dogs. Min wage workers who can’t pay the bills. Entry level workers that can’t break into the next level. Home owners becoming renters.

"I’m talking about small business owners that have to close their doors because of the big dogs."
Again, what you describe has gone on since the beginning of capitalism.
Are you saying you don't want those involved in commerce to compete?

"Min wage workers who can’t pay the bills."
Minimum wage earners have never been able to "pay the bills".
Minimum wage jobs have always been reserved for children without bills.

"Entry level workers that can’t break into thTe next level."
You begged too many of Mexico's people to invade, they have laid too many litters, you've crowded the job markets.
Most people areMost people are tired of
Most people are tired of that kind of savage capitalism. Others are brainwashed by the greedy idiot mega Rich GOP propaganda.
When you say “most” do you really mean disgusting, degenerate, lowlife pieces of worthless shit Democrats?
No I mean people who listen to real news not from Rupert Murdoch or hangers on, hater dupe.
We need a good computer chip ID that can't be faked just like every other modern country that had this problem and no longer does. Your plan is ridiculous too 5 years nobody will ever pass that there is one way to do it and it's not a stupid ridiculously expensive wall or any of this other crap it is an ID card end of story. Your ideaabout the $15 minimum wage is sheer f*** fear mongered bologna. But they should probably have a $12 one for teenagers..... Again every other modern country but us has a living wage and all the other things period -we are the richest country in the world only you brainwash functional morons they're stopping this.

Frankfart, you are an idiot. Why do you think we lost jobs in the past? That's right, unions. Unions priced us out of the world market; that along with taxation and hundreds of regulations. Union companies kept paying their employees more and more. When the economy was good, non-union companies had to also increase their offer to attract good workers. It became too costly to produce here and companies headed out of state or overseas to escape them.

A huge minimum wage increase will produce the same results, except a company won't be able to move to another state to escape it like they did with unions. There is only one thing they could do, and that is move out of the country entirely.

There is no ID with a chip that will stop them from being duplicated. The drug lords are multi-millionaires. Whatever our government can produce, so can they. Even if that were possible, what are we going to do with all the leftist judges in this country?

Funny how every other modern country can handle all the things that AOC and Bernie want but brainwashed functional morons like you and the scumbag GOP can't.
Do you think a healthy economy has more or less people renting or owning? Or do you think ownership does not matter?

In one way, I think it helps. I've read articles that stated millennials tend to not want responsibility of anything. They rent their appliances, rent their furniture, rent their apartment, lease their car. They just don't want to deal with stuff like that. Whenever a problem comes up, the only effort they want to invest is the phone call to solve the problem. My nephew is one of those people.

While we lose more and more jobs to automation, new service jobs are created by these people. Years ago, the only time you called somebody for help was when you absolutely couldn't do it yourself. You did your basic plumbing like fix the toilet yourself, minor automotive repair, basic electrical work, repaired your own lawnmower or snow blower if possible. When you wanted a big mac combo, you drove there yourself to get it, not call Uber or some company that will pick it up for you for a fee. So in that way, it's good we have people like that.
Do you think a healthy economy has more or less people renting or owning? Or do you think ownership does not matter?

In one way, I think it helps. I've read articles that stated millennials tend to not want responsibility of anything. They rent their appliances, rent their furniture, rent their apartment, lease their car. They just don't want to deal with stuff like that. Whenever a problem comes up, the only effort they want to invest is the phone call to solve the problem. My nephew is one of those people.

While we lose more and more jobs to automation, new service jobs are created by these people. Years ago, the only time you called somebody for help was when you absolutely couldn't do it yourself. You did your basic plumbing like fix the toilet yourself, minor automotive repair, basic electrical work, repaired your own lawnmower or snow blower if possible. When you wanted a big mac combo, you drove there yourself to get it, not call Uber or some company that will pick it up for you for a fee. So in that way, it's good we have people like that.
Uber and truckers are already being replaced by autonomous vehicles. Burger flippers and baristas are being replaced by machines that can make food and drinks. It’s fine to have some people who want to rent and lease everything as long as they have a job to pay for it all. See how they are doing towards the end of their lives when they don’t have assets and can’t find a job. The poverty level will rise. Corporations will control most of commerce and our governments social programs will grow. Our society is moving and will continue to move towards socialism. Government socialism will control healthcare and basic needs for those in poverty and corporate socialism will control the workforce. Like it or not that’s what’s coming. That’s what the wealth gap is accelerating
Funny how every other modern country can handle all the things that AOC and Bernie want but brainwashed functional morons like you and the scumbag GOP can't.

We could handle it if we want to go bankrupt.
We are the richest country in the world but everyone else in the modern world can do it? What is wrong with you really do you think?

When you say “everyone else in the modern world” do you really mean those nations paying $6 per liter for fuel?
Don’t even low income pieces of shit in that “modern world” pay an effective tax rate of 20%? Don’t most pay >40% in tax?
Does the “modern world” foster 100 million illegal and barely legal wetbacks?
Does the “modern world” pay $22 trillion out to lowlife degenerates every couple decades?
Uber and truckers are already being replaced by autonomous vehicles. Burger flippers and baristas are being replaced by machines that can make food and drinks. It’s fine to have some people who want to rent and lease everything as long as they have a job to pay for it all. See how they are doing towards the end of their lives when they don’t have assets and can’t find a job. The poverty level will rise. Corporations will control most of commerce and our governments social programs will grow. Our society is moving and will continue to move towards socialism. Government socialism will control healthcare and basic needs for those in poverty and corporate socialism will control the workforce. Like it or not that’s what’s coming. That’s what the wealth gap is accelerating

It will take a few years for Uber and like to go fully autonomous. Trucks? Forget about it. Not in our lifetime. Even with experimental trucks, you have to have a CDL licensed driver with it to handle problems like DOT checks, smell or hear when something is amiss, to re-enter a highway if pulled over to the side of the road. Plus they can only work on the highway. They will never be able to do city driving, back into a dock, unhook a trailer, or pickup another one.

Most rental prices are around mortgage prices. Much of the rent a person pays goes towards running the property. In my case, I have to pay the water and sewer bills, property taxes, insurance, the costs to make any improvements, the cost of repairs, maintain the grounds equipment, and that's before I make one mortgage payment. Two months ago I had to replace a furnace. That was $3,200.00.

Yes, the Democrats are pushing us into Socialism because that's the last step to Communism. They are accomplishing this by allowing foreigners to invade our country. Once whites are a minority, then we will be a single-party government forever, and the great experiment will end. Biden wants to do this by granting amnesty to the 11 to 20 million illegals already here.
We are the richest country in the world but everyone else in the modern world can do it? What is wrong with you really do you think?

The rest of the countries are not the world police--we are. It costs a lot of money to hold this position. Now if we don't want to be the world police, imagine who's large and strong enough to take our place.
Uber and truckers are already being replaced by autonomous vehicles. Burger flippers and baristas are being replaced by machines that can make food and drinks. It’s fine to have some people who want to rent and lease everything as long as they have a job to pay for it all. See how they are doing towards the end of their lives when they don’t have assets and can’t find a job. The poverty level will rise. Corporations will control most of commerce and our governments social programs will grow. Our society is moving and will continue to move towards socialism. Government socialism will control healthcare and basic needs for those in poverty and corporate socialism will control the workforce. Like it or not that’s what’s coming. That’s what the wealth gap is accelerating

It will take a few years for Uber and like to go fully autonomous. Trucks? Forget about it. Not in our lifetime. Even with experimental trucks, you have to have a CDL licensed driver with it to handle problems like DOT checks, smell or hear when something is amiss, to re-enter a highway if pulled over to the side of the road. Plus they can only work on the highway. They will never be able to do city driving, back into a dock, unhook a trailer, or pickup another one.

Most rental prices are around mortgage prices. Much of the rent a person pays goes towards running the property. In my case, I have to pay the water and sewer bills, property taxes, insurance, the costs to make any improvements, the cost of repairs, maintain the grounds equipment, and that's before I make one mortgage payment. Two months ago I had to replace a furnace. That was $3,200.00.

Yes, the Democrats are pushing us into Socialism because that's the last step to Communism. They are accomplishing this by allowing foreigners to invade our country. Once whites are a minority, then we will be a single-party government forever, and the great experiment will end. Biden wants to do this by granting amnesty to the 11 to 20 million illegals already here.
Haha, I can only laugh when you do the political commie fear tactic crap. Hard to take you seriously. SF just green lighted autonomous taxis in SF. It’s happening faster than you think. Semis will start with autonomous on the highways but will absolutely be able to go from dock to dock. One person will be able to monitor and control a fleet from a computer without the expense of drivers.

As for rent vs mortgage. The big difference there is rent is a sunk cost. Mortgage payments buy equity in an appreciating asset which can be used for loans or ultimately retirement. It is one of the best none government safety nets we have and our ownership in it is dwindling.

If you truly don’t recognize the problems I’m laying out then I guess I’m giving you too much credit. Just wait and see. In 20 years our country is going to be a very different place
Haha, I can only laugh when you do the political commie fear tactic crap. Hard to take you seriously. SF just green lighted autonomous taxis in SF. It’s happening faster than you think. Semis will start with autonomous on the highways but will absolutely be able to go from dock to dock. One person will be able to monitor and control a fleet from a computer without the expense of drivers.

As for rent vs mortgage. The big difference there is rent is a sunk cost. Mortgage payments buy equity in an appreciating asset which can be used for loans or ultimately retirement. It is one of the best none government safety nets we have and our ownership in it is dwindling.

If you truly don’t recognize the problems I’m laying out then I guess I’m giving you too much credit. Just wait and see. In 20 years our country is going to be a very different place

Lol, well I probably won't be here in 20 years. Your house does build equity after a while, but the first couple of years you're paying mostly interest. When you rent however, you have the option of leaving an area if you switch jobs for another city or state. If your domestic relationship changes, it's less of a burden than owning a house. You can just pack up and leave, or if it's a new relationship and she feels like she's in your apartment, you can get an apartment together. I have had tenants from broken relationships before. She ran off with somebody else, and he couldn't afford the house by himself. There's benefits to owning and renting.

You're not going to see autonomous tractor-trailers doing city work in our lifetime. As a person who drove a T/T for 30 years, I can tell you that it's virtually impossible. Highway, yes, but you still need a driver present. If something goes goofy with that computer, a licensed driver needs to take over the vehicle. When making narrow turns and such, a computer wouldn't be able to calculate tight turns. Believe it or not, not all streets were designed for tractor-trailers. You have to really do some figuring out how you are going to get down that residential side street without hitting things, and trust me, there are a lot of places like that.

My opinion is not commie fear. Why do you think the Democrats are working so hard to make whites a minority? Because every other group outside of whites vote a majority Democrat. Asians mostly vote Democrat, middle-easterners vote a majority Democrat, the Jewish vote mostly Democrat, Hispanics vote heavily Democrat, and blacks, forget about it. Once Democrats can control with no opposition, they can do anything they want. Socialism will be the first thing and Communism the next. With such a strong majority, they can eliminate the US Constitution and likely will. The US Constitution to a Democrat is like a cross to Dracula.
Funny how every other modern country can handle all the things that AOC and Bernie want but brainwashed functional morons like you and the scumbag GOP can't.

We could handle it if we want to go bankrupt.
We are the richest country in the world but everyone else in the modern world can do it? What is wrong with you really do you think?
Everyone else in the modern world DOESN'T "do it." There is no such thing as a "minimum wage" in any of the Scandinavian countries you morons like to point to and NONE of them are "socialist countries." They are ALL market-based. Norway and Sweden get MOST of their give-away money from producing and selling OIL and taxing their people 70% or more.
Funny how every other modern country can handle all the things that AOC and Bernie want but brainwashed functional morons like you and the scumbag GOP can't.

We could handle it if we want to go bankrupt.
We are the richest country in the world but everyone else in the modern world can do it? What is wrong with you really do you think?

When you say “everyone else in the modern world” do you really mean those nations paying $6 per liter for fuel?
Don’t even low income pieces of shit in that “modern world” pay an effective tax rate of 20%? Don’t most pay >40% in tax?
Does the “modern world” foster 100 million illegal and barely legal wetbacks?
Does the “modern world” pay $22 trillion out to lowlife degenerates every couple decades?
Gas is nowhere near as expensive is that and distances are tiny in comparison.... They also have good roads so they don't have to pay $1,500 a year in repairs because of potholes etc. They actually have to change their cars' suspensions they export to America. Poorest people here paid 20% if you count all taxes and ridiculous fees, Google the only tax you need to know. How much do they save by having free medical care once they pay taxes question mark and their medical care is half as expensive as ours.... Your last two questions are totally misinformed and idiotic garbage propaganda super duper.
Funny how every other modern country can handle all the things that AOC and Bernie want but brainwashed functional morons like you and the scumbag GOP can't.

We could handle it if we want to go bankrupt.
We are the richest country in the world but everyone else in the modern world can do it? What is wrong with you really do you think?
Everyone else in the modern world DOESN'T "do it." There is no such thing as a "minimum wage" in any of the Scandinavian countries you morons like to point to and NONE of them are "socialist countries." They are ALL market-based. Norway and Sweden get MOST of their give-away money from producing and selling OIL and taxing their people 70% or more.
Socialism is simply Fair capitalism except for brainwashed conservatives in English speaking countries. Thanks Savage capitalists and dupes like you. And yes they do have a minimum wage in effect of over $12.nobody here wants to be like Sweden and Denmark exactly but was sure as hell can do a lot better than this GOP giveaway to the rich screw job for everyone else mess we have here with the worst inequality and upward mobility anywhere. And the only place where Rupert Murdoch and his scumbag pundits can get on television....
Then we need not to elect corrupt politicians and throw them out when they do. Yet, we keep voting them back in over and over and wonder why we are screwed up
For almost fifty years politicians of both major parties have prioritized the interests of capital over labor:

"Oligarchs and corporate executives took the profits from industrial production and socialized the costs.

"The move by the Democrats to become the party of capital and the rich means that that is where their allegiances lie.

"The political problem is that to end environmental decline is to force oligarchs and executives to bear the costs of their production, which they will not do."

DECEMBER 11, 2020
Capitalism and the Green New Deal

Democrats and Republicans serve the voters who donate $200 or more every year to their campaigns; that's why we have the best government money can buy.
That few know about, thanks to a billionaire/government controlled corporate media.

Are not the following words depressingly true?

The Institute for Policy Studies has just released a new analysis showing that since the start of the Covid-19 “pandemic” in mid-March and the subsequent transfer upwards of $5 trillion to the wealthy and largest corporations through the Cares Act, approved 96-0 in the U.S. Senate, 650 U.S. billionaires have gained over a trillion dollars in eight months as the America people have suffered an economic catastrophe. This shift upward of massive wealth under Trump is similar to Obama’s massive 2009 bailout of the banks on the backs of American workers. Both were justified through feats of legerdemain by both political parties, accomplices in the fleecing of regular people, many of whom continue to support the politicians that screw them while telling them they care.

If the Democrats and the Republicans are at war as is often claimed, it is only over who gets the larger part of the spoils. Trump and Biden work for the same bosses, those I call the Umbrella People (those who own and run the country through their intelligence/military/media operatives), who produce and direct the movie that keeps so many Americans on the edge of their seats in the hope that their chosen good guy wins in the end.

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer – Edward Curtin
I can believe. The stock market at an all time high and companies like Amazon raking in the dough. I participate in a discuss group at our local community center and it's hard believe how many people have been financial destroyed by this epidemic. People that just a year ago had good jobs, adding money to their savings are wiped out looking at living on the streets and sending their kids to live relatives.
That few know about, thanks to a billionaire/government controlled corporate media.

Are not the following words depressingly true?

The Institute for Policy Studies has just released a new analysis showing that since the start of the Covid-19 “pandemic” in mid-March and the subsequent transfer upwards of $5 trillion to the wealthy and largest corporations through the Cares Act, approved 96-0 in the U.S. Senate, 650 U.S. billionaires have gained over a trillion dollars in eight months as the America people have suffered an economic catastrophe. This shift upward of massive wealth under Trump is similar to Obama’s massive 2009 bailout of the banks on the backs of American workers. Both were justified through feats of legerdemain by both political parties, accomplices in the fleecing of regular people, many of whom continue to support the politicians that screw them while telling them they care.

If the Democrats and the Republicans are at war as is often claimed, it is only over who gets the larger part of the spoils. Trump and Biden work for the same bosses, those I call the Umbrella People (those who own and run the country through their intelligence/military/media operatives), who produce and direct the movie that keeps so many Americans on the edge of their seats in the hope that their chosen good guy wins in the end.

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer – Edward Curtin
I can believe. The stock market at an all time high and companies like Amazon raking in the dough. I participate in a discuss group at our local community center and it's hard believe how many people have been financial destroyed by this epidemic. People that just a year ago had good jobs, adding money to their savings are wiped out looking at living on the streets and sending their kids to live relatives.
Yes very true. It’s appalling what has occurred to millions of Americans, while the ultra wealthy are gaining enormous wealth. Our criminal government spends $6.5 trillion dollars in one fiscal year, yet little actually goes to the people. If the American people would wake up, we could put an end to this criminal government.
Federal Government Blows Past Record Spending in Fiscal 2020
Then we need not to elect corrupt politicians and throw them out when they do. Yet, we keep voting them back in over and over and wonder why we are screwed up
For almost fifty years politicians of both major parties have prioritized the interests of capital over labor:

"Oligarchs and corporate executives took the profits from industrial production and socialized the costs.

"The move by the Democrats to become the party of capital and the rich means that that is where their allegiances lie.

"The political problem is that to end environmental decline is to force oligarchs and executives to bear the costs of their production, which they will not do."

DECEMBER 11, 2020
Capitalism and the Green New Deal

Democrats and Republicans serve the voters who donate $200 or more every year to their campaigns; that's why we have the best government money can buy.

How's communism been working for you lately?

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