The largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world...

You taken my statements about the effects of large corporations on our society and twisted them down to me objecting to Americans choosing the cheaper purchasing option.

It's ok if they choose the cheaper option as long as it doesn't result in "fewer people collecting the majority of our nations wealth"?

Then when I used the example of outsourcing to China, which absolutely provides a cheaper option for businesses and consumers you say “Nah, China can suck it”

Americans legally using better technology and logistics is equivalent to Chinese use of child/slave labor, stolen intellectual property and inferior materials? And then using their earnings to threaten us and our Papa John's is threatening to invade Little Italian Pizza?

do you get it now?

Do you?
Sorry man if you are going to recharacterize all my statements to give yourself some semblance of an argument then I don’t have interest in talking to you. Your little troll tactics are very transparent. I’m done correcting your distortions. Go bug somebody else. You’re an embarrassment

Do you find it odd that you always seem to be accusing others of "recharacterizing" and "distorting" your positions?
Are you sure you're being honest and transparent with yourself...are you sure you're making your positions clear?
I don’t find it odd. This board is full of trolls that do that. If anybody has doubt that they are doing that I can easily show my real quotes in contrast with their distortions. It’s all there in black and white

Well then, why all the lengthy debate?
You've asserted that America's capitalistic ways are a problem and we've told you that we've done it this way since our inception and built the greatest most prosperous nation on the globe in a very short 244 years....We have 244 years of historical data on our side while you have your theory and the opinion of bottom feeding degenerates.
So where do we go from here?
You've had 30 to 40 years of giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else that is nothing like the first 200 years. And the worst propaganda machine in our history by far period you live on an imaginary planet. The worst inequality and upward mobility ever is no joke. Except on Fox Rush and online crap. Every respected media in the world and law enforcement says you're nuts and you are heroes are swine....
You are not getting the obvious. The Ds went along with the giveaways and income inequality. They are no better than the hated Rs. O was the black mascot for Wall Street.

A perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP....every other modern country has everything that AOC and Bernie and the Democrats want. Idiot.

Then what are you doing here? If everyplace else is so much better, pack your bags and go there. You remind me of the dopes who move by the airport and the complain about the noise from airplanes.
Truly a failed state. A totally fucked up country. Only in America!

Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic
Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic

Makes you wonder how many stealing food have the latest smart phone with a family plan running them 200 bucks a month, cable or satellite television, pay per view and Netflix, going to McDonald's several times a week, high speed internet.

The one story in your article was very telling. A woman (appearing to be single) quitting her job to take care of her kid because the daycare closed. It said she made 15 bucks an hour. There is no way she could have afforded daycare at that rate of pay while supporting herself and her child. Bottom line is she got knocked up because she's irresponsible, got a voucher from government to pay for her daycare, is now trying to go to college at the same time, and I'm supposed to pity her?

It says she was refused food stamps. I don't believe that for a minute. Even if government gives you little aid, they always make sure the kids are taken care of. What happened to her child support the man is supposed to provide? Maybe that's why they refused her food stamps.
Jesus you are such a typical right wing whacko. You blame the poor, when it’s a failing corrupt system at fault.

You simply can not peddle that bullshit to sane people.
"The system" didn't force 15 year old pregnant ShaQuita to drop out of ninth grade, the system didn't force Guadalupe to have seven children by age 23, the system didn't force DaShwan to spend his days smoking weed rather than going to work, the system didn't force Gustavo to choose a shitty dead-end career path.
For 244 years the system has worked nearly flawlessly for the right simply have become one of the 'right people'. Simple shit.
Simple b******* for brainwashed functional simpletons. the system hasn't worked the last 30 or 40 years. Except for the very rich. The worst inequality and upward mobility in the modern world and since the 1920s at least is no joke. Republicans made it as difficult as possible to succeed. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. And the racists who make it difficult in real life are in the GOP. Like you.
A perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP....every other modern country has everything that AOC and Bernie and the Democrats want. Idiot.

Then what are you doing here? If everyplace else is so much better, pack your bags and go there. You remind me of the dopes who move by the airport and the complain about the noise from airplanes.
Truly a failed state. A totally fucked up country. Only in America!

Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic
Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic

Makes you wonder how many stealing food have the latest smart phone with a family plan running them 200 bucks a month, cable or satellite television, pay per view and Netflix, going to McDonald's several times a week, high speed internet.

The one story in your article was very telling. A woman (appearing to be single) quitting her job to take care of her kid because the daycare closed. It said she made 15 bucks an hour. There is no way she could have afforded daycare at that rate of pay while supporting herself and her child. Bottom line is she got knocked up because she's irresponsible, got a voucher from government to pay for her daycare, is now trying to go to college at the same time, and I'm supposed to pity her?

It says she was refused food stamps. I don't believe that for a minute. Even if government gives you little aid, they always make sure the kids are taken care of. What happened to her child support the man is supposed to provide? Maybe that's why they refused her food stamps.
Jesus you are such a typical right wing whacko. You blame the poor, when it’s a failing corrupt system at fault.

You simply can not peddle that bullshit to sane people.
"The system" didn't force 15 year old pregnant ShaQuita to drop outkoo of ninth grade, the system didn't force Guadalupe to have seven children by age 23, the system didn't force DaShwan to spend his days smoking weed rather than going to work, the system didn't force Gustavo to choose a shitty dead-end career path.
For 244 years the system has worked nearly flawlessly for the right simply have become one of the 'right people'. Simple shit.
Simple b******* for brainwashed functional simpletons. the system hasn't worked the last 30 or 40 years. Except for the very rich. The worst inequality and upward mobility in the modern world and since the 1920s at least is no joke. Republicans made it as difficult as possible to succeed. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. And the racists who make it difficult in real life are in the GOP. Like you.
Jesus you are such a typical right wing whacko. You blame the poor, when it’s a failing corrupt system at fault.

A corrupt system got this woman pregnant? A corrupt system stopped her from going to college, getting a career and then having a baby? A corrupt system when you don't prepare for the worst?

You can call it a corrupt system, but I call it irresponsibility.
Why are you distorting the debate? Because you know you lost?
you brainwashed functional morons do blame the poor. As Mario Cuomo said, Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor -you think everyone got lazy and stupid magically. Actually this inequality and poverty is due to the GOP cutting investment in America and American so they can give the rich multiple tax cuts. Only propaganda and ignoramuses like you people make this mess possible.
Idiot. You didn’t bother to read my posts, fool.
Sorry I was looking at your post and thinking you were someone else. No you are half right. But you blame the Democrats who haven't had any power in the last 50 years except for a few weeks for Obamacare. In the seventies I used to say if Reagan got elected I'd leave the country and I'm sorry I didn't.... The Casa blanca bar in fuengirola.... It's a long story period
That’s ridiculous. Clinton had eight years and some with a D Congress. And besides, you blame Reagan yet he had a D Congress all of his eight years.

Anyone who blames just one of the two criminal gangs for the nation’s problems, clearly is a partisan fool.
The GOP has the reconciliation rule of 1974 so they only need 51 votes in the Senate to pass tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations, all they give a damn about. the Democrats need 60 votes in the Senate and that is why there has been nothing passed by the Democrats since LBJ until Obamacare when they had 60 votes for 35 days or so. End of story wake up. Reagan was the last president who had a honeymoon when the Democrats voted at least some of them for things he wanted. Republicans have been totally obstructive ever since....
Why do you bother posting, when you know so little? In your deluded mind, the D Party hasn’t had any power to do anything for the last 40 years. What total bull shit.
So what did Obama pass? What did Clinton pass? Through Congress of course. Obamacare when they had 60 votes for 35 days in session. That is it. And the stimulus under Obama which was obviously totally necessary. And even then only two nice ladies from Maine voted for it from the GOP....
Are you finally realizing at your advanced age, the two parties are very much alike? Your beloved Ds are really Rs Lite. They aren’t progressives. They are neocons. Biden and Harris are neocons.
Democrats Biden and Harris are for a $15 minimum wage healthcare for everyone daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and an ID card to end illegal immigration. The GOP are against all those things have obstructed all those things for years and are lying POS. Wake up.
Total bologna.
A perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP....every other modern country has everything that AOC and Bernie and the Democrats want. Idiot.

Then what are you doing here? If everyplace else is so much better, pack your bags and go there. You remind me of the dopes who move by the airport and the complain about the noise from airplanes.
Truly a failed state. A totally fucked up country. Only in America!

Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic
Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic

Makes you wonder how many stealing food have the latest smart phone with a family plan running them 200 bucks a month, cable or satellite television, pay per view and Netflix, going to McDonald's several times a week, high speed internet.

The one story in your article was very telling. A woman (appearing to be single) quitting her job to take care of her kid because the daycare closed. It said she made 15 bucks an hour. There is no way she could have afforded daycare at that rate of pay while supporting herself and her child. Bottom line is she got knocked up because she's irresponsible, got a voucher from government to pay for her daycare, is now trying to go to college at the same time, and I'm supposed to pity her?

It says she was refused food stamps. I don't believe that for a minute. Even if government gives you little aid, they always make sure the kids are taken care of. What happened to her child support the man is supposed to provide? Maybe that's why they refused her food stamps.
Jesus you are such a typical right wing whacko. You blame the poor, when it’s a failing corrupt system at fault.

You simply can not peddle that bullshit to sane people.
"The system" didn't force 15 year old pregnant ShaQuita to drop out of ninth grade, the system didn't force Guadalupe to have seven children by age 23, the system didn't force DaShwan to spend his days smoking weed rather than going to work, the system didn't force Gustavo to choose a shitty dead-end career path.
For 244 years the system has worked nearly flawlessly for the right simply have become one of the 'right people'. Simple shit.
Simple b******* for brainwashed functional simpletons. the system hasn't worked the last 30 or 40 years. Except for the very rich. The worst inequality and upward mobility in the modern world and since the 1920s at least is no joke. Republicans made it as difficult as possible to succeed. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. And the racists who make it difficult in real life are in the GOP. Like you.
A perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP....every other modern country has everything that AOC and Bernie and the Democrats want. Idiot.

Then what are you doing here? If everyplace else is so much better, pack your bags and go there. You remind me of the dopes who move by the airport and the complain about the noise from airplanes.
Truly a failed state. A totally fucked up country. Only in America!

Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic
Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic

Makes you wonder how many stealing food have the latest smart phone with a family plan running them 200 bucks a month, cable or satellite television, pay per view and Netflix, going to McDonald's several times a week, high speed internet.

The one story in your article was very telling. A woman (appearing to be single) quitting her job to take care of her kid because the daycare closed. It said she made 15 bucks an hour. There is no way she could have afforded daycare at that rate of pay while supporting herself and her child. Bottom line is she got knocked up because she's irresponsible, got a voucher from government to pay for her daycare, is now trying to go to college at the same time, and I'm supposed to pity her?

It says she was refused food stamps. I don't believe that for a minute. Even if government gives you little aid, they always make sure the kids are taken care of. What happened to her child support the man is supposed to provide? Maybe that's why they refused her food stamps.
Jesus you are such a typical right wing whacko. You blame the poor, when it’s a failing corrupt system at fault.

You simply can not peddle that bullshit to sane people.
"The system" didn't force 15 year old pregnant ShaQuita to drop outkoo of ninth grade, the system didn't force Guadalupe to have seven children by age 23, the system didn't force DaShwan to spend his days smoking weed rather than going to work, the system didn't force Gustavo to choose a shitty dead-end career path.
For 244 years the system has worked nearly flawlessly for the right simply have become one of the 'right people'. Simple shit.
Simple b******* for brainwashed functional simpletons. the system hasn't worked the last 30 or 40 years. Except for the very rich. The worst inequality and upward mobility in the modern world and since the 1920s at least is no joke. Republicans made it as difficult as possible to succeed. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. And the racists who make it difficult in real life are in the GOP. Like you.
Jesus you are such a typical right wing whacko. You blame the poor, when it’s a failing corrupt system at fault.

A corrupt system got this woman pregnant? A corrupt system stopped her from going to college, getting a career and then having a baby? A corrupt system when you don't prepare for the worst?

You can call it a corrupt system, but I call it irresponsibility.
Why are you distorting the debate? Because you know you lost?
you brainwashed functional morons do blame the poor. As Mario Cuomo said, Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor -you think everyone got lazy and stupid magically. Actually this inequality and poverty is due to the GOP cutting investment in America and American so they can give the rich multiple tax cuts. Only propaganda and ignoramuses like you people make this mess possible.
Idiot. You didn’t bother to read my posts, fool.
Sorry I was looking at your post and thinking you were someone else. No you are half right. But you blame the Democrats who haven't had any power in the last 50 years except for a few weeks for Obamacare. In the seventies I used to say if Reagan got elected I'd leave the country and I'm sorry I didn't.... The Casa blanca bar in fuengirola.... It's a long story period
That’s ridiculous. Clinton had eight years and some with a D Congress. And besides, you blame Reagan yet he had a D Congress all of his eight years.

Anyone who blames just one of the two criminal gangs for the nation’s problems, clearly is a partisan fool.
The GOP has the reconciliation rule of 1974 so they only need 51 votes in the Senate to pass tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations, all they give a damn about. the Democrats need 60 votes in the Senate and that is why there has been nothing passed by the Democrats since LBJ until Obamacare when they had 60 votes for 35 days or so. End of story wake up. Reagan was the last president who had a honeymoon when the Democrats voted at least some of them for things he wanted. Republicans have been totally obstructive ever since....
Why do you bother posting, when you know so little? In your deluded mind, the D Party hasn’t had any power to do anything for the last 40 years. What total bull shit.
So what did Obama pass? What did Clinton pass? Through Congress of course. Obamacare when they had 60 votes for 35 days in session. That is it. And the stimulus under Obama which was obviously totally necessary. And even then only two nice ladies from Maine voted for it from the GOP....
Ears is a warmongering neocon. Bubba is a warmongering neocon. Pelosi and Schumer are neocons. WTFU!
You believe a hell of a lot of GOP garbage propaganda don't you. Obama supposed wars had no troops on the ground and no casualties. The bushes love to send in the entire army and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Reagan was Mr covert action and genocide in Latin America. Nixon over through governments and chili and Argentina and God knows where else. Clinton had no boots on the ground or casualties and Carter had no combat deaths at all. What the hell news are you watching to get such crap you can see why I think you're a GOP dupe half the time
You taken my statements about the effects of large corporations on our society and twisted them down to me objecting to Americans choosing the cheaper purchasing option.

It's ok if they choose the cheaper option as long as it doesn't result in "fewer people collecting the majority of our nations wealth"?

Then when I used the example of outsourcing to China, which absolutely provides a cheaper option for businesses and consumers you say “Nah, China can suck it”

Americans legally using better technology and logistics is equivalent to Chinese use of child/slave labor, stolen intellectual property and inferior materials? And then using their earnings to threaten us and our Papa John's is threatening to invade Little Italian Pizza?

do you get it now?

Do you?
Sorry man if you are going to recharacterize all my statements to give yourself some semblance of an argument then I don’t have interest in talking to you. Your little troll tactics are very transparent. I’m done correcting your distortions. Go bug somebody else. You’re an embarrassment

Do you find it odd that you always seem to be accusing others of "recharacterizing" and "distorting" your positions?
Are you sure you're being honest and transparent with yourself...are you sure you're making your positions clear?
I don’t find it odd. This board is full of trolls that do that. If anybody has doubt that they are doing that I can easily show my real quotes in contrast with their distortions. It’s all there in black and white

Well then, why all the lengthy debate?
You've asserted that America's capitalistic ways are a problem and we've told you that we've done it this way since our inception and built the greatest most prosperous nation on the globe in a very short 244 years....We have 244 years of historical data on our side while you have your theory and the opinion of bottom feeding degenerates.
So where do we go from here?
I guess we are done then. We wait and see how things play out.
That's another topic...
Ya see, Dems are hellbent on destroying what has worked here for 2.5 centuries. They will continue expanding our underclass until 'the system' as we know it has to fail...that's their plan. I'm guessing you know this?
Hellbent on destroying huh? That sounds rather dramatic. Perhaps they are just trying to make our great system more accessible for those who have less. Create opportunity for more. Ya know, that good ol American spirit ?!

Slade, stop with emotional verbiage....the "accessible" bullshit gets old fast....Accessibility or lack thereof has very little to do with those who choose to underachieve. You have to believe there are a certain number of 'cruisers' who are happy just existing and breathing oxygen...right?
No matter the system you simply can not FORCE people to achieve and you can't force those who do achieve to pay for the bad decisions of others who do not.

"Hellbent on destroying huh? That sounds rather dramatic. Perhaps they are just trying to make our great system more accessible for those who have less."
Well you tell many desperate, illiterate thirdworlders can a nation foster before an already struggling system FOR THOSE YOU AND DEMS CLAIM TO CARE SO MUCH ABOUT has to collapse?
I’m not concerned about the welfare “cruisers” it’s a problem we can discuss in another thread but not as many people as you make it out to be. I’m talking about small business owners that have to close their doors because of the big dogs. Min wage workers who can’t pay the bills. Entry level workers that can’t break into the next level. Home owners becoming renters. Tje 1%ers buying everything up and gaining a larger percentage of our nations wealth. These trends are only going to continue to grow so we should be prepared for the effects and adapt accordingly.
I’m not concerned about the welfare “cruisers” it’s a problem we can discuss in another thread but not as many people as you make it out to be. I’m talking about small business owners that have to close their doors because of the big dogs. Min wage workers who can’t pay the bills. Entry level workers that can’t break into the next level. Home owners becoming renters. Tje 1%ers buying everything up and gaining a larger percentage of our nations wealth. These trends are only going to continue to grow so we should be prepared for the effects and adapt accordingly.

I could comment on all of them, but speaking as a landlord, you'd be surprised at how many people rent as an option. Younger people don't want to deal with the work and responsibility of home ownership. This trend started after we began recovering from the housing collapse. Besides people losing their home, many of these first buyers realized what it took to own a house.

This is widespread across the country. Some places suggested or actually have rent control laws because of the supply and demand results.
Total bologna.
A perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP....every other modern country has everything that AOC and Bernie and the Democrats want. Idiot.

Then what are you doing here? If everyplace else is so much better, pack your bags and go there. You remind me of the dopes who move by the airport and the complain about the noise from airplanes.
Truly a failed state. A totally fucked up country. Only in America!

Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic
Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic

Makes you wonder how many stealing food have the latest smart phone with a family plan running them 200 bucks a month, cable or satellite television, pay per view and Netflix, going to McDonald's several times a week, high speed internet.

The one story in your article was very telling. A woman (appearing to be single) quitting her job to take care of her kid because the daycare closed. It said she made 15 bucks an hour. There is no way she could have afforded daycare at that rate of pay while supporting herself and her child. Bottom line is she got knocked up because she's irresponsible, got a voucher from government to pay for her daycare, is now trying to go to college at the same time, and I'm supposed to pity her?

It says she was refused food stamps. I don't believe that for a minute. Even if government gives you little aid, they always make sure the kids are taken care of. What happened to her child support the man is supposed to provide? Maybe that's why they refused her food stamps.
Jesus you are such a typical right wing whacko. You blame the poor, when it’s a failing corrupt system at fault.

You simply can not peddle that bullshit to sane people.
"The system" didn't force 15 year old pregnant ShaQuita to drop out of ninth grade, the system didn't force Guadalupe to have seven children by age 23, the system didn't force DaShwan to spend his days smoking weed rather than going to work, the system didn't force Gustavo to choose a shitty dead-end career path.
For 244 years the system has worked nearly flawlessly for the right simply have become one of the 'right people'. Simple shit.
Simple b******* for brainwashed functional simpletons. the system hasn't worked the last 30 or 40 years. Except for the very rich. The worst inequality and upward mobility in the modern world and since the 1920s at least is no joke. Republicans made it as difficult as possible to succeed. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. And the racists who make it difficult in real life are in the GOP. Like you.
A perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP....every other modern country has everything that AOC and Bernie and the Democrats want. Idiot.

Then what are you doing here? If everyplace else is so much better, pack your bags and go there. You remind me of the dopes who move by the airport and the complain about the noise from airplanes.
Truly a failed state. A totally fucked up country. Only in America!

Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic
Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic

Makes you wonder how many stealing food have the latest smart phone with a family plan running them 200 bucks a month, cable or satellite television, pay per view and Netflix, going to McDonald's several times a week, high speed internet.

The one story in your article was very telling. A woman (appearing to be single) quitting her job to take care of her kid because the daycare closed. It said she made 15 bucks an hour. There is no way she could have afforded daycare at that rate of pay while supporting herself and her child. Bottom line is she got knocked up because she's irresponsible, got a voucher from government to pay for her daycare, is now trying to go to college at the same time, and I'm supposed to pity her?

It says she was refused food stamps. I don't believe that for a minute. Even if government gives you little aid, they always make sure the kids are taken care of. What happened to her child support the man is supposed to provide? Maybe that's why they refused her food stamps.
Jesus you are such a typical right wing whacko. You blame the poor, when it’s a failing corrupt system at fault.

You simply can not peddle that bullshit to sane people.
"The system" didn't force 15 year old pregnant ShaQuita to drop outkoo of ninth grade, the system didn't force Guadalupe to have seven children by age 23, the system didn't force DaShwan to spend his days smoking weed rather than going to work, the system didn't force Gustavo to choose a shitty dead-end career path.
For 244 years the system has worked nearly flawlessly for the right simply have become one of the 'right people'. Simple shit.
Simple b******* for brainwashed functional simpletons. the system hasn't worked the last 30 or 40 years. Except for the very rich. The worst inequality and upward mobility in the modern world and since the 1920s at least is no joke. Republicans made it as difficult as possible to succeed. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. And the racists who make it difficult in real life are in the GOP. Like you.
Jesus you are such a typical right wing whacko. You blame the poor, when it’s a failing corrupt system at fault.

A corrupt system got this woman pregnant? A corrupt system stopped her from going to college, getting a career and then having a baby? A corrupt system when you don't prepare for the worst?

You can call it a corrupt system, but I call it irresponsibility.
Why are you distorting the debate? Because you know you lost?
you brainwashed functional morons do blame the poor. As Mario Cuomo said, Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor -you think everyone got lazy and stupid magically. Actually this inequality and poverty is due to the GOP cutting investment in America and American so they can give the rich multiple tax cuts. Only propaganda and ignoramuses like you people make this mess possible.
Idiot. You didn’t bother to read my posts, fool.
Sorry I was looking at your post and thinking you were someone else. No you are half right. But you blame the Democrats who haven't had any power in the last 50 years except for a few weeks for Obamacare. In the seventies I used to say if Reagan got elected I'd leave the country and I'm sorry I didn't.... The Casa blanca bar in fuengirola.... It's a long story period
That’s ridiculous. Clinton had eight years and some with a D Congress. And besides, you blame Reagan yet he had a D Congress all of his eight years.

Anyone who blames just one of the two criminal gangs for the nation’s problems, clearly is a partisan fool.
The GOP has the reconciliation rule of 1974 so they only need 51 votes in the Senate to pass tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations, all they give a damn about. the Democrats need 60 votes in the Senate and that is why there has been nothing passed by the Democrats since LBJ until Obamacare when they had 60 votes for 35 days or so. End of story wake up. Reagan was the last president who had a honeymoon when the Democrats voted at least some of them for things he wanted. Republicans have been totally obstructive ever since....
Why do you bother posting, when you know so little? In your deluded mind, the D Party hasn’t had any power to do anything for the last 40 years. What total bull shit.
So what did Obama pass? What did Clinton pass? Through Congress of course. Obamacare when they had 60 votes for 35 days in session. That is it. And the stimulus under Obama which was obviously totally necessary. And even then only two nice ladies from Maine voted for it from the GOP....
Ears is a warmongering neocon. Bubba is a warmongering neocon. Pelosi and Schumer are neocons. WTFU!
You believe a hell of a lot of GOP garbage propaganda don't you. Obama supposed wars had no troops on the ground and no casualties. The bushes love to send in the entire army and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Reagan was Mr covert action and genocide in Latin America. Nixon over through governments and chili and Argentina and God knows where else. Clinton had no boots on the ground or casualties and Carter had no combat deaths at all. What the hell news are you watching to get such crap you can see why I think you're a GOP dupe half the time
Unlike you, I hate both parties equally. You aren’t smart enough to recognize both parties are very much alike.
Democrats Biden and Harris are for a $15 minimum wage healthcare for everyone daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and an ID card to end illegal immigration. The GOP are against all those things have obstructed all those things for years and are lying POS. Wake up.

To end illegal immigration? The same guy who said he wants to grant amnesty to all illegals in this country now? The guy that said his first day in the White House will be the last day of building the wall? If you like Biden's plan for a $15.00 an hour national minimum wage, why not just make it $30.00 an hour? I mean......if your're going to create a domino effect, increase inflation like we haven't seen in the past few decades, encourage more jobs leaving, more outsourcing, more automation investments, why not go all the way?
I’m talking about small business owners that have to close their doors because of the big dogs. Min wage workers who can’t pay the bills. Entry level workers that can’t break into the next level. Home owners becoming renters.

"I’m talking about small business owners that have to close their doors because of the big dogs."
Again, what you describe has gone on since the beginning of capitalism.
Are you saying you don't want those involved in commerce to compete?

"Min wage workers who can’t pay the bills."
Minimum wage earners have never been able to "pay the bills".
Minimum wage jobs have always been reserved for children without bills.

"Entry level workers that can’t break into the next level."
You begged too many of Mexico's people to invade, they have laid too many litters, you've crowded the job markets.
Democrats Biden and Harris are for a $15 minimum wage healthcare for everyone daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and an ID card to end illegal immigration. The GOP are against all those things have obstructed all those things for years and are lying POS. Wake up.

To end illegal immigration? The same guy who said he wants to grant amnesty to all illegals in this country now? The guy that said his first day in the White House will be the last day of building the wall? If you like Biden's plan for a $15.00 an hour national minimum wage, why not just make it $30.00 an hour? I mean......if your're going to create a domino effect, increase inflation like we haven't seen in the past few decades, encourage more jobs leaving, more outsourcing, more automation investments, why not go all the way?
A good ID card is the only solution to illegal immigration and workers. The 11 or 12 million that are here now are all working hard they are part of our society and intrinsic parts. We should give them official permission to be here so they will all pay taxes instead of just 65%. So dumb. Other countries have these ID cards and no it is not communism for crying out loud.

Don't be an idiot fear-mongering dupe. $15 is actually a slight improvement on what we had in 1968 before the southern California Republicans wrecked the country....
Total bologna.
A perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP....every other modern country has everything that AOC and Bernie and the Democrats want. Idiot.

Then what are you doing here? If everyplace else is so much better, pack your bags and go there. You remind me of the dopes who move by the airport and the complain about the noise from airplanes.
Truly a failed state. A totally fucked up country. Only in America!

Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic
Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic

Makes you wonder how many stealing food have the latest smart phone with a family plan running them 200 bucks a month, cable or satellite television, pay per view and Netflix, going to McDonald's several times a week, high speed internet.

The one story in your article was very telling. A woman (appearing to be single) quitting her job to take care of her kid because the daycare closed. It said she made 15 bucks an hour. There is no way she could have afforded daycare at that rate of pay while supporting herself and her child. Bottom line is she got knocked up because she's irresponsible, got a voucher from government to pay for her daycare, is now trying to go to college at the same time, and I'm supposed to pity her?

It says she was refused food stamps. I don't believe that for a minute. Even if government gives you little aid, they always make sure the kids are taken care of. What happened to her child support the man is supposed to provide? Maybe that's why they refused her food stamps.
Jesus you are such a typical right wing whacko. You blame the poor, when it’s a failing corrupt system at fault.

You simply can not peddle that bullshit to sane people.
"The system" didn't force 15 year old pregnant ShaQuita to drop out of ninth grade, the system didn't force Guadalupe to have seven children by age 23, the system didn't force DaShwan to spend his days smoking weed rather than going to work, the system didn't force Gustavo to choose a shitty dead-end career path.
For 244 years the system has worked nearly flawlessly for the right simply have become one of the 'right people'. Simple shit.
Simple b******* for brainwashed functional simpletons. the system hasn't worked the last 30 or 40 years. Except for the very rich. The worst inequality and upward mobility in the modern world and since the 1920s at least is no joke. Republicans made it as difficult as possible to succeed. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. And the racists who make it difficult in real life are in the GOP. Like you.
A perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP....every other modern country has everything that AOC and Bernie and the Democrats want. Idiot.

Then what are you doing here? If everyplace else is so much better, pack your bags and go there. You remind me of the dopes who move by the airport and the complain about the noise from airplanes.
Truly a failed state. A totally fucked up country. Only in America!

Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic
Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic

Makes you wonder how many stealing food have the latest smart phone with a family plan running them 200 bucks a month, cable or satellite television, pay per view and Netflix, going to McDonald's several times a week, high speed internet.

The one story in your article was very telling. A woman (appearing to be single) quitting her job to take care of her kid because the daycare closed. It said she made 15 bucks an hour. There is no way she could have afforded daycare at that rate of pay while supporting herself and her child. Bottom line is she got knocked up because she's irresponsible, got a voucher from government to pay for her daycare, is now trying to go to college at the same time, and I'm supposed to pity her?

It says she was refused food stamps. I don't believe that for a minute. Even if government gives you little aid, they always make sure the kids are taken care of. What happened to her child support the man is supposed to provide? Maybe that's why they refused her food stamps.
Jesus you are such a typical right wing whacko. You blame the poor, when it’s a failing corrupt system at fault.

You simply can not peddle that bullshit to sane people.
"The system" didn't force 15 year old pregnant ShaQuita to drop outkoo of ninth grade, the system didn't force Guadalupe to have seven children by age 23, the system didn't force DaShwan to spend his days smoking weed rather than going to work, the system didn't force Gustavo to choose a shitty dead-end career path.
For 244 years the system has worked nearly flawlessly for the right simply have become one of the 'right people'. Simple shit.
Simple b******* for brainwashed functional simpletons. the system hasn't worked the last 30 or 40 years. Except for the very rich. The worst inequality and upward mobility in the modern world and since the 1920s at least is no joke. Republicans made it as difficult as possible to succeed. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. And the racists who make it difficult in real life are in the GOP. Like you.
Jesus you are such a typical right wing whacko. You blame the poor, when it’s a failing corrupt system at fault.

A corrupt system got this woman pregnant? A corrupt system stopped her from going to college, getting a career and then having a baby? A corrupt system when you don't prepare for the worst?

You can call it a corrupt system, but I call it irresponsibility.
Why are you distorting the debate? Because you know you lost?
you brainwashed functional morons do blame the poor. As Mario Cuomo said, Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor -you think everyone got lazy and stupid magically. Actually this inequality and poverty is due to the GOP cutting investment in America and American so they can give the rich multiple tax cuts. Only propaganda and ignoramuses like you people make this mess possible.
Idiot. You didn’t bother to read my posts, fool.
Sorry I was looking at your post and thinking you were someone else. No you are half right. But you blame the Democrats who haven't had any power in the last 50 years except for a few weeks for Obamacare. In the seventies I used to say if Reagan got elected I'd leave the country and I'm sorry I didn't.... The Casa blanca bar in fuengirola.... It's a long story period
That’s ridiculous. Clinton had eight years and some with a D Congress. And besides, you blame Reagan yet he had a D Congress all of his eight years.

Anyone who blames just one of the two criminal gangs for the nation’s problems, clearly is a partisan fool.
The GOP has the reconciliation rule of 1974 so they only need 51 votes in the Senate to pass tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations, all they give a damn about. the Democrats need 60 votes in the Senate and that is why there has been nothing passed by the Democrats since LBJ until Obamacare when they had 60 votes for 35 days or so. End of story wake up. Reagan was the last president who had a honeymoon when the Democrats voted at least some of them for things he wanted. Republicans have been totally obstructive ever since....
Why do you bother posting, when you know so little? In your deluded mind, the D Party hasn’t had any power to do anything for the last 40 years. What total bull shit.
So what did Obama pass? What did Clinton pass? Through Congress of course. Obamacare when they had 60 votes for 35 days in session. That is it. And the stimulus under Obama which was obviously totally necessary. And even then only two nice ladies from Maine voted for it from the GOP....
Ears is a warmongering neocon. Bubba is a warmongering neocon. Pelosi and Schumer are neocons. WTFU!
You believe a hell of a lot of GOP garbage propaganda don't you. Obama supposed wars had no troops on the ground and no casualties. The bushes love to send in the entire army and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Reagan was Mr covert action and genocide in Latin America. Nixon over through governments and chili and Argentina and God knows where else. Clinton had no boots on the ground or casualties and Carter had no combat deaths at all. What the hell news are you watching to get such crap you can see why I think you're a GOP dupe half the time
Unlike you, I hate both parties equally. You aren’t smart enough to recognize both parties are very much alike.
Total bologna.
A perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP....every other modern country has everything that AOC and Bernie and the Democrats want. Idiot.

Then what are you doing here? If everyplace else is so much better, pack your bags and go there. You remind me of the dopes who move by the airport and the complain about the noise from airplanes.
Truly a failed state. A totally fucked up country. Only in America!

Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic
Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic

Makes you wonder how many stealing food have the latest smart phone with a family plan running them 200 bucks a month, cable or satellite television, pay per view and Netflix, going to McDonald's several times a week, high speed internet.

The one story in your article was very telling. A woman (appearing to be single) quitting her job to take care of her kid because the daycare closed. It said she made 15 bucks an hour. There is no way she could have afforded daycare at that rate of pay while supporting herself and her child. Bottom line is she got knocked up because she's irresponsible, got a voucher from government to pay for her daycare, is now trying to go to college at the same time, and I'm supposed to pity her?

It says she was refused food stamps. I don't believe that for a minute. Even if government gives you little aid, they always make sure the kids are taken care of. What happened to her child support the man is supposed to provide? Maybe that's why they refused her food stamps.
Jesus you are such a typical right wing whacko. You blame the poor, when it’s a failing corrupt system at fault.

You simply can not peddle that bullshit to sane people.
"The system" didn't force 15 year old pregnant ShaQuita to drop out of ninth grade, the system didn't force Guadalupe to have seven children by age 23, the system didn't force DaShwan to spend his days smoking weed rather than going to work, the system didn't force Gustavo to choose a shitty dead-end career path.
For 244 years the system has worked nearly flawlessly for the right simply have become one of the 'right people'. Simple shit.
Simple b******* for brainwashed functional simpletons. the system hasn't worked the last 30 or 40 years. Except for the very rich. The worst inequality and upward mobility in the modern world and since the 1920s at least is no joke. Republicans made it as difficult as possible to succeed. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. And the racists who make it difficult in real life are in the GOP. Like you.
A perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP....every other modern country has everything that AOC and Bernie and the Democrats want. Idiot.

Then what are you doing here? If everyplace else is so much better, pack your bags and go there. You remind me of the dopes who move by the airport and the complain about the noise from airplanes.
Truly a failed state. A totally fucked up country. Only in America!

Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic
Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic

Makes you wonder how many stealing food have the latest smart phone with a family plan running them 200 bucks a month, cable or satellite television, pay per view and Netflix, going to McDonald's several times a week, high speed internet.

The one story in your article was very telling. A woman (appearing to be single) quitting her job to take care of her kid because the daycare closed. It said she made 15 bucks an hour. There is no way she could have afforded daycare at that rate of pay while supporting herself and her child. Bottom line is she got knocked up because she's irresponsible, got a voucher from government to pay for her daycare, is now trying to go to college at the same time, and I'm supposed to pity her?

It says she was refused food stamps. I don't believe that for a minute. Even if government gives you little aid, they always make sure the kids are taken care of. What happened to her child support the man is supposed to provide? Maybe that's why they refused her food stamps.
Jesus you are such a typical right wing whacko. You blame the poor, when it’s a failing corrupt system at fault.

You simply can not peddle that bullshit to sane people.
"The system" didn't force 15 year old pregnant ShaQuita to drop outkoo of ninth grade, the system didn't force Guadalupe to have seven children by age 23, the system didn't force DaShwan to spend his days smoking weed rather than going to work, the system didn't force Gustavo to choose a shitty dead-end career path.
For 244 years the system has worked nearly flawlessly for the right simply have become one of the 'right people'. Simple shit.
Simple b******* for brainwashed functional simpletons. the system hasn't worked the last 30 or 40 years. Except for the very rich. The worst inequality and upward mobility in the modern world and since the 1920s at least is no joke. Republicans made it as difficult as possible to succeed. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. And the racists who make it difficult in real life are in the GOP. Like you.
Jesus you are such a typical right wing whacko. You blame the poor, when it’s a failing corrupt system at fault.

A corrupt system got this woman pregnant? A corrupt system stopped her from going to college, getting a career and then having a baby? A corrupt system when you don't prepare for the worst?

You can call it a corrupt system, but I call it irresponsibility.
Why are you distorting the debate? Because you know you lost?
you brainwashed functional morons do blame the poor. As Mario Cuomo said, Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor -you think everyone got lazy and stupid magically. Actually this inequality and poverty is due to the GOP cutting investment in America and American so they can give the rich multiple tax cuts. Only propaganda and ignoramuses like you people make this mess possible.
Idiot. You didn’t bother to read my posts, fool.
Sorry I was looking at your post and thinking you were someone else. No you are half right. But you blame the Democrats who haven't had any power in the last 50 years except for a few weeks for Obamacare. In the seventies I used to say if Reagan got elected I'd leave the country and I'm sorry I didn't.... The Casa blanca bar in fuengirola.... It's a long story period
That’s ridiculous. Clinton had eight years and some with a D Congress. And besides, you blame Reagan yet he had a D Congress all of his eight years.

Anyone who blames just one of the two criminal gangs for the nation’s problems, clearly is a partisan fool.
The GOP has the reconciliation rule of 1974 so they only need 51 votes in the Senate to pass tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations, all they give a damn about. the Democrats need 60 votes in the Senate and that is why there has been nothing passed by the Democrats since LBJ until Obamacare when they had 60 votes for 35 days or so. End of story wake up. Reagan was the last president who had a honeymoon when the Democrats voted at least some of them for things he wanted. Republicans have been totally obstructive ever since....
Why do you bother posting, when you know so little? In your deluded mind, the D Party hasn’t had any power to do anything for the last 40 years. What total bull shit.
So what did Obama pass? What did Clinton pass? Through Congress of course. Obamacare when they had 60 votes for 35 days in session. That is it. And the stimulus under Obama which was obviously totally necessary. And even then only two nice ladies from Maine voted for it from the GOP....
Ears is a warmongering neocon. Bubba is a warmongering neocon. Pelosi and Schumer are neocons. WTFU!
You believe a hell of a lot of GOP garbage propaganda don't you. Obama supposed wars had no troops on the ground and no casualties. The bushes love to send in the entire army and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Reagan was Mr covert action and genocide in Latin America. Nixon over through governments and chili and Argentina and God knows where else. Clinton had no boots on the ground or casualties and Carter had no combat deaths at all. What the hell news are you watching to get such crap you can see why I think you're a GOP dupe half the time
Unlike you, I hate both parties equally. You aren’t smart enough to recognize both parties are very much alike.
You're an idiot period do you have any argument against what I just said
I’m talking about small business owners that have to close their doors because of the big dogs. Min wage workers who can’t pay the bills. Entry level workers that can’t break into the next level. Home owners becoming renters.

"I’m talking about small business owners that have to close their doors because of the big dogs."
Again, what you describe has gone on since the beginning of capitalism.
Are you saying you don't want those involved in commerce to compete?

"Min wage workers who can’t pay the bills."
Minimum wage earners have never been able to "pay the bills".
Minimum wage jobs have always been reserved for children without bills.

"Entry level workers that can’t break into thTe next level."
You begged too many of Mexico's people to invade, they have laid too many litters, you've crowded the job markets.
Most people areMost people are tired of
A good ID card is the only solution to illegal immigration and workers. The 11 or 12 million that are here now are all working hard they are part of our society and intrinsic parts. We should give them official permission to be here so they will all pay taxes instead of just 65%. So dumb. Other countries have these ID cards and no it is not communism for crying out loud.

Don't be an idiot fear-mongering dupe. $15 is actually a slight improvement on what we had in 1968 before the southern California Republicans wrecked the country....

No, the only solution to illegal immigration is for Congress to make it a felony for anybody here illegally. The sentence would be a minimum of five years in federal prison. Most would self-deport, and others wouldn't want to consider coming here. What the commies want to do is reward foreigners who break our laws. We already have ID's. Fake ID's is a huge business here and across our southern border. ID's can be created foolproof to any agency yet employer.

A national $15.00 minimum wage creates a domino effect. That means everybody gets an increase in wage. It also means that as products become too expensive to make here, companies need to move out of the country to keep their prices competitive with foreign made products. Those who cannot move will use more outsourcing, invest in more automation to replace humans, increase the price of their goods to the American consumer. This creates inflation. After a year or two, those who work minimum wage jobs now will be right back where they started because the cost of living increase will eat up any additional income the new minimum wage provided them. nice.
  • Elon Musk’s wealth grew over $100 billion since the start of the pandemic, from $24.6 billion on March 18 to $126 billion on November 24, an increase of 413%, boosted by his Tesla stock. His wealth now surpasses Bill Gates of Microsoft
  • Jeff Bezos’s wealth grew almost $70 billion from $113 billion on March 18 to $182.4 billion.
  • Dan Gilbert, chairman of Quicken Loans, saw his wealth rocket by over $37 billion, from $6.5 billion in March to $43.9 billion on November 24, 2020, an increase of 575 percent.

"I hate that I'm not Elon Musk, I hate that I chose to be a CFA like Mac1958 , somebody should give me some of Elon's money to help close the wealth gap....because, because, because....he made a better choice than I did. It's the systems fault that he earns so much more than I do...Damnit, I deserve more if and when he makes more!"

BL: "Money is my God. I admire the extremely wealthy. They are just the best people. They really are."
We need a good computer chip
A good ID card is the only solution to illegal immigration and workers. The 11 or 12 million that are here now are all working hard they are part of our society and intrinsic parts. We should give them official permission to be here so they will all pay taxes instead of just 65%. So dumb. Other countries have these ID cards and no it is not communism for crying out loud.

Don't be an idiot fear-mongering dupe. $15 is actually a slight improvement on what we had in 1968 before the southern California Republicans wrecked the country....

No, the only solution to illegal immigration is for Congress to make it a felony for anybody here illegally. The sentence would be a minimum of five years in federal prison. Most would self-deport, and others wouldn't want to consider coming here. What the commies want to do is reward foreigners who break our laws. We already have ID's. Fake ID's is a huge business here and across our southern border. ID's can be created foolproof to any agency yet employer.

A national $15.00 minimum wage creates a domino effect. That means everybody gets an increase in wage. It also means that as products become too expensive to make here, companies need to move out of the country to keep their prices competitive with foreign made products. Those who cannot move will use more outsourcing, invest in more automation to replace humans, increase the price of their goods to the American consumer. This creates inflation. After a year or two, those who work minimum wage jobs now will be right back where they started because the cost of living increase will eat up any additional income the new minimum wage provided them.
We need a good computer chip ID that can't be faked just like every other modern country that had this problem and no longer does. Your plan is ridiculous too 5 years nobody will ever pass that there is one way to do it and it's not a stupid ridiculously expensive wall or any of this other crap it is an ID card end of story. Your ideaabout the $15 minimum wage is sheer f*** fear mongered bologna. But they should probably have a $12 one for teenagers..... Again every other modern country but us has a living wage and all the other things period -we are the richest country in the world only you brainwash functional morons they're stopping this.
We need a good computer chip
A good ID card is the only solution to illegal immigration and workers. The 11 or 12 million that are here now are all working hard they are part of our society and intrinsic parts. We should give them official permission to be here so they will all pay taxes instead of just 65%. So dumb. Other countries have these ID cards and no it is not communism for crying out loud.

Don't be an idiot fear-mongering dupe. $15 is actually a slight improvement on what we had in 1968 before the southern California Republicans wrecked the country....

No, the only solution to illegal immigration is for Congress to make it a felony for anybody here illegally. The sentence would be a minimum of five years in federal prison. Most would self-deport, and others wouldn't want to consider coming here. What the commies want to do is reward foreigners who break our laws. We already have ID's. Fake ID's is a huge business here and across our southern border. ID's can be created foolproof to any agency yet employer.

A national $15.00 minimum wage creates a domino effect. That means everybody gets an increase in wage. It also means that as products become too expensive to make here, companies need to move out of the country to keep their prices competitive with foreign made products. Those who cannot move will use more outsourcing, invest in more automation to replace humans, increase the price of their goods to the American consumer. This creates inflation. After a year or two, those who work minimum wage jobs now will be right back where they started because the cost of living increase will eat up any additional income the new minimum wage provided them.
We need a good computer chip ID that can't be faked just like every other modern country that had this problem and no longer does. Your plan is ridiculous too 5 years nobody will ever pass that there is one way to do it and it's not a stupid ridiculously expensive wall or any of this other crap it is an ID card end of story. Your ideaabout the $15 minimum wage is sheer f*** fear mongered bologna. But they should probably have a $12 one for teenagers..... Again every other modern country but us has a living wage and all the other things period -we are the richest country in the world only you brainwash functional morons they're stopping this.
No. What’s stopping it is the two parties colluding, because they do the bidding of their donors, the billionaires. If you weren’t blinded by partisan hatred exactly like a Trumper, you’d know their donors are the same people. Hence both parties push the same policies.
I’m talking about small business owners that have to close their doors because of the big dogs. Min wage workers who can’t pay the bills. Entry level workers that can’t break into the next level. Home owners becoming renters.

"I’m talking about small business owners that have to close their doors because of the big dogs."
Again, what you describe has gone on since the beginning of capitalism.
Are you saying you don't want those involved in commerce to compete?

"Min wage workers who can’t pay the bills."
Minimum wage earners have never been able to "pay the bills".
Minimum wage jobs have always been reserved for children without bills.

"Entry level workers that can’t break into thTe next level."
You begged too many of Mexico's people to invade, they have laid too many litters, you've crowded the job markets.
Most people areMost people are tired of
Most people are tired of that kind of savage capitalism. Others are brainwashed by the greedy idiot mega Rich GOP propaganda.
I’m talking about small business owners that have to close their doors because of the big dogs. Min wage workers who can’t pay the bills. Entry level workers that can’t break into the next level. Home owners becoming renters.

"I’m talking about small business owners that have to close their doors because of the big dogs."
Again, what you describe has gone on since the beginning of capitalism.
Are you saying you don't want those involved in commerce to compete?

"Min wage workers who can’t pay the bills."
Minimum wage earners have never been able to "pay the bills".
Minimum wage jobs have always been reserved for children without bills.

"Entry level workers that can’t break into thTe next level."
You begged too many of Mexico's people to invade, they have laid too many litters, you've crowded the job markets.
Most people areMost people are tired of
Most people are tired of that kind of savage capitalism. Others are brainwashed by the greedy idiot mega Rich GOP propaganda.
When you say “most” do you really mean disgusting, degenerate, lowlife pieces of worthless shit Democrats?

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