The largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world...

You really don’t think things through. Right now many landlords of only a couple properties are losing money because of the current Covid-19 laws
Many of those landlords will lose their properties which will then be scooped up by Wall Street banks just as they did after the housing bubble burst. Renters will find themselves paying higher rents without knowing exactly who their landlord is.
It doesn't matter who I have more in common with. When I vote, I vote for what's good for the country, not what's good for me
You think voting for a pathological liar is good for the country?

"I spent the first two decades of my career as a social scientist studying liars and their lies. I thought I had developed a sense of what to expect from them. Then along came President Donald Trump. His lies are both more frequent and more malicious than ordinary people's."

Commentary: I study liars. I’ve never seen one like Donald Trump.
It doesn't matter who I have more in common with. When I vote, I vote for what's good for the country, not what's good for me
You think voting for a pathological liar is good for the country?

"I spent the first two decades of my career as a social scientist studying liars and their lies. I thought I had developed a sense of what to expect from them. Then along came President Donald Trump. His lies are both more frequent and more malicious than ordinary people's."

Commentary: I study liars. I’ve never seen one like Donald Trump.
“You think voting for a pathological liar is good for the country?”
Didn’t this pathological liar deliver on more promises made than any president before him?
Do you find it odd that a liar would do such a thing?
One taxpayer; one vote?
What if I pay $1 in federal income tax and you pay twice as much; do you get two votes?

Nobody ever paid one dollar in income tax unless they were stupid enough to do their own taxes. What I'm against are people who vote on how other peoples money is spent by government for their benefit. They support representatives that act like Robin Hood, and that empowers the Democrat party. Vote buying.

Right now Squaw Liz Sanders is trying to pressure Biden to payoff college loans up to 50K. We are a country 26 trillion in debt. There are not many college graduates paying income taxes if they can't payoff their own loan. It's vote buying. Same with reparations to blacks who were never slaves. How many more hundreds of billions is that going to put us in debt?

If we disallowed people who don't pay any income tax from voting on national elections, the President and Congress would cater to taxpayers--not non-taxpayers. If we started that 20 years ago, I guarantee that we would not be 26 trillion dollars in debt today.
You think voting for a pathological liar is good for the country?

So tell us of the last President that never told a lie. Lying isn't the problem, and neither is how many lies they tell, what they lie about is the problem.

Trump telling us we had the best economy in our history doesn't hurt one person. DumBama convincing us to screw up our entire healthcare system by saying it will save us $2,500 a year in health insurance costs, promise nothing but good plans, and it will be easily affordable Fd millions of us. I had health insurance my entire life through my employers. The day Commie Care started was the day I lost my insurance.

I called Commie Care, and they wanted 1/3 of my net monthly income for a plan that had a $7,000 deductible, $7,000 out of pocket, no prescription coverage, no dental, and a $50.00 per doctor office visit copay. Unless I had major surgery or got hit by a bus, the plan was totally useless to me. That lie did more financial damage to me than every other President combined in my lifetime.

I'll take 10,000 lies by Trump over that one lie by DumBama any day of the week.
Many of those landlords will lose their properties which will then be scooped up by Wall Street banks just as they did after the housing bubble burst. Renters will find themselves paying higher rents without knowing exactly who their landlord is.

The housing bubble burst was the best thing that ever happened to us landlords. It was the housing bubble growing that killed us. People were buying instead of renting even though they could not legitimately own a home. It took me months to find a tenant, and I was scraping the bottom of the barrel when I got them. That created a rental war. We landlords were competing against each other by lowering our prices to attract any tenant we could find. We lost tons of money.

We are making it back up today. Papageorgio is correct though. Those landlords with people who lost their job because of the virus are hurting. They will get that money eventually, but now have to do a lot of work and cut a lot of corners to keep their rental property be it taking out an equity loan or using their credit cards to pay bills.
What makes them parasites? My IRA is in the market. It doesn't grow from day traders, it grows from big buck shareholders. Who supports our charities, creates industry to give people jobs, contributes the most to our income tax base that benefits most all of us?
It's not shareholders.
Human labor creates all value; shareholders and other speculators simply redistribute the wealth.

The Incredibly Unproductive Shareholder

"Yes, shareholders.

"I know that we have all been trained to worship shareholders and to assume that their interests trump all others, but the fact is, stock-market investors have become, collectively, an extraordinarily unproductive force in business.

"Indeed, for the last two decades, their contribution to corporations has been literally negative.

"Investors’ money reaches corporate coffers only when companies sell new equity, which major companies rarely do.

"Among the companies making up the Dow Jones Industrials, only a handful have sold new common stock in the last 30 years. Many haven’t sold any in 50 years.

"According to the Federal Reserve and the SEC, sales of common stock today represent only about one of every $100 traded on exchanges. Nearly all the money 'invested' in public companies, in other words, just goes from one speculator to another."
What makes them parasites? My IRA is in the market. It doesn't grow from day traders, it grows from big buck shareholders. Who supports our charities, creates industry to give people jobs, contributes the most to our income tax base that benefits most all of us?
It's not shareholders.
Human labor creates all value; shareholders and other speculators simply redistribute the wealth.

The Incredibly Unproductive Shareholder

"Yes, shareholders.

"I know that we have all been trained to worship shareholders and to assume that their interests trump all others, but the fact is, stock-market investors have become, collectively, an extraordinarily unproductive force in business.

"Indeed, for the last two decades, their contribution to corporations has been literally negative.

"Investors’ money reaches corporate coffers only when companies sell new equity, which major companies rarely do.

"Among the companies making up the Dow Jones Industrials, only a handful have sold new common stock in the last 30 years. Many haven’t sold any in 50 years.

"According to the Federal Reserve and the SEC, sales of common stock today represent only about one of every $100 traded on exchanges. Nearly all the money 'invested' in public companies, in other words, just goes from one speculator to another."

Irrelevant. The stock market makes money for all of us who are in the market. People don't invest in companies that have good workers, they invest in companies that provide good returns. A company could have the shittiest workers in the industry, but if they are making good profit, that's all that counts.

It's also why I will likely have a reasonable retirement when I get older. I can collect now, but I want to save and invest more for when I can no longer do the work of a landlord and need to move on. The reason my account will grow is because of all those rich people that also invest in the market.
What makes them parasites? My IRA is in the market. It doesn't grow from day traders, it grows from big buck shareholders. Who supports our charities, creates industry to give people jobs, contributes the most to our income tax base that benefits most all of us?
It's not shareholders.
Human labor creates all value; shareholders and other speculators simply redistribute the wealth.

The Incredibly Unproductive Shareholder

"Yes, shareholders.

"I know that we have all been trained to worship shareholders and to assume that their interests trump all others, but the fact is, stock-market investors have become, collectively, an extraordinarily unproductive force in business.

"Indeed, for the last two decades, their contribution to corporations has been literally negative.

"Investors’ money reaches corporate coffers only when companies sell new equity, which major companies rarely do.

"Among the companies making up the Dow Jones Industrials, only a handful have sold new common stock in the last 30 years. Many haven’t sold any in 50 years.

"According to the Federal Reserve and the SEC, sales of common stock today represent only about one of every $100 traded on exchanges. Nearly all the money 'invested' in public companies, in other words, just goes from one speculator to another."

"I know that we have all been trained to worship shareholders and to assume that their interests trump all others, but the fact is, stock-market investors have become, collectively, an extraordinarily unproductive force in business.

If you want to be an unproductive investor collecting all the money, you need to be a productive worker, first, who saves his money to buy some shares.

If you're a whiney loser unable or unwilling to save and invest, you'll always be a poor loser.

"Indeed, for the last two decades, their contribution to corporations has been literally negative.

Profitable corporations distributing earnings to their owners?
Earnings which are then spent and invested in our economy.......that's a good thing.
That buys homes, cars, consumer goods which employs workers making/selling those.
That puts kids through college to create the next generation of productive workers and investors.
There ought to be a law against providing goods and services more efficiently, eh?
There ought to be laws against slave labor.

You buy a purse at Walmart. There’s a note inside from a "Chinese prisoner." Now what?

"Inmates in China’s Yingshan Prison work 14 hours a day and are not allowed to rest at noon.

"We have to work overtime until midnight.

"People are beaten for not finishing their work.

"There’s no salt and oil in our meals.

"The boss pays 2,000 yuan every month for the prison to offer better food, but the food is all consumed by the prison guards.

"Sick inmates have to pay for their own pills.

"Prisons in China cannot be compared to prisons in the United States.

"Horse, cow, goat, pig, dog."
How could you actually justify only certain citizens having the right to vote? That's plain idiocy and goes against american ideals in every possible way.
Ray your outlook on the stock market shows your utter disdain and hatred for workers. Companies who treat their workers well always are the best.
There ought to be a law against providing goods and services more efficiently, eh?
There ought to be laws against slave labor.

You buy a purse at Walmart. There’s a note inside from a "Chinese prisoner." Now what?

"Inmates in China’s Yingshan Prison work 14 hours a day and are not allowed to rest at noon.

"We have to work overtime until midnight.

"People are beaten for not finishing their work.

"There’s no salt and oil in our meals.

"The boss pays 2,000 yuan every month for the prison to offer better food, but the food is all consumed by the prison guards.

"Sick inmates have to pay for their own pills.

"Prisons in China cannot be compared to prisons in the United States.

"Horse, cow, goat, pig, dog."

I agree, China, like all Commie nations, sucks.

You shouldn't buy any Chinese products.
One taxpayer; one vote?
What if I pay $1 in federal income tax and you pay twice as much; do you get two votes?

Nobody ever paid one dollar in income tax unless they were stupid enough to do their own taxes. What I'm against are people who vote on how other peoples money is spent by government for their benefit. They support representatives that act like Robin Hood, and that empowers the Democrat party. Vote buying.

Right now Squaw Liz Sanders is trying to pressure Biden to payoff college loans up to 50K. We are a country 26 trillion in debt. There are not many college graduates paying income taxes if they can't payoff their own loan. It's vote buying. Same with reparations to blacks who were never slaves. How many more hundreds of billions is that going to put us in debt?

If we disallowed people who don't pay any income tax from voting on national elections, the President and Congress would cater to taxpayers--not non-taxpayers. If we started that 20 years ago, I guarantee that we would not be 26 trillion dollars in debt today.
If we disallowed people who don't pay any income tax from voting in national elections, we would be disqualifying 44% of the adults and 80% of those over 75.. There is at least some justice in restricting the decisions as how money is to be used to those that provide the money. However, there is a very negative aspect to this. People not having a voice in government ensures that government will not be responsive to their needs which is the major cause of civil violence and revolution. In fact, most of the failures of democratic countries can be directly linked to the lack of the voice of the people in government.
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Ray your outlook on the stock market shows your utter disdain and hatred for workers. Companies who treat their workers well always are the best.
Treating your employees well is a major component in building a major business. What people often forget is the employees are the business. A problem with the stock market today is it provides a path to large quick profits while producing little of value. The demand for quick profits by investors cause businesses to focus on short term gains instead of long term growth. In this environment, good employees are often sacrificed to enhance the next earnings report.
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That few know about, thanks to a billionaire/government controlled corporate media.

Are not the following words depressingly true?

The Institute for Policy Studies has just released a new analysis showing that since the start of the Covid-19 “pandemic” in mid-March and the subsequent transfer upwards of $5 trillion to the wealthy and largest corporations through the Cares Act, approved 96-0 in the U.S. Senate, 650 U.S. billionaires have gained over a trillion dollars in eight months as the America people have suffered an economic catastrophe. This shift upward of massive wealth under Trump is similar to Obama’s massive 2009 bailout of the banks on the backs of American workers. Both were justified through feats of legerdemain by both political parties, accomplices in the fleecing of regular people, many of whom continue to support the politicians that screw them while telling them they care.

If the Democrats and the Republicans are at war as is often claimed, it is only over who gets the larger part of the spoils. Trump and Biden work for the same bosses, those I call the Umbrella People (those who own and run the country through their intelligence/military/media operatives), who produce and direct the movie that keeps so many Americans on the edge of their seats in the hope that their chosen good guy wins in the end.

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer – Edward Curtin
Like the heritage foundation
It’s the American Way.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020
US Billionaires Surpass $1 Trillion in Wealth Gains During Pandemic as Essential Workers and Others Suffer
The total wealth gain of America’s billionaires has surpassed the $1 trillion mark, a 34 Percent rise since mid-March, the approximate start of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new analysis by the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS). With the close of the markets on November 24, 2020, US...
Read more
Did you know that BLM/ANTIFA were burning minority businesses but leaving progressive businesses alone because the progs were paying protection money? So it would seem that the transfer of wealth was escalated by the prog slaves who called themselves BLM/ANTIFA. Oh yeah, those guys donated millions of dollars to the Democrat National Committee and Joe XiBiden's campaign. Did i mention those "orgs" donated millions of dollars to Joe XiBiden?

Amazon Paying Black Lives Matter to Burn More Small Businesses | Frontpagemag

Ray your outlook on the stock market shows your utter disdain and hatred for workers. Companies who treat their workers well always are the best.
Treating your employees well is a major component in success. What people often forget is the employees are the business.
No, they are not the business, they have been invited to participate in the business and if they make the business succeed then they continue to be employed. Those who ride the coattails of others in the business, drag not only the other employees down but the business also. It really isnt that hard to figure that out. No burger flipper is worth 15 dollars an hour, no matter how hard he works, unless he owns his own business. A high school drop out can flip burgers and should be paid what the company thinks he is worth, if the uneducated dipshit who left school early doesnt like the amount , he can pound sand and find another job that will pay his needs.

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