The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Imagine a thread like this bringing the racist dogs out of the woodwork. What a surprise.
Hahaha…yeah those pesky realists, they pay attention and FOLLOW THE SCIENCE, they always surprise you self manipulated and blind FEELZ people…have you ever tried to pull your head from your ass to process reality?
Next time I’ll take photos, although I’m not sure how to post them here. I will worry about that when the time comes. I’m sure some Doubting Thomas will provide guidance.
There is an "Attach Files" button directly below the comments field, that you click on which will allow you to attach photographs.
The filthy Negroes get all pissed off by seeing Uncle Ben's picture on a box of rice so it must be important to those assholes.

It's not complaints by blacks that make manufacturers respond, it's the Communists putting pressure on industry to be part of their brainwashing schemes. It's kind of like Voter-ID. They tell us about all this suppression when polls show blacks overwhelmingly support having to show an ID to vote.
I have just seen a TV commercial that was not woke enough.

It was selling a product something like Viagra.

It was woke in that the two actors with speaking parts were African American gentlemen.

But the announcer in the commercial said something very unwoke.

He said something like: "Be sure to buy this product. You will be happy that you did. And she will be, too."

Although I am 85 years old, I have been indoctrinated enough by woke ideology to know that the announcer SHOULD have said, "Be sure to buy this product . You will be happy that you did. And she or he will be, too."
The one with Frank Thomas and Doug Flutie?
In the whole history of the Supreme Court, they've only had two black people on it, and one of them is a pathetic Uncle Tom. In our whole history, we've had all of FOUR women on Scotus. (and one of them is a Christian Nutter). Yet this is the court that decides important issues related to race and gender, being predominately white and male at any given time.

Most of time blacks never got the education to be a Supreme Court justice. And talk about racism when a black man gets on the court and you commies refer to him constantly as an Uncle Tom simply because he's not a fellow Communist. You liars could care less about race. What you care about is promoting leftism and reject anybody of color that moved off the plantation on their own.
We’ve derailed from the main point I was making with the OP. It wasn’t that every single ad features a black and complete excludes the majority population, since that’s old news. It was that a store selling fancy soaps had ONE poster in its window, and it was about supporting transgender kids.

What I want to know is what % of their customer base is made of up of transgendered children? It’s just about “wokeness.”
Did she say that? I'm only asking because I know how leftists read things and make up their own lie.....I mean version of it. So I await your answer.
1) Joe is one of the biggest bigots on this forum. You should hear what he says about Jews.

2) In his desperate attempt to paint OTHER people as bigots, he’s pretending I complained that some posters had blacks. As he well knows, I complained that ALL posters had blacks and not a single one had a white - who are the majority population.
1) Joe is one of the biggest bigots on this forum. You should hear what he says about Jews.

2) In his desperate attempt to paint OTHER people as bigots, he’s pretending I complained that some posters had blacks. As he well knows, I complained that ALL posters had blacks and not a single one had a white - who are the majority population.

Oh yes, I know OCD Joe all to well. He's a self-hating anti-semetic white that looks for racism under his bed every night before he goes to sleep to make sure he's safe. I also know he has to twist, turn, and lie about everything he debates because he knows he'd lose an honest debate. But you know, it's always fascinating how a liberal mind works. I hope one day they'll do research on some liberal corpses to find out why their mind works the way it does, because it makes no sense to normal people.
We’ve derailed from the main point I was making with the OP. It wasn’t that every single ad features a black and complete excludes the majority population, since that’s old news. It was that a store selling fancy soaps had ONE poster in its window, and it was about supporting transgender kids.

What I want to know is what % of their customer base is made of up of transgendered children? It’s just about “wokeness.”

There us no such thing as a transgender child. Kids go through stages even if a boy is fascinated with wearing a dress at 10 years old, or a 9 year old girl like's playing football. It's just stages most all children grow out of, and they advance to the next one.

Take note of the man behind the curtain. Isn't it suspicious that industry promotes whatever the Communist party is pushing at the time? It's all about government manipulation to help brainwash people into their way of thinking. Like Dementia with his Supreme Court nomination, the NFL now wants to have management based on race and gender instead of who has the best record for the job. And Disney who always used the phrase "Men and women--Boys and girls!" is now being eliminated from their greetings.
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”

Were you the one whining about blacks in tv commercials too?

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