The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

In Karen's rant where is the black feeling excluded? Seems to everyone it was just Karen bitching about feeling excluded.
Huh? When blacks complain about blacks being excluded, do you ask why aren’t they asking about other people being excluded?

And what‘s wrong with pointing out how whites are being excluded? From refusing to acknowledge that they are customers to refusing to consider one for a SCOTUS spot, it’s all over the place, BY INTENT. You want us whiteys to just shut up about it? Would you tell blacks to shut up about it when they say they are being excluded (which they’re not, obviously - 20 window posters, 20 blacks).
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You mean she's being "Karen."
She's upset that her White Privilege is not being worshipped.

Thanks for explaining.
When a black person complains that there weren’t any blacks in a movie, or a Tv program, do you say he’s upset that his Black Privilege isn’t being worshipped?

Sorry, but it indicative of the “let‘s favor blacks and ignore whites” leftist objective when EVERY. SINGLE. POSTER. in a shopping mall is of a black model and not a single one of a white model - when blacks are only 14% of the population and whites are around 70%.
Aw, not a poster for you Karen?

You should shop in Arkansas.
Do you say that when blacks complain?

You WANT to see whites excluded in favor of blacks, and if one of the whiteys complains when she sees it happening, try insult her - and make some elitist remark about Arkansas.
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We're not talking about law here.

Blacks did the most bitching when number one sitcoms didn't have any major black characters in the past. In spite of blacks having their own shows like Sandford and Sons, The Jefferson's and so on, later two black cable television networks, they still felt the need to bitch and of course were pandered to.
Agree. The hypocrisy from leftists is unreal. And they don’t even see it. They are so intent on getting whitey to stfu and stop complaining about bias against whites sweeping the country that they are blind to the fact that it’s the very action they cheer on when it’s by blacks.

It‘s gotten so bad now that the U.S. President can stand up and say that no whites will be considered for a SCOTUS position, and the leftists are cheering the anti-white racism on.
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Maybe I just don't pay enough attention to color.
Well, see, that's your problem right there.

The two ends of our spectrum are obsessed with it, and they're more than willing to provide plenty of fodder for the other end by ignoring what their end does and just pointing the finger.

They feed into each other, constantly. They NEED each other.
Yes, she is a bigot because she is complaining about who is on a poster.
So anyone who makes these kinds of complaints are bigots? If thats the case, virtually everyone in the democrat party is a bigot. These kinds of complaints are ALL you guys do. Remember when blacks werent winning enough awards? You guys whined and now they hand out ALL the awards to blacks, just as we predicted. The way your party panders is quite amusing to me. :laugh:
No, I’m complaining that EVERY single poster is of a black because whites are seen as such nothings that posters of even one of them must be avoided. I am pointing out the bigotry against whites, and you f‘n know it. The leftist pattern of saying “raaaaaacist” when bias against whites is pointed out it nasty, and meaningless.
I wouldn't shop there and I would tell them why. Let the ghetto blacks support their business. Let the shoplifting begin!
Well, see, that's your problem right there.

The two ends of our spectrum are obsessed with it, and they're more than willing to provide plenty of fodder for the other end by ignoring what their end does and just pointing the finger.

They feed into each other, constantly. They NEED each other.
You are NOT in the middle.

You support everything FAR LEFT
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”

Did you complain when they were all White?
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”


Tell us again how not racist you are. You kind of sound like a Nazi complaining there are too many Jews in Hollywood.
Don't go out shopping and don't support local businesses and this won't be an issue. Ordering online is easier and the way to go.
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”

Somebody's got to explain to me how a Black minority of 13% of the population of the US gets that much oxygen in the room...

Ditto for the 3% who identify as Fruit Loops...

It's enough to make ya vote Republican...

Or it would be, if it weren't for their Orange Baboon-God and the threat he poses to American representative democracy...
No, I’m complaining that EVERY single poster is of a black because whites are seen as such nothings that posters of even one of them must be avoided. I am pointing out the bigotry against whites, and you f‘n know it. The leftist pattern of saying “raaaaaacist” when bias against whites is pointed out it nasty, and meaningless.

So posters in a mall are "racist" because some of them had black people on them?

The sad thing is, I never cared nor considered whether a company was black-owned when deciding to make a purchase. I bought what best met my needs, and the cost. But now that the grocery store is steering customers AWAY from white companies, I’m more inclined to give them my business to fight the racism.

We all know you'd probably pee yourself if you saw a black person behind the counter at a store.
I don’t know. All those stores are showing black people how good they look in their makeup, or their clothes. They are obviously more interested in attracting black customers, or why would they ignore their white customers, and ignore so completely?

They probalby took a good look at you and said, "Nope, all the makeup and fashion isn't going to help... you're still damned ugly!"
And out comes the “you hate minorities” BS. How is pointing out that 20 posters have 20 black people, and not one single white mean I hate minorities? I just hate racism. And racism against whites count.

But right….you told me upthread that now we whites know what it feels like. Payback time, whitey!


As much fun as it is watching you wet your panties over seeing black people on posters, I suggest an alternative explanation.

Has it occurred to you that maybe the main reason why malls are changing their marketing to a black audience is that because MOST white people are shopping on line these days? I haven't taken my pasty-white ass to a mall in years. The last three Christmases I've done all my shopping on line.
Huh? When blacks complain about blacks being excluded, do you ask why aren’t they asking about other people being excluded?

And what‘s wrong with pointing out how whites are being excluded? From refusing to acknowledge that they are customers to refusing to consider one for a SCOTUS spot, it’s all over the place, BY INTENT. You want us whiteys to just shut up about it? Would you tell blacks to shut up about it when they say they are being excluded (which they’re not, obviously - 20 window posters, 20 blacks).

Again, no context of where the mall was located, or what the demographics of their customer base is.

When a black person complains that there weren’t any blacks in a movie, or a Tv program, do you say he’s upset that his Black Privilege isn’t being worshipped?

Sorry, but it indicative of the “let‘s favor blacks and ignore whites” leftist objective when EVERY. SINGLE. POSTER. in a shopping mall is of a black model and not a single one of a white model - when blacks are only 14% of the population and whites are around 70%.

Were they 70% of the population in that area?

Agree. The hypocrisy from leftists is unreal. And they don’t even see it. They are so intent on getting whitey to stfu and stop complaining about bias against whites sweeping the country that they are blind to the fact that it’s the very action they cheer on when it’s by blacks.

It‘s gotten so bad now that the U.S. President can stand up and say that no whites will be considered for a SCOTUS position, and the leftists are cheering the anti-white racism on.

In the whole history of the Supreme Court, they've only had two black people on it, and one of them is a pathetic Uncle Tom. In our whole history, we've had all of FOUR women on Scotus. (and one of them is a Christian Nutter). Yet this is the court that decides important issues related to race and gender, being predominately white and male at any given time.
You know, whenever I start to believe that the hate and ugliness of human beings is on the decline, all I have to do is log in to USMB and... well... you get the picture.
So anyone who makes these kinds of complaints are bigots? If thats the case, virtually everyone in the democrat party is a bigot. These kinds of complaints are ALL you guys do. Remember when blacks werent winning enough awards? You guys whined and now they hand out ALL the awards to blacks, just as we predicted. The way your party panders is quite amusing to me. :laugh:
Precisely.….but even worse: It was announced that movies that didn’t have enough blacks in them would be ineligible for an Oscar.

And pandering is just what it is, but it’s so ridiculous now that it’s beyond credulity. Honestly. a shopping mall where the majority of customers are white has ONLY poster after poster after poster after poster of blacks? Not a single white model?

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