The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Hahaha…No you won’t…you are a nerdy as fuck teacher for God’s sake….You are 145lb’s soak and wet with the attitude of a choir boy.
As with everything else, you are completely, laughably wrong.
Its the fear factor you are being fed, Go to any of the sites that promote whiteness as the solution to all problems. they use huge numbers to promote non whites as taking over everything. But the reality is the actual numbers are much much smaller.
I get the fear, I PREFER living with & by people who if not looking like me, at least share more of my values. The hate your neighbor group has been growing, And I DONT want to live by any of them.
So then give us your take on the recent Anti-Lynching bill.
Life time career Democrat Activist and Talk Radio troublemaker
Joe Madison gave way part of why the big fuss over this Lynching bill.
It was advertised and Pushed { promoted } NOT because of possible
Lynchings but to Play Politics.
By spooking Blacks into believing another Democrat Party Lie.
That Get the Vote out for November is now more dire than ever.
Because if the Republicans take over Congress one of the first things they
will do is Overturn this Anti-lynching bill.
Translation ... There ain't Nuthin' these Democrats won't Do or Say
to con the masses.
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”

Why are you bothered by this?
How were you harmed?
No, but we see America’s power fading as diversity grows
"diversity" has been happening since the 60s
In that time the US has moved from being "equals" with the Soviet Union and China to the unquestioned dominant force in the world.

Maybe, just maybe, you set aside your fear ,anger, and hatred of people different than you solely because they are different than you?
If you do the minorities will have a shit fit. Years ago one of the highest rated sitcoms was the show Friends. The blacks complained because a number one show didn't have any black characters on it, so they made one. The show went to hell from there. The same with another classic called The 70's Show. Once again, all white and the blacks complained. Like Friends, they created a black character and the show jumped the shark and ended not long afterwards.
I don't remember any main or major part that was a black person? Never watched it while it was on TV but have watched on pay for. They had a ton of major movie stars do guest shows & it was interesting to see how they looked when so much younger. Maybe I just don't pay enough attention to color.
hahaha…she’s pointing out an inequality and she’s the bigot? I thought you loons were all about equal representation? Not this week?

You mean she's being "Karen."
She's upset that her White Privilege is not being worshipped.

Thanks for explaining.
Unfortunately, foreign language instruction in the US is not prioritized, to say the least. I took halfassed Spanish in high school "taught" by gym teachers and football coaches (good guys, but hardly native speakers). I didn't really learn several languages until I got out into the world.
I tried but found I have absolutely no head for language.

I was known as the 'gringo' in my Spanish classes because my pronunciation was so atrocious that no one could understand it.
I don't remember any main or major part that was a black person? Never watched it while it was on TV but have watched on pay for. They had a ton of major movie stars do guest shows & it was interesting to see how they looked when so much younger. Maybe I just don't pay enough attention to color.

Yes, on friends they created a part for a black woman as David Schwimmer's new girlfriend. She was on several episodes if not an entire season. On the 70's show, the new part they created was the father of Danny Masterson who is obviously all white so it was so stupid.
So then give us your take on the recent Anti-Lynching bill.
Life time career Democrat Activist and Talk Radio troublemaker
Joe Madison gave way part of why the big fuss over this Lynching bill.
It was advertised and Pushed { promoted } NOT because of possible
Lynchings but to Play Politics.
By spooking Blacks into believing another Democrat Party Lie.
That Get the Vote out for November is now more dire than ever.
Because if the Republicans take over Congress one of the first things they
will do is Overturn this Anti-lynching bill.
Translation ... There ain't Nuthin' these Democrats won't Do or Say
to con the masses.

You know how the commies love a dog and pony show. I'd like to see one American say "Shooo, I feel so much safer now that I won't be hung!" When was the last time we had a lynching in this country anyhow? Every week dozens of people are shot and killed in Chicago, and nobody blinks an eye.
So then give us your take on the recent Anti-Lynching bill.
Life time career Democrat Activist and Talk Radio troublemaker
Joe Madison gave way part of why the big fuss over this Lynching bill.
It was advertised and Pushed { promoted } NOT because of possible
Lynchings but to Play Politics.
By spooking Blacks into believing another Democrat Party Lie.
That Get the Vote out for November is now more dire than ever.
Because if the Republicans take over Congress one of the first things they
will do is Overturn this Anti-lynching bill.
Translation ... There ain't Nuthin' these Democrats won't Do or Say
to con the masses.
You asked for my take on the Anti-Lynching bill. probably should go read the whole bill before I comment, But will take a chance & give you my not fully educated on it view. Mostly its just making a statement, or if you prefer propaganda, not necessary now, would have been more useful 100 years ago. You kind of spoiled it by saying that if Republicans take congress they would do the same thing turn it into propaganda for there side. We need more truth & less propaganda from political party's.
I don't remember any main or major part that was a black person? Never watched it while it was on TV but have watched on pay for. They had a ton of major movie stars do guest shows & it was interesting to see how they looked when so much younger. Maybe I just don't pay enough attention to color.
Does it ever occur to Blacks as in those BLM morons that No One was
ever Born having any say as to the color of their skin.
No One.EVER.Nor Whites or any race.
You asked for my take on the Anti-Lynching bill. probably should go read the whole bill before I comment, But will take a chance & give you my not fully educated on it view. Mostly its just making a statement, or if you prefer propaganda, not necessary now, would have been more useful 100 years ago. You kind of spoiled it by saying that if Republicans take congress they would do the same thing turn it into propaganda for there side. We need more truth & less propaganda from political party's.
NO! Not what I said but what Joe Madison { Goes by The Black Eagle }
was preaching to his Sirius XM { Station 126 } audience.
That now more than ever it's crucial to make sure and Get out and vote
this fall.So the Republicans don't take over Congress.Because if they do,then
will Overturn the Anti-lynching Bill.
That is how Democrats rile-up their flock.
By Outright Lying to them.
Now what would the Republicans { Even if gaining majority on both
the House and the Senate } go and Negate or Overturn the Anti-Lynching bill.?
Classic example of how the real dispicable ones { democrats } ply their
trade.By leveling lies as if facts to their low information voter base.
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"diversity" has been happening since the 60s
In that time the US has moved from being "equals" with the Soviet Union and China to the unquestioned dominant force in the world.

Maybe, just maybe, you set aside your fear ,anger, and hatred of people different than you solely because they are different than you?
You are out of touch

America is not unquestioned

china thinks they can take our place
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”


And this is a problem for you because?????? Why does giving recognition to anyone other than white people, trigger you so much?

And I'll speak any fucking language I want, in public, private, or right in the face of any racist clown who has a problem with it. I have, I do, and I will.

Smart people speak whatever language their customers need them to speak. Stupid people make those uncomfortable speaking English feel awkward and uncomfortable.

You're so narrow minded and xenophobic, you don't comprehend the idiocy of this stance.
And this is a problem for you because?????? Why does giving recognition to anyone other than white people, trigger you so much?

Smart people speak whatever language their customers need them to speak. Stupid people make those uncomfortable speaking English feel awkward and uncomfortable.

You're so narrow minded and xenophobic, you don't comprehend the idiocy of this stance.
Hay Smarty pants ... Look up the Motto of America for We the People.
Or ... e pluribus unum
You're so narrow minded and xenophobic, you don't comprehend the idiocy of this stance.
NO! Not what I said but what Joe Madison { Goes by The Black Eagle }
was preaching to his Sirius XM { Station 126 } audience.
That now more than ever it's crucial to make sure and Get out and vote
this fall.So the Republicans don't take over Congress.If they they do then
will Overturn the Anti-lynching Bill.
That is how Democrats rile-up their flock.
By Outright Lying to them.
Now what would the Republicans { Even if gaining majority on both
the House and the Senate } go and Negate or Overturn the Anti-Lynching bill.?
Classic example of how the real dispicable ones { democrats } ply their
trade.By leveling lies as if facts to their low information voter base.

What there a point to this rant? What lies are the Democrats peddling?

Why hasn't the government passed a law against lynching before now? Republicans refused to pass it, that's why. And yet the laws which allowed whites to stop and question any black man remained on the books - a legacy of slave days.

And lynchings are still going on. Amhad Arbery was lynched. There are other murders of young black men that their families felt were lynchings, but like the Arbery murder, these were covered up my local authorities.

What there a point to this rant? What lies are the Democrats peddling?

Why hasn't the government passed a law against lynching before now? Republicans refused to pass it, that's why. And yet the laws which allowed whites to stop and question any black man remained on the books - a legacy of slave days.

And lynchings are still going on. Amhad Arbery was lynched. There are other murders of young black men that their families felt were lynchings, but like the Arbery murder, these were covered up my local authorities.

Take yer Crappy Bull and Shove it.
Decent Americans { both Black and White } are sick of it.
Democrats are and will remain the Party of Slavery.
The Party of Jim Crow and Blacks made to sit in the back of the bus.
The Party of Bull Connor tactics like using firehoses and Attack Dogs.

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