The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Really? I guess you don't know much about illegal Chinese immigrants who don't speak a lick of Spanish. They do speak a lot of Chinese though.

As far as only illegals and those with illegal roots speaking Spanish aloud in public? I personally know of several people of European descent whose ancestors came here legally but yet they speak Spanish in public on occasion.
And I'll speak any fucking language I want, in public, private, or right in the face of any racist clown who has a problem with it. I have, I do, and I will.
Quick question, how does someone look and act American? Can you provide us with specific examples of what you think an American looks and acts like?
I’ll play….the majority of Americans share the same skin color of our founding / core people, they share the last names with those who died in our world wars, they speak and can easily articulate the english, they practice and live our core values and principles….they usually shed a tear ANYTIME our national anthem is played.
Have I ever been to predominantly dark communities, cities, states, or nations? Yep, and it was all thanks to the US Navy. During the 20 plus years I was in, I went to 26 different countries, 49 different States (only missing Alaska), and many different communities and cities.
All dangerous, disgusting, chaotic super shitholes….right?
Nothing coincidental.
Well I am white, all sides of the family are white the newest arrivals have been here over 80 years. one grandfathers side of the family here before the Constitution was even written. We came from England, Ireland & many places in Europe. So as an American for all our great things and all are missteps I believe in the very first thing our constitution says.
We the people of the united states, in order to form a more perfect union, You go read the rest, See nothing in our Constitution that says anything about hate for your fellow American Because of race color religion or what political party they favor.
And I'll speak any fucking language I want, in public, private, or right in the face of any racist clown who has a problem with it. I have, I do, and I will.

You know, that is one of the regrets I have from High School, not taking Spanish classes. It would have come in extremely handy and served me very well while I was traveling all over the Med, as most of the languages over there evolved from Latin (called Romance languages for some reason).

If I had learned Spanish in High School, I would have gotten around very well in places like France, Italy, and of course, Spain.
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”

Or in some circles ... Oy Vey.
From bring us the best and The brightest ... Bring us the Most Unwhite.
Or Unwhitest ... safe use of an adjective.
I’ll play….the majority of Americans share the same skin color of our founding / core people, they share the last names with those who died in our world wars, they speak and can easily articulate the english, they practice and live our core values and principles….they usually shed a tear ANYTIME our national anthem is played.

All dangerous, disgusting, chaotic super shitholes….right?
Nothing coincidental.
Take a trip to DC, Go read the names on the Vietnam Memorial, then come back & speak about what names are engraved there
You know, that is one of the regrets I have from High School, not taking Spanish classes. It would have come in extremely handy and served me very well while I was traveling all over the Med, as most of the languages over there evolved from Latin (called Romance languages for some reason).

If I had learned Spanish in High School, I would have gotten around very well in places like France, Italy, and of course, Spain.
Are you sure about Italy.I mean Hemingway loved Spain and
served in Italy in WWI.
What similarities do Spain and Italy share.
A Mediterranean Diet ?
I’ll play….the majority of Americans share the same skin color of our founding / core people, they share the last names with those who died in our world wars, they speak and can easily articulate the english, they practice and live our core values and principles….they usually shed a tear ANYTIME our national anthem is played.

All dangerous, disgusting, chaotic super shitholes….right?
Nothing coincidental.

The majority share the same skin color? I guess according to you, if a person is black, they aren't American. Share the last names with those who died in our world wars? Did you know that in WWII, some of the most highly decorated divisions for valor and bravery were JAPANESE?

According to you, they practice and live our core values and principles, just what are those values and principles according to you?

They usually shed a tear anytime our national anthem is played? I don't. Never have at any time in my life, and I come from European descent and am a US born citizen who served over 20 years in the service of this country via the U.S. Navy, through 4 different war zones.

And no, most of the countries that I've been to were basic places, some were very nice. I really enjoyed Spain and Italy, and Greece wasn't bad either. Matter of fact, there were some ME places (Dubai UAE and Jiddah Saudi Arabia) that I thought were pretty decent places to visit as well. Beruit I could have done without going to, as there was a war going on when I went (back in '83), but most places were all right.
Are you sure about Italy.I mean Hemingway loved Spain and
served in Italy in WWI.
What similarities do Spain and Italy share.
A Mediterranean Diet ?

Their languages are similar. If you know one, you can stumble around and get pretty much the gist of what the other is saying. They are Romance languages, meaning they are based in Latin.
Well I am white, all sides of the family are white the newest arrivals have been here over 80 years. one grandfathers side of the family here before the Constitution was even written. We came from England, Ireland & many places in Europe. So as an American for all our great things and all are missteps I believe in the very first thing our constitution says.
We the people of the united states, in order to form a more perfect union, You go read the rest, See nothing in our Constitution that says anything about hate for your fellow American Because of race color religion or what political party they favor.
Nobody I know “hates” anybody for their skin color….NOBODY
But while filthy leftist globalists like Unkotare celebrate the makings of a more diverse multicultural America ALL sane folks know and FOLLOW THE SCIENCE, the data…they know a darker America is a less unified, less productive, less patriotic, more government dependent, more dangerous disgusting shithole….Can you or Unkotare provide data to the contrary? Please note, we want to FOLLOW THE SCIENCE, not your personal FEELZ.
I’ll play along…would you say blacks are over-represented in television commercials right now?
Lets start there
Sure, yes they are right now,
Why don't you send a letter & complain to the millionaires / billionaires corporation heads that pay for those adds, it sure is not any of us regular folks.
You know, that is one of the regrets I have from High School, not taking Spanish classes. It would have come in extremely handy and served me very well while I was traveling all over the Med, as most of the languages over there evolved from Latin (called Romance languages for some reason).

If I had learned Spanish in High School, I would have gotten around very well in places like France, Italy, and of course, Spain.
Unfortunately, foreign language instruction in the US is not prioritized, to say the least. I took halfassed Spanish in high school "taught" by gym teachers and football coaches (good guys, but hardly native speakers). I didn't really learn several languages until I got out into the world.
Are you sure about Italy.I mean Hemingway loved Spain and
served in Italy in WWI.
What similarities do Spain and Italy share.
A Mediterranean Diet ?
Spanish and Italian are related languages, but not mutually comprehensible.
The majority share the same skin color? I guess according to you, if a person is black, they aren't American. Share the last names with those who died in our world wars? Did you know that in WWII, some of the most highly decorated divisions for valor and bravery were JAPANESE?

According to you, they practice and live our core values and principles, just what are those values and principles according to you?

They usually shed a tear anytime our national anthem is played? I don't. Never have at any time in my life, and I come from European descent and am a US born citizen who served over 20 years in the service of this country via the U.S. Navy, through 4 different war zones.

And no, most of the countries that I've been to were basic places, some were very nice. I really enjoyed Spain and Italy, and Greece wasn't bad either. Matter of fact, there were some ME places (Dubai UAE and Jiddah Saudi Arabia) that I thought were pretty decent places to visit as well. Beruit I could have done without going to, as there was a war going on when I went (back in '83), but most places were all right.
As far as Dubai ... Forgit about it.Like never.I have never witnessed
such a display of Outright Super Richism.Like Unbelievable.
From Living quarters to cars and powerboats.To Gold Everything.
I mean,what's next Gold-flaked toothpaste.Those Dubaist are nuts.
They need a good spanking.There is a commandment about this.
And the Love of Wealth.It's not compatible with Godliness.
St Paul wrote about the importance of necessity such as Food and shelter.
Love of money for money's sake generally leads to covetousness.
Their languages are similar. If you know one, you can stumble around and get pretty much the gist of what the other is saying. They are Romance languages, meaning they are based in Latin.
However Latin is dead.I was an Altar boy in the 60's.Where Latin
was mandatory.Can''t make it as an altar boy without learning the Latin
prayers/responces ,where Priests saying mass only used Latin.
The majority share the same skin color? I guess according to you, if a person is black, they aren't American. Share the last names with those who died in our world wars? Did you know that in WWII, some of the most highly decorated divisions for valor and bravery were JAPANESE?
hahaha…typical lefty…nobody cares to discuss the micro percentages of anything…save that bullshit for other twisted leftists
According to you, they practice and live our core values and principles, just what are those values and principles according to you?
They tend to embrace the constitution, our rich history traditions and culture, law and order, extreme patriotism, nationalism…etc etc…You know, all those things you lefties detest.
They usually shed a tear anytime our national anthem is played? I don't. Never have at any time in my life, and I come from European descent and am a US born citizen who served over 20 years in the service of this country via the U.S. Navy, through 4 different war zones.
Hahaha…yeah but you are a typical America hating leftist…NOBODY here believes you are a military man…No legit Vet speaks like you do.
And no, most of the countries that I've been to were basic places, some were very nice. I really enjoyed Spain and Italy, and Greece wasn't bad either. Matter of fact, there were some ME places (Dubai UAE and Jiddah Saudi Arabia) that I thought were pretty decent places to visit as well. Beruit I could have done without going to, as there was a war going on when I went (back in '83), but most places were all right.
You simply weren’t paying attention…FOLLOW THE SCIENCE, the data is everywhere.
Its the fear factor you are being fed, Go to any of the sites that promote whiteness as the solution to all problems. they use huge numbers to promote non whites as taking over everything. But the reality is the actual numbers are much much smaller.
I get the fear, I PREFER living with & by people who if not looking like me, at least share more of my values. The hate your neighbor group has been growing, And I DONT want to live by any of them.

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