The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

I’ll play along…would you say blacks are over-represented in television commercials right now?
Lets start there

I couldn't agree more. It's like you'd be hell pressed to find a commercial these days that had white people exclusively in it. I never watch live TV. I record all my programming and skip through the commercials. But the ones I do see are loaded with minorities.
I was thinking of going in and telling them, but it was staffed by two kids who looked to be about 20.

BTW, the store sold fancy soaps. What does that have to do with transgenders?

Or kids, for that matter? I don't know a lot of kids that go in for buying fancy soaps.
It's a war of propaganda. A shot is a shot is a shot.

Last month our local target had a big display of products from black owned businesses. I commented to the 20 something clerk my thanks and appreciation for the display. It helped me avoid those products. By 5he end of the week it was gone.

Call me crazy, but if a business's advertising is all about how it's "black-owned" or "woman-owned", or even "locally-owned" for that matter, I have to think their product isn't any good, or they would at least MENTION it.

Basically, they're asking me to donate to them as if they're a charity, rather than selling me something.
We have a home repair company in my city that used to run ads telling everyone it was female owned

which always struck me as curious

why should that make me want to use their service?

in time I noticed them as at a home improvement fair

the sweet young thing handing out flyers asked if I would be interested and I said no way

because I prefer to do business with a male owned company

I left her standing there with a very perplexed look on her face

I do not give a damn WHO owns a business. What I want to know is, is your product or service any good? If it was, THAT would be what the ads talked about.
Well can you make a movie without a black character in it?

If you do the minorities will have a shit fit. Years ago one of the highest rated sitcoms was the show Friends. The blacks complained because a number one show didn't have any black characters on it, so they made one. The show went to hell from there. The same with another classic called The 70's Show. Once again, all white and the blacks complained. Like Friends, they created a black character and the show jumped the shark and ended not long afterwards.
That is true.
I was in OKC for a few months back when, and they had just built a new mall. I don't remember seeing any blacks in it at all. Not even as cashiers.

Come to think of it, I don't remember seeing any blacks anywhere while I was there. And I was job hunting at the time, staying with a friend.

Arlington, Tx had a mall some years back. The area it was in had become "lower class" once the city had allowed major housing expansion in other areas, and the blacks and mexicans moved in and took over. The whole area went down into the shitter in a matter of 5 years or less. The mall that was located in that area HAD been one of DFW's most pristine malls boasted about around here. Although I never went there, it was an ongoing small article of interest in the papers at the, every few months, the mall was going downhill, the gangs were taking over, running off the customers. The gangs started stealing from the stores, which led to stores pulling out of the mall......until a few years later, the mall was just emptied out. I'm sure by now it's been bulldozed and something else has been put in its place.

But thats part of reality, regardless of whether one wants to believe it or not. The "white" races typically want better for their kids and themselves than what was there before. And the "white" races tend to typically keep what is built and created safe, clean, and adaptive to being further developed.

When other "non white" races come into the picture, they tend to destroy everything around them.
Something I've never understood WHY. All I can figure out is that they don't want better, they want to wallow in their own filth and live in squalor for some reason.

Same thing here. We had two of the most famous malls at one time until the blacks moved in and took over. One is half empty but still has some stores. The other "Randall Mall" was once the largest and most modern mall in the entire country back in the 70's. It closed years ago due to theft and blacks hanging around in gangs at the doorways chasing away all the paying customers.

Today we don't have one major store in my suburb outside of Home Depot. If you want to go shopping, you need to travel to the other side of town or order from Amazon and hope no porch pirates steal your packages.

My opinion is that staff working in American retail stores should address their customers in English. It is rude to expect customers to speak a foreign language. English is the primary language in this country.

Meh. In high school, working as a food packaging engineer at my local grocery store, I would ask customers what their preference was between 'organic' or 'synthetic.'

Some people would look at me and say 'paper please.' Others would say 'plastic please.' Others however, would just stare...
But why would they use that phrase when speaking to an American? I don’t go around saying Shehiyanu to people I don’t know when I’m celebrating an occasion.

Because it's part of their culture. Saying "Allah ahkbar" for a Muslim is the same as saying "praise God", or "God be praised" to an American Christian. And, I can tell you, that since moving to SC, I hear "praise God" quite a bit in normal public conversation.
Because it's part of their culture. Saying "Allah ahkbar" for a Muslim is the same as saying "praise God", or "God be praised" to an American Christian. And, I can tell you, that since moving to SC, I hear "praise God" quite a bit in normal public conversation.
Let's get your opinion on this. Let's say you were born and raised in south Texas and never spoke a word of English in your home. Should you be allowed to join the Navy despite having no English language skills?
There really are people who worry about this stuff. Crazy. 99.999 percent of people don't bother to worry much about it. There's just no time.
There really are people who worry about this stuff. Crazy. 99.999 percent of people don't bother to worry much about it. There's just no time.
Are you kidding me? People don’t worry about racist bias? the Democrats made it the cornerstone of its campaign! The nation was turned upside for months as rioters destroyed cities because of racism! CRT is making its way through the schools, where white kids are taught they are oppressors and blacks are their victims.

Shalli go on? Math is racist! Rice is racist! Aunt Jemima is racist! Admissions tests where Asians come out on top are racist! If you don’t put enough blacks into a movie, you won’t be considered for an Oscar.

Oh wait….you meant to put down any concern about blatant racism against whites. That’s fine in your book, and any white who points out the obvious favoritism - 20 posters in a row all of blacks, and none of whites, when the former is only 14% of the population and the latter 70%, is blatant racism against whites. The type of racism you lefties support.
I just put it on ignore. I do have the time to become involved for change....buuuuuuut, no Thanx. Ignoring is less stressful and retired folk shouldn't deal with any whatever.

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