The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

God created everything and yet has allowed all evil, sin and disease to run rampant, sounds like God is weak.
God allowed rebellion so that there can be a divergence of Free Willed Souls who are ignorant and without wisdom from those free willed souls who recognize the path to Eternal Balance and Harmony. With Those following the path of Disharmony, they cannot ever be brought in to Harmony without a change in their Dissonant Souls.

Sin and Disease were brought in to a Harmonious Universe through The Rebellion of Satan, to deflect, deceive and misguide like minded souls from The Path of Harmony and Balance with God's Kingdom. You live in disharmony because you choose to reject the laws of the universe. You are first deceived, and then you embrace the dischordant path as being off key sounds on key to everyone traveling with you on the path to destruction.

You sing off key, yet are offered singing lessons every day. You refuse them and soon you will no longer be allowed to sing in The Choir.
Well, swearing to God on your fathers grave that it's true doesn't make it so. Me? I'd like to actually see what you are talking about, rather than just relying on your word that it happened, as I don't know you personally, and don't know if you are prone to wild flights of imagination or not. Going to malls is a thing I like doing, as there can be some pretty neat stuff in them that you don't find in normal stores, and I like unique things.

As far as calling you a liar? Nope, didn't do that, I just said I believe they are bullshit allegations on your part and have a hard time believing what you are saying without proof I can see for myself. I simply asked for you to provide proof, as I don't believe it yet. If you can provide proof of your allegations, then and only then will I believe what you are saying in this case.
I’ll play along…would you say blacks are over-represented in television commercials right now?
Lets start there
It’s a damn shame the shit we whities have to put up with!

Especially considering all we’ve done for the America and the world,
Sorry, it’s true. And news flash.: when someone tells you something, and you say it’s probably bullshit, yes….you are calling them a liar.

Guess you missed the word "probably". I'm saying I won't believe you until you can provide concrete proof.

I had the same problem as a teenager for a bit. I found an area up in the mountains of Montana up in the Sleeping Child range where there was pink snow that smelled like watermelon. And, there were several other Scouts who were on the same trip who saw the same thing. Nobody believed us for many years until scientists started publishing articles about it. Now, whenever I tell someone about the pink snow that smelled like watermelon that I saw, when I see the doubt on their faces, I simply show them the scientific articles to prove it's true.

Guess you missed the word "probably". I'm saying I won't believe you until you can provide concrete proof.

I had the same problem as a teenager for a bit. I found an area up in the mountains of Montana up in the Sleeping Child range where there was pink snow that smelled like watermelon. And, there were several other Scouts who were on the same trip who saw the same thing. Nobody believed us for many years until scientists started publishing articles about it. Now, whenever I tell someone about the pink snow that smelled like watermelon that I saw, when I see the doubt on their faces, I simply show them the scientific articles to prove it's true.

Next time I’ll take photos, although I’m not sure how to post them here. I will worry about that when the time comes. I’m sure some Doubting Thomas will provide guidance.
Next time I’ll take photos, although I’m not sure how to post them here. I will worry about that when the time comes. I’m sure some Doubting Thomas will provide guidance.
Download onto the computer and upload them onto the post.
Next time I’ll take photos, although I’m not sure how to post them here. I will worry about that when the time comes. I’m sure some Doubting Thomas will provide guidance.

If your phone has a camera and can link to the internet or Facebook, it's quite easy to upload photos. Find a teenager, and they can show you how, as they do it all the time.
I have just seen a TV commercial that was not woke enough.

It was selling a product something like Viagra.

It was woke in that the two actors with speaking parts were African American gentlemen.

But the announcer in the commercial said something very unwoke.

He said something like: "Be sure to buy this product. You will be happy that you did. And she will be, too."

Although I am 85 years old, I have been indoctrinated enough by woke ideology to know that the announcer SHOULD have said, "Be sure to buy this product . You will be happy that you did. And she or he will be, too."
You idiot. How am I supposed to link to what I saw at Liberaville Shopping Mall? You leftists really are dumb, which explains your vote.

Far too many people have forgotten there's an entire world existing outside their computers. Even on the rare occasions that they venture outside their houses, they have a screen in front of them. And God forbid you should suggest that you can see and experience something without filtering it through their camera phone. They just stare at you blankly, like a cow looking at a new gate.
Far too many people have forgotten there's an entire world existing outside their computers. Even on the rare occasions that they venture outside their houses, they have a screen in front of them. And God forbid you should suggest that you can see and experience something without filtering it through their camera phone. They just stare at you blankly, like a cow looking at a new gate.
The cows are in the field across the road.
There was something else that happened, too. I was at a department store, and the saleswoman came up to me and said “Buenos Dias.” I just looked at her blankly, and she switched to English.

Is Spanish now the default language in America?
There was something else that happened, too. I was at a department store, and the saleswoman came up to me and said “Buenos Dias.” I just looked at her blankly, and she switched to English.

Is Spanish now the default language in America?

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