The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Lisa probably was afraid to take photos of what she saw at the mall. She might have thought that somehow the blackness would infect her camera and slowly spread into her household, resulting in a black person somehow becoming part of their family.
Lol, she is one of a kind, I wish. To bad there are plenty more just like her.
God created satan and allows his existence in a mythological sort of way.
God created Lucifer and gave him free will. Lucifer, like you became enamored of himself, filled himself with pride and believing his own lies, thought he could be equal with God and began to contend with God. Lucifer then was transformed in to Satan as God's Adversary. As things play out a new paradigm becomes reality in The Universe, one of redemption, and the redeemed having the example of Satan to follow realize that God is Just and Holy and only wants us to be happy, and since He created us, knows intimately how to accomplish that, and set out to do that from the start.

God always knew that Lucifer would rebel, but God had always had a plan for that and knew it was a necessary function, and necessary series of events that needed to occur to first create Our Universe, guide it through it's fall and redemption and then permanently establish it for eternity.

Without a point of reference for how not to conduct the affairs of The Universe and God's Creation, then The Creation could not through eternity stay on a self guided course of perfect harmony with itself.

It's a process for each Universe God creates.

It is therefore necessary for ALL BEINGS with Free Will to have to discover this for themselves and then act appropriately and believe in God's plan, or act in defiance and continue on the rebellious path of ignorance first set down by Satan as an alternate reality.

Acting in defiance only leads to separation and exclusion from The Kingdom of God as the rest of Creation comes to the realization as to which path is the correct one to follow that leads to that perfect harmony and eternal life.

All others rejecting that path must therefore be removed and segregated from The Kingdom of Heaven so that perfect harmony can continue, while disharmony is extinguished and eliminated from the equation therefore balancing The Equation once and for all.
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God created Lucifer and gave him free will. Lucifer, like you became enamored of himself, filled himself with pride and believing his own lies, thought he could be equal with God and began to contend with God. Lucifer then was transformed in to Satan as God's Adversary. As things play out a new paradigm becomes reality in The Universe, one of redemption, and the redeemed having the example of Satan to follow realize that God is just and Holy and only wants us to be happy, and since He created us, knows intimately how to accomplish that, and set out to do that from the start.

God always knew that Lucifer would rebel, but God had always had a plan for that and knew it was a necessary function, and necessary series of events that needed to occur to first create Our Universe, guide it through it's fall and redemption and then permanently establish it for eternity.

It's a process for each Universe God creates.
God created everything and yet has allowed all evil, sin and disease to run rampant, sounds like God is weak.
you are a bigot and racist because you hate change and minorities. Why you feel the need to hate your fellow human is your dilemma, not mine.
And out comes the “you hate minorities” BS. How is pointing out that 20 posters have 20 black people, and not one single white mean I hate minorities? I just hate racism. And racism against whites count.

But right….you told me upthread that now we whites know what it feels like. Payback time, whitey!
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”


Hey Lisa..............I'm pretty sure that your phone has a camera on it, and there are no rules against taking pictures of stores in malls. So, next time you see something like that, how's about taking some photos to back up what I surely believe is bullshit allegations on your part? I'd also like to see if it's true what you are saying about the transkid poster. I've been to many parts of this country, some of which were very liberal, and have never seen what you described.
And out comes the “you hate minorities” BS. How is pointing out that 20 posters have 20 black people, and not one single white mean I hate minorities? I just hate racism. And racism against whites count.

But right….you told me upthread that now we whites know what it feels like. Payback time, whitey!
Hey Lisa..............I'm pretty sure that your phone has a camera on it, and there are no rules against taking pictures of stores in malls. So, next time you see something like that, how's about taking some photos to back up what I surely believe is bullshit allegations on your part? I'd also like to see if it's true what you are saying about the transkid poster. I've been to many parts of this country, some of which were very liberal, and have never seen what you described.
OK….I’ll do that. But if you think there wasn’t a poster about transkids, you’re in denial as to how deep the descent has been among liberals. I swear to G-d on my father’s grave it’s true.

And I don’t appreciate your calling me a liar. That’s what leftists do when the woke nonsense is so extreme even they cant defend it.
OK….I’ll do that. But if you think there wasn’t a poster about transkids, you’re in denial as to how deep the descent has been among liberals. I swear to G-d on my father’s grave it’s true.

And I don’t appreciate your calling me a liar. That’s what leftists do when the woke nonsense is so extreme even they cant defend it.
Why do you hate people that are not a carbon copy of yourself?
OK….I’ll do that. But if you think there wasn’t a poster about transkids, you’re in denial as to how deep the descent has been among liberals. I swear to G-d on my father’s grave it’s true.

And I don’t appreciate your calling me a liar. That’s what leftists do when the woke nonsense is so extreme even they cant defend it.

Well, swearing to God on your fathers grave that it's true doesn't make it so. Me? I'd like to actually see what you are talking about, rather than just relying on your word that it happened, as I don't know you personally, and don't know if you are prone to wild flights of imagination or not. Going to malls is a thing I like doing, as there can be some pretty neat stuff in them that you don't find in normal stores, and I like unique things.

As far as calling you a liar? Nope, didn't do that, I just said I believe they are bullshit allegations on your part and have a hard time believing what you are saying without proof I can see for myself. I simply asked for you to provide proof, as I don't believe it yet. If you can provide proof of your allegations, then and only then will I believe what you are saying in this case.
It’s about advertising, marketing, and sales. Lower IQ results in low impulse control. So a population with lower IQ are more likely to make a purchase based on advertising, than a higher IQ population.
I cant go along with that

what we are seeing is anti-white brainwashing in action
Well, swearing to God on your fathers grave that it's true doesn't make it so. Me? I'd like to actually see what you are talking about, rather than just relying on your word that it happened, as I don't know you personally, and don't know if you are prone to wild flights of imagination or not. Going to malls is a thing I like doing, as there can be some pretty neat stuff in them that you don't find in normal stores, and I like unique things.

As far as calling you a liar? Nope, didn't do that, I just said I believe they are bullshit allegations on your part and have a hard time believing what you are saying without proof I can see for myself. I simply asked for you to provide proof, as I don't believe it yet. If you can provide proof of your allegations, then and only then will I believe what you are saying in this case.
Sorry, it’s true. And news flash.: when someone tells you something, and you say it’s probably bullshit, yes….you are calling them a liar.
So I hate everyone who isn’t a 5’4 Jewish woman in her 60s? News to me, and my friends.

Why do YOU hate everyone who won’t go along with the anti-white bias?
I simply hate everyone so that way I am much more equal than anyone else.

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