The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Its the same story on national advertising

up to 50% black actors for a population that is 12% black
It’s about advertising, marketing, and sales. Lower IQ results in low impulse control. So a population with lower IQ are more likely to make a purchase based on advertising, than a higher IQ population.
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The transplants in NOtVA are of a different species than real native-born Virginians.
I have promoted free will which people like you try to suppress.
You have complete Free Will to exclude yourself by choice from The Kingdom of Heaven. But in doing so, you must realize that Evil must be contained and imprisoned for The Universe to be restored to it's original perfect state. You can't be part of that because you won't even meet God half way. Though He reaches His hand out to you daily, you slap it away.
Now you can see how white people have treated minorities for hundreds of years.
So you admit that this is racism against whites. Payback time, eh?

As least you admit that all this “wokeness” isn‘t about equality, and that the Dems are bigoted against whitey, and that you cheer it on. Bigotry is to be applauded when it’s against whites, and whitey better STFU about it, amirite?
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”

You see only what fits your confirmation bias. This is some horseshit meaningless anecdote.
You have complete Free Will to exclude yourself by choice from The Kingdom of Heaven. But in doing so, you must realize that Evil must be contained and imprisoned for The Universe to be restored to it's original perfect state. You can't be part of that because you won't even meet God half way though He reaches His hand out to you daily, you slap it away.
There is no kingdom of heaven. There is no perfect state it has existed today the same as yesterday and the same as the future by violence and inhuman conditions. Why do you think a volcano has morals and ethics? If your God had wanted a more caring compassionate universe God would have created one, but that is not the case.
When will you learn to speak up for all oppressed or marginalized people?
I speak up when I see bigotry. When will you learn that you don’t fight bigotry by exhibiting it against a different group?
So you admit that this is racism against whites. Payback time, eh?

As least you admit that all this “wokeness” isn‘t about equality, and that the Dems are bigoted against whitey, and that you cheer it on. Bigotry is to be applauded when it’s against whites, and whitey better STFU about it, amirite?
Shall we cry on cue? You have yet to prove any political affiliation of the posters. Again, your fear of loss of power is showing.

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