The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

I just put it on ignore. I do have the time to become involved for change....buuuuuuut, no Thanx. Ignoring is less stressful and retired folk shouldn't deal with any whatever.
Then why respond at all, other than to demonstrate your disdain for whites who won’t go along with the ridiculous favoritism toward blacks? If it were a black complaining that there were 20 posters, all of whites and not one black, you and every liberal would be lambasting our racist society.

Hey I'm a white Christian married to the same woman for almost 50 years now. I did my time. I owe nothing to anyone nor anything other than my family or my savior Jesus Christ. It ends there.
I don't care who lambasted who. It matters not. That's the point. But we need people like you to give your $$ to wealthy politicians.
Same thing here. We had two of the most famous malls at one time until the blacks moved in and took over. One is half empty but still has some stores. The other "Randall Mall" was once the largest and most modern mall in the entire country back in the 70's. It closed years ago due to theft and blacks hanging around in gangs at the doorways chasing away all the paying customers.

Today we don't have one major store in my suburb outside of Home Depot. If you want to go shopping, you need to travel to the other side of town or order from Amazon and hope no porch pirates steal your packages.

I had to put a sign on my door saying, "Deliveries PLEASE knock so I know the package is here", because the stupid FedEx guy just throws the package down and walks away, and Amazon depends entirely on who's driving this route for the day. The only guy who reliable knocks is the UPS guy. And, of course, my neighbors are trash.
There was something else that happened, too. I was at a department store, and the saleswoman came up to me and said “Buenos Dias.” I just looked at her blankly, and she switched to English.

And this is a problem how?

My opinion is that staff working in American retail stores should address their customers in English. It is rude to expect customers to speak a foreign language. English is the primary language in this country.
Did this encounter harm you in some way?
Just never leave the house. Call customer service. If the rep has poor language skills, just hang up and call back. Rinse and repeat until you get a good english [sic] talker [sic].
Oh, the irony.
Look. We disagree. English is the unifying language that everyone knows how to speak (or they should, if they’ve decided to move to an English-speaking country). Having different pockets of people who don’t speak the common language of America divides even further, and we shouldn’t be encouraging it by having American employees open a conversation with American customers in a foreign language.

Even the quote you included said that English is the de facto national language. It should be used by staff in addressing customers until and unless the customer indicates he or she prefers a different language.
Holy overreaction, Batman! You said yourself that she did speak English.
I couldn't agree more. It's like you'd be hell pressed to find a commercial these days that had white people exclusively in it. I never watch live TV. I record all my programming and skip through the commercials. But the ones I do see are loaded with minorities.
And does that frighten you?

The woke idiocy is only fueled by the inverse idiocy found all over this pathetic excuse for a thread.

You really do belong with together.
Only illegals and those with illegal roots speak Spanish aloud in public on American soil…hahaha…you didn’t know that?

Really? I guess you don't know much about illegal Chinese immigrants who don't speak a lick of Spanish. They do speak a lot of Chinese though.

As far as only illegals and those with illegal roots speaking Spanish aloud in public? I personally know of several people of European descent whose ancestors came here legally but yet they speak Spanish in public on occasion.
It should “frighten“ everybody decent and legit…keeping America ‘feeling‘, looking and acting American is kind of important.
What do you think a dark America looks like, acts like?
Have you ever been to predominantly dark communities, cities, states or nations?

Quick question, how does someone look and act American? Can you provide us with specific examples of what you think an American looks and acts like?

Have I ever been to predominantly dark communities, cities, states, or nations? Yep, and it was all thanks to the US Navy. During the 20 plus years I was in, I went to 26 different countries, 49 different States (only missing Alaska), and many different communities and cities.

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