The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.
Yeah, I don't believe that. Your reaction to this imagined scenario is quite telling though.
Did you complain when they were all White?
They were never all white, at least in my lifetime. They always had a few blacks, mostly to acknowledge that blacks exist and shop there too. Rightly so. But now they refuse to have even ONE poster of a white, and they ALL are of blacks. Do whites not exist? Why can’t we at least get the courtesy given to blacks decades ago?

Don‘t pretend you don’t see what the issue is here. You’re not that stupid, even if you are a liberal.
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They were never all white, at least in my lifetime. They always had a few blacks, mostly to acknowledge that blacks exist and shop there too. Rightly so. But now they refuse to have even ONE poster of a white, and they ALL are of blacks.

Don‘t pretend you don’t see what the issue is here. You’re not that stupid, even if you are a liberal.
Oh, your issue is quite clear.
Don't go out shopping and don't support local businesses and this won't be an issue. Ordering online is easier and the way to go.
That’s not the answer to anti-white racism… just avoid it. Why shouldn’t I support local businesses, or go to a shopping mall to try on clothes and check out the makeup? It’s fun. Or it WAS fun until the leftists vomited up their “wokeness” all over the place.
Somebody's got to explain to me how a Black minority of 13% of the population of the US gets that much oxygen in the room...

Ditto for the 3% who identify as Fruit Loops...

It's enough to make ya vote Republican...

Or it would be, if it weren't for their Orange Baboon-God and the threat he poses to American representative democracy...
The left is so bad now that I think you could consider the person you refer to as an Orange Baboon a preferable choice over one of these leftists. Did you hear that Biden just designated some day the “National Transgender Recognition Day” or something to that effect? Because if Trump runs (I’m hoping it will be DeSantis) and you don’t vote for him, you are helping another leftist get through, and the anti-white-racism will reach a new fervor, including in the schools.
There was something else that happened, too. I was at a department store, and the saleswoman came up to me and said “Buenos Dias.” I just looked at her blankly, and she switched to English.
Have you recovered from this trauma yet?
Now you can see how white people have treated minorities for hundreds of years.

So it's pay back, tit for tat, even though it was wrong then, you're going to double down and be wrong for the same amount of years to get even? It's all about revenge, not lifting people up? And the vast majority of the population that you're targeting for revenge had nothing to do with it, most of those people are gone. I guess as long as it makes you feel good, it doesn't matter whether you yourself are perpetuating the same 'wrong' going into the future? Fyi, that's called hypocrisy, it's all you leftists have, along with hate. For those at the top of the party, you're all just useful idiots to keep them in power and keep the money flowing in, they don't give a damn about any 'group' they claim to support..
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In the end this is really alot to do over nothing. The so called issue is below the relevance of brushing ones teeth. If you actually worry about stuff like this you have it made.
I don’t know. All those stores are showing black people how good they look in their makeup, or their clothes. They are obviously more interested in attracting black customers, or why would they ignore their white customers, and ignore so completely?

Sadly they believe the hype that leftist whites are the majority since that's all you see and hear every where in social media and pop culture, so that's who they are appealing to, they don't care about blacks. When you consider that AA's are 12% of the population and a good many of them don't live in the suburbs or even have the funds to go to malls like that (since they're kept poor and chained by leftists in their urban hellholes), that's not the demographic they're after. People like us typically just ignore it and buy what we need regardless of their pandering, so hard to say if that strategy will end up hurting them or not. On another note, once they've worn out the sexual deviancy, gender, and race issues, you really have to wonder what's next. I'm not so sure they know what's next either, which is why they're always promoting 'racism' everywhere, it's all they have at the moment. The people at the top funding this don't give a damn about gays, transgenders or blacks/Hispanics, they're just a useful tool to get them where they want to go.
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”

No different than every goddamn commercial on TV being Black.

These stupid woke companies think they can sell to White demographics by using Blacks. It is really disgusting.
Negative, I see it all the time, hell I suspect there are a lot more Indian (dot), Asian, and Hispanic folks than blacks in NOtVA.....By a mile. Funny, I never see much advertising featuring those folks though.

All you have to do is watch a local news feed out of DC and every damn commercial is filled with blacks.....and so is the crime blotter when the news comes back on.

Bingo! They're not the demographic they're going for, they don't give a damn about them, just using them.
In the end this is really alot to do over nothing. The so called issue is below the relevance of brushing ones teeth. If you actually worry about stuff like this you have it made.
The filthy Negroes get all pissed off by seeing Uncle Ben's picture on a box of rice so it must be important to those assholes.
Do you go around looking for this? How does one have time when they are working all day?
Do you go around looking for this? How does one have time when they are working all day?
I'm retired and I see it all the time. You would think that blacks make up the majority of the US population.

Unless it's something I'm already buying I'll avoid products from woke companies just out of spite.....If they want to overly promote blacks then they can depend on them for their sales, evidently they don't need my money.

LOL.....They might want to start promoting Afro Sheen and Magic Shave along with their pancake mix. ;)
Imagine a thread like this bringing the racist dogs out of the woodwork. What a surprise.

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