The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

We’ve derailed from the main point I was making with the OP. It wasn’t that every single ad features a black and complete excludes the majority population, since that’s old news. It was that a store selling fancy soaps had ONE poster in its window, and it was about supporting transgender kids.

What I want to know is what % of their customer base is made of up of transgendered children? It’s just about “wokeness.”

The very idea of “transgender kids” should set off alarms in every sane mind.

Pre-adolescent children do not ever identify with depraved and insane sexual perversions, unless some sick, abusive pedophile is filling the child's head with that shit.
That’s not the answer to anti-white racism… just avoid it. Why shouldn’t I support local businesses, or go to a shopping mall to try on clothes and check out the makeup? It’s fun. Or it WAS fun until the leftists vomited up their “wokeness” all over the place.
Interesting that you con-sider this "vomiting". I sure don't understand why minority Americans look askance at the Right.
As far as Dubai ... Forgit about it.Like never.I have never witnessed
such a display of Outright Super Richism.Like Unbelievable.
From Living quarters to cars and powerboats.To Gold Everything.
I mean,what's next Gold-flaked toothpaste.Those Dubaist are nuts.
They need a good spanking.There is a commandment about this.
And the Love of Wealth.It's not compatible with Godliness.
St Paul wrote about the importance of necessity such as Food and shelter.
Love of money for money's sake generally leads to covetousness.

In the modern parts of the cities, that is true. There are many hotels, restaurants and other places that cater to the super rich. I went into a couple just to see what it looked like, but didn't spend much time or money there (was only an E-4/E-5 at the time and couldn't afford the prices). But, going down around the souks in the older part of town was a very fun experience. They had lots of stuff there, and the prices were fairly reasonable, plus, if you were good at haggling, you could get a lot of stuff for fairly cheap. Got a sterling silver 6 piece puzzle ring, and a nice 18k gold camel charm, both for 10 bucks. Also picked up some good clothes (Benneton and other European brand names) for cheap as well.
hahaha…typical lefty…nobody cares to discuss the micro percentages of anything…save that bullshit for other twisted leftists

They tend to embrace the constitution, our rich history traditions and culture, law and order, extreme patriotism, nationalism…etc etc…You know, all those things you lefties detest.

Hahaha…yeah but you are a typical America hating leftist…NOBODY here believes you are a military man…No legit Vet speaks like you do.

You simply weren’t paying attention…FOLLOW THE SCIENCE, the data is everywhere.

Cool, you don't believe me that I served for over 20 years. If we ever meet in real life, I would be more than happy to show you that neat little blue ID card that identifies me as a retired Navy veteran. What you think of as American only applies to a very narrow slice of the country, mostly touted as "real Americans" by far right wing loons. Americans are much more diverse than what you think they are. Too bad your bigotry causes you to miss out on much of this country.
Twitter rant from YET another "Karen?"
Whining because her White Privilege is not being worshipped?
Thanks for the confirmation.
To a leftist hypocrite like ^^^ , pointing out obvious bias against whites is “white privilege not being worshipped.”

Something tells me that when blacks complain about there not being enough blacks in a movie, you don’t say, with snark and disdain, “there’s another Tyrone whining because his Black Privilege is not being worshipped.”

You’re a racist and a hypocrite, and normal people can all see it. This over the type avoidance of showing white people, because hey! Blacks and only blacks are who count!! is just beyond ridiculousness.
While I don't understand the transgender idea, it doesn't affect me directly. So I'm not ever going to become involved in that fight. What one does with their own body is theirs. I will let others deal with it.
While I don't understand the transgender idea, it doesn't affect me directly. So I'm not ever going to become involved in that fight. What one does with their own body is theirs. I will let others deal with it.
What I don’t understand is how a company selling fancy soaps is so “woke” that instead of putting some catchy thing about their lovely soaps on a poster to bring in customers, they think to instead advertise that they think “transgender kids fit in.”
Do you ask whites who object to bias against blacks “how are they harmed”? No. You’re all for whites who speak out against racism against blacks. But if a white speaks out against racism against whites, then you question it.

The answer is: I am against decisions made based on race. And when companies decide to feature blacks not merely primarily, but SOLELY, and act as if whitey is invisible and doesn’t count for shit, then I object.
So if I put up a picture of a Black person that's racist?

Thanks for proving my point.
Precisely.….but even worse: It was announced that movies that didn’t have enough blacks in them would be ineligible for an Oscar.

And pandering is just what it is, but it’s so ridiculous now that it’s beyond credulity. Honestly. a shopping mall where the majority of customers are white has ONLY poster after poster after poster after poster of blacks? Not a single white model?

It's a national crisis, I tell you...
So if I put up a picture of a Black person that's racist?

Thanks for proving my point.
Are you for real? The point isn’t about a picture of a black person. It’s about all 20 posters featuring black people, and not a single one showing the “race-that-must-be-made-invisible.” You‘re not fooling anyone by pretending you don’t understand how ridiculous It is to avoid any depiction of the majority population and focus 100% solely on the 14% minority.
Most of time blacks never got the education to be a Supreme Court justice. And talk about racism when a black man gets on the court and you commies refer to him constantly as an Uncle Tom simply because he's not a fellow Communist. You liars could care less about race. What you care about is promoting leftism and reject anybody of color that moved off the plantation on their own.

Did she say that? I'm only asking because I know how leftists read things and make up their own lie.....I mean version of it. So I await your answer.

Actually, the Princess says a lot of things, and none of them are believable.

She claimed that EVERY LAST MODEL on a poster was black. And all the Mannequins were black. (most mannequins don't have a race, but whatever.) This just doesn't pass a laugh test. No Asians. No Whites. No Hispanics? Really?

1) Joe is one of the biggest bigots on this forum. You should hear what he says about Jews.

Jews aren't a race. Mormons aren't a race. If you decide to believe Silly shit, you deserve to mocked.

2) In his desperate attempt to paint OTHER people as bigots, he’s pretending I complained that some posters had blacks. As he well knows, I complained that ALL posters had blacks and not a single one had a white - who are the majority population.
So yeah, you said something no sane person would believe.
Take note of the man behind the curtain. Isn't it suspicious that industry promotes whatever the Communist party is pushing at the time? It's all about government manipulation to help brainwash people into their way of thinking. Like Dementia with his Supreme Court nomination, the NFL now wants to have management based on race and gender instead of who has the best record for the job. And Disney who always used the phrase "Men and women--Boys and girls!" is now being eliminated from their greetings.

Um, yes... get this.

Big business has decided your racism and homophobia is no longer something they want to pander to. This is why you guys have already lost to culture wars. Big Business has decided that they no longer need you.

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