The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

The very idea of “transgender kids” should set off alarms in every sane mind.

Pre-adolescent children do not ever identify with depraved and insane sexual perversions, unless some sick, abusive pedophile is filling the child's head with that shit.

So when did you decide you were attracted to women, (in their proper place as a Mormon Slave, of course), HitlerBob.

Sexual orientation and identity can't be taught. Nobody tells a kid to be gay.

We all knew the kids who were going to grow up to be gay, even in the confines of Catholic schools. Nobody had to tell them.

What I don’t understand is how a company selling fancy soaps is so “woke” that instead of putting some catchy thing about their lovely soaps on a poster to bring in customers, they think to instead advertise that they think “transgender kids fit in.”

without seeing the poster in question, I kind of don't take this very seriously.

Google didn't come up with anything using that phrase, so I'm calling bullshit.
Imagine a thread like this bringing the racist dogs out of the woodwork. What a surprise.
Sometimes I wonder if I wandered in to 4chan instead of USMessageboard.

The inability to self reflect here is breathtaking.
To a leftist hypocrite like ^^^ , pointing out obvious bias against whites is “white privilege not being worshipped.”

Something tells me that when blacks complain about there not being enough blacks in a movie, you don’t say, with snark and disdain, “there’s another Tyrone whining because his Black Privilege is not being worshipped.”

You’re a racist and a hypocrite, and normal people can all see it. This over the type avoidance of showing white people, because hey! Blacks and only blacks are who count!! is just beyond ridiculousness.
Well, that's some serious irony from someone whining about blacks in advertising.
So when did you decide you were attracted to women, (in their proper place as a Mormon Slave, of course), HitlerBob.

Sexual orientation and identity can't be taught. Nobody tells a kid to be gay.

We all knew the kids who were going to grow up to be gay, even in the confines of Catholic schools. Nobody had to tell them.

There may be some truth to that with males, but not so much females. Howard Stern used to interview women who didn't know they were gay until they had "an experience" with a female friend. I also know a girl who used to date men all the time and the same story. She said she never had an inclination or attraction to women, but it just happened one night.
No, HitlerBob, they are more like a QUISLING. Uncle Thomas has never ruled on a case in a favorable way to blacks, not on justice reform, not on affirmative action, any of it.

A Supreme Court judge is not supposed to rule on his or her favor, they are supposed to rule based on the constitutionally of the issue. Affirmative action is nothing more than reverse discrimination so him siding against affirmative action would be a proper judgement based on the Constitution.
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”

why did I LOL at this?

sigh... because our society has become so incredibly laugh-worthy... and yet it is frightening also...

hopefully the fads will pass?

once a trans is elected president?

A Supreme Court judge is not supposed to rule on his or her favor, they are supposed to rule based on the constitutionally of the issue. Affirmative action is nothing more than reverse discrimination so him siding against affirmative action would be a proper judgement based on the Constitution.
convince me of something

I always had mixed feelings about affirmative action... because it cannot be denied that Blacks have been discriminated against in the past...

My view is that that is not the case to speak of anymore and there are plenty of laws in place to keep it from happening so Aff A is no longer needed...

do u think it should never have existed?

i mean, yeh, in a perfect world... it shouldn't have.. but... u know the rest

There may be some truth to that with males, but not so much females. Howard Stern used to interview women who didn't know they were gay until they had "an experience" with a female friend. I also know a girl who used to date men all the time and the same story. She said she never had an inclination or attraction to women, but it just happened one night.

Actually, I have several lesbian friends, and my late Aunt was a lesbian who spent her whole life pretending to be straight.

Every one of my friends told me they knew they were gay at an early age. If anything, they make an effort to conform to a straight world.

And this is the real problem. It isn't that schools are teaching kids to be gay, it's that society is teaching them to be in denial.

A Supreme Court judge is not supposed to rule on his or her favor, they are supposed to rule based on the constitutionally of the issue. Affirmative action is nothing more than reverse discrimination so him siding against affirmative action would be a proper judgement based on the Constitution.
Except there have been a raft of previous SCOTUS decisions supporting the constitutionality of AA. His only reason to vote against is being a sad Uncle Tom, who ironically is only where he is because of Affirmative Action.
Um, yes... get this.

Big business has decided your racism and homophobia is no longer something they want to pander to. This is why you guys have already lost to culture wars. Big Business has decided that they no longer need you.

It has nothing to do with it. Obviously you don't understand how the Communists work.
Sometimes I wonder if I wandered in to 4chan instead of USMessageboard.

The inability to self reflect here is breathtaking.
So true! These leftists don’t see how they are supporting racism, and trying to insult people who object to it.
Actually, the Princess says a lot of things, and none of them are believable.

She claimed that EVERY LAST MODEL on a poster was black. And all the Mannequins were black. (most mannequins don't have a race, but whatever.) This just doesn't pass a laugh test. No Asians. No Whites. No Hispanics? Really?

Yes, that's what she said. So why did you lie about it and say she was upset because "some" of the posters had minorities on them?
War, political unrest, supply train problems, weird weather, a divided America. And 17 pages devoted to the horror of posters in some shopping mall. Just a petty Distraction.
No, HitlerBob, they are more like a QUISLING. Uncle Thomas has never ruled on a case in a favorable way to blacks, not on justice reform, not on affirmative action, any of it.
The SCOTUS is bigger than your identity political considerations...
Yes, that's what she said. So why did you lie about it and say she was upset because "some" of the posters had minorities on them?
What I wonder is why that antisemitic poster called me a princess.

As far as his lying, yup. I never objected to the fact that SOME posters had blacks on them. I objected to the fact that every single one had blacks on them, to the complete exclusion of whites. And he knows this. When bigoted leftists realize they can’t argue the point, they lie about what the other person said. Very typical.
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”


I can only imagine how traumatic this must have been. I saw an SUV commercial the other day with a black mother taking her kids to lacrosse practice, which is like the whitest sport on the planet, and I woke up on the floor. My wife said I had a seizure.
War, political unrest, supply train problems, weird weather, a divided America. And 17 pages devoted to the horror of posters in some shopping mall. Just a petty Distraction.
Nope. A show of the extent to which liberals are going to advance anti-white racism. Considering that liberals have made racism a front and center issue, it’s odd how you‘re so dismissive of it when it’s against whites.

I swear, I’m going to step into one of these stores - maybe the sports store with all the posters of blacks only AND all the mannequins of blacks only and ask “is this a store for blacks only”?
No, but we see America’s power fading as diversity grows

Good observation.

America was founded on EXCELLENCE. The better you were the higher you rose.

The Woke Left base everything on DIVERSITY (diversifying FROM an excellence-driven agenda, that is how you both EXCLUDE (whites) while promoting diversity). Diversity leads to generalization thru lax standards permitting greater diversification, by promoting things other than excellence as the driving goal.

So yeah--- inevitably, this can only lead to a loss of American power as America becomes more like the rest of the world IN EVERY WAY.
I can only imagine how traumatic this must have been. I saw an SUV commercial the other day with a black mother taking her kids to lacrosse practice, which is like the whitest sport on the planet, and I woke up on the floor. My wife said I had a seizure.

They are going overboard. I just saw an ad for a cruise, and they featured just ONE couple. It was two men with their arms wrapped around each other in the hot tub.
Good observation.

America was founded on EXCELLENCE. The better you were the higher you rose.

The Woke Left base everything on DIVERSITY (diversifying FROM an excellence-driven agenda, that is how you both EXCLUDE (whites) while promoting diversity). Diversity leads to generalization thru lax standards permitting greater diversification, by promoting things other than excellence as the driving goal.

So yeah--- inevitably, this can only lead to a loss of American power as America becomes more like the rest of the world IN EVERY WAY.
Absolutely true. When the goal is diversity rather than excellence, the caliber drops.
It has nothing to do with it. Obviously you don't understand how the Communists work.
Um, yeah, so, um big corporations are "Communist" now? Disney is apparently a hotbed of communism


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