The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

But here's the thing, Welfare Ray... they decided to hire the guy who couldn't speak English that well because they didn't want to pay you a fair wage, even though this is probably a job you could do instead of collecting the government cheese.

So you are blaming the person who may not even live in this country instead of the rich white guys who decided to go cheap.

No, it's actually because you commies are letting them in by the millions. The end of Title 42 ends May 24th thanks to Dementia, as if the last couple of million were not enough.

We smart whites realize what's going on, and that is the Commies are trying to make us a minority in our country for the first time in history. Sellouts like you give them your total support while the smart whites fight against it. You are voting against your own interests and either are not smart enough to realize it or simply don't care.

You people are destroying this great country little by little.
Just pointing out the truth. White flight is still a normal thing in this country. I seen it in my very own suburb and our surrounding suburbs.

It's just like when we have discussions about dividing the country into two countries: one side for Democrats and the other side for Republicans. It's generally the liberals who are outraged by the idea. We conservatives at least give it some thought as we can't stand to be around you people. You? Could never survive without us.
The truth that you are a whiny failure?
Race is not the only basis for bigotry, as you frequently demonsrate.

Except everyone who has a religious viewpoint is a bigot. You can' think your religion is right and everyone else's isn't without being bigoted against their religion.

I don't think Joseph Smith was talking to God.
I don't think that the Jews are God's chosen people. (If they were, he wouldn't have let Hitler kill half of them)
I don't think Jesus, Mohammed, the Buhhda, etc. were speaking for any magic pixie in the sky.

Being anti-religion isn't a bigotry, it's an opinion on how the universe works.

It's funny, in this context, that you should try to fall to this excuse to justify your own bigotry; given how you always take the side of subhuman criminal shit against the side of human beings, and accuse me of being “racist” because I take the side of human beings and call out your criminal filth for what it clearly is.

Except it's not a zero sum game. At the end of the day, your life wasn't ruined because some guy stole your toolbox. You got over it. That you think people should be killed for such minor offenses kind of makes you a sociopath.

It's easy to be a "saint" if you go to bed tonight with a full belly, knowing that there will be a warm place for you to sleep and that you'll have a job the next day. When I hear you bleat about criminals, I hear someone who has never endured any hardship. And frankly, neither have I, really.

If you want to see crime end, do something about poverty and racism and drug addiction and mental illness. Don't accept that these things are okay, and then complain about the side-effects.

Guess what? Criminals are not a race, no matter how much you try to use race as an excuse for their behavior.

No, they are the result of bad policy, of which racism is one of them.
Not really. I mean, I know you "Christians" have been trying to organize against Disney for years, and this funny thing happens. Disney keeps making boatloads of money because most decent people find you bigot detestable.

Decent people understand the difference between boys and girls. Disgusting maggots want to give children drugs that will ruin the rest of their lives because they are simply going through a phase.
No, it's actually because you commies are letting them in by the millions. The end of Title 42 ends May 24th thanks to Dementia, as if the last couple of million were not enough.

Uh, Title 42 is ending because it was a temporary measure related to Covid that no longer applies now.

Again, you want to end illegal immigration, go after the rich white people who hire them.

Not that this applies to your phone situation, that's probably someone in India or the Philippines who is answering phone calls for a pittance compared to what they SHOULD be paying an American.

We smart whites realize what's going on, and that is the Commies are trying to make us a minority in our country for the first time in history. Sellouts like you give them your total support while the smart whites fight against it. You are voting against your own interests and either are not smart enough to realize it or simply don't care.

Uh, guy, the minority isn't my enemy. I can honestly say, a minority has never done me wrong in my 60 years. Most of the time when I have been screwed over, it's been by another white person with more money and authority.
My point is that it was in response to complaints by the blacks. That character could have easily been white if what you said was the reason. But the blacks complained about an all white hit sitcom, and they had to create a black character to make them happy.

But that's the point. It was a hit sitcom with six white people. They wrote in a black girl for what, two episodes. Why not write her in as a regular character?

Decent people understand the difference between boys and girls. Disgusting maggots want to give children drugs that will ruin the rest of their lives because they are simply going through a phase.

Uh, guy, do you know how many doctors need to sign off before they'll give a kid hormones? Here's a hint. More than probably signed off on your disability check.

Most hormone therapy isn't administered until the kid is 16.
But that's the point. It was a hit sitcom with six white people. They wrote in a black girl for what, two episodes. Why not write her in as a regular character?

Oh please. That character was on a dozen or so episodes if not an entire season.

Uh, guy, do you know how many doctors need to sign off before they'll give a kid hormones? Here's a hint. More than probably signed off on your disability check.

Most hormone therapy isn't administered until the kid is 16.

The commies are pushing to have those drugs administered to pre-pubic children.
You mean the Chinese are going after Muslim Terrorists? Oh, the tragedy!

The reality is, Disney sees China as a market, and frankly, they are doing some things that I think are kind of dumb to get part of that market (like editing a same-sex kiss out of the last Star Wars movie in the Chinese version).
War, political unrest, supply train problems, weird weather, a divided America. And 17 pages devoted to the horror of posters in some shopping mall. Just a petty Distraction.

Are you new here or what? We have several topics on each of those discussions in this forum. Look around a little bit.
You mean the Chinese are going after Muslim Terrorists? Oh, the tragedy!

The reality is, Disney sees China as a market, and frankly, they are doing some things that I think are kind of dumb to get part of that market (like editing a same-sex kiss out of the last Star Wars movie in the Chinese version).

The bottom line is Disney is in bed with the Communists on multiple levels. Another leftist company selling out our country.
Oh please. That character was on a dozen or so episodes if not an entire season.

Then you should be able to tell me the name of that character or the actress that played her.

Heck, I didn't even watch that show, and I knew who Ross and Rachel were (Played by Schimmer and Jennifer Anniston) and that the sexual tension between them was a big part of the show.

The commies are pushing to have those drugs administered to pre-pubic children.

Which commies are those?

The current guidelines is to start at 16. Some are suggesting going as low as 13, but that's still well after puberty.

Of course, kids are going through puberty as early as 10 because of all the shit they are putting in the food.
The bottom line is Disney is in bed with the Communists on multiple levels. Another leftist company selling out our country.

As you often say, the purpose of a business is to make money for their stockholders. Or at least you say that when they screwing over their workers and busting up their unions and cutting health benefits.

But doing business in China? THOSE TRAITORS.

Um, last time I checked, getting the CHinese to buy our stuff is a GOOD thing. That's money in our pockets.
Oh please. That character was on a dozen or so episodes if not an entire season.

The commies are pushing to have those drugs administered to pre-pubic children.
You notice how A.S. Joe is insulting whitey for complaining that whites are being excluded from advertising - 20 posters, 20 blacks - and then HE objects that the black character in Friends wasn’t developed enough and in enough episodds? These self-loathing whites cheer on when whites are excluded (and mock any white who complains about the bias) and then complains that blacks aren’t included enough. OMG, the hypocrisy.
Then you should be able to tell me the name of that character or the actress that played her.

Heck, I didn't even watch that show, and I knew who Ross and Rachel were (Played by Schimmer and Jennifer Anniston) and that the sexual tension between them was a big part of the show.

Why should I be able to tell you the actresss name that played the part? HTF would I know? Never cared enough to look it up. That's when the show started going downhill.

Which commies are those?

The current guidelines is to start at 16. Some are suggesting going as low as 13, but that's still well after puberty.

Of course, kids are going through puberty as early as 10 because of all the shit they are putting in the food.

You don't give children even that young the ability to take satanic medications that will destroy their lives. We don't give children fentanyl, we don't give them guns to take to school, we don't let them get drunk.

If somebody is so screwed up in the head that they want to make an extremely life changing decision, that shouldn't be done until the age of 18 and a decision they make by themselves.
You notice how A.S. Joe is insulting whitey for complaining that whites are being excluded from advertising - 20 posters, 20 blacks - and then HE objects that the black character in Friends wasn’t developed enough and in enough episodds? These self-loathing whites cheer on when whites are excluded (and mock any white who complains about the bias) and then complains that blacks aren’t included enough. OMG, the hypocrisy.

When I got my new television I started to look for more programs to watch outside news. Disappointed in of the current programming, I began to watch a bunch of classic shows, Friends being one of them. I know for a fact she was on many of those episodes. She was a main character for nearly if not an entire season.

Back to point: We must pander to the blacks when they complain about exclusion, but don't a whitie dare do the same. That's being a Karen.
When I got my new television I started to look for more programs to watch outside news. Disappointed in of the current programming, I began to watch a bunch of classic shows, Friends being one of them. I know for a fact she was on many of those episodes. She was a main character for nearly if not an entire season.

Back to point: We must pander to the blacks when they complain about exclusion, but don't a whitie dare do the same. That's being a Karen.
For the sake of “equity,” I think we should come up with an insulting name and use it when blacks, or self-loathing whites, complain about exclusion. Using the same comment I’ve read here, something like: “That Tyrone is upset that his Black Privilege isn’t being honored.”
For the sake of “equity,” I think we should come up with an insulting name and use it when blacks, or self-loathing whites, complain about exclusion. Using the same comment I’ve read here, something like: “That Tyrone is upset that his Black Privilege isn’t being honored.”

Change that to Sambo; much more offensive. :auiqs.jpg:

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