The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Uh, pay attention, I'm prejudiced against all you God-botherers. Jews, Catholics, Mormons, Evangelicals... because you all believe really stupid shit and want to impose your views on others.

That's ironic, a cretin who denies God, saying that to believe in Him is “crazy shit”.

Beyond the obvious “crazy shit” of denying God, look at all the other crazy shit that you have allowed Satan to dump into your mind to fill in the void resulting from your denial of God. And look how determined you are to force that crazy shit on others.

You casting aspersions on our sanity, intellect, and moral character is like a supermassive galactic-center black hole calling a cottonball “black”.
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We could always use more Black people in advertisements...

You again? Do you have to hijack every *&%^ thread to Trump????
Nope. I never hijack threads. I merely exploit opportunities to legitimately link the subject matter to your failed Orange Baboon.

Under circumstance in which there is some risk of such an autocrat-wannabe reassuming power, it's pure wisdom to keep his Sins in the foreground.
Guess what? Criminals are not a race, no matter how much you try to use race as an excuse for their behavior.
No, they are the result of bad policy, of which racism is one of them.


Criminals, like human beings, are responsible for their own behavior.

Criminals are former human being, who chose to give up their humanity in order to behave like subhuman animals.

The choice is their own, the responsibility is their own; and not anyone or anything else's.

If any bad policy is to blame, it is the policies of your side, which restrain our justice system from properly holding criminals accountable, and from protecting human beings therefrom.

And that goes right back to you and your kind, and your position of taking the side of subhuman criminal pieces of shit against the side of human beings.
Well, again, I don't believe that there were no whites on any posters in that entire mall. Your narrative leaves key points out like "which stores" and "what did they sell" and "how many stores were we talking about". Only that a mere picture of a black person makes you wet yourself.

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Actually, it took me all of two seconds to look up. The actress was named Aisha Tyler (who would go on to host Talk Soup) playing Charlie. I also confirmed what I did remember about the Chinese girlfriend, played by Lauren Tom (mostly known for her voice work in animation.) Both of these women are incredibly talented, but clearly not white enough.

Now, incidentally, BOTH of these actresses were cast at David Schwimmer's insistence.

So you kind of defeated your own argument, Welfare Ray.

Wow, you seem to have proven exactly the opposite. Tom and Tyler are pretty darned good actresses, but not white enough to be on a major sitcom as a lead character.

Well WTF did you expect the actor to say, I hated it but it was part of my job?

It has nothing to do with how good or bad an actor is. It has to do with the complaining of blacks because the show was all white, like it's a curse that whites have their very own kind of shows. But dare a white person complain about lack of diversity with people of their own race, it shouldn't be a problem. You're nothing but a complainer.
It's okay for a police officer to gun down anybody pulling out a realistic gun which presents a threat to the officer. That's the law for police and that's the law for us armed citizens.

If the Tamir Rice case happened today, that piece of shit would go to jail. I do find it funny that you have no problem with a cop gunning down a child because he MIGHT have a gun, but you are horrified about a child getting therapy after being examined by multiple doctors.

Yes, we administer medications when they call for it, but that's to treat illness, not a mental delusion. Administering life changing medication that is likely to lead to suicide is not the same as giving a child an alka seltzer for his sore tummy. If the child shows unusual mental problems that needs to be addressed by a psychologist and not some MD who can prescribe dangerous medications for a child that's simply going through a stage, or was manipulated into thinking that way by some perverted adult.

Works on the assumption that Transgenderism is a mental delusion. Lots of trans people function just fine in our society. If they have a higher rate of suicide, it's because they have to deal with bigots like you.

Oh, for the happy day when the bigots are the ones offing themselves because the world is hostile to them. "Oh, My god, I was just at the mall and they had all these pictures of black people! Goodbye, Cruel Politically Correct World!"
Well WTF did you expect the actor to say, I hated it but it was part of my job?

It has nothing to do with how good or bad an actor is. It has to do with the complaining of blacks because the show was all white, like it's a curse that whites have their very own kind of shows. But dare a white person complain about lack of diversity with people of their own race, it shouldn't be a problem. You're nothing but a complainer.

Um, yeah, it kind of has everything to do with it. Lauren Tom and Aisha Tyler are genuinely funny women. But the best they can really hope for is supporting roles because they aren't white. Tom is best known for her work as a voice actress. Or we can talk about a lot of the racial backlash that John Boyega or Kelly Tran got for being in the last round of Star Wars movies.

30% of the people in this country aren't white... but White people are the leads in almost every TV show.
The sight of a black face doesn’t trigger me, either. That’s not what the problem is here, and you know it. The constant reminders that liberals are so averse to showing a White face - when whites are in the majority - and the obvious anti-white bias behind it is the trigger. Liberals are acting as if whites don’t exist, or that they don’t matter.

And I doubt you’re “very conservative”. Accusing a white of being a rwcist with some sarcastic and false comment is right out of the libbie playbook.

Uh, yeah, let's review.

You get horribly upset that blacks are getting into elite college. You fake outrage that Asians aren't getting in, but you are really, really upset that "less qualified" blacks are getting in first..

Then you get massively upset that you went to the mall and the posters in stores (never tell us which stores, what they were selling or how many stores) had posters with black models on them.

I imagine you growing up in an environment where "schwarze" was thrown around a lot as an insult.
This thread has demonstrated how deceitful and underhanded liberals are when it comes to racism:

1) They lie to make conservatives APPEAR racist since their main platform consists of clamping down on what they PRETEND to be rampant racism in this country. Just look at the lies: repeatedly, I‘ve been said to be “triggered” or “wet myself” because I saw a black face on a poster, when they know full well the issue is that ALL posters, in every store I passed, had ONLY blacks - without a single white. I estimate seven or eight stores, with two or three posters each….every single one black. (This in a country where they are a 14% minority!)

2) They exhibit hypocrisy in spades. While liberals rail against “exclusion” and cheer on “diversity,” they are very accepting of exclusion against whites and are fine with a lack of diversity as long as that lack of diversity is among blacks - as demonstrated by the posters. Any white who objects to the exclusion or bias against whites is insulted, mocked, or accused of having a horrible character.

3) Some are in denial with how far the bias against whites has gone. They have simply said it COULD NOT BE that every single store I passed had poster, after poster, after poster of blacks, and blacks only.

4) There IS racism these days, but it is against whites. We see the evidence against it via policies and decisions that favor blacks (be it the refusal to have a white face on a poster or reject a 3.8 GPA white in favor of a 3.2 black) to the indoctrination being doled out in the elementary schools (where they are are taught whites are innately racist) to the screams of “white supremacy” anytime someone objects to bias against whites, or doesn’t fall lockstep behind BLM.
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That's ironic, a cretin who denies God, saying that to believe in Him is “crazy shit”.

Beyond the obvious “crazy shit” of denying God, look at all the other crazy shit that you have allowed Satan to dump into your mind to fill in the void resulting from your denial of God. And look how determined you are to force that crazy shit on others.

You casting aspersions on our sanity, intellect, and moral character is like a supermassive galactic-center black hole calling a cottonball “black”.

Don't you guys think that Jesus and Satan were brothers living on the Planet Kolob? I mean if you want to talk about crazy stuff, Mormonism is a target-rich environment. the problem is, all the other religions are equally crazy.

Uh, no, guy, believing there is an invisible man in the sky who demands you do stuff is kind of crazy.

So why is "Jehovah" real, but Allah, Amaterasu, Krishna, etc. all fake. No matter what you believe, there are more people who believe differently. What if you get to heaven and find out that the Shintos were right and Amaterasu is the supreme being? Boy, won't you feel silly.


Honestly, she already looks pissed!

Here's why I believe the notion of "God" is silly.

The Universe is 14 billion years old. Earth is one of trillions of planets in the universe. Maybe it is the only one where this thing called "life" happened. We'll probably never know for sure in our lifetime. Life only evolved on this planet a billion years ago. Human beings only appeared 250,000 years ago. Civilization has only been around for 7000 years. Belief in Jehovah/Yahweh/the Judeo Christian God has only been around for about 3500 years, and he was only a regional deity until about 1700 year ago, when Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire. Ironically, most of the stone age/early bronze age religions were matriarchal, they believed in a female deity associated with the earth. The Patriarchal Sky God is a later invention.

So your brilliant God waits 14 billion years before anyone starts worshipping him? And for most of history, his creations worshipped someone or something else.

I can go a bit further why I think beliefs in the Christian God (not even picking on Mormons in particular, I've wasted way too much digital ink on that.) are kind of silly.

A few years ago, I had the pleasure of working with a young lady from Japan. Because she was born in Japan, she was a Buddhist. Which means according to most Christian religions, she was going to Hell despite being a really, really nice person. Meanwhile, according to most Christian theology, you can be kind of a shitty person as a Christian, but as long as you ask forgiveness for your sins and accept Jesus into your heart, you get into heaven.

That sounds- kind of messed up.

Not to say that Christianity doesn't have some virtues. Frankly, I have little problem with the philosophy attributed to Jesus (not Mormon Jesus). Love thy neighbor, treat people the way you'd want to be treated, forgive those who've wronged you. Clearly, these are the parts of Christianity you were asleep when they were talking about, given your desire to murder people for even the most minor transgressions. But that's okay, Christians have been ignoring these things for 2000 years.

All that said, please, please keep believing in Mormon Jesus. Fear of your Magic Sky Friend is BARELY keeping your sociopathic tendencies in line... I would hate to see the Rampage you'd go on if you didn't have that keeping you in check.
This thread has demonstrated how deceitful and underhanded liberals are when it comes to racism:

Do tell. This should be amusing.

1) They lie to make conservatives APPEAR racist since their main platform consists of clamping down on what they PRETEND to be rampant racism in this country. Just look at the lies: repeatedly, I‘ve been said to be “triggered” or “wet myself” because I saw a black face on a poster, when they know full well the issue is that ALL posters, in every store I passed, had ONLY blacks - without a single white. I estimate seven or eight stores, with two or three posters each….every single one black. (This in a country where they are a 14% minority!)

So just eight stores in a mall (this must be a really small mall). I have to tell you in the rare occassions I go to a mall (because I do most of my shopping on line), I really don't look at the posters. I went to my local Jewel Osco recently, and most of the posters they had were of white people. Maybe a spattering of people of color.

Of course, I never buy anything because of what is on a poster, anyway. I'm not sure why these posters are triggering you.

What kind of neighborhood was this mall in?
What kind of products did these stores sell.
Are they mostly using black models because that is who goes to the mall these days, because white people are largely shopping on line.

You see, there were a whole bunch of alternative explanations for these posters, other than the White Replacement Theory you've obviously heard about on Fox News.

2) They exhibit hypocrisy in spades. While liberals rail against “exclusion” and cheer on “diversity,” they are very accepting of exclusion against whites and are fine with a lack of diversity as long as that lack of diversity is among blacks - as demonstrated by the posters. Any white who objects to the exclusion or bias against whites is insulted, mocked, or accused of having a horrible character.

Oh, don't flatter yourself. Most people who aren't racists thought you had a horrible character before this thread!

3) Some are in denial with how far the bias against whites has gone. They have simply said it COULD NOT BE that every single store I passed had poster, after poster, after poster of blacks, and blacks only.

Well, yeah, if the crazy person who is always screaming about Aliens rushes into the bar and says "There's a flying saucer that just landed on the hill", my first instinct would not be to go out and look for a flying saucer.

When the crazy woman who is always screaming about how Blacks are getting all the goodies complains about "all the stores" having black people on their posters, I'm not inclined to take that at face value, either.

4) There IS racism these days, but it is against whites. We see the evidence against it via policies and decisions that favor blacks (be it the refusal to have a white face on a poster or reject a 3.8 GPA white in favor of a 3.2 black) to the indoctrination being doled out in the elementary schools (where they are are taught whites are innately racist) to the screams of “white supremacy” anytime someone objects to bias against whites, or doesn’t fall lockstep behind BLM.

Except- no one 'refused" to put a white face on a poster. The Poster Police didn't come through and say, "You must put black folks on a poster."

And, no, diversity in college is a good thing. It's not a tragedy that the 3.8 white had to go to state college instead of an elite school.

The reality is, if I actually thought there was a God, I'd be thanking him every day I was born a white man in this society. Simply being a white male in America is a HUGE advantage despite the attempts to correct 400 years of bias.
Hey, I just noticed something.

As an pudgy, middle aged, balding guy, I am finding that there are very few fashion posters featuring pudgy, old, bald guys. This is clearly a conspiracy against the calorically and folliclely challenged!!! All these posters in stores feature, young, attractive and thin models. Clearly there is a bias, and I demand redress, dammit!
They were never all white, at least in my lifetime. They always had a few blacks, mostly to acknowledge that blacks exist and shop there too. Rightly so. But now they refuse to have even ONE poster of a white, and they ALL are of blacks. Do whites not exist? Why can’t we at least get the courtesy given to blacks decades ago?

Don‘t pretend you don’t see what the issue is here. You’re not that stupid, even if you are a liberal.
You must be very young.
Hey, I just noticed something.

As an pudgy, middle aged, balding guy, I am finding that there are very few fashion posters featuring pudgy, old, bald guys. This is clearly a conspiracy against the calorically and folliclely challenged!!! All these posters in stores feature, young, attractive and thin models. Clearly there is a bias, and I demand redress, dammit!
If you want redress, push your fat ass away from the dinner table once in a while. A wig, some photoshop, and you'll be on posters in no time.
You must be very young.
I’m retired. But I grew up in Washington, DC, and we always had blacks in school, at work, at restaurants, etc., and posters and ads in the stores always had SOME blacks. In fact, Washington DC was quite nice until 1968, when blacks burnt the place down after MLK was assassinated. It was at that point that I noticed a big rift between blacks and whites.

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