The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

No, I’m complaining that EVERY single poster is of a black because whites are seen as such nothings that posters of even one of them must be avoided. I am pointing out the bigotry against whites, and you f‘n know it. The leftist pattern of saying “raaaaaacist” when bias against whites is pointed out it nasty, and meaningless.
Did you care when there weren’t any posters showing blacks?
Did you care when there weren’t any posters showing blacks?
As I said, there was ALWAYS a few blacks on posters, going back as far as I can remember. Then again, I grew up in DC.

And let’s say there wasn’t. The leftist answer is to say, basically, “so now YOU WHITES are being excluded“? That makes it OK to exclude whites - the MAJORITY population - with you? IOW, this isn’t about “equity” - the intentional exclusion of whites is for payback.
Did you care when there weren’t any posters showing blacks?
and P.S. Are blacks concerned that there aren’t any posters showing whites? You people are a bunch of hypocrites, and racist. Bias and exclusion is fine with you as long as it’s against whitey.
As I said, there was ALWAYS a few blacks on posters, going back as far as I can remember. Then again, I grew up in DC.

And let’s say there wasn’t. The leftist answer is to say, basically, “so now YOU WHITES are being excluded“? That makes it OK to exclude whites - the MAJORITY population - with you? IOW, this isn’t about “equity” - the intentional exclusion of whites is for payback.
I grew up in the DC suburbs. I know what that area is like. I also remember when almost all the advertising was white, with tbe occasional token black. So now you are having a mini meltdown over one advertising poster showing a black person only but had no problem with posters showing whites only?
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and P.S. Are blacks concerned that there aren’t any posters showing whites? You people are a bunch of hypocrites, and racist. Bias and exclusion is fine with you as long as it’s against whitey.
Probably not. Just like I’m not. Because just around the corner there is likely a poster showing white peoples. I also suspect areas with heavily black clientele will have a lot more black oriented merchandise and (gasp) black figures in advertising. Doesn’t bother me. I don’t go out of my way to look for unintentional things to be outraged over. Life’s too short.
I grew up in the DC suburbs. I know what that area is like. I also remember when almost all the advertising was white, with tbe occasional token black. So now you are having a mini prion over one advertising poster showing a black person only but had no problem with posters showing whites only?
Oh no you don’t. You hypocrites rail against racism. and that blacks aren’t being represented enough, to the point of ridiculousness where poster after poster after poster after posters are featuring blacks and blacks ONLY, to the total exclusion of whites entirely, and when a white complains about it, your response is “so you didn’t care when blacks were excluded.”

If you self-loathing whites were really opposed to racism, you’d be willing to acknowledge that it is wrong when perpetuated against ANY race.

This determination of companies to avoid showing any white face in their advertising material is beyond absurdity.
Probably not. Just like I’m not. Because just around the corner there is likely a poster showing white peoples. I also suspect areas with heavily black clientele will have a lot more black oriented merchandise and (gasp) black figures in advertising. Doesn’t bother me. I don’t go out of my way to look for unintentional things to be outraged over. Life’s too short.
1) Avoiding showing any white faces in advertising is INTENTIONAL. Believe me, corporate marketing departments gIve great thought to the faces that appear on their material.

2) This shopping mall is in a county that is about 75% white. That companies pretend there are no whites and show they only care about 25% of their base is MAJOR anti-white bias.

3) It is an indication that blacks are now favored over whites, and it extends from advertising material to job openings, where whites can be told in advance they will not be considered, such as with the SCOTUS nominee, without concern that laws against racial discrimination are being violated.
Oh no you don’t.

Oh yes I do.

You hypocrites rail against racism. and that blacks aren’t being represented enough, to the point of ridiculousness where poster after poster after poster after posters are featuring blacks and blacks ONLY, to the total exclusion of whites entirely, and when a white complains about it, your response is “so you didn’t care when blacks were excluded.”

Poster after poster? You sound seriously triggered if you only zone in on blacks in posters. You did the same thing with Disney. I haven’t railed against any of that, I just wonder why you aren’t outraged when it was mostly whites shown.

If you self-loathing whites were really opposed to racism, you’d be willing to acknowledge that it is wrong when perpetuated against ANY race.
Speak for yourself. Any time some disagrees with your stance on something they become “self loathing”. If white people were truly erased from advertising you might have a point, but they aren’t. They represent a substantial customer base and shoppers like to likenesses they can identify with.

This determination of companies to avoid showing any white face in their advertising material is beyond absurdity.
It would be. If true. But it isn’t.
You notice how A.S. Joe is insulting whitey for complaining that whites are being excluded from advertising - 20 posters, 20 blacks - and then HE objects that the black character in Friends wasn’t developed enough and in enough episodds? These self-loathing whites cheer on when whites are excluded (and mock any white who complains about the bias) and then complains that blacks aren’t included enough. OMG, the hypocrisy.
Still traumatized by seeing black people in ads?
I grew up in the DC suburbs. I know what that area is like. I also remember when almost all the advertising was white, with tbe occasional token black. So now you are having a mini meltdown over one advertising poster showing a black person only but had no problem with posters showing whites only?
Don't forget that she had a mental meltdown and an existential identity crisis when someone in a store said hello to her in Spanish. Life is full of horrors.
Poster after poster? You sound seriously triggered if you only zone in on blacks in posters. You did the same thing with Disney. I haven’t railed against any of that, I just wonder why you aren’t outraged when it was mostly whites

The anti-white racism is so blatant, and so ridiculous, it‘s hard to miss.

Speak for yourself. Any time some disagrees with your stance on something they become “self loathing”. If white people were truly erased from advertising you might have a point, but they aren’t. They represent a substantial customer base and shoppers like to likenesses they can identify with.

Yes, self-loathing. Otherwise you’d be willing to acknowledge that the degree to which whites are INTENTIONALLY being excluded from marketing material is racist against whites, and be opposed to it, rather than try to excuse it by saying it’s “unintentional” and start hassling a white who is opposed to racist decisions against whites, due to their skin color.
It would be. If true. But it isn’t.
Yes, it is true. I know you're a liberal and thus think you know everything, but corporate marketing departments give GREAT time and thought into selecting models to put on their promotional material.
The anti-white racism is so blatant, and so ridiculous, it‘s hard to miss.

Yes, self-loathing. Otherwise you’d be willing to acknowledge that the degree to which whites are INTENTIONALLY being excluded from marketing material is racist against whites, and be opposed to it, rather than try to excuse it by saying it’s “unintentional” and start hassling a white who is opposed to racist decisions against whites, due to their skin color.

Yes, it is true. I know you're a liberal and thus think you know everything, but corporate marketing departments give GREAT time and thought into selecting models to put on their promotional material.
And P.S. You’re saying I wasn’t upset when advertising was mostly whites? Why should I be? The country is mostly whites. It makes sense that most advertising would be mostly whites.

Now how does that compare to when advertising is now exclusively blacks, or even mostly blacks, or even half blacks, when they are just 14% of the population?
As I said, there was ALWAYS a few blacks on posters, going back as far as I can remember. Then again, I grew up in DC.

And let’s say there wasn’t. The leftist answer is to say, basically, “so now YOU WHITES are being excluded“? That makes it OK to exclude whites - the MAJORITY population - with you? IOW, this isn’t about “equity” - the intentional exclusion of whites is for payback.

So I have a question about this dubious story... Do you think all these stores got together and said, "let's not put up any posters with white people in them!" Or do you think the Mall Management said, "Let's exclude Whitey!!!"

This sounds kind of improbable.

and P.S. Are blacks concerned that there aren’t any posters showing whites? You people are a bunch of hypocrites, and racist. Bias and exclusion is fine with you as long as it’s against whitey.

I doubt anyone, black or white, cares about posters in a mall all that much.

Oh no you don’t. You hypocrites rail against racism. and that blacks aren’t being represented enough, to the point of ridiculousness where poster after poster after poster after posters are featuring blacks and blacks ONLY, to the total exclusion of whites entirely, and when a white complains about it, your response is “so you didn’t care when blacks were excluded.”

My response is why are you so obsessed about black people. Because every last one of your threads are "black people doing this..." or "black people doing that..." Did a black person hurt you as a child?

If you self-loathing whites were really opposed to racism, you’d be willing to acknowledge that it is wrong when perpetuated against ANY race.

This determination of companies to avoid showing any white face in their advertising material is beyond absurdity.

Somehow, I don't think I'm feeling oppressed because "there aren't enough white people on posters!" Now, admitably, I don't go to the store very often and have next to no idea on what is fashionable these days. I pretty much dress the same way now I did in the 1980's.
Here’s a good example of how it is so silly. We are a diverse society. We are now finally showing it, recognizing that people want see people that look like themselves. If that is “woke”, so what? It also means merchants want to widen their customer base.

Target’s ads…a variety of ads, a variety of people…is that a problem?

And P.S. You’re saying I wasn’t upset when advertising was mostly whites? Why should I be? The country is mostly whites. It makes sense that most advertising would be mostly whites.

Now how does that compare to when advertising is now exclusively blacks, or even mostly blacks, or even half blacks, when they are just 14% of the population?
So intentionally excluding blacks isn’t racist, “it makes sense”, but intentionally excluding whites is racist? That is not an internally consistent argument.
And P.S. You’re saying I wasn’t upset when advertising was mostly whites? Why should I be? The country is mostly whites. It makes sense that most advertising would be mostly whites.

Now how does that compare to when advertising is now exclusively blacks, or even mostly blacks, or even half blacks, when they are just 14% of the population?

It would depend

Where they were selling.
Who they were selling to.
What they were selling.

If they were in a largely black neighborhood, and most of their customers are black, because white people do their shopping through Amazon, and the products they sell are makeup or fashion that appeal to a black customer base, then no, I wouldn't think twice about the posters.

Since these were mulitple stores, that means that you had store owners who looked at possible advertising material, and said, "Yes, this is the best message I want to portray."

For instance, because I never gave it any thought before... I just checked the website for my company. I didn't pick the pictures used. The lady (who I assume was white) who set up my website picked some random stock photos. The majority of the photos she picked were of white people, but there were a smattering of blacks and Asians. I clearly didn't give it any thought, and I doubt she did, either.
It would depend

Where they were selling.
Who they were selling to.
What they were selling.

If they were in a largely black neighborhood, and most of their customers are black, because white people do their shopping through Amazon, and the products they sell are makeup or fashion that appeal to a black customer base, then no, I wouldn't think twice about the posters.

Since these were mulitple stores, that means that you had store owners who looked at possible advertising material, and said, "Yes, this is the best message I want to portray."

For instance, because I never gave it any thought before... I just checked the website for my company. I didn't pick the pictures used. The lady (who I assume was white) who set up my website picked some random stock photos. The majority of the photos she picked were of white people, but there were a smattering of blacks and Asians. I clearly didn't give it any thought, and I doubt she did, either.
To answer those already answered questions go back to the start of the Thread.
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”

So pleased to see your not a racist.

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