The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

If you want redress, push your fat ass away from the dinner table once in a while. A wig, some photoshop, and you'll be on posters in no time.

Sarcasm is lost on you, isn't it, dripping poop?

I’m retired. But I grew up in Washington, DC, and we always had blacks in school, at work, at restaurants, etc., and posters and ads in the stores always had SOME blacks. In fact, Washington DC was quite nice until 1968, when blacks burnt the place down after MLK was assassinated. It was at that point that I noticed a big rift between blacks and whites.

So black people have been making you wet yourself since 1968? You must go through a lot of underwear.


On, no, it's a black woman on the box! She's triggered again!!!!
Um, yeah, it kind of has everything to do with it. Lauren Tom and Aisha Tyler are genuinely funny women. But the best they can really hope for is supporting roles because they aren't white. Tom is best known for her work as a voice actress. Or we can talk about a lot of the racial backlash that John Boyega or Kelly Tran got for being in the last round of Star Wars movies.

30% of the people in this country aren't white... but White people are the leads in almost every TV show.

I don't know, they don't even make sitcoms anymore on the major channels. All I'm pointing out is how they complained when there were all white sitcoms.
If the Tamir Rice case happened today, that piece of shit would go to jail. I do find it funny that you have no problem with a cop gunning down a child because he MIGHT have a gun, but you are horrified about a child getting therapy after being examined by multiple doctors.

Might have a gun? He had an identical gun. That's why people called the cops on him. And yes, when you pull that identical gun on somebody they are going to defend themselves against you.

Works on the assumption that Transgenderism is a mental delusion. Lots of trans people function just fine in our society. If they have a higher rate of suicide, it's because they have to deal with bigots like you.

Oh, for the happy day when the bigots are the ones offing themselves because the world is hostile to them. "Oh, My god, I was just at the mall and they had all these pictures of black people! Goodbye, Cruel Politically Correct World!"

The "assumption" that it's a mental delusion? :auiqs.jpg: What if he thought he was a tree and stood in the park holding branches? Would your "assumption" be that he has mental delusion? Maybe that's why you can't get anything through that thick OCD brain of yours, because you also have mental delusions as well. Maybe you people should form a union or something. :laughing0301:
I don't know, they don't even make sitcoms anymore on the major channels. All I'm pointing out is how they complained when there were all white sitcoms.

They don't?

Oh, most of them are about white people. What a surprise.

Might have a gun? He had an identical gun. That's why people called the cops on him. And yes, when you pull that identical gun on somebody they are going to defend themselves against you.

He had a toy.
It was under his coat in his belt when he was gunned down by a mentally unstable cop.

The "assumption" that it's a mental delusion? What if he thought he was a tree and stood in the park holding branches? Would your "assumption" be that he has mental delusion? Maybe that's why you can't get anything through that thick OCD brain of yours, because you also have mental delusions as well. Maybe you people should form a union or something

If he thought he was a tree, he could apply for a disability and get a big old fat government check like you do, Welfare Ray.

Unlike you, most trans people are able to hold down jobs and contribute to society.
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He had a toy.
It was under his coat in his belt when he was gunned down by a mentally unstable cop.

Yes, we know. And when he went down, the gun magically jumped out of his pants and fell to the ground.

If he thought he was a tree, he could apply for a disability and get a big old fat government check like you do, Welfare Ray.

Unlike you, most trans people are able to hold down jobs and contribute to society.

If he thought he was a tree he probably wouldn't get mental help like some people we know on USMB. Come to think of it, if he thought he was a tree he'd still have less problem than you.
Yes, we know. And when he went down, the gun magically jumped out of his pants and fell to the ground.

Um, no, the cops pulled it out... after they messed withthe body.

If he thought he was a tree he probably wouldn't get mental help like some people we know on USMB. Come to think of it, if he thought he was a tree he'd still have less problem than you.

Except I'm gainfully employed and don't need to collect a government check... so there's that.
Um, no, the cops pulled it out... after they messed withthe body.

Well I'll just sit here and wait for this evidence of your lie........I mean story.

Except I'm gainfully employed and don't need to collect a government check... so there's that.

So was I when I was healthy enough to work. What's your point? You'll be collecting a government check if you become disabled or retire. If you don't, then you're completely stupid.
Well I'll just sit here and wait for this evidence of your lie........I mean story.

Loehmann’s partner, Garmback broke down and wept at several points during his interview, which was taken days after the shooting.

“'I didn't know it was a kid,” he said, while describing the boy’s final moments.

“I could see his eyes rolling to the back of his head,” he said emotionally. "He's barely breathing, and there's no rescue squad," he added. “I didn’t know what else to do, there’s nothing else I could have done.”

"The inconsistencies among the officers' video-recorded statements, their prewritten and un-cross-examined supposed 'testimony' to the grand jury, and the video of the shooting underscore how important it is for the safety director, police chief, and mayor at long last to finally hold these officers accountable,"Chandra said in a statement to NBC News.

"On behalf of Officer Frank Garmback and Timothy Loehmann, we find the timing of their Garrity interviews being released to be suspect. These officers are in the process of having their administrative hearings before the Safety Director. This release is intended to undermine their right to a fair and impartial hearing," said Henry Hillow, an attorney representing Garmback and Loehmann in a statement to NBC News.

So was I when I was healthy enough to work. What's your point? You'll be collecting a government check if you become disabled or retire. If you don't, then you're completely stupid.

If you are healthy enough to get on here everyday and post for hours, you are healthy enough to work.

Now go get your government cheese.
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”

Mall will be a ghost town in a year or two, and whites will be blamed. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Excuse me, I was referring to republican voters, not politicians.

Democrats are better at pressuring companies from the ground.

All politicians trying to get in bed with companies should be removed from office and yes they are prevalent on both sides. My point was that when you want a company to go woke, the dems can mobilize their base to get it done and that is not from the pols but from the people. The best republicans can do is go to Chick-Fil-A one day and then forget about it 5 hours later.
Excuse me, I was referring to republican voters, not politicians.

Democrats are better at pressuring companies from the ground.

All politicians trying to get in bed with companies should be removed from office and yes they are prevalent on both sides. My point was that when you want a company to go woke, the dems can mobilize their base to get it done and that is not from the pols but from the people. The best republicans can do is go to Chick-Fil-A one day and then forget about it 5 hours later.
You read like a victim whore
If you are healthy enough to get on here everyday and post for hours, you are healthy enough to work.

Now go get your government cheese.

Yes, I know. Liberals are the smartest ones in the room. OCD knows more than licensed physicians. OCD knows more than the agency that determines disability. OCD knows more than everybody.

I know how badly you like to remain ignorant, but would you like me to post the government website again on eligibility requirements for disability? Yeah, I didn't think so. Stupid people love being that way.
Yes, I know. Liberals are the smartest ones in the room. OCD knows more than licensed physicians. OCD knows more than the agency that determines disability. OCD knows more than everybody.

I know how badly you like to remain ignorant, but would you like me to post the government website again on eligibility requirements for disability? Yeah, I didn't think so. Stupid people love being that way.
If you were a black single mother who has kids she can’t afford and is on welfare, he’d be defending you. But you’re a white man on disability, so he’s insulting you. Typical leftist.
I wonder if the OP is still having nightmares about someone speaking Spanish to her.
If you were a black single mother who has kids she can’t afford and is on welfare, he’d be defending you. But you’re a white man on disability, so he’s insulting you. Typical leftist.

Yep, in fact he did it consistently when I complained about my HUD neighbors who had no respect for anybody. They'd come here at 2:00am laughing, slamming car doors, yelling at each other on a normal work night. He stuck up for them over me.

I worked until I was 60 years old, made investments, never took a dime of government money until a government doctor wouldn't let me work any longer, but he has a problem with me and not my HUD neighbors. He even stuck up for them when the husband shot a gun at his wife. He claimed that I must be up all night watching them because he never shot a gun before to understand how loud that is, especially at 4:30 am.

As I told him, I get great joy knowing my situation keeps him up at night. He probably has a punching bag in his bedroom. :auiqs.jpg: I've been out of work for 2.5 years and he brings it up constantly, but thinks he doesn't have mental problems.
Yes, I know. Liberals are the smartest ones in the room. OCD knows more than licensed physicians. OCD knows more than the agency that determines disability. OCD knows more than everybody.

I know how badly you like to remain ignorant, but would you like me to post the government website again on eligibility requirements for disability?

No, Ray we know you found a way to scam the system, just like all the other malingerers. The amusing thing is you think you are better than the other malingerers.

As much as you whine about wanting your own country, you wouldn't want to live in the country you'd like to make.

If you were a black single mother who has kids she can’t afford and is on welfare, he’d be defending you. But you’re a white man on disability, so he’s insulting you. Typical leftist.

Let's look at that. A single black mother is very likely to have a low-paying job. 40% of households on Food Stamps have at least one person with a job. Same with Section 8. McDonalds and Walmart had instructions telling their lo-wage employees how to apply for government benefits.

Joe's ideal world- everyone would have a renumerative job that pays a living wage. People like Ray who can't do a certain job anymore would be retrained to do something else.

Yep, in fact he did it consistently when I complained about my HUD neighbors who had no respect for anybody. They'd come here at 2:00am laughing, slamming car doors, yelling at each other on a normal work night. He stuck up for them over me.
Um, yeah, because frankly you went through like five groups of HUD neighbors you bitched about. I think you stopped bitching about them because you knew I'd make fun of you.

I worked until I was 60 years old, made investments, never took a dime of government money until a government doctor wouldn't let me work any longer,

Except that's not what happened. He didn't say you couldn't work, he said you couldn't drive a truck. It's not the same thing, really. You just refuse to do anything else because, hey, GOVERNMENT CHEESE!!!

but he has a problem with me and not my HUD neighbors. He even stuck up for them when the husband shot a gun at his wife. He claimed that I must be up all night watching them because he never shot a gun before to understand how loud that is, especially at 4:30 am.

Well, that story sounded suspicious to me, because in real life, guns aren't as loud as they are on TV. Besides my 11 years in the Army, (where guns sounded more like a pop than a bang) in my own building, one of my neighbors offed himself and no one heard a thing. They didn't know he did until his wife found the body.

As I told him, I get great joy knowing my situation keeps him up at night. He probably has a punching bag in his bedroom. I've been out of work for 2.5 years and he brings it up constantly, but thinks he doesn't have mental problems.

I bring it up constantly because it shows what a white trash loser you are.

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