The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Nice, everything republic turns out to be commies and socialist's.

That schtick is old ray.
Like the constant propaganda and signs in Communist lands we are getting the same thing in another way. More and more social justice agenda signs and messages are spreading all over.
Like the constant propaganda and signs in Communist lands we are getting the same thing in another way. More and more social justice agenda signs and messages are spreading all over.
So, your against social justice for everyone?

I thought republics supported a color blind society since we're in a post racial world?
I didn’t say that. I wouldn’t step foot into that store.
I stand corrected. I misread one of your earlier posts.

I do stand by my original point though, the right has an issue with following through in pressuring companies where the left does not. The divide is getting larger and that is forcing the right to respond in kind but I do not think they are there yet. Where this leads is not good but maybe the divide will chase companies back to simply doing what they do rather than preaching.
I stand corrected. I misread one of your earlier posts.

I do stand by my original point though, the right has an issue with following through in pressuring companies where the left does not. The divide is getting larger and that is forcing the right to respond in kind but I do not think they are there yet. Where this leads is not good but maybe the divide will chase companies back to simply doing what they do rather than preaching.
That's just bullshit.

Republic pols have no problems forcing their fascist views on companies.

Again, you're just playing the victim so you can project your grievance.
You notice how A.S. Joe is insulting whitey for complaining that whites are being excluded from advertising - 20 posters, 20 blacks - and then HE objects that the black character in Friends wasn’t developed enough and in enough episodds? These self-loathing whites cheer on when whites are excluded (and mock any white who complains about the bias) and then complains that blacks aren’t included enough. OMG, the hypocrisy.

Well, again, I don't believe that there were no whites on any posters in that entire mall. Your narrative leaves key points out like "which stores" and "what did they sell" and "how many stores were we talking about". Only that a mere picture of a black person makes you wet yourself.



Why should I be able to tell you the actresss name that played the part? HTF would I know? Never cared enough to look it up. That's when the show started going downhill.

Actually, it took me all of two seconds to look up. The actress was named Aisha Tyler (who would go on to host Talk Soup) playing Charlie. I also confirmed what I did remember about the Chinese girlfriend, played by Lauren Tom (mostly known for her voice work in animation.) Both of these women are incredibly talented, but clearly not white enough.

Now, incidentally, BOTH of these actresses were cast at David Schwimmer's insistence.

So you kind of defeated your own argument, Welfare Ray.

When I got my new television I started to look for more programs to watch outside news. Disappointed in of the current programming, I began to watch a bunch of classic shows, Friends being one of them. I know for a fact she was on many of those episodes. She was a main character for nearly if not an entire season.

Back to point: We must pander to the blacks when they complain about exclusion, but don't a whitie dare do the same. That's being a Karen.

Wow, you seem to have proven exactly the opposite. Tom and Tyler are pretty darned good actresses, but not white enough to be on a major sitcom as a lead character.
That's just bullshit.

Republic pols have no problems forcing their fascist views on companies.

Again, you're just playing the victim so you can project your grievance.
Uh huh.

Though you cannot point to an example, I can point to dozens and dozens.

I am not playing the victim, I am stating simple reality. Partisan hacks are unable to see anything past their own ideology though so I do not expect you to understand.
You don't give children even that young the ability to take satanic medications that will destroy their lives. We don't give children fentanyl, we don't give them guns to take to school, we don't let them get drunk.

If somebody is so screwed up in the head that they want to make an extremely life changing decision, that shouldn't be done until the age of 18 and a decision they make by themselves.

No, but we do administer medications if their treatment calls for it.

Hormone therapy isn't 'satanic', and it's used for a lot of things beside gender confirmation therapy.

We also let girls under 18 have abortions, we charge juveniles for adult crimes. Heck, you are the one who gets on here saying that it was okay to gun down Tamir Rice because he was all of 5'8" at 12 years old.
The horrors that you Real Americans have to endure!
It really is horrible if you actually know anything about percentages and mathematics...You know, all that "racist" evil white man stuff. Like math!
And to see white people actually erased, as if aliens beamed down one evening
and removed all vestiges of melanin deprived peoples in this world.
Some laugh or mock the issue but just remember racism is a two edged sword.
And whatever you revel in will come back and sucker punch you.

Nobody objects to putting some color in advertisements. If it were only that!

What is suspect is looking at a world, in terms of a place where white people actually buy stuff and
make up a little over 60% of the population. in the USA.
And then one day that's all gone.

But that's okay. At least there are still lots of sexually and racially ambiguous marketing characters
with Jada Pinket's disease to go around. No one looks towards Hollywood or Madison Avenue as
places where reality is actually represented with any honesty or balance at all.
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So, your against social justice for everyone?

I thought republics supported a color blind society since we're in a post racial world?
Inclusion is different then domination. What we see is propaganda to force things on people. Those agendas seem to have pushed people to far. I have believed for a long time that all the social justice gains should have been consolidated to the meat and the fat thrown out. But that didn't happen. You seem to believe that if a real economic downturn occurs that we all will be arm in arm in the struggle together. People are not like that. A totalitarian dictator's dream.
Inclusion is different then domination. What we see is propaganda to force things on people. Those agendas seem to have pushed people to far. I have believed for a long time that all the social justice gains should have been consolidated to the meat and the fat thrown out. But that didn't happen. You seem to believe that if a real economic downturn occurs that we all will be arm in arm in the struggle together. People are not like that. A totalitarian dictator's dream.
WTF are you posting about other a general screed about your grievances. You clearly aren't in the post racial world republics claim to be in.
You idiot. How am I supposed to link to what I saw at Liberaville Shopping Mall? You leftists really are dumb, which explains your vote.

I'm very conservative ... but, somehow ... the sight of a Black face doesn't trigger me... should I get checked by my physician?
Nope. A show of the extent to which liberals are going to advance anti-white racism. Considering that liberals have made racism a front and center issue, it’s odd how you‘re so dismissive of it when it’s against whites.

I swear, I’m going to step into one of these stores - maybe the sports store with all the posters of blacks only AND all the mannequins of blacks only and ask “is this a store for blacks only”?
Wow, you're like Skrap Asor!
I'm very conservative ... but, somehow ... the sight of a Black face doesn't trigger me... should I get checked by my physician?
The sight of a black face doesn’t trigger me, either. That’s not what the problem is here, and you know it. The constant reminders that liberals are so averse to showing a White face - when whites are in the majority - and the obvious anti-white bias behind it is the trigger. Liberals are acting as if whites don’t exist, or that they don’t matter.

And I doubt you’re “very conservative”. Accusing a white of being a rwcist with some sarcastic and false comment is right out of the libbie playbook.
The left is so bad now that I think you could consider the person you refer to as an Orange Baboon a preferable choice over one of these leftists. Did you hear that Biden just designated some day the “National Transgender Recognition Day” or something to that effect? Because if Trump runs (I’m hoping it will be DeSantis) and you don’t vote for him, you are helping another leftist get through, and the anti-white-racism will reach a new fervor, including in the schools.
I agree that a vote for the Democrats in 2024 is another nail in the coffin of Sane America.

But much of that damage can be reversed at a later date if need-be.

The damage done by Rump to American representative would NOT be reversible.

If they run Rump again I'll take the Uncomfortable Questionable Unknown to the establishment of a dynastic autocracy buoyed-up by minions looking for a Leader.
I agree that a vote for the Democrats in 2024 is another nail in the coffin of Sane America.

But much of that damage can be reversed at a later date if need-be.

The damage done by Rump to American representative would NOT be reversible.

If they run Rump again I'll take the Uncomfortable Questionable Unknown to the establishment of a dynastic autocracy buoyed-up by minions looking for a Leader.

You again? Do you have to hijack every *&%^ thread to Trump????
A black person can hate me all day, but he's really not going to have the power to do anything about it.
STOP that sorry bullshit already….NOBODY here believes you are white…everybody here knows you leave finger prints on charcoal.
No, but we do administer medications if their treatment calls for it.

Hormone therapy isn't 'satanic', and it's used for a lot of things beside gender confirmation therapy.

We also let girls under 18 have abortions, we charge juveniles for adult crimes. Heck, you are the one who gets on here saying that it was okay to gun down Tamir Rice because he was all of 5'8" at 12 years old.

Do the lies ever stop with you or is it the theme of your entire life?

It's okay for a police officer to gun down anybody pulling out a realistic gun which presents a threat to the officer. That's the law for police and that's the law for us armed citizens.

Yes, we administer medications when they call for it, but that's to treat illness, not a mental delusion. Administering life changing medication that is likely to lead to suicide is not the same as giving a child an alka seltzer for his sore tummy. If the child shows unusual mental problems that needs to be addressed by a psychologist and not some MD who can prescribe dangerous medications for a child that's simply going through a stage, or was manipulated into thinking that way by some perverted adult.

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