The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

I grew up in the DC suburbs. I know what that area is like. I also remember when almost all the advertising was white, with tbe occasional token black. So now you are having a mini meltdown over one advertising poster showing a black person only but had no problem with posters showing whites only?
Oh, I just caught your LIE here - the LIE you need to make because you can’t debate my actual statement.

I cannot believe you think I had a meltdown over “one advertising poster showing a black.” You, like a liberal, keep, lying about what Republicans say to make them appear racist.

You know that’s not what happened, as I’ve repeated it many times on this thread. There were a slew of stores - I was walking from the anchor to the food court - and EVERY store had posters in which EVERY poster, approximately 20, was of a black person! Not one single white.

And you are complaining that back in the 60s and 70s, there was only an occasional token black person? Well here, there was not even a token white person! And remember, we are the majority.

Like other liberals who have expressed their approval of anti-white racism, your argument to 20 posters of ONLY blacks (when they are a small minority) is that 50 years ago the posters were mostly whites. You are so brainwashed that you LIE about what your enemy says (yes, you see Republicans as evil, racist enemies) because you have convinced yourself they are racist, and you can’t process the truth of what they’ve said.

There is racism in this country, all right, but it’s against whites - and any white who points it out will be called a racist.
Yes, Dr King's death really changed things.
Agree. It was a horrific thing, but blacks made it worse when they burned down cities, just at they made it worse by burning down cities after George Floyd was killed. The answer to people who say that blacks are violent and dangerous is NOT to be violent and dangerous and prove them right. Groups like BLM, that encourage the violence and threaten more of it, had made things worse.
What's going on here is what's called subliminal messaging.

Last summer me and my neighbors were sitting in the backyard nice and peacefully. Some black guy pulled up to the stop light with his jungle music blaring so loud it could be heard six houses or more away. We had to stop talking until the light turned green and he left. Afterwards I told my neighbors "And the reason we don't want them living around us is the color of their skin." They broke out in laughter.

This was no oddity. In fact it happens all the time here. Blacks and whites still don't get along. Many blacks are loud, dirty and violent people and most whites are quite the opposite. So as I said, this sounds like subliminal messaging to accept blacks the way they are. Lisa took a conscious notice of this whereas a lot of people don't, but gets stored in the back of their mind.

Many big businesses are in bed with the Democrat party. They take their cues from them. You brought up Disney and that's a good example of what I'm talking about. Exclude the greeting "men and women--boys and girls" in response to Governor Desantis's new law. Do you really think that the owners of Disney came up with this idea themselves?

What went wrong with subliminal messaging back in the 70's is that people started to reject the products that was included in the message. I believe at some point they made a law against it. In any case they stopped using it. This is the same thing but instead of putting in one frame of a product in a different message, the message is overt; right in front of you. But the purpose is the same.
One Thing I’d like to add. I only became conscious of things such as nearly two dozen posters in a row of black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, because liberals have made such an issue of blacks not being treated equally! It’s the dissonance between liberals saying how blacks are excluded and then noticing, for example, that most commercials ARE of blacks.

One more example of something I wouldn’t have noticed before liberals starting complaining that everything is racist against blacks: I was watching House Hunters yesterday. The first episode was of a bi-racial couple. The second was of a black single mother with three kids. And then I thought to myself, I bet the next one will be of blacks too (or maybe a gay couple), and sure enough, it was of a black couple. The bias against whites is particularly extreme with that show.
What's going on here is what's called subliminal messaging.

Last summer me and my neighbors were sitting in the backyard nice and peacefully. Some black guy pulled up to the stop light with his jungle music blaring so loud it could be heard six houses or more away. We had to stop talking until the light turned green and he left. Afterwards I told my neighbors "And the reason we don't want them living around us is the color of their skin." They broke out in laughter.

This was no oddity. In fact it happens all the time here. Blacks and whites still don't get along. Many blacks are loud, dirty and violent people and most whites are quite the opposite. So as I said, this sounds like subliminal messaging to accept blacks the way they are. Lisa took a conscious notice of this whereas a lot of people don't, but gets stored in the back of their mind.

Yeah, Ray, you aren't even a little bit racist.

Many big businesses are in bed with the Democrat party. They take their cues from them. You brought up Disney and that's a good example of what I'm talking about. Exclude the greeting "men and women--boys and girls" in response to Governor Desantis's new law. Do you really think that the owners of Disney came up with this idea themselves?

No, Disney has been at war with the whackadoodle Christians for some time now.

Here's the thing. Big Business is starting to realize the obvious. Republicans suck at managing the economy. Signing on to their homophobia and racism just makes them look bad. So in 50 years, when people look back at DeSatan the way we look back at George Wallace, whose side do you think the corporations want to be on?

What went wrong with subliminal messaging back in the 70's is that people started to reject the products that was included in the message. I believe at some point they made a law against it. In any case they stopped using it. This is the same thing but instead of putting in one frame of a product in a different message, the message is overt; right in front of you. But the purpose is the same.

Yes, Ray, they are putting their products in pictures with attractive people for "subliminal messaging".
One Thing I’d like to add. I only became conscious of things such as nearly two dozen posters in a row of black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, because liberals have made such an issue of blacks not being treated equally! It’s the dissonance between liberals saying how blacks are excluded and then noticing, for example, that most commercials ARE of blacks.

One more example of something I wouldn’t have noticed before liberals starting complaining that everything is racist against blacks: I was watching House Hunters yesterday. The first episode was of a bi-racial couple. The second was of a black single mother with three kids. And then I thought to myself, I bet the next one will be of blacks too (or maybe a gay couple), and sure enough, it was of a black couple. The bias against whites is particularly extreme with that show.
You realize that your racism has made you completely obsessed, right?
Lisa still wetting herself when she sees a black person.

You know that’s not what happened, as I’ve repeated it many times on this thread. There were a slew of stores - I was walking from the anchor to the food court - and EVERY store had posters in which EVERY poster, approximately 20, was of a black person! Not one single white.

Um, okay. Still don't know what these stores were selling, and what was in the posters. Was it fashion? Makeup? Food?

And you are complaining that back in the 60s and 70s, there was only an occasional token black person? Well here, there was not even a token white person! And remember, we are the majority.
Oh, noes, Lisa needs constant reaffirmation and she's not getting it!!!

Like other liberals who have expressed their approval of anti-white racism, your argument to 20 posters of ONLY blacks (when they are a small minority) is that 50 years ago the posters were mostly whites. You are so brainwashed that you LIE about what your enemy says (yes, you see Republicans as evil, racist enemies) because you have convinced yourself they are racist, and you can’t process the truth of what they’ve said.

Only a racist would get all worked up about posters at a mall, something most of us wouldn't even think about.

There is racism in this country, all right, but it’s against whites - and any white who points it out will be called a racist.

Again, the problem here is that since whites are the majority, and they hold all the institutional power, they really can't be victims of racism. When you were done with your trip to the mall, and changed your panties, you still got to live in a nice house in a nice neighborhood.

Agree. It was a horrific thing, but blacks made it worse when they burned down cities, just at they made it worse by burning down cities after George Floyd was killed. The answer to people who say that blacks are violent and dangerous is NOT to be violent and dangerous and prove them right. Groups like BLM, that encourage the violence and threaten more of it, had made things worse.

Right, because whites are never violent and dangerous, except when they are like on January 6. BLM did peaceful protests for a decade. Colin took a knee and lost his job. The problem is, white people only pay attention WHEN black people are violent. We didn't change because MLK led sit ins, we changed because Malcolm X threatened to burn the country to the ground.

One Thing I’d like to add. I only became conscious of things such as nearly two dozen posters in a row of black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, because liberals have made such an issue of blacks not being treated equally! It’s the dissonance between liberals saying how blacks are excluded and then noticing, for example, that most commercials ARE of blacks.

Really? Because most commercials I see (I actually started paying attention after this discussion) are of white folks. Look at all the "spokespersons" for products - Flo for Progressive, Doug for Liberty Mutual, Lily for AT&T (who hides most of body now because she got fat), Pam for Toyota. I think the only black in the bunch is Jake from State Farm.

One more example of something I wouldn’t have noticed before liberals starting complaining that everything is racist against blacks: I was watching House Hunters yesterday. The first episode was of a bi-racial couple. The second was of a black single mother with three kids. And then I thought to myself, I bet the next one will be of blacks too (or maybe a gay couple), and sure enough, it was of a black couple. The bias against whites is particularly extreme with that show.

Then don't watch that show, you'll keep wetting yourself...
There is racism in this country, all right, but it’s against whites - and any white who points it out will be called a racist.
Racism and race-based bigotry obviously exist on both ends of the political spectrum.

Unless and until we can all freely admit that, race relations aren't going to improve.

There is no way to participate in an "honest conversation on race" without a mirror.
Racism and race-based bigotry obviously exist on both ends of the political spectrum.

Unless and until we can all freely admit that, race relations aren't going to improve.

There is no way to participate in an "honest conversation on race" without a mirror.
You’ve said that before….the “both sides” thing. The only thing you are missing is that liberals LIE about what conservatives say in order to paint them as racists. They ignore what you say, and instead react to a racist thing they WISHED you had said. (Thanks, Cecille, for pointing out that deceitful and shameful tactic.) THAT is what is making this conversation impossible.

Also, this thread is NOT about the racists on the right - the Proud Boys type. It is about the favoritism now shown to blacks that is so extreme that one can walk past store after store after stores, and see ONLY blacks depicted on every single poster. The woke companies that participate in this anti-white bias are acting as though whites are not on,y meaningless to their sales, but that showing a white face is so politically incorrect they go to extremes to avoid doing so.
You’ve said that before….the “both sides” thing. The only thing you are missing is that liberals LIE about what conservatives say in order to paint them as racists. THAT is what is making this conversation impossible.

Also, this thread is NOT about the racists on the right - the Proud Boys type. It is about the favoritism now shown to blacks that is so extreme that one can walk past store after store after stores, and see ONLY blacks depicted on posters. The woke companies that participate in this anti-white bias are acting as though whites are not on,y meaningless to their sales, but that showing a white face is so politically incorrect they go to extremes to avoid doing so.
I know. It's all the other side's fault. That's all we need to concentrate on.
I know. It's all the other side's fault. That's all we need to concentrate on.
No, you are ignoring what I said.

And you are doing what so many liberals also do. When they can’t argue against the point being made, they revert to “both sides do it.” NO, both sides are not equivalent in this. On the right, we have extremists on the fringe. On the left, the racism (against whites) is being promoted in the mainstream - on TV, in advertising, for job openings, in the federal government, etc.

For example: could Trump have stood up and announced that no blacks would be considered for a SCOTUS position? NO. But in the left, the blatant exclusion of whites is cheered on, and anyone who objects to it is, ironically, called a racist as a form of silencing.
NO, both sides are not equivalent in this.
Both sides don't have to be equivalent regarding any problem or issue. And, since you don't know my politics, you don't know that I'd say that the Left has exacerbated the racial issue more than the Right overall over the last couple of generations.

But when hate and bigotry are spraying out of both ends like water through a fire hose, I don't waste time trying to figure out which end is worse. Both ends have plenty of work to do before we can even begin to fix this.

But you're too defensive to see that. You don't want to give an inch. And yes, both ends are like that.
For example: could Trump have stood up and announced that no blacks would be considered for a SCOTUS position?

Trump did not need to make such an announcement, it was evident by his picks and his "short list"
It’s ubiquitous. I was at the grocery store when an announcement was made on the PA that customers could look up a list of the black-owned products (so they could boycott white businesses).
Both sides don't have to be equivalent regarding any problem or issue. And, since you don't know my politics, you don't know that I'd say that the Left has exacerbated the racial issue more than the Right overall over the last couple of generations.

But when hate and bigotry are spraying out of both ends like water through a fire hose, I don't waste time trying to figure out which end is worse. Both ends have plenty of work to do before we can even begin to fix this.

But you're too defensive to see that. You don't want to give an inch. And yes, both ends are like that.
No, you’re deflecting because you don’t want to acknowledge the horrendous anti-white racism permeating through the country, so you revert to “both sides do it.”

And I’m defensive? You would be too if someone LIED about what you said and then called you a racist for something you never said. That liberals have to lie in order to make the other side sound racist just shows how infrequent it is. Same reason Jessie Smolett had to lie.

You don’t recognize your own bigotry, by the way. You hold yourself up as if you are above the fray, and you yourself are a bigoted liberal. You just don’t see it. talk about needing a mirror.
No, you’re deflecting because you don’t want to acknowledge the horrendous anti-white racism permeating through the country, so you revert to “both sides do it.”

And I’m defensive? You would be too if someone LIED about what you said and then called you a racist.

You don’t recognize your own bigotry, by the way. You hold yourself up as if you are above the fray, and you yourself are a bigoted liberal. You just don’t see it. talk about needing a mirror.
Okay, never mind.

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