The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Yup. Apparently they want to sell to 14% of the population and show the majority of people (whites) they don’t want their business. Perhaps we should oblige them, and any store that has two or more posters and all of blacks, just don’t shop there. Sort of the way the libbies boycotted Chikfilet when the owner thought marriage should be between a man and a woman.

Perhaps", but just remember...the collective right will never do that. It's an unshakable weakness that has put them where they are today.

In the week since the Disney scandal, it is reported on YouTube that over 100,000 right wing conservatives have booked their vacations at Disney parks or Disney cruises because their pleasure and fun is far more important than upholding their dignity or a righteous cause.

They also continue to 100% patronize Facebook and Twitter daily. They shop Target and Amazon. Even as those entities openly betray and enslave them.
The Left sees this profound weakness and lack of will and is simply exploiting their weaknesses.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
In the week since the Disney scandal, it is reported on YouTube that over 100,000 right wing conservatives have booked their vacations at Disney parks or Disney cruises because their pleasure and fun is far more important than upholding their dignity or a righteous cause.

It has been about 10 years since I took the kids to Disney, back then they did not ask my polotical leaning or party affiliation when I bought the tickets.

When did they start asking such things?
Nope. I vote Republican almost as often as I vote Democrat. I'm merely a loyal American who believes in the Rule of Law, not your Cult of Personality.
You vote Republican “ almost” as often…so most of the time you vote Democrat?

Not surprising.
Why are you changing the subject to Christian businesses?

The same reason you changed it to women owned businesses, because it ties into the topic.

And you still cannot answer the question.

Very telling
Its very telling in that you have a need divert the conversation to Christians for some reason.

Just like it was very telling you needed to divert the conversation to women for some reason.

This is a fun dance though, how many post will you make without answering the very simple question?
Yep. Because I’m female I get approached with those sales pitches often about products being awesome solely because they are “ female” owned and operated businesses and I need to support them based on that.

Turns me off. No thanks.
And I let them know I wont do business with them BECAUSE they are female owned

it messes with their mind
I think for fun, I am going to go to my local mall and take pictures of the posters, and see if what Lisa says is even remotely true.
Except it might not be at YOUR mall. I live in a pro-black, anti-white liberal area.
Doesn’t Hollywood have a list of woke rules they have to follow in casting and story telling? Quotas they have to meet etc…
Yup. If you’re a move director and don’t put in enough Black actors, you won’t be considered for an Oscar.
Also, this thread is NOT about the racists on the right - the Proud Boys type. It is about the favoritism now shown to blacks that is so extreme that one can walk past store after store after stores, and see ONLY blacks depicted on every single poster. The woke companies that participate in this anti-white bias are acting as though whites are not on,y meaningless to their sales, but that showing a white face is so politically incorrect they go to extremes to avoid doing so.

Maybe the thought process here is that when another riot breaks out, they'll leave their store alone. :badgrin:
Racism and race-based bigotry obviously exist on both ends of the political spectrum.

Unless and until we can all freely admit that, race relations aren't going to improve.

How can race relations improve when the commies are constantly promoting race and discrimination? It's to their benefit to keep race issues alive in this country.

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