The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Yes, that's what they're doing wrong, among other things. That's one side's sins.

There are two sides, obviously. And until both sides can admit that, look in the mirror, and hold their side fully and honestly accountable, little if anything improves.

The Republicans not holding their side accountable as in what? Give me an example.

The Republicans are against a pedophile supporting judge. She was chosen by Dementia based on the color of her skin only. Now that Republicans don't want to see this perv supporting dingbat on the bench, the left are bringing up her race instead of her court records.
The Republicans not holding their side accountable as in what? Give me an example.

The Republicans are against a pedophile supporting judge. She was chosen by Dementia based on the color of her skin only. Now that Republicans don't want to see this perv supporting dingbat on the bench, the left are bringing up her race instead of her court records.
You don't see any problems from the Right. That's fine. I'm not trying to convince you of anything.
You don't see any problems from the Right. That's fine. I'm not trying to convince you of anything.

Or it's because you can't. Your meme is "they both do it" but when asked, you can't point to the Republicans participating. The left survives by keeping us all separated. They divide the country into two groups: Those that are friends and those that are enemies. The country actually uniting would be the worst thing for their party.
You vote Republican “ almost” as often…so most of the time you vote Democrat?
I'm old now but not (yet) ancient, so I've got a fairly lengthy voting record... hell, I'll even serve-up my recollections of WHY I voted the way I did, each time...

1972 - (R) - Richard Nixon - he was my commander-in-chief and his name was on my Honorable Discharge from the Army
1976 - (D) - Jimmy Carter - I couldn't forgive Gerald Ford for pardoning the disgraced liar Tricky Dick after Watergate
1980 - (I) - John Anderson - I ain't votin' for that warmonger from California :)
1984 - (R) - Ronald Reagan - I guess Ronnie Ray-Gun didn't do such a bad job with Term 1 after all - I was wrong - I'll give him another shot at it
1988 - (D) - Michael Dukakis - I didn't know GHB and thought the (R)s had had power long enough - their turn was over - America decided otherwise - accepted
1992 - (D) - Bill Clinton - the economy was so bad and there was so little imagination and vision after Desert Storm that I wanted a change
1996 - (D) - Bill Clinton - he seemed to be doing OK
2000 - (R) - George W. Bush - the Dems had held onto power long enough and it was time for a change
2004 - (R) - George W Bush - refused to change leadership in the middle of a war
2008 - (D) - Barack Obama - would have voted for McCain but angst over GWB's Iraq War was still too recent in my memory
2012 - (D) - Barack Obama - Obumble's done OK with domestic economic recovery, even if he's been a train-wreck on foreign policy - but MItt (Mr. 47%) ain't the answer
2016 - (D) - Hillary Clinton - VERY reluctantly - an Anti-Trump Vote - not a vote FOR Shrillary
2020 - (D) - Joe Biden - reluctantly - another Anti-Trump Vote

I registered in 2009, the last time we moved from one town to another in suburban Illinois, and am a lazy fellow when it comes to tweaking my (D) or (R) standing over time...

I registered as a (D) because nearby Chicago and its heavy (D) vote oftentimes overwhelm the rest of the State and I want to have my say on who runs in the (D) primaries...

I routinely vote for Republican Congress-critters.

I alternate between Democrats and Republicans for Senator in Illinois depending upon the year and the candidate and the issues.

I alternate between Democrats and Republicans for Illinois Governor and various State senators and legislative representatives.

I routinely vote Republican for State and County judgeships and town Presidents and town councils.

The overall effect ( presidential + senatorial + congressional + gubernatorial + legislative + local/townie ) yields a pretty doggone healthy mix of (D) and (R)...

I support large swaths of the Trump agenda...

I just refuse to support Trump himself... because I sincerely believe him to pose an existential threat to American representative democracy...

A conclusion that I arrived-at on my own, without the aid of Leftist brainwashing media...

I don't trust the idiot leadership of EITHER party any further than I can throw 'em, and I have zero long-term party loyalty...

I consider myself a Cafeteria Centrist... much like a Cafeteria Catholic... I pick-and-choose those elements of dogma or agenda or platform or mindset that make sense to me...

I am not the brightest crayon in the box but I do OK with respect to political analysis and impact-forecasting, so, having said that...

I think before I pull the lever on the voting machine and I don't get all hot-and-bothered over Political Talking Heads nor their Bumper-Sticker -echoing rallies and minions...

I am what I say I am... a Cafeteria Centrist...

Make of that what you will.
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/-----/ I was in a supermarket buying some diet soda, a Coke rep was stocking a display and when he saw my pick up some Diet Pepsi, he polietly pointed out that Coke was buy two 12 packs get one free. I shook my head and said, I can't be less white, but I can drink less Coke. He just stared at me. BTW, I grew up drinking Coke. Never again.
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Good. But one brave soldier does not an army make.

The majority of "conservatives" and trump supporters are STILL loyal to Facebook and Twitter and using them both daily.
Ditto for going on Disney vacations and shopping Amazon.

I mean their any amount of feces the Right must eat before they see a need for any resistance at all?
Apparently not. Looks like they will grab their ankles forever.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
National debt and spending.

Good Gawd.
Of all things you use THIS as an example of a Right wing problem?

Here's your cookie......

I did not say that. I said that being too gutless to answer a simple question because it might piss off your tribe members is a shitty way to live.

I do not support any business due to it being black/women/Christian/American/etc owned. I give businesses my money based on the quality of their product and their price.
Why should I answer any stupid questions you throw out ..just because you say so?

Has nothing g to do with “ my tribe” and everything yo do with you being stupid.
/-----/ I was in a supermarket buying some diet soda, a Coke rep was stocking a display and when he saw my pick up some Diet Pepsi, he polietly pointed out that Coke was buy two 12 packs get one free. I shook my head and said, I can't be less white, but I can drink less Coke. He just stared at me. BTW, I grew up drinking Coke. Never again.
View attachment 625537
I haven’t bought coke products ever since they promoted BLM.
Good Gawd.
Of all things you use THIS as an example of a Right wing problem?

Here's your cookie......


It is an example of an area the rightwingers give their side a free pass on and blame it all on the other side.
Why do you have a problem with me saying I don’t?

I do not have a problem saying you do not. I have a problem with you claiming you are being required to support female owned businesses when you cannot tell us who is making that requirement on you
Why should I answer any stupid questions you throw out ..just because you say so?

Still afraid to answer the question.

As I said, shitty way to live. but it seems to make you happy
I don’t like companies trying to manipulate me with their political propaganda. Doesn’t matter who is doing it

I stopped supporting Chick Fil A and Coke when they started promoting BLM.

I don’t like companies pushing gender either. These idiots only support “ gender” “ race” etc…when it falls in line with their leftist ideology.

They want to push leftist propaganda they can be supported by the left.
Naw…you are trying to claim moral superiority because I don’t like companies that push an agenda and you do.

I do not care what they push, I only care about the quality and price of their product/service.

I have told you that multiple times and you still choose to lie about me instead of answering a most simple of questions.
I do not care what they push, I only care about the quality and price of their product/service.

I have told you that multiple times and you still choose to lie about me instead of answering a most simple of questions.
Interesting that you suddenly have an adversity to lying…when you do it so often.

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