The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”


I get it that many decent black folks felt like they never saw anyone who looked like themselves in any advertisements or most movies. But when 65% of society is mostly barred from representation to salve the feelings of a minority, we are not fixing anything. And when people feel like they are empoweed enough to approach a stage and smack a comedian for telling a joke, or walk out on stage and rip an award from the hands of a young female star because their own girlfriend didn't win, then don't talk to me about self perceived privilege.
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And most of those untapped whites aren’t crazy racist assholes.
But the stores that are refusing to show a white face on any poster are buying into the anti-white racism leftists are encouraging, and I don’t patronize stores with an anti-white bias.
I was referring to the people (like you) who think I need to support women owned businesses just because not doing so “is a shitty way to live”.

Not because women owned businesses are forcing me to.

Infact the more obnoxious you lefty idiots get the less I want to support any of your dopey businesses,products,entertainment etc…
To follow up on what you’re saying, another liberal poster is implying that whites who refuse to support stores who exclude whites from their advertising are being racist by not jumping into the anti-white bandwagon. Leftists have been singing that nasty song for months: any white who doesn’t support bias against whites is racist. It it weren’t so sad, the irony would make me laugh.
Most of these companies are trying to cater to people outside their customer base. They aren’t going to pick up that 14% because these people don’t buy their products now anyway. They will probably just lose a portion of their customer base that they are now ignoring because of woke ideology.
Go woke…..go broke. (At least, that’s what I’m hoping.)
The Republicans not holding their side accountable as in what? Give me an example.

The Republicans are against a pedophile supporting judge. She was chosen by Dementia based on the color of her skin only. Now that Republicans don't want to see this perv supporting dingbat on the bench, the left are bringing up her race instead of her court records.

Biden claims that he chose her because of her sex and her race.

Anyone else agree with me that he very likely took into account, in choosing her, her history of being soft on pedophiles?
Growing up in OKC the malls were all white and sparkling because blacks were not allowed to get out of their side of town.
Is that why they were sparkling? Just asking for a friend.

Even before the pandemic and online shopping, the malls near me were dying because the bands of roving minority teenagers had made most of them unsafe. gang fights, muggings in the lots, and even in the open areas inside the mall, cars being stolen or broken into made it so bad that no one wanted to go there any more, and especially for the women and younger females. And when the gals don't even want to shop, there are problems. Now some can pretend that whites are just as responsible as some other groups, but they know they are lying through their teeth. Thats not being a bigot, that's just telling the truth. And it sucks even worse for the majority of all minorities who want to participate fully in society, because they are then victimized twice. Once by the thugs in their midst's (who they defend, which is their biggest problem), and again by others who don't want to be around them because of the large number of thugs who look like them.
No, you are ignoring what I said.

And you are doing what so many liberals also do. When they can’t argue against the point being made, they revert to “both sides do it.” NO, both sides are not equivalent in this. On the right, we have extremists on the fringe. On the left, the racism (against whites) is being promoted in the mainstream - on TV, in advertising, for job openings, in the federal government, etc.

For example: could Trump have stood up and announced that no blacks would be considered for a SCOTUS position? NO. But in the left, the blatant exclusion of whites is cheered on, and anyone who objects to it is, ironically, called a racist as a form of silencing.
I can't believe you are back to the SCOTUS pick. Again, you ignore the fact that said pick would be a woman (men need not apply).
I can't believe you are back to the SCOTUS pick. Again, you ignore the fact that said pick would be a woman (men need not apply).
When you apologize for lying about what I said, we can continue. Otherwise, I can’t waste my time debating this with someone who plays such underhanded tricks to paint her opponent as a racist.
When you apologize for lying about what I said, we can continue. Otherwise, I can’t waste my time debating this with someone who plays such underhanded tricks to paint her opponent as a racist.
Oh, no tricks needed. You've more than covered that one by now.
Even before the pandemic and online shopping, the malls near me were dying because the bands of roving minority teenagers had made most of them unsafe. gang fights, muggings in the lots, and even in the open areas inside the mall, cars being stolen or broken into made it so bad that no one wanted to go there any more, and especially for the women and younger females.

The exact same thing happened here. At one time we were loaded with stores. Today not one major store is in the city.

In Akron Ohio they were having problems losing a lot of customers at their mall. To save it they created a policy that no minors were allowed in the store or on the property without adult supervision. Of course the first accusation was race. Of course it's race, but truth is not acceptable in the liberal world. You have to dance around the actual problem to solve it.
They’re not pushing an agenda, they’re just trying to sell their stuff.

Of course it's an agenda, a political agenda. Models are used to make consumers want to buy their products to look like them. Given the fact I'll never look like the black guy on the poster with the tennis racket, industry is not making me think that way. A black guy? Yes, it may work on him, but as said repeatedly, why would they try to attract people from only 13% of our population?
Of course it's an agenda, a political agenda. Models are used to make consumers want to buy their products to look like them. Given the fact I'll never look like the black guy on the poster with the tennis racket, industry is not making me think that way. A black guy? Yes, it may work on him, but as said repeatedly, why would they try to attract people from only 13% of our population?
…and this especially applies when the product is geared according to skin tone. For example, one of the stores on my walk was a cosmetic store, and every single poster in the window was of a black woman. Had I been unfamiliar with the store, i could very well be left with the impression that this was a specialty store for those with dark skin. These “woke” companies are so eager to show how they favor blacks over whites - and so unwilling to have even a token white - that they are willing to discourage 70% of their potential customers.
When you apologize for lying about what I said, we can continue. Otherwise, I can’t waste my time debating this with someone who plays such underhanded tricks to paint her opponent as a racist.
It isn’t underhanded. I am asking blatant questions you keep dodging.

I don’t understand why you ONLY seem to focus on blacks? How about OTHER minorities? The Target ads I googled showed a lot of Asians too, way out of proportion to their 5% of the population. That doesn’t seem to bother you. Why?
It isn’t underhanded. I am asking blatant questions you keep dodging.

I don’t understand why you ONLY seem to focus on blacks? How about OTHER minorities? The Target ads I googled showed a lot of Asians too, way out of proportion to their 5% of the population. That doesn’t seem to bother you. Why?
Sorry, but you out and out LIED about what I said, and I do not continue a “discussion” with people who use deception to falsely paint me as a racist. You honestly think I think so little of myself that I would deign to engage with you after you’ve shown yourself to be a liar?
If they were trying to sell their stuff, they wouldn’t avoid showing advertisements of white people, who are the majority, and focus just on the 14% of the population that is black.

Yes, they are clearly cheating themselves out of the "Old racist Jewish Ladies with a stick up their asses" demographic.

How do you know they “have” the white people. You mean ALL white people at the anti-white stores all have purchased their products?

MOST of the untapped customers are white, because MOST of the country is white. But if a company wants to tell me they are uninterested in my patronage and are concerned solely with attracting black customers, I will go where my patronage is supported. IOW, elsewhere.

Yeah, silly me. I've been buying at places based on the "who can give me good service at a reasonable price" metric. Clearly, I need to be worried about imagined slights in poster choices.

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