The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Sorry, but you out and out LIED about what I said, and I do not continue a “discussion” with people who use deception to falsely paint me as a racist. You honestly think I think so little of myself that I would deign to engage with you after you’ve shown yourself to be a liar?

Then stop coming off as a racist, you can maybe stop being called a racist.

Incidently, I actually took that trip to a mall today, to see if there was this big conspiracy to erase white people.

And imagine my surprise when I found that the posters in the stores had a wide mixture of models or celebrities of all races.


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But the stores that are refusing to show a white face on any poster are buying into the anti-white racism leftists are encouraging, and I don’t patronize stores with an anti-white bias.

Yeah, you've been ranting about this for two days now, and I don't think anyone but the other racists believe you.

To follow up on what you’re saying, another liberal poster is implying that whites who refuse to support stores who exclude whites from their advertising are being racist by not jumping into the anti-white bandwagon. Leftists have been singing that nasty song for months: any white who doesn’t support bias against whites is racist. It it weren’t so sad, the irony would make me laugh.

I'm white.
I'm nearly 60.
I've never, ever experienced any bias against me because I am white.
I have, however, experienced bias against me because of my age.

Go woke…..go broke. (At least, that’s what I’m hoping.)

Why would you hope that? Again, you keep claiming that you want to see black people get off welfare, they start businesses, and now you want to see theose businesses go broke because they aren't pandering to you enough.

…and this especially applies when the product is geared according to skin tone. For example, one of the stores on my walk was a cosmetic store, and every single poster in the window was of a black woman. Had I been unfamiliar with the store, i could very well be left with the impression that this was a specialty store for those with dark skin. These “woke” companies are so eager to show how they favor blacks over whites - and so unwilling to have even a token white - that they are willing to discourage 70% of their potential customers.

What is the name of the store. Because I will bet if we went to their website, we'd find pictures of white chicks.
…and this especially applies when the product is geared according to skin tone. For example, one of the stores on my walk was a cosmetic store, and every single poster in the window was of a black woman. Had I been unfamiliar with the store, i could very well be left with the impression that this was a specialty store for those with dark skin. These “woke” companies are so eager to show how they favor blacks over whites - and so unwilling to have even a token white - that they are willing to discourage 70% of their potential customers.
Is it favoring or trying to widen clientele?

When I worked in DC I worked at NASA, which was on Independence Ave then. I was a clerical worker and the majority of my peers were black (lower level workers mostly black, lower management same, middle management mostly white…top management almost entirely white and male). My co workers and I would go shopping at L’enfant Plaza. Most of the people I saw shopping there were black. Many of the fashions trended towards African American tastes (which was fun, I got encouraged to try a lot of cool stuff by my friends). Was that racist? Or smart business?

That was late 70’s through the 80’s.

Today, regardless of how you feel about it, diversity and inclusion are important principles for many young adults. Important enough that it affects where and for whom they might choose to work. Employers and associated business take notice of these trends. The world is changing. In order to remain in business, marketing strategies change whether is how they now portray women, minorities, or for that matter men.

Does that mean it is racist?
Is it favoring or trying to widen clientele?

When I worked in DC I worked at NASA, which was on Independence Ave then. I was a clerical worker and the majority of my peers were black (lower level workers mostly black, lower management same, middle management mostly white…top management almost entirely white and male). My co workers and I would go shopping at L’enfant Plaza. Most of the people I saw shopping there were black. Many of the fashions trended towards African American tastes (which was fun, I got encouraged to try a lot of cool stuff by my friends). Was that racist? Or smart business?

That was late 70’s through the 80’s.

Today, regardless of how you feel about it, diversity and inclusion are important principles for many young adults. Important enough that it affects where and for whom they might choose to work. Employers and associated business take notice of these trends. The world is changing. In order to remain in business, marketing strategies change whether is how they now portray women, minorities, or for that matter men.

Does that mean it is racist?
You‘re too dishonest to have a discussion on this by continuing to misrepresent the issue. It‘s an underhanded, deceptive way in which leftists try to argue a point, and I’m not going to continue to humor you.
Sorry, but you out and out LIED about what I said, and I do not continue a “discussion” with people who use deception to falsely paint me as a racist. You honestly think I think so little of myself that I would deign to engage with you after you’ve shown yourself to be a liar?
What is racist? IMO defining it is not much different than defining antisemitism.

Maybe you need to dig a bit deeper and think about why you react strongly and angrily to situations involving blacks…but not in similar situations involving other minorities or disadvantaged groups. Why are you so angry about one president stating he will nominate a black woman judge….but not others stating they will nominate a woman? :dunno:

It isn’t internally consistent.
If they were trying to sell their stuff, they wouldn’t avoid showing advertisements of white people, who are the majority, and focus just on the 14% of the population that is black.
If they are getting customers and brisk business, then clearly it is working, right? Most people might not care about racial percentages in advertising Or they might enjoy seeing a diverse array of people, some of whom look like them.
You‘re too dishonest to have a discussion on this by continuing to misrepresent the issue. It‘s an underhanded, deceptive way in which leftists try to argue a point, and I’m not going to continue to humor you.
You are just dodging the more difficult questions. It has nothing to do with left or right. Is it racism or good marketing? Think about it.
What is racist? IMO defining it is not much different than defining antisemitism.

Maybe you need to dig a bit deeper and think about why you react strongly and angrily to situations involving blacks…but not in similar situations involving other minorities or disadvantaged groups. Why are you so angry about one president stating he will nominate a black woman judge….but not others stating they will nominate a woman? :dunno:

It isn’t internally consistent.
You’re still lying and misrepresenting the truth. You ignore explanations because they don’t fit your preconceived notions. Again, when you apologize for misrepresenting what I‘ve said in order to falsely paint me as racist (while ignoring the very racist decision of all those stores to avoid ANY whites in posters), we will continue.

You will make real progress as a “progressive” if you are willing to admit your lie. I won’t hold my breath.
If they are getting customers and brisk business, then clearly it is working, right? Most people might not care about racial percentages in advertising Or they might enjoy seeing a diverse array of people, some of whom look like them.
Still pretending to miss the point and argue a position that nobody is refuting.
You are just dodging the more difficult questions. It has nothing to do with left or right. Is it racism or good marketing? Think about it.
Go ahead….apologize for your lies and deceit involved in this discussion. You will be a better person for it.
Can you point to the post where I said you need to support women owned businesses?

That is not what I said was a shitty way to live, a shitty way to live is to be too scared to answer a simple question because the answer might piss off your tribe.

If you actually read my post instead of just making up lies about me you would see I have said multiple times I am against basing buying decisions based on something being black/women/Christian/American owned.

Yet here you are still accusing me of pushing such things.

Why bother to post if all you are going to do is lie about me?
People support different business’ for different reasons….and I’m fine with that. If they want to support black owned businesses or Christian businesses or women’s business it is their choice. If some one accosts me to support xyz business, I‘ll converse politely and walk away. If I want to support it I will, if don’t I won’t. Personally I like to support locally owned businesses and fair trade businesses…my choice. But I am also lazy at times and have a lean budget, so also support the Walmarts.
Yes, you changed the subject from race to sex so I thought I would ask you about religion. That set you off for some odd reason.

I asked one question about Christians and you could not answer it due to your fear of being outed to your tribe.

Of course I do, which is why I asked about other types of activism. That you are after all this time still afraid to answer is pretty much all anyone needs to know.

Why do I find it hard to believe you have any clue who the customer base for these companies are and who will or will not respond to their ads.

Are you in the business or are you just making shit up again?
When I allegedly “changed the subject” I was responding to someone else. Which got your panties in a twist apparently….and you went off on a tangent demanding answers to stupid questions.

These companies either think all Americans share their woke ideology…or they are just catering to a certain segment of the population. So … obviously they aren’t concerned with huge swaths of consumers. A poster above stated that these companies already have “ the white” consumers hooked …so now they are targeting the other 14% …do you ever follow these conversations? Or just spew your blathering? Just wondering.
You’re still lying and misrepresenting the truth. You ignore explanations because they don’t fit your preconceived notions. Again, when you apologize for misrepresenting what I‘ve said in order to falsely paint me as racist (while ignoring the very racist decision of all those stores to avoid ANY whites in posters), we will continue.

You will make real progress as a “progressive” if you are willing to admit your lie. I won’t hold my breath.
Part of the problem here is your claim of absolutely no whites in posters. It is impossible to prove, I only have your word on it, so how can it be verified? I do know, when you made a similar claim about Disney, you were wrong. Google provided examples of whites (and only whites) in posters. Likewise, since I have no way of knowing what store you looked at or what it’s posters showed, I looked up Target, a popular national chain. Lots of diversity in their adverts, including plenty of whites if not in the exact correct percentages. Why do you ignore that and just double down?
To follow up on what you’re saying, another liberal poster is implying that whites who refuse to support stores who exclude whites from their advertising are being racist by not jumping into the anti-white bandwagon. Leftists have been singing that nasty song for months: any white who doesn’t support bias against whites is racist. It it weren’t so sad, the irony would make me laugh.
I just remind them of what they have been spewing for the last 5 years or so…

That shit was not made for me. :)
But the stores that are refusing to show a white face on any poster are buying into the anti-white racism leftists are encouraging, and I don’t patronize stores with an anti-white bias.

I think of it as being courteous. If they don't want my presence and business, I'm certainly not rude enough to force it on them.
I think of it as being courteous. If they don't want my presence and business, I'm certainly not rude enough to force it on them.
Excellent way to look at it. Stores broadcasting that blacks are the primary or sole customers they seek will not have to worry about my annoying them with my patronage.
People support different business’ for different reasons….and I’m fine with that. If they want to support black owned businesses or Christian businesses or women’s business it is their choice.

Yes, I agree. I do not do it, but I am fine with people that choose to do so.
When I allegedly “changed the subject” I was responding to someone else. Which got your panties in a twist apparently….and you went off on a tangent demanding answers to stupid questions.

I asked a simple question, one you still are afraid to answer.

These companies either think all Americans share their woke ideology…or they are just catering to a certain segment of the population. So … obviously they aren’t concerned with huge swaths of consumers.

These companies spend a lot of money researching and trying out these ads and such before they ever see the light of day. They assume that most people are not so bigoted they will be turned off by their ads. I think they for the most part are correct, people like you are the minority in this country these days.
I get it that many decent black folks felt like they never saw anyone who looked like themselves in any advertisements or most movies. But when 65% of society is mostly barred from representation to salve the feelings of a minority, we are not fixing anything.
How exactly are they mostly barred from representation…because when I look at ads…they are there.

And when people feel like they are empoweed enough to approach a stage and smack a comedian for telling a joke, or walk out on stage and rip an award from the hands of a young female star because their own girlfriend didn't win, then don't talk to me about self perceived privilege.

So this is interesting. A white person can, and has, done similar type rude behavior and no one makes it a racial issue.
I asked a simple question, one you still are afraid to answer.

These companies spend a lot of money researching and trying out these ads and such before they ever see the light of day. They assume that most people are not so bigoted they will be turned off by their ads. I think they for the most part are correct, people like you are the minority in this country these days.
I have to step in say, very few marketing departments do the kind of research you are hoping they do. They read the articles in the news and try to guess which way the wind is blowing. Then they set their marketing according to what their company signs contracts to have made for their shelves. Generally most places pace 6 to 12 months behind where the public is at any given moment. If they miss, which they often do, they will sometimes try to influence the market with additional advertising, but generally they let the mistake run its course because they have already spent too much time and money on it, and they hope it reverses in time to cut losses.

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