The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Most white people do not feel alienated by a poster of a black person.

You all seem to think every white person is a racist like you all, but most of us are not
Wow. This is the third leftist on the forum to LIE about what the problem is. That just shows you really are in the wrong, because you can’t argue the actual situation, and thus LIE about what I said in order to FALSELY make me sound like a racist. It’s so blatant with you lefties.

The problem isn’t that I saw a poster with a black. It’s that I passed 20 posters in a row, and EVERY SINGLE ONE was of a black. Whites were excluded totally. And to focus 100% of the nearly two dozen posters on blacks, when they are just 14% of the population, just shows how ridiculous this anti-whitr bias has become.

Now stop attributing comments to a white that she never made in order to argue against an objection of hers that she never had. LIAR.
She probably whines about righty political activism in advertising about as much as you whine about anything on the left, which is never. And that's probably because the number of companies pushing leftist bullshit is 100 to 1 compared to companies pushing right bullshit. This thread is about corps and leftist activism and propaganda in their advertising. If you want to talk about the right doing it, start your own thread.
Shhh. He can’t even name the Christian companies he is whining about.
Wow. This is the third leftist on the forum to LIE about what the problem is. That just shows you really are in the wrong, because you can’t argue the actual situation, and thus LIE about what I said in order to FALSELY make me sound like a racist. It’s so blatant with you lefties.

The problem isn’t that I saw a poster with a black. It’s that I passed 20 posters in a row, and EVERY SINGLE ONE was of a black. Whites were excluded totally. And to focus 100% of the nearly two dozen posters on blacks, when they are just 14% of the population, just shows how ridiculous this anti-whitr bias has become.

Now stop attributing comments to a white that she never made in order to argue against an objection of hers that she never had. LIAR.

Can you offer some sort of evidence to back up this claim of yours of not one single white person in a single sign/poster at the mall you were at?
I think you vastly over estimate the number of consumers that actually support left wing fringe causes.
It’s actually a very small but vocal fringe group. Most Americans are appalled by what they see going on. But as you can see, when one of them speaks up against it, they make up lies to paint her as a racist, with the end goal to get her to shut up.

They are attempting to paint the majority of Americans who object to all this as the outlier, in order to get them to question themselves. It’s another one of their underhanded tactics.
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Shhh. He can’t even name the Christian companies he is whining about.

I did not whine at all, I asked a simple question that you are still too scared to answer.

When I use to attend church there was, and still is, a directory published by a group of local churches of "Christian Owned Businesses" and we were strongly encouraged by our church leadership to frequent these companies and support them with our money.

Nobody thought this was odd or out of the ordinary. But a black person does it and you people freak out like there is no tomorrow.

I wonder why?
It’s actually a very but vocal small fringe group. Most Americans are appalled by what they see going on. But as you can see, when one of them speaks up against it, they make up lies to paint her as a racist, with the end goal to get her to shut up.

They are attempting to paint the majority of Americans who object to all this as the outlier, in order to get them to question themselves. It’s another one of their underhanded tactics.
GG is just a blowhard that likes to derail threads with his off in the weeds BS. He thinks if he is the only poster left talking he wins the internet…or something…
Did some one tell you that every good one kind of American would end up rich? & the rest of the Americans would burn in hell or poverty. Take an honest look around. Its just not true.
I did not whine at all, I asked a simple question that you are still too scared to answer.

When I use to attend church there was, and still is, a directory published by a group of local churches of "Christian Owned Businesses" and we were strongly encouraged by our church leadership to frequent these companies and support them with our money.

Nobody thought this was odd or out of the ordinary. But a black person does it and you people freak out like there is no tomorrow.

I wonder why?

A Christian church promoting Christian businesses makes sense, they want to support the Christian community. Why would any white person want to support black owned businesses, or Hispanic owned businesses, or Asian owned businesses when they aren't any of those things? Just because they are a minority? If you're telling the truth that you only buy the best product at the best price, and you expect that most others would do the same, then why would any advertising have any political message at all?
Why would any white person want to support black owned businesses, or Hispanic owned businesses, or Asian owned businesses when they aren't any of those things?

Some people feel passionate about doing those things. My wife will buy from women owned business when she can. Not my thing, but she feels good about doing it.

If you're telling the truth that you only buy the best product at the best price, and you expect that most others would do the same, then why would any advertising have any political message at all?

They are not trying to reach me or those like me with their advertising, they are trying to reach those like my wife that care about these things. Their gamble is that more people care about them that are freaked out by them so it is a net gain for them.
Store Clerk: Hey, Mike, it worked. We put up those posters of black people and the nasty old Jewish broad with the stick up her ass didn't come to our store. Mission accomplished.
Mike: “That’s so awesome…so now we’ve alienated evil whitey, the demographic that actually spends money but we’ve got broke as fuck ShaQuita and DaShawn and all the fucked in the head woke white guilt whackos like JoeB131 and Golfing Gator feeling all warm and fuzzy inside so who cares that we’ll barely be able to make rent…we won the woke contest.”
Mike: “That’s so awesome…so now we’ve alienated evil whitey, the demographic that actually spends money but we’ve got broke as fuck ShaQuita and DaShawn and all the fucked in the head woke white guilt whackos like JoeB131 and Golfing Gator feeling all warm and fuzzy inside so who cares that we’ll barely be able to make rent…we won the woke contest.”

Most of us white people are still going there if they have a good product because we are not racist pieces of shit like you and do not care about such things
Most of us white people are still going there if they have a good product because we are not racist pieces of shit like you and do not care about such things
Most of us white people are still going there if they have a good product because we are not racist pieces of shit like you and do not care about such things
Hahaha…Remember when you SJW’s did CARE about over-representation of certain skin colors? Hahaha…suddenly you don’t care about skin color? So fucking weird.
Wow. This is the third leftist on the forum to LIE about what the problem is. That just shows you really are in the wrong, because you can’t argue the actual situation, and thus LIE about what I said in order to FALSELY make me sound like a racist. It’s so blatant with you lefties.

The problem isn’t that I saw a poster with a black. It’s that I passed 20 posters in a row, and EVERY SINGLE ONE was of a black. Whites were excluded totally. And to focus 100% of the nearly two dozen posters on blacks, when they are just 14% of the population, just shows how ridiculous this anti-whitr bias has become.

Now stop attributing comments to a white that she never made in order to argue against an objection of hers that she never had. LIAR.
Most white people are not racist/triggered by ads with black people in them. You ARE the racist here.
Does anyone know if Joe is really white, as he pretends? I can’t imagine that any white, even a leftist, has this much disdain and contempt for whites.

I think he is. I have met whites that have white guilt.

It's funny because I live by a stop light. I see these white kids listening to that jungle music. When they see a black person pull up next to them or walking down the street, they start bopping their head up and down and beating their hands to the music on the dashboard.

Phony, no. Pathetic, yes. Then they support the party that's trying tirelessly to make them a minority in this country.
Mike: “That’s so awesome…so now we’ve alienated evil whitey, the demographic that actually spends money but we’ve got broke as fuck ShaQuita and DaShawn and all the fucked in the head woke white guilt whackos like JoeB131 and Golfing Gator feeling all warm and fuzzy inside so who cares that we’ll barely be able to make rent…we won the woke contest.”
Can you BELIEVE what that antisemite just said? He’s making up lies about the problem with all the black posters in order to condemn me as a racist, and then he spews out his antisemitism! I swear, you can make this shit up.

In fact, maybe that is why Joe is spewing his lie about me - he doesn’t want to miss a chance to beat Jew girl around the head. What a POS he is.

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