The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

I bet she'd tip any waitress the same provided she got the service expected. That waitress is lucky. If she did that to me, not only would I have complained to the management, I would have e-mailed corporate as well.
Actually, I tip between 20% and 25%, depending on the service.

But of course I didn’t tip the black waitress who felt it her place to lecture her white customer. The irony is, she probably treats whites with disdain, and then they tip lousy, and then she thinks “damn but white girl don’t tip.” Self-fulfilling prophesy.
I think he is. I have met whites that have white guilt.

It's funny because I live by a stop light. I see these white kids listening to that jungle music. When they see a black person pull up next to them or walking down the street, they start bopping their head up and down and beating their hands to the music on the dashboard.

Phony, no. Pathetic, yes. Then they support the party that's trying tirelessly to make them a minority in this country.
Hard to fathom, isn’t it? It would be like the Jews buddying up to Hitler, and then condemning any Jew who dares speak up against what he’s planning to do.
Some people feel passionate about doing those things. My wife will buy from women owned business when she can. Not my thing, but she feels good about doing it.

They are not trying to reach me or those like me with their advertising, they are trying to reach those like my wife that care about these things. Their gamble is that more people care about them that are freaked out by them so it is a net gain for them.

Some people... Exactly, so apparently big corps are under the false impression that the majority of American citizens hold leftist views, so they're either stupid to wander into the political arena with their advertising or they're trying to propagandize that they're with the majority and send that false message out everywhere. The message and the politics are more important than whatever product they're trying to sell. That's why leftists have so strategically infiltrated media and big tech and taken them over, they want the country to feel like they're the majority, the simple fact is that they're not, not yet anyway.
Some people... Exactly, so apparently big corps are under the false impression that the majority of American citizens hold leftist views, so they're either stupid to wander into the political arena with their advertising or they're trying to propagandize that they're with the majority and send that false message out everywhere

I do not think they are under that impression. I think they are under the impression most of us do not give a shit either way. They are gambling that the ones that do care about theses causes outnumber the ones that are freaked out by them.
I do not think they are under that impression. I think they are under the impression most of us do not give a shit either way. They are gambling that the ones that do care about theses causes outnumber the ones that are freaked out by them.

Bullshit, that's a lot of bank being spent, and it's for a reason.
But America does have a de facto national language, which should be the default in American stores, by American staff, to American customers. Try as they might, liberals are NOT going to make Spanish on par with English in this country by opening conversations with customers in Spanish.
If you really think someone's saying Shalom to you around the holidays is an affront to your citizenship, and theirs, you need help. Seriously.
:rolleyes: You're entirely missing the point, you either don't get it or it's intentional, doesn't really matter which one it is, you're wrong either way.
He’s lying, also. It‘s not a matter of being “freaked out.” It’s pointing out the extent of anti-white racism, which is sweeping the country. Lefties such as GG and A.S. Joe go ballistic and attempt to paint any white who points it out as a racist while they simultaneously lambast anti-black racism.

They need to get it through their dishonest, underhanded liberal brains that you can’t have it both ways: you can’t object when one race isn‘t given sufficient recognition and then cheer on when another race is being excluded, especially when the latter is the majority.
If you really think someone's saying Shalom to you around the holidays is an affront to your citizenship, and theirs, you need help. Seriously.
Nobody has ever done that, nor will they ever. American Jews don’t expect to be greeted in Hebrew in a retail store, when English is the de facto native language. For some reason, leftists are trying to push Spanish on people and make it an “equivalent” option to English.
Store Clerk: Hey, Mike, it worked. We put up those posters of black people and the nasty old Jewish broad with the stick up her ass didn't come to our store. Mission accomplished.
Wait a sec. I lisa outraged that somebody said shalom to her? I admit I cannot think of why anyone besides a masochist would do so.

Or was it some business advertising to blacks. I don't go out much anymore, certainly not to stores, unless I'm getting food and drinks. So I really don't know what stores would do this ... unless it was some personal grooming stuff ...
Can you BELIEVE what that antisemite just said? He’s making up lies about the problem with all the black posters in order to condemn me as a racist, and then he spews out his antisemitism! I swear, you can make this shit up.

In fact, maybe that is why Joe is spewing his lie about me - he doesn’t want to miss a chance to beat Jew girl around the head. What a POS he is.
You are talking to an anti-semite there, you know. One of the reasons USMB is con-sidered Stormfront Lite.
Nobody has ever done that, nor will they ever. American Jews don’t expect to be greeted in Hebrew in a retail store, when English is the de facto native language. For some reason, leftists are trying to push Spanish on people and make it an “equivalent” option to English.
You've not been to NYC, have you? :heehee: Your ignorance is staggering. I hope you are not representative of most white Americans. That would be embarrassing.
Wait a sec. I lisa outraged that somebody said shalom to her? I admit I cannot think of why anyone besides a masochist would do so.

Or was it some business advertising to blacks. I don't go out much anymore, certainly not to stores, unless I'm getting food and drinks. So I really don't know what stores would do this ... unless it was some personal grooming stuff ...
You entered the thread late. It wasn’t a single poster with a black, although that’s what leftists want to pretend. I’ve said repeatedly that it was every single store from the anchor to the eatery, and every single poster. I’m estimating seven or eight stores, with 20 or so posters in total. Every single one was of blacks - who are 14% of the population. Not a single white - who are around 70% of the population. The anti-white racism is so blatant that I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

And Joe, who accuses everyone of racism, was just exhibiting his antisemitism with that post. The hypocrisy is blinding.
You entered the thread late. It wasn’t a single poster with a black, although that’s what leftists want to pretend. I’ve said repeatedly that it was every single store from the anchor to the eatery, and every single poster. I’m estimating seven or eight stores, with 20 or so posters in total. Every single one was of blacks - who are 14% of the population. Not a single white - who are around 70% of the population. The anti-white racism is so blatant that I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

And Joe, who accuses everyone of racism, was just exhibiting his antisemitism with that post. The hypocrisy is blinding.
no actually I responded to you LAST WEEK. I'm just tyring to figure out why you're still so concerned with some apparent "diss." LOL
So...are you too triggered by ads with black people in them?
this is all very confusing. LOL

Perhaps she accidentally went to a hair care business. When I had hair, I used to go to an old barber who had a single chair biz, but next door was a "black" barbers' shop and they were only open Fri and Sat .. but man were they ever busy. Couldn't find a parking place sometimes.
God created everything and yet has allowed all evil, sin and disease to run rampant, sounds like God is weak.
if God created everything, then he created all evil, sin and disease as well.

he didn't tell you what to do with it all.

your desire to be the snark bitch means you seldom think things through and wind up looking like...

well, this.
no actually I responded to you LAST WEEK. I'm just tyring to figure out why you're still so concerned with some apparent "diss." LOL
I’m not still offended by it. I’m offended by the disgusting, hypocritical lying the leftists are doing to try to make me the racist, ironically when at least one of them is spewing antisemitism.

But we do need to speak up against anti-white bias and not let leftists spew venom at us when we point it out. (They sure cheer on when blacks complain about anti-black bias.) Their false yells of “raaaaacist” are typical for leftists, who after all attempt to cancel silence anyone who objects to their anti-white agenda.

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