The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Excellent way to look at it. Stores broadcasting that blacks are the primary or sole customers they seek will not have to worry about my annoying them with my patronage.

Store Clerk: Hey, Mike, it worked. We put up those posters of black people and the nasty old Jewish broad with the stick up her ass didn't come to our store. Mission accomplished.
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”

Same thing here around Detroit, all of the malls are either closed or on their way out. 2/3 of the stores are boarded up and you only see B lacks just hanging around goofing . Most of the stores and adverts are targeting B lacks and I think that it is because they spend the most on frivolous items. In the 1980's, this mall ( Fairlane) had lots of stores that were targeting Drug Dealers with beepers and thug type clothes; this was the start of the end.
What is racist? IMO defining it is not much different than defining antisemitism.

Maybe you need to dig a bit deeper and think about why you react strongly and angrily to situations involving blacks…but not in similar situations involving other minorities or disadvantaged groups. Why are you so angry about one president stating he will nominate a black woman judge….but not others stating they will nominate a woman? :dunno:

It isn’t internally consistent.
When you apologize for lying about what I complained about in an effort to falsely paint me as a racist, I’ll respond. I find it reprehensible that leftists like you, in order to fit your preconceived (and wrong) idea that your enemies are racist, lie about what they have said and then attack them using the lie as a basis.

For those who entered this thread late: She said I “had a meltdown“ because I “saw ONE poster with a black person on it” when she knows fully well that the issue is the obvious display of avoiding showing ANY white people, as evidenced by store after store after store showing black, black, back, black, black, on around 20 posters. Not one single white, in one single window.
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When you apologize for lying about what I complained about in an effort to falsely paint me as a racist, I’ll respond. I find it reprehensible that leftists like you, in order to fit your preconceived (and wrong) idea that your enemies are racist, lie about what they have said and then attack them using the lie as a basis.

For those who entered this thread late: She said I “had a meltdown“ because I “saw ONE poster with a black person on it” when she knows fully well that the issue is the obvious display of avoiding showing ANY white people, as evidenced by store after store after store showing black, black, back, black, black, on around 20 posters. Not one single white, in one single window.

Well, our days of thinking you are a racist are definitely coming to a middle.

Your obsession with black people is not only racist, but it's a bit weird when even PICTURES of black people trigger you.

Here, let's try.



And let's not forget, "Trigger" rhymes with....
Same thing here around Detroit, all of the malls are either closed or on their way out. 2/3 of the stores are boarded up and you only see B lacks just hanging around goofing . Most of the stores and adverts are targeting B lacks and I think that it is because they spend the most on frivolous items. In the 1980's, this mall ( Fairlane) had lots of stores that were targeting Drug Dealers with beepers and thug type clothes; this was the start of the end.
The ultimate goal of painting white people as innately bad and racist, and black people as nice, innocent victims is reparations.

There are all sorts of other consequences to indoctrinating people into thinking whites treat blacks poorly. Just yesterday at breakfast, I politely asked the (black) waitress if I could have some strawberry jam as she walked by my table for the nth time, ignoring me. She snapped, without looking at me as she continued to walk past me, that she “was busy and she’ll get to it when she gets to it”, and I remarked to my table how that was rude. She whipped around and started arguing with me that she was NOT rude (none of her business what I say to my friend) and that….get this…..I need to learn how to behave and treat her with respect.

Now is it possible she’s just a rude person, regardless of race, who really has no business interacting with the public? Yes. But it is also possible that the constant indoctrination that blacks should be elevated above whites (just look at how liberals capitalize Black and lower class ) gave her the idea that she can yell at her white customers.
There are all sorts of other consequences to indoctrinating people into thinking whites treat blacks poorly. just yesterday at breakfast, I asked the (black) waitress if I could have some strawberry jam as she walked by my table for the nth time, ignoring me. She curtly responded, without looking at me as she continued to walk past me, that she “was busy and she’ll get to it when she gets to it”, and I remarked to my table how that was rude. She whipped around and started arguing with me that she was NOT rude (none of her business what I say to my friend) and that….get this…..I need to behave and treat her with respect.

Wow, you mean you had to wait to get some strawberry jam? Oh, my God, that's horrible. What a complete violation of your human rights.



Now is it possible she’s just a rude person, regardless of race, who really has no business interacting with the public? Yes. But it is also possible that the constant indoctrination that blacks should be elevated above whites (just look at how liberals capitalize Black and lower class ) gave her the idea that she can yell at her white customers.

Alternative explanation. Most black people can tell when they are dealing with a racist white person, even if you don't blurt out the N-word.

Here's the ugly reality... it's kind of miserable to work in any service position these days, with relying on tips, not even getting a minimum wage, and often being chronically understaffed. So, yeah, this girl had to deal with a nasty racist Karen and she lost her temper.
The ultimate goal of painting white people as innately bad and racist, and black people as nice, innocent victims is reparations.

There are all sorts of other consequences to indoctrinating people into thinking whites treat blacks poorly. Just yesterday at breakfast, I politely asked the (black) waitress if I could have some strawberry jam as she walked by my table for the nth time, ignoring me. She snapped, without looking at me as she continued to walk past me, that she “was busy and she’ll get to it when she gets to it”, and I remarked to my table how that was rude. She whipped around and started arguing with me that she was NOT rude (none of her business what I say to my friend) and that….get this…..I need to learn how to behave and treat her with respect.

Now is it possible she’s just a rude person, regardless of race, who really has no business interacting with the public? Yes. But it is also possible that the constant indoctrination that blacks should be elevated above whites (just look at how liberals capitalize Black and lower class ) gave her the idea that she can yell at her white customers.

And then when you don't leave a tip she'd say "I bet she tips white waitresses!"
/----/ You can't "sell your stuff" by alienating the majority of your customer base. This is pure politics and let the stuff sit on the shelf.
I know,right? We have leftists on this thread so desperate to deny how blatant the anti-white bias is that they’re claiming it’s a marketing technique. What brilliance! A marketing technique that intentionally excludes 3/4 of your potential customers!

Besides, can you imagine the uproar if marketing materials were intentionally excluding blacks, and we claimed that focusing advertising dollars on whites is a smart business decision? The hypocrisy on this thread is unreal.
It's not the majority. It's just a small psychotic segment making a lot of noise.
The majority of people in this country, and thus the majority of potential customers, are WHITE. That is what we are talking about. You bigots are fine with excluding whites from marketing material, and are coming up with ridiculous excuses for the massive favoritism toward blacks by “woke” companies.
I asked a simple question, one you still are afraid to answer.

These companies spend a lot of money researching and trying out these ads and such before they ever see the light of day. They assume that most people are not so bigoted they will be turned off by their ads. I think they for the most part are correct, people like you are the minority in this country these days.
Your question was stupid. Christian companies are not approaching me in stores to buy their products. I already asked you to provide examples and you can’t seem to so…

Obviously it was some kind of weird faux gotcha thing.

These big corporations are pushing woke ideology because they assume it’s a popular money making fad,when actually consumers are getting sick of it and have been for awhile now.

Once they feel the backlash or lose money …their cause of the hour will be dropped in a hot second. BLM is already declining in support as is CRT. This transgender gibberish ( that is actually targeting parental rights under the guise of diversity) will too.
Wow, you mean you had to wait to get some strawberry jam? Oh, my God, that's horrible. What a complete violation of your human rights.

You liar. is the only way you bigots have to argue a point to misrepresent the situation. It wasn’t that I had to wait for the jam. it’s that the rude waitress fot in my face and told ME I needed to behave and learn to respect her.

Wow….great. Thanks for showing more of that anti-white racism. If a whitey dared say “hell hath no fury like an offended black person,” you’d be screeching raaaascisy.
Alternative explanation. Most black people can tell when they are dealing with a racist white person, even if you don't blurt out the N-word.
and there goes the antisemite accusing a decent person of racism. All I did was ask her for jam! You ledtist bigots are so predictable.
Here's the ugly reality... it's kind of miserable to work in any service position these days, with relying on tips, not even getting a minimum wage, and often being chronically understaffed. So, yeah, this girl had to deal with a nasty racist Karen and she lost her temper.
And back again with the rwcist. NO, I had to deal with a black waitress who, for whatever reason, felt comfortable lecturing a white customer on how to “behave.”
These big corporations are pushing woke ideology because they assume it’s a popular money making fad,when actually consumers are getting sick of it and have been for awhile now.

Once they feel the backlash or lose money …their cause of the hour will be dropped in a hot second. BLM is already declining in support as is CRT. This transgender gibberish ( that is actually targeting parental rights under the guise of diversity) will too.

I think you vastly over estimate the number of bigots such as yourself in the country that are going to stop giving these companies.
Does anyone know if Joe is really white, as he pretends? I can’t imagine that any white, even a leftist, has this much disdain and contempt for whites.
But do you whine about their political activism the way you do about companies that do it for lefty positions?

She probably whines about righty political activism in advertising about as much as you whine about anything on the left, which is never. And that's probably because the number of companies pushing leftist bullshit is 100 to 1 compared to companies pushing right bullshit. This thread is about corps and leftist activism and propaganda in their advertising. If you want to talk about the right doing it, start your own thread.
She probably whines about righty political activism in advertising about as much as you whine about anything on the left, which is never. And that's probably because the number of companies pushing leftist bullshit is 100 to 1 compared to companies pushing right bullshit. This thread is about corps and leftist activism and propaganda in their advertising. If you want to talk about the right doing it, start your own thread.


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