The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their east of you ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”

If advertisements gets you in a twist then “wokeness” is the least of your problems. You might be insane.
this is all very confusing. LOL

Perhaps she accidentally went to a hair care business. When I had hair, I used to go to an old barber who had a single chair biz, but next door was a "black" barbers' shop and they were only open Fri and Sat .. but man were they ever busy. Couldn't find a parking place sometimes.
WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT A SINGLR STORE. We are talking about a slew of stores, all one after the other, in which they were advertising their product ONLY to blacks. Not one single white. The issue is that corporate America now considers it “woke” to be biased against whites.
If advertisements gets you in a twist then “wokeness” is the least of your problems. You might be insane.
Racism bothers me. Do you tell blacks they’re Insane when they complain about bias against blacks?

You lefties are so hypocritical it’s f’in unbelievable.
WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT A SINGLR STORE. We are talking about a slew of stores, all one after the other, in which they were advertising their product ONLY to blacks. Not one single white. The issue is that corporate America now considers it “woke” to be biased against whites.

So, again is it possible for you to offer any sort of support at all that there was not one single sign/poster at this mall with a white person in it?

This is one hell of claim and really needs some sort of evidence to make it believable.
I read a story a cou[le of years ago about a mall in Ohio. I may be wrong but I think it was Akron.

When it was built it was one of the best in the world. It was built out in the suburbs to accommodate the more affluent shoppers, mostly White. Great mall.

Then the filthy ass demented Democrat racist politicians of the city decided that the mall was not servicing the needs of the inner city assholes. They then created bus lines so that the Negroes could get out to the mall.

Of course when that happen that brought the inner city crime to the mall area. It became dangerous to shop there and the thievery was terrible. People were getting robbed in the parking lot and there were rapes and fights.

The mall quickly begun to deteriorate and it is completely closed now.

Stupid Democrats always fuck up everything they touch.
I’m retired, and I can best serve my country by pointing out and fighting against antisemitism and anti-white bias.
Growing up in OKC the malls were all white and sparkling because blacks were not allowed to get out of their side of town.
Lisa is lamenting the loss of her “special” social status. She can’t abide being made to feel the same as everyone else. It’s common among the supremacists.
WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT A SINGLR STORE. We are talking about a slew of stores, all one after the other, in which they were advertising their product ONLY to blacks. Not one single white. ....
Very unlikely to be true.
Lisa is lamenting the loss of her “special” social status. She can’t abide being made to feel the same as everyone else. It’s common among the supremacists.
There goes another despicable lie. ^^^


G-d doesn’t like what you’re doing. I hope you get what you deserve.
I read a story a cou[le of years ago about a mall in Ohio. I may be wrong but I think it was Akron.

When it was built it was one of the best in the world. It was built out in the suburbs to accommodate the more affluent shoppers, mostly White. Great mall.

Then the filthy ass demented Democrat racist politicians of the city decided that the mall was not servicing the needs of the inner city assholes. They then created bus lines so that the Negroes could get out to the mall.

Of course when that happen that brought the inner city crime to the mall area. It became dangerous to shop there and the thievery was terrible. People were getting robbed in the parking lot and there were rapes and fights.

The mall quickly begun to deteriorate and it is completely closed now.

Stupid Democrats always fuck up everything they touch.

I don't know if they were forced to close or not, but several years ago the mall made a policy of no minors in the mall or on the property without adult supervision. Of course they screamed racism because of the new policy.
Does anyone know if Joe is really white, as he pretends? I can’t imagine that any white, even a leftist, has this much disdain and contempt for whites.

It's really not reliable to assume that anything that Incel Joe claims about who and what it is is true. Assuming that most of what it claims about itself is based on any truth, then it is certainly one of the most extreme examples of a self-loathing version of almost everything that it is.
I read a story a cou[le of years ago about a mall in Ohio. I may be wrong but I think it was Akron.

When it was built it was one of the best in the world. It was built out in the suburbs to accommodate the more affluent shoppers, mostly White. Great mall.

Then the filthy ass demented Democrat racist politicians of the city decided that the mall was not servicing the needs of the inner city assholes. They then created bus lines so that the Negroes could get out to the mall.

Of course when that happen that brought the inner city crime to the mall area. It became dangerous to shop there and the thievery was terrible. People were getting robbed in the parking lot and there were rapes and fights.

The mall quickly begun to deteriorate and it is completely closed now.

Stupid Democrats always fuck up everything they touch.
God forbid that blacks go to malls in areas that have predominantly black populations. Though I suspect Lisa would be a happier person if she lived in ...perhaps idaho
It's really not reliable to assume that anything that Incel Joe claims about who and what it is is true. Assuming that most of what it claims about itself is based on any truth, then it is certainly one of the most extreme examples of a self-loathing version of almost everything that it is.
I still can’t believe it’s white, as it claims. it’s venom toward Jews and it’s support of anti-white bias is straight out of Farrakhan’s Nation of a Islam.

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