The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Relative to what? The entire history of television advertising?
What does history have to do with anything? We are talking about treating the races equally, and making business decisions without regard to someone’s skin color.

Or are you saying that because two generations ago, there was bias against blacks that you‘re Ok with bias against whites NOW? If so, there IS a racist between the two of us, and news flash: it’s not me.

Here’s a mirror.
What does history have to do with anything? We are talking about treating the races equally, and making business decisions without regard to someone’s skin color.

Or are you saying that because two generations ago, there was bias against blacks that you‘re Ok with bias against whites NOW? If so, there IS a racist between the two of us, and news flash: it’s not me.

Here’s a mirror.
That’s exactly what he is saying.
What does history have to do with anything? We are talking about treating the races equally, and making business decisions without regard to someone’s skin color.

Or are you saying that because two generations ago, there was bias against blacks that you‘re Ok with bias against whites NOW? If so, there IS a racist between the two of us, and news flash: it’s not me.

Here’s a mirror.
It's illegal to not serve some people, it's merely good business to correctly analyze customer preferences and market accordingly. I suspect there's something in play here that you've misperceived

But its helped me get through the last two hours.
Good for you. The blacks should know their place and so should the store owners.
Blacks should stop committing crimes.

Do you know that many restaurants have code names for Blacks? Nobody wants to seat them because they don't tip and they try to scam for free meals.

There are some good decent Blacks but the great majority of them are pretty much the low life of this country.

No wonder they are the main voting block the the despicable Democrat Party. Scumbags joining the party of scum.
They were never all white, at least in my lifetime. They always had a few blacks, mostly to acknowledge that blacks exist and shop there too. Rightly so. But now they refuse to have even ONE poster of a white, and they ALL are of blacks. Do whites not exist? Why can’t we at least get the courtesy given to blacks decades ago?

Don‘t pretend you don’t see what the issue is here. You’re not that stupid, even if you are a liberal.
But now they refuse to have even ONE poster of a white, and they ALL are of blacks.
Who refused who’s request?

You’re just creating a false reality in your head and becoming agitated by it. Literal insanity.
Blacks should stop committing crimes.

Do you know that many restaurants have code names for Blacks? Nobody wants to seat them because they don't tip and they try to scam for free meals.

There are some good decent Blacks but the great majority of them are pretty much the low life of this country.

No wonder they are the main voting block the the despicable Democrat Party. Scumbags joining the party of scum.
So long as they know their place and where they should live and shop.
So long as they know their place and where they should live and shop.
Even the low class businesses in the ghetto areas are leaving because of the rampant crime and thievery. Stores like 7-11.

When you start busing the shitheads out to where Whites live it always results in destruction.

The dumbass Negroes elect idiot Democrats to government offices. The Democrats stop enforcing the laws against thievery. Thievery becomes rampant and the businesses close.

Then the Democrats bus the Negroes out to where the Whites are and because of the crime and thievery the White businesses are forced to close.
That's just bullshit.

Republic pols have no problems forcing their fascist views on companies.

Again, you're just playing the victim so you can project your grievance.
See here:
The goal is excellence and diversity.
Curious that your default seems to be that they are mutually exclusive.
They usually are, but we know that leftists are math-challenged. Statistically speaking, when you choose someone based on their being black, rather than their competence, and blacks are only 14% of the population, than you are getting the most excellent candidate only 14% of the time. So yes, excellence suffers when “diversity” is prioritized over ability.

Odds are the most qualified, capable candidate will be white. Again, it’s math.

Curious how you can’t understand that basic concept. Liberalism of the brain, I suppose.
You know, whenever I have a question about something, my favorite place to go see if it exists is Google. I remember when it first came out that you could type in just about anything, and it would give you a list of various links that might fit. If you can't find it on Google, chances are, it doesn't exist. Matter of fact, I've seen various memes that have said "if you touch my (fill in the blank)/piss me off, I will slap you so hard not even Google will be able to find you". One example is thus:


Now, with that being said, I've searched for a bit to try to find a transgender kid ad for soap, and I have thus far been unable to locate one. I'm guessing the poster Lisa was bitching about doesn't exist, or she simply imagined it.

And, for all you people who are saying that malls are closing because of black kids invading and tearing up the joint, well.....................while it may be true in rare instances, it's not the main reason. I DO remember seeing a news article on someplace like Inside Edition where a mall had been taken over by delinquents and later had to close, that was more the exception rather than the rule. The main reason malls are closing is because of internet shopping. A lot of people would like to shop on the 'net rather than go to the store simply because it's more convenient. Me? I'm one of those relics that likes to go to the store so I can actually see what I'm buying before shelling out money for it, and I can tell you, that has become pretty damn difficult to do. Here recently, I wanted to buy 2 things...............a drone with a camera, and a triple sensor watch (also called an ABC watch because they have altitude, a barometer and a compass), and I knew that they were going to be upwards of 100 bucks to get one, so I wanted to check it out before buying. For drones, I only found about 3, and that was after going to over 7 different stores. And, in each of the stores I went to that didn't have one, they happily told me I could go to their website and order one to be delivered to my house. Same with the ABC watch, but I was able to find one at an REI store to check out to make sure it would fit my wrist. Only problem is, they wanted 350.00 for one, and I didn't want to spend that much. Came back home and found the exact same watch at Amazon for 125.00 (132.00 with tax), so that is what I got. Sorry, but it's not the blacks that are causing malls to close, it's Ebay and Amazon that are doing most of the work.

As far as the camera drone? I found 3, and had to go to either Best Buy or a specialty hobby shop to see one, and they ranged from 500 to 1,000 dollars each. I've done some research since, and have found that I can get one that does pretty much what the expensive ones do, but for only 100 dollars. I'm thinking that my drone purchase will be online as well.
You know, whenever I have a question about something, my favorite place to go see if it exists is Google. I remember when it first came out that you could type in just about anything, and it would give you a list of various links that might fit. If you can't find it on Google, chances are, it doesn't exist. Matter of fact, I've seen various memes that have said "if you touch my (fill in the blank)/piss me off, I will slap you so hard not even Google will be able to find you". One example is thus:

View attachment 626176

Now, with that being said, I've searched for a bit to try to find a transgender kid ad for soap, and I have thus far been unable to locate one. I'm guessing the poster Lisa was bitching about doesn't exist, or she simply imagined it.

And, for all you people who are saying that malls are closing because of black kids invading and tearing up the joint, well.....................while it may be true in rare instances, it's not the main reason. I DO remember seeing a news article on someplace like Inside Edition where a mall had been taken over by delinquents and later had to close, that was more the exception rather than the rule. The main reason malls are closing is because of internet shopping. A lot of people would like to shop on the 'net rather than go to the store simply because it's more convenient. Me? I'm one of those relics that likes to go to the store so I can actually see what I'm buying before shelling out money for it, and I can tell you, that has become pretty damn difficult to do. Here recently, I wanted to buy 2 things...............a drone with a camera, and a triple sensor watch (also called an ABC watch because they have altitude, a barometer and a compass), and I knew that they were going to be upwards of 100 bucks to get one, so I wanted to check it out before buying. For drones, I only found about 3, and that was after going to over 7 different stores. And, in each of the stores I went to that didn't have one, they happily told me I could go to their website and order one to be delivered to my house. Same with the ABC watch, but I was able to find one at an REI store to check out to make sure it would fit my wrist. Only problem is, they wanted 350.00 for one, and I didn't want to spend that much. Came back home and found the exact same watch at Amazon for 125.00 (132.00 with tax), so that is what I got. Sorry, but it's not the blacks that are causing malls to close, it's Ebay and Amazon that are doing most of the work.

As far as the camera drone? I found 3, and had to go to either Best Buy or a specialty hobby shop to see one, and they ranged from 500 to 1,000 dollars each. I've done some research since, and have found that I can get one that does pretty much what the expensive ones do, but for only 100 dollars. I'm thinking that my drone purchase will be online as well.
Didn’t read past the point you called me a liar.

You honestly think you can find the store with the transgender kids poster on it via Google, with a camera zoom? This was inside a shopping mall. It wouldn‘t show up on Google maps.

You libs are so ashamed of how extreme your crazy leftist is that when someone gives an example of it, you go into denial.
Didn’t read past the point you called me a liar.

You honestly think you can find the store with the transgender kids poster on it via Google, with a camera zoom? This was inside a shopping mall. It wouldn‘t show up on Google maps.

You libs are so ashamed of how extreme your crazy leftist is that when someone gives an example of it, you go into denial.

Your reading comprehension is pretty bad Lisa. I didn't call you a liar, I simply stated that I couldn't find the poster on Google after spending some time looking for it, and I was wondering if you actually saw it or imagined it. I haven't called you a liar yet. And no, I didn't use Google maps as you assumed I did, I used a Google search, and in the search box I typed in various forms of "transgender kid soap advertisement poster", asking for Google to bring up all images it had of a poster advertising soap to transgender kids, and was unable to find one. Found several other posters for advertisements, mostly for support of transgender kids, but nothing that was selling soap. Can you possibly tell us what the name and location of the mall was that you went to so that others can check the veracity of your claim, and could you also provide the name of the company that had the transgender kid poster selling soap? If you can provide those, we can check out if you are telling the truth or not ourselves.

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