The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Your reading comprehension is pretty bad Lisa. I didn't call you a liar, I simply stated that I couldn't find the poster on Google after spending some time looking for it, and I was wondering if you actually saw it or imagined it. I haven't called you a liar yet. And no, I didn't use Google maps as you assumed I did, I used a Google search, and in the search box I typed in various forms of "transgender kid soap advertisement poster", asking for Google to bring up all images it had of a poster advertising soap to transgender kids, and was unable to find one. Found several other posters for advertisements, mostly for support of transgender kids, but nothing that was selling soap. Can you possibly tell us what the name and location of the mall was that you went to so that others can check the veracity of your claim, and could you also provide the name of the company that had the transgender kid poster selling soap? If you can provide those, we can check out if you are telling the truth or not ourselves.
Nope. I gIve you my word that it’s true. Just because you’ve seen how liberals lie doesn’t mean I do. It’s actually quite insulting when you say “I haven’t called you a liar YET.” That’s saying you don’t I told the truth, which is the same thing.

I already swore on my father’s grave that it’s true, and even that wasn’t good enough for you. You think so little of conservatives that you think I’d do that if it weren’t true?!
I already swore on my father’s grave that it’s true, and even that wasn’t good enough for you. You think so little of conservatives that you think I’d do that if it weren’t true?!

This is the internet, people lie all the time, does not matter what party they belong to.

A good rule of thumb is if you are going to make a claim, be able to offer something to support it
Your reading comprehension is pretty bad Lisa. I didn't call you a liar, I simply stated that I couldn't find the poster on Google after spending some time looking for it, and I was wondering if you actually saw it or imagined it. I haven't called you a liar yet. And no, I didn't use Google maps as you assumed I did, I used a Google search, and in the search box I typed in various forms of "transgender kid soap advertisement poster", asking for Google to bring up all images it had of a poster advertising soap to transgender kids, and was unable to find one. Found several other posters for advertisements, mostly for support of transgender kids, but nothing that was selling soap. Can you possibly tell us what the name and location of the mall was that you went to so that others can check the veracity of your claim, and could you also provide the name of the company that had the transgender kid poster selling soap? If you can provide those, we can check out if you are telling the truth or not ourselves.
Also, it wasn’t advertising soap to transgenders. It wasn’t advertising soap at all! That’s part of the crazy woke leftist shit. Here is a store selling fancy soaps, and the sign had nothing to do with the product they were selling. It was just a “woke” poster saying “transgender kids fit too,” to virtue signal their wakefulness.
Racism bothers me. Do you tell blacks they’re Insane when they complain about bias against blacks?

You lefties are so hypocritical it’s f’in unbelievable.
The “racism” is wholly self manufactured. Only the pathological would even notice such a thing let alone have such a strong response to it.

Black folks have had centuries of this. You dissolve into rage in a single outing.
The “racism” is wholly self manufactured. Only the pathological would even notice such a thing let alone have such a strong response to it.
I never would have noticed it until leftists started making everything about race, and how blacks are excluded, and blacks are victims, and blacks aren’t given fair chances, etc. etc.

But now even have a U.S. President who brags how whites will be excluded from a prestigious position, and observant people WILL notice that whites are being excluded elsewhere, as well. It’s such obvious dissonance - one one hand, lefties crying how blacks don’t get a fair shake, and then seeing that the majority of commercials being either blacks, or bi-racial, and in this recent instance, 20 posters in a row, all of blacks,
There goes another despicable lie. ^^^


G-d doesn’t like what you’re doing. I hope you get what you deserve.
Oh, come on now. You only felt triggered because you panicked when you no longer see yourself in superior numbers. No longer special.
Oh, come on now. You only felt triggered because you panicked when you no longer see yourself in superior numbers. No longer special.
The issue is that Whites are superior in numbers and in heterosexuality also.
The fags that run the media want everybody to be fags.
Leftists are so disingenuous. They have made basically everything about race - taking certain foods off the shelves because they‘re offensive to blacks, eliminating an admissions test to a prestigious public high school because blacks weren’t doing well on it and thus not getting admitted, to pushing a “Blacks are oppressed victims” CRT curriculum, to announcing “blacks only” as hires, etc., etc., and then when whitey makes an observation as to the ridiculous overweight of black models, the leftists will come out with a snarky remark about “only people with a pathology” would notice anything about blacks. Dems have made blacks and “equity” the main issue of their platform!
I never would have noticed it until leftists started making everything about race, and how blacks are excluded, and blacks are victims, and blacks aren’t given fair chances, etc. etc.

But now even have a U.S. President who brags how whites will be excluded from a prestigious position, and observant people WILL notice that whites are being excluded elsewhere, as well. It’s such obvious dissonance - one one hand, lefties crying how blacks don’t get a fair shake, and then seeing that the majority of commercials being either blacks, or bi-racial, and in this recent instance, 20 posters in a row, all of blacks,
It’s so hard. I know. :itsok:
You know, whenever I have a question about something, my favorite place to go see if it exists is Google. I remember when it first came out that you could type in just about anything, and it would give you a list of various links that might fit. If you can't find it on Google, chances are, it doesn't exist. Matter of fact, I've seen various memes that have said "if you touch my (fill in the blank)/piss me off, I will slap you so hard not even Google will be able to find you".

Oh boy do you have a lot to learn. Google shows you what they think you need to see, not all that's out there. They also prioritize what they want you to see.

The other day I was in a debate about the Gore/ Bush race. Of course the leftist claimed the election was stolen, that Gore actually had more votes. I remember back then that leftist media outlets did their own recount and found that yes, Bush would have won anyway. But I couldn't find it on Google and I went through six pages.

Went to Duck-Duck Go, and it was on page two. In fact there were a few stories on it.

Google is in bed with the Democrats just as much as Twitter and Facebook. That's why when I look for something I distinctly remember happening in favor of Republicans, I don't even bother using Goggle. I use Duck-Duck and get what I want instead of what some outlet is willing to let me see.
Oh, come on now. You only felt triggered because you panicked when you no longer see yourself in superior numbers. No longer special.
More hypocrisy for the anti-white leftist. How come you cheer on blacks when they complain their (non-existent) exclusion, but when whitey notices a statistical anomaly - people who are 70% of the population are excluded from a row of 20 posters - it‘s “triggered.”

I oppose bias based on skin color. You are OK with it, as long as it goes against whites.

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