The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

S you’re saying whitr supremacists, like David Duke and Richard Spencer, think whites belong to an inferior race? You’re so enraged that whitey spoke up - and eager to call BIGOT! - that you’re not reading what I’m saying.

Cant waste any more time on such a biased, hate-filled liberal. Adios, bigot.
I was saying that the white put downs on here were against white supremacists duh. Protecting the rights of minorities etc is not going after whites, I karumba brainwashed functional moron bigots.
They usually are, but we know that leftists are math-challenged. Statistically speaking, when you choose someone based on their being black, rather than their competence, and blacks are only 14% of the population, than you are getting the most excellent candidate only 14% of the time. So yes, excellence suffers when “diversity” is prioritized over ability.

Odds are the most qualified, capable candidate will be white. Again, it’s math.

Curious how you can’t understand that basic concept. Liberalism of the brain, I suppose.
They usually are,
That’s literally what I just said. Your default.
Thanks for sharing. The picture is becoming clearer with each logically addled post.
Franko is the USMB renown troll. He didn't go back two pages to read any of the discussion, he only comes here to troll so it doesn't matter what we were talking about.
He’s just another crazy leftist. Somehow, “protecting the rights of minorities” not only means whites should be excluded from 20 posters in a row, but they should also be excluded from being considered for prestigious jobs - and the U.S. President should be proud to exclude them.

We need to abolish affirmative action now. The entire idea that blacks should be favored over whites - for jobs, for advertising, for college admissions - is just substituting the anti-black racism that existed decades ago for anti-white racism NOW.
Nope. I gIve you my word that it’s true. Just because you’ve seen how liberals lie doesn’t mean I do. It’s actually quite insulting when you say “I haven’t called you a liar YET.” That’s saying you don’t I told the truth, which is the same thing.

I already swore on my father’s grave that it’s true, and even that wasn’t good enough for you. You think so little of conservatives that you think I’d do that if it weren’t true?!

Again, I don't know you personally, you are just a poster on a message board, so I don't know if your word is good or not. Sorry you feel insulted, but no, I don't believe you on your word alone, as there are LOTS of people out there that will swear something is true, even if it's not.

And so what if you swore on your father's grave that it was true? I don't know anything about you or your father, nor do I know if you are telling the truth, again, all I have to go on is what you claim you saw, yet you have not backed it up with any kind of proof that can be verified. Like I said, how about giving us the actual name of the mall and it's location so that others who live nearby might be able to verify it as well? How about giving us the name of the store you saw the transkid poster at? Those would be helpful in others being able to verify your claims for you, seeing as you don't wish to verify them yourself with photographic evidence. Sorry, but until I've known someone in real life for a bit, I generally don't take them at their word without some kind of proof first. If that makes you butt hurt, then be butt hurt, it doesn't matter to me as you are nothing more than a bunch of phosphor dots on a computer screen spelling out words that claim you saw what you saw. Until you can provide actual proof, I will continue to doubt what you say. However, provide actual proof of what you saw, and I will apologize to you in this instance only.
Again, I don't know you personally, you are just a poster on a message board, so I don't know if your word is good or not. Sorry you feel insulted, but no, I don't believe you on your word alone, as there are LOTS of people out there that will swear something is true, even if it's not.

And so what if you swore on your father's grave that it was true? I don't know anything about you or your father, nor do I know if you are telling the truth, again, all I have to go on is what you claim you saw, yet you have not backed it up with any kind of proof that can be verified. Like I said, how about giving us the actual name of the mall and it's location so that others who live nearby might be able to verify it as well? How about giving us the name of the store you saw the transkid poster at? Those would be helpful in others being able to verify your claims for you, seeing as you don't wish to verify them yourself with photographic evidence. Sorry, but until I've known someone in real life for a bit, I generally don't take them at their word without some kind of proof first. If that makes you butt hurt, then be butt hurt, it doesn't matter to me as you are nothing more than a bunch of phosphor dots on a computer screen spelling out words that claim you saw what you saw. Until you can provide actual proof, I will continue to doubt what you say. However, provide actual proof of what you saw, and I will apologize to you in this instance only.
I’ll go back to the mall on Thursday (it’s a schlep and I don’t have time until then) and take a photo of it. But here’s a question, since I’m not technically savvy: I will take it with my IPad, and then hit the attach files button I see below. Will any identifying information associated with my IPad be visible to readers? Please tell the truth.

And I’ll look forward to your apology.
I’ll go back to the mall on Thursday (it’s a schlep and I don’t have time until then) and take a photo of it. But here’s a question, since I’m not technically savvy: I will take it with my IPad, and then hit the attach files button I see below. Will any identifying information associated with my IPad be visible to readers? Please tell the truth.

And I’ll look forward to your apology.
Make sure ya name the mall and store
I’ll go back to the mall on Thursday (it’s a schlep and I don’t have time until then) and take a photo of it. But here’s a question, since I’m not technically savvy: I will take it with my IPad, and then hit the attach files button I see below. Will any identifying information associated with my IPad be visible to readers? Please tell the truth.

And I’ll look forward to your apology.

Dunno.....................will you be standing in the photo? Will you have a piece of paper with your name and address on it in the pic? Unless you put something in the picture you take, I don't think anyone can identify you from a picture. And yeah, in addition to the photo of the trans kid poster, take panorama pics of all the stores to show us that there isn't a single white in any of the sales posters, as well as take a pic of the store with only black mannequins in it. Again, until you prove it, I will continue to doubt.

And, if something sounds like it can't be real, anyone with any kind of sense will doubt it until they are shown that it's real. I mean, can you imagine an animal that is a mammal and lays eggs, with a duck bill face and fur like a beaver with claws? That animal exists, and it's called a duckbill platypus, which goes against what most of science said up until then.

And yeah, like I already showed you in an earlier post, in some places up in the mountains that have year round snow (high elevations), there can be patches of pink snow that smells like watermelon (and I already linked to that one for you). I gotta say though, when I first saw it, I was wondering if the elevation had gotten to me and I was imagining things, but after about 5 min of being in it, I accepted it as real.

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