The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Maybe the thought process here is that when another riot breaks out, they'll leave their store alone. :badgrin:
Actually, that might not be far from the truth, as far as their thinking goes. But they’d be wrong, of course. Most blacks riot in black neighborhoods and hurt black businesses.
Just like it was very telling you needed to divert the conversation to women for some reason.

This is a fun dance though, how many post will you make without answering the very simple question?
I stated I have been approached in stores with gimmicks/sales promotions pushing female owned businesses because of my gender. Which turns me off.

To which for some reason you equated with imaginary Christians that I should be offended by?

That is diversion...

And you are still derailing with this crap…which is normal for you I know.

Why would you loons be promoting women owned businesses anyway when you expect us all to be gender neutral? You idiots need to make up your mind.
I stated I have been approached in stores with gimmicks/sales oromitionspushing female owned businesses because of my gender. Which turns me off.

To which for some reason you equated with imaginary Christians that I should be offended by?

That is diversion...

And you are still derailing with this crap…which is normal for you I know.

Why would you loons be promoting women owned businesses anyway when you expect us all to be gender neutral? You idiots need to make up your mind.

I asked a question because I see no difference in promoting women/black/Christian/American owned businesses. I think it is all the same.

I was wondering if you felt that way also, but you cannot answer. It is so bizarre you are afraid to answer such a simple question. This is the down fall of being part of a tribe, you have to couch your answer to avoid making them made at you.

Shitty way to live in my opinion.
Yup. Apparently they want to sell to 14% of the population and show the majority of people (whites) they don’t want their business. Perhaps we should oblige them, and any store that has two or more posters and all of blacks, just don’t shop there. Sort of the way the libbies boycotted Chikfilet when the owner thought marriage should be between a man and a woman.

Good idea, Lisa. I think you need to organize these boycotts... and let everyone know your real name, where you live and who you are...

Doesn’t Hollywood have a list of woke rules they have to follow in casting and story telling? Quotas they have to meet etc…

Do you have a copy of these rules?

Yup. I was at the grocery when they made an announcement to go on your IPhone and get the list of black-owned companies so we could give our business to them. HORRIBLE that the liberal racists are steering customers away from white-owned businesses.

Oh, noes... information. It's horrible!!!!

You know, you RACISTS keep shouting about how blacks need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps (which is physically impossible, by the way), and when they go out and start businesses to create jobs in that community (you know, instead of collecting welfare), and when they promote said businesses, you get hysterical.

It's like blacks can win with you.
Are you implying there are no conservative black judges?

Very few that can make it to the level of a potential SC justice. And even if one does, the left attack them with their Uncle Tom BS. How long has Thomas been on the bench and they're still attacking him. If not him, his wife.
I asked a question because I see no difference in promoting women/black/Christian/American owned businesses. I think it is all the same.

I was wondering if you felt that way also, but you cannot answer. It is so bizarre you are afraid to answer such a simple question. This is the down fall of being part of a tribe, you have to couch your answer to avoid making them made at you.

Shitty way to live in my opinion.
Your stores have over zealous Christians hounding you to buy their products do they?
Perhaps", but just remember...the collective right will never do that. It's an unshakable weakness that has put them where they are today.

In the week since the Disney scandal, it is reported on YouTube that over 100,000 right wing conservatives have booked their vacations at Disney parks or Disney cruises because their pleasure and fun is far more important than upholding their dignity or a righteous cause.

They also continue to 100% patronize Facebook and Twitter daily. They shop Target and Amazon. Even as those entities openly betray and enslave them.
The Left sees this profound weakness and lack of will and is simply exploiting their weaknesses.

Or we just realize that you guys are kind of an angry minority that hates irrationally.

Here's the thing, in 50 years, DeSantis will be seen as a reactionary bigot, kind of the way that George Wallace is seen today. (Even though later in his life, Wallace tried to atone for his political nastiness). Disney, WalMart, Target want to be able to say, "We were on the right side of struggle." You really don't want to have your business associated with bigotry. Just ask Woolworth. Won't find a Woolworth's anywhere in this country, but they will always be remembered for that Sit-in at the counter.

Except it might not be at YOUR mall. I live in a pro-black, anti-white liberal area.

I live in Cook County, IL. Pretty much one of the most liberal areas in the country. Anyway, we'll find out in a few hours.
Why am I required to support female owned businesses again just because I am female?

Still afraid to answer the simple question.

And whoever said you were required to support female owned businesses?
How can race relations improve when the commies are constantly promoting race and discrimination? It's to their benefit to keep race issues alive in this country.
Yes, that's what they're doing wrong, among other things. That's one side's sins.

There are two sides, obviously. And until both sides can admit that, look in the mirror, and hold their side fully and honestly accountable, little if anything improves.
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So when you say not promoting x y and z is a shitty way to live…isn’t really trying to guilt people into supporting what you want them to support?

Good to know.

I did not say that. I said that being too gutless to answer a simple question because it might piss off your tribe members is a shitty way to live.

I do not support any business due to it being black/women/Christian/American/etc owned. I give businesses my money based on the quality of their product and their price.
So when you say not promoting x y and z is a shitty way to live…isn’t really trying to guilt people into supporting what you want them to support?

Good to know.

By the way....Who said you were required to support female owned businesses?
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Not a single white face. The usual.

What was different this time was a store that did NOT have a poster of a black. What was on their ONLY poster? A sign that read “Transkids Fit In.”

/-----/ I was in a supermarket buying some diet soda, a Coke rep was stocking a display and when he saw my pick up some Diet Pepsi, he polietly pointed out that Coke was buy two 12 packs get one free. I shook my head and said, I can't be less white, but I can drink less Coke. He just stared at me. BTW, I grew up drinking Coke. Never again.

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