The latest descent into “Wokeness”: A shopping mall in a Democrat town

Okay, never mind.
Ah….so you do agree it was wrong of Coyote to lie and say I had a meltdown because I saw ONE poster with a black in it? Or have I made my point so well that you now revert to “never mind” rather than admit liberals lie about conservatives to make them sound racist?
Thank you! That’s it in a nutshell, isn’t it? If a white objects to the over-the-top favoritism towards blacks, where whites are ignored completely and every single poster and ad features a Black, she is the one who is racist.
Don’t lefties just say …well it’s not for you?
Apparenrly they only want black business/consumer $?
Racism and race-based bigotry obviously exist on both ends of the political spectrum.

Unless and until we can all freely admit that, race relations aren't going to improve.

There is no way to participate in an "honest conversation on race" without a mirror.

Just remember everyone, Vichy Mac is so much smarter and better than you!

You’ve said that before….the “both sides” thing. The only thing you are missing is that liberals LIE about what conservatives say in order to paint them as racists. They ignore what you say, and instead react to a racist thing they WISHED you had said. (Thanks, Cecille, for pointing out that deceitful and shameful tactic.) THAT is what is making this conversation impossible.

Also, this thread is NOT about the racists on the right - the Proud Boys type. It is about the favoritism now shown to blacks that is so extreme that one can walk past store after store after stores, and see ONLY blacks depicted on every single poster. The woke companies that participate in this anti-white bias are acting as though whites are not on,y meaningless to their sales, but that showing a white face is so politically incorrect they go to extremes to avoid doing so.

So all these stores all conspired together to put up posters.
Don’t lefties just say …well it’s not for you?
Apparenrly they only want black business/consumer $?
Yup. Apparently they want to sell to 14% of the population and show the majority of people (whites) they don’t want their business. Perhaps we should oblige them, and any store that has two or more posters and all of blacks, just don’t shop there. Sort of the way the libbies boycotted Chikfilet when the owner thought marriage should be between a man and a woman.
As long as you know which products to avoid.
Kind of like when they have to go out of their way to inform me that a company is owned by women. If your going to be obnoxious about it…I don’t want to support it.
Kind of like when they have to go out of their way to inform me that a company is owned by women. If your going to be obnoxious about it…I don’t want to support it.

Do you feel the same way about companies that go out of their way to let you know they are owned by Christians?
Kind of like when they have to go out of their way to inform me that a company is owned by women. If your going to be obnoxious about it…I don’t want to support it.
Yup. I was at the grocery when they made an announcement to go on your IPhone and get the list of black-owned companies so we could give our business to them. HORRIBLE that the liberal racists are steering customers away from white-owned businesses.
We have a home repair company in my city that used to run ads telling everyone it was female owned

which always struck me as curious

why should that make me want to use their service?

in time I noticed them as at a home improvement fair

the sweet young thing handing out flyers asked if I would be interested and I said no way

because I prefer to do business with a male owned company

I left her standing there with a very perplexed look on her face
Yep. Because I’m female I get approached with those sales pitches often about products being awesome solely because they are “ female” owned and operated businesses and I need to support them based on that.

Turns me off. No thanks.
Yup. Apparently they want to sell to 14% of the population and show the majority of people (whites) they don’t want their business.

This is going to blow your mind, but most of us white people do not really care about the color of people in posters and will not make our buying choices off of that.

Most of us are not going to avoid a company just because it is owned by a black person.
I ventured into a shopping mall in northern Virginia, and as usual, every single poster in every single window of every single store was black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black.

how DARE those uppity posters, 'eh?

there must be only one reason for it:


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Call me crazy, but if a business's advertising is all about how it's "black-owned" or "woman-owned", or even "locally-owned" for that matter, I have to think their product isn't any good, or they would at least MENTION it.

Basically, they're asking me to donate to them as if they're a charity, rather than selling me something.
Call me crazy, but if a business's advertising is all about how it's "black-owned" or "woman-owned", or even "locally-owned" for that matter, I have to think their product isn't any good, or they would at least MENTION it.

Basically, they're asking me to donate to them as if they're a charity, rather than selling me something.

So, basically the same thing as advertising how it is made in America?
I do not feel that way about black owned or female owned or Christian owned.

Kind of cute how you are unable to answer the question as it would expose you.
Well you pointed it out as something that should bother me…so obviously it does bother you.

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