The Latest Numbers Are In...And They Are Not Going To Make Snowflakes Happy



Hispanics boosting numbers...

Despite the continued media anti-Trump hysterics over the past several months — the US president’s approval rating continues to rise since May.

BOOM! Trump Approval at 50% -- 5 POINTS HIGHER THAN OBAMA at Same Point in His Presidency

:5_1_12024: :thewave: :yes_text12:
Ah Gateway Pundit, the site that doesn't believe we landed on the moon.
Learned where snowflake came from yet rube white boy?
Any idea whu dons first year is the worst job creation in 6 years?
Nazi slogans good enough for you?
Thank you DNC, the Hildebeast, Bernie, A O-C, Sen. Schumer, Rep. Pelosi, all of the other lefty dimocrat dweebs, Messrs. Comey, Mueller, McCabe, the two FBI stooges who’ve been screwing each other in addition to their spouses, RINOs, the entire lamestream media with a special shoutout to The NY Times, WaPo, CNN, and MSNBC along with many many others far too numerous to list here. We will forever be grateful to all of you for your tireless help in getting president Trump’s messages to the people in your extraordinary 24/7 manner and the resulting popularity you have wrought.

Keep up the great work!!!
I thought don the con and hill were behind the black gov
Their 'RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!' meme is rapidly losing steam. Folks are sick of it. They're fatigued. As usual, the Democrats pushed it too far. Most are tuning the daily whining out.

For the most part, Trump is delivering. I'd like to see him do some things differently on Foreign Policy. But overall, he's doing what i expect of him.
Like the worst job creation in 6 years?
Know why?
Keep bleating 4.1% which has zero to do with job creation
And btw watergate took 4 years?

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