The Latest Thing Keeping Gorebal Warmers Up at Night

And from a later publication of his-
Now, even after eliminating those trends, more (24) long records (minimum 60 years, average 83) are available, including series in the southern hemisphere not previously used. The mean trend of 9 groups made up of the newly-selected records is also 1.8 mm/yr ± 0.1 for global sea level rise over the last 100+ years. A somewhat smaller set of longer records in 8 groups (minimum 70 years, average 91) gives 1.9 mm/yr ± 0.1 for the mean trend. These values are about an order of magnitude larger than the average over the last few millennia. The recent (in historical terms) dramatic increase in the rate of global sea level rise has not been explained, and no acceleration during the last century has been detected.


What is even more interesting is I can't find his credentials anywhere, either.

Honey, I live down here. It is souped up hogwash. Plain and simple.
The looney tunes have already posted.

Atlantic City and Miami Beach: two takes on tackling the rising waters

The rising ocean, fed by melting glaciers and the expansion of warming water, is piling up water along America’s entire eastern seaboard. To compound the problem much of the mid-Atlantic coast is sinking, a hangover from the last ice age, meaning life and property is being swamped like never before.

And yet with no overarching national sea level rise plan and patchy commitment from states, many coastal communities are left to deal with the encroaching seas themselves. Wealthier areas are raising streets and houses, erecting walls and pumps. Those without the funds or political will have several state or federal grants they can access but often make muddled choices in the face of this sisyphean task.

Local governments, under pressure from annoyed citizens, are beginning to act. Elections are being won on promises to invest money to protect against flooding. Miami Beach is leading the way, increasing local fees to finance a $400 million plan that includes raising streets, installing pumps and elevating sea walls.

In many of the worst-hit cities, mayors of both parties are sounding an alarm.

“I’m a Republican, but I also realize, by any objective analysis, the sea level is rising,” said Jason Buelterman, the mayor of tiny Tybee Island, one of the first Georgia communities to adopt a detailed climate plan.

Flooding is now a problem along most of the East Coast. Large sums of money are already being spent on the results of that flooding, with much more money to be spent as it gets worse. And it surely will.


Miami Beach to begin new $100 million flood prevention project in face of sea level rise | Miami Herald

Seems that there is a lot of money being spent on what you call hogwash. LOL

Sure, bureaucrats can't steal taxpayers cash if they don't have a means of liberating it from them first. The simple fact is the Miami problems are well known, have been known, and have NOTHING to do with the so called sea level rise. It has to do with the fact that the beaches are eroded away because the streams that used to renew them have all been dammed up.

But that is called science, and we all know you anti science religious nutters don't DO science.

Sea level rise shown to drive coastal erosion

    • Keqi Zhang,
    • Bruce C. Douglas


Our research has shown that an important relationship exists between sea level rise and sandy beach erosion. The link is highly multiplicative, with the long-term shoreline retreat rate averaging about 150 times that of sea level rise. For example, a sustained rise of 10 cm in sea level could result in 15 m of shoreline erosion. Such an amount is more than an order of magnitude greater than would be expected from a simple response to sea level rise through inundation of the shoreline.

Sea level is certainly only one of many factors causing long-term beach change. Shoreline revisions from inlet dynamics and coastal engineering projects are more pronounced in most areas of the US. east coast and tend to mask the effect of a rise in sea level even over extended intervals. The implication is that sea level rise is a secondary but inexorable cause of beach erosion in such areas.

Sea level rise shown to drive coastal erosion

Science, Mr. Westwall, science.
The Puzzle of Global Sea-Level Rise
Measuring the rate of sea level rise over the past century requires modeling the behavior of Earth’s crust over the past 20 000 years.

Bruce Douglas is with Florida International University's International Hurricane Center. Richard Peltier is a professor of physics at the University of Toronto in Canada.

Your article is from 1997, much has changed in the last 20 years. The one I just posted is from 2002. That is ancient considering what we have learned since then.
Timing and magnitude of recent accelerated sea-level rise (North Carolina, United States)
  1. Andrew C. Kemp1,*,
  2. Benjamin P. Horton1,*,
  3. Stephen J. Culver2,
  4. D. Reide Corbett2,
  5. Orson van de Plassche3,
  6. W. Roland Gehrels4,
  7. Bruce C. Douglas5 and
  8. Andrew C. Parnell6
+Author Affiliations

  1. *E-mails: [email protected]; [email protected].
We provide records of relative sea level since A.D. 1500 from two salt marshes in North Carolina to complement existing tide-gauge records and to determine when recent rates of accelerated sea-level rise commenced. Reconstructions were developed using foraminifera-based transfer functions and composite chronologies, which were validated against regional twentieth century tide-gauge records. The measured rate of relative sea-level rise in North Carolina during the twentieth century was 3.0–3.3 mm/a, consisting of a background rate of ~1 mm/a, plus an abrupt increase of 2.2 mm/a, which began between A.D. 1879 and 1915. This acceleration is broadly synchronous with other studies from the Atlantic coast. The magnitude of the acceleration at both sites is larger than at sites farther north along the U.S. and Canadian Atlantic coast and may be indicative of a latitudinal trend.

Timing and magnitude of recent accelerated sea-level rise (North Carolina, United States)

More science.

You claim to be interested in geology...if that were the case, then you should be complaining that the idiots who wrote that paper were howling like monkeys over sea level rise when they should be stating that the apparent sea level rise is due to sinking land...but then, you aren't interested in science, are are all about propaganda and fooling as many people into the scam as possible.
The looney tunes have already posted.

Atlantic City and Miami Beach: two takes on tackling the rising waters

The rising ocean, fed by melting glaciers and the expansion of warming water, is piling up water along America’s entire eastern seaboard. To compound the problem much of the mid-Atlantic coast is sinking, a hangover from the last ice age, meaning life and property is being swamped like never before.

And yet with no overarching national sea level rise plan and patchy commitment from states, many coastal communities are left to deal with the encroaching seas themselves. Wealthier areas are raising streets and houses, erecting walls and pumps. Those without the funds or political will have several state or federal grants they can access but often make muddled choices in the face of this sisyphean task.

Local governments, under pressure from annoyed citizens, are beginning to act. Elections are being won on promises to invest money to protect against flooding. Miami Beach is leading the way, increasing local fees to finance a $400 million plan that includes raising streets, installing pumps and elevating sea walls.

In many of the worst-hit cities, mayors of both parties are sounding an alarm.

“I’m a Republican, but I also realize, by any objective analysis, the sea level is rising,” said Jason Buelterman, the mayor of tiny Tybee Island, one of the first Georgia communities to adopt a detailed climate plan.

Flooding is now a problem along most of the East Coast. Large sums of money are already being spent on the results of that flooding, with much more money to be spent as it gets worse. And it surely will.
Flooding is now a problem along most of the East Coast. Large sums of money are already being spent on the results of that flooding, with much more money to be spent as it gets worse. And it surely will.

Oh Noez! Flooding of property is increasing, whatz shallz we duez?





Honey, I live down here. It is souped up hogwash. Plain and simple.
The looney tunes have already posted.

Atlantic City and Miami Beach: two takes on tackling the rising waters

The rising ocean, fed by melting glaciers and the expansion of warming water, is piling up water along America’s entire eastern seaboard. To compound the problem much of the mid-Atlantic coast is sinking, a hangover from the last ice age, meaning life and property is being swamped like never before.

And yet with no overarching national sea level rise plan and patchy commitment from states, many coastal communities are left to deal with the encroaching seas themselves. Wealthier areas are raising streets and houses, erecting walls and pumps. Those without the funds or political will have several state or federal grants they can access but often make muddled choices in the face of this sisyphean task.

Local governments, under pressure from annoyed citizens, are beginning to act. Elections are being won on promises to invest money to protect against flooding. Miami Beach is leading the way, increasing local fees to finance a $400 million plan that includes raising streets, installing pumps and elevating sea walls.

In many of the worst-hit cities, mayors of both parties are sounding an alarm.

“I’m a Republican, but I also realize, by any objective analysis, the sea level is rising,” said Jason Buelterman, the mayor of tiny Tybee Island, one of the first Georgia communities to adopt a detailed climate plan.

Flooding is now a problem along most of the East Coast. Large sums of money are already being spent on the results of that flooding, with much more money to be spent as it gets worse. And it surely will.


Miami Beach to begin new $100 million flood prevention project in face of sea level rise | Miami Herald

Seems that there is a lot of money being spent on what you call hogwash. LOL

Sure, bureaucrats can't steal taxpayers cash if they don't have a means of liberating it from them first. The simple fact is the Miami problems are well known, have been known, and have NOTHING to do with the so called sea level rise. It has to do with the fact that the beaches are eroded away because the streams that used to renew them have all been dammed up.

But that is called science, and we all know you anti science religious nutters don't DO science.

Sea level rise shown to drive coastal erosion

    • Keqi Zhang,
    • Bruce C. Douglas


Our research has shown that an important relationship exists between sea level rise and sandy beach erosion. The link is highly multiplicative, with the long-term shoreline retreat rate averaging about 150 times that of sea level rise. For example, a sustained rise of 10 cm in sea level could result in 15 m of shoreline erosion. Such an amount is more than an order of magnitude greater than would be expected from a simple response to sea level rise through inundation of the shoreline.

Sea level is certainly only one of many factors causing long-term beach change. Shoreline revisions from inlet dynamics and coastal engineering projects are more pronounced in most areas of the US. east coast and tend to mask the effect of a rise in sea level even over extended intervals. The implication is that sea level rise is a secondary but inexorable cause of beach erosion in such areas.

Sea level rise shown to drive coastal erosion

Science, Mr. Westwall, science.

Sure it is. It's called BAD science. It ignores the decades of research that has gone into the real, actual issues, and instead follows a POLITICAL AGENDA. In other words it is shit.
Timing and magnitude of recent accelerated sea-level rise (North Carolina, United States)
  1. Andrew C. Kemp1,*,
  2. Benjamin P. Horton1,*,
  3. Stephen J. Culver2,
  4. D. Reide Corbett2,
  5. Orson van de Plassche3,
  6. W. Roland Gehrels4,
  7. Bruce C. Douglas5 and
  8. Andrew C. Parnell6
+Author Affiliations

  1. *E-mails: [email protected]; [email protected].
We provide records of relative sea level since A.D. 1500 from two salt marshes in North Carolina to complement existing tide-gauge records and to determine when recent rates of accelerated sea-level rise commenced. Reconstructions were developed using foraminifera-based transfer functions and composite chronologies, which were validated against regional twentieth century tide-gauge records. The measured rate of relative sea-level rise in North Carolina during the twentieth century was 3.0–3.3 mm/a, consisting of a background rate of ~1 mm/a, plus an abrupt increase of 2.2 mm/a, which began between A.D. 1879 and 1915. This acceleration is broadly synchronous with other studies from the Atlantic coast. The magnitude of the acceleration at both sites is larger than at sites farther north along the U.S. and Canadian Atlantic coast and may be indicative of a latitudinal trend.

Timing and magnitude of recent accelerated sea-level rise (North Carolina, United States)

More science.
The measured rate of relative sea-level rise in North Carolina during the twentieth century was 3.0–3.3 mm/a, consisting of a background rate of ~1 mm/a, plus an abrupt increase of 2.2 mm/a, which began between A.D. 1879 and 1915.

A. I'd like to see how they determined the sea level on the NC beach in 1500 AD, an eroding beach on a floating and shifting tectonic plate.
B. 3 mm is less than 1/8 of an inch. I just looked up NC tidal charts, they get a 6 foot rise and fall on a typical day. What is 1/8 of an inch in 6 feet?
C. 1879? Do tell us what occurred in human history to start melting the ice caps before 1879.
Oh look. Yet another denier trolling thread. But then, those are the only kinds of denier threads these days.

Fortunately, it's easy to do what deniers hate most, which is bring the discussion back to the science.

Probabilistic reanalysis of twentieth-century sea-level rise
14 January 2015
Carling C. Hay, Eric Morrow, Robert E. Kopp, Jerry X. Mitrovica
Here we revisit estimates of twentieth-century GMSL rise using probabilistic techniques, and find a rate of GMSL rise from 1901 to 1990 of 1.2 ± 0.2 millimetres per year (90% confidence interval). Based on individual contributions tabulated in the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, this estimate closes the twentieth-century sea-level budget. Our analysis, which combines tide gauge records with physics-based and model-derived geometries of the various contributing signals, also indicates that GMSL rose at a rate of 3.0 ± 0.7 millimetres per year between 1993 and 2010, consistent with prior estimates from tide gauge records.

1901 - 1990 sea level rise was 1.2 mm/year

1993 - 2010 sea level rise was 3.0 mm/year.

"3.0" is more than "1.2". Therefore, the rate of sea level rise is accelerating.

Deniers, let me know if you need it dumbed down more.

Also, if you're going to scream it's a fraud solely because you don't like the results, just say "#1", to save us some time, being how that particularly evasion is #1 on the list of standard denier evasions.
Oh look. Yet another denier trolling thread. But then, those are the only kinds of denier threads these days.

Fortunately, it's easy to do what deniers hate most, which is bring the discussion back to the science.

Probabilistic reanalysis of twentieth-century sea-level rise
14 January 2015
Carling C. Hay, Eric Morrow, Robert E. Kopp, Jerry X. Mitrovica
Here we revisit estimates of twentieth-century GMSL rise using probabilistic techniques, and find a rate of GMSL rise from 1901 to 1990 of 1.2 ± 0.2 millimetres per year (90% confidence interval). Based on individual contributions tabulated in the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, this estimate closes the twentieth-century sea-level budget. Our analysis, which combines tide gauge records with physics-based and model-derived geometries of the various contributing signals, also indicates that GMSL rose at a rate of 3.0 ± 0.7 millimetres per year between 1993 and 2010, consistent with prior estimates from tide gauge records.

1901 - 1990 sea level rise was 1.2 mm/year

1993 - 2010 sea level rise was 3.0 mm/year.

"3.0" is more than "1.2". Therefore, the rate of sea level rise is accelerating.

Deniers, let me know if you need it dumbed down more.

Also, if you're going to scream it's a fraud solely because you don't like the results, just say "#1", to save us some time, being how that particularly evasion is #1 on the list of standard denier evasions.

Funny how your data is very different from Old Farts. Funny, I thought the science was settled! :lmao:

Have a grownup at home tell you what "accelerating" means.

Given that such simple concepts elude you, you shouldn't be bothering the grownups here.

Have a grownup at home tell you what "accelerating" means.

Given that such simple concepts elude you, you shouldn't be bothering the grownups here.
THE COMPUTER MODELS WE WROTE PROVE IT!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!eleventy!!!!!!!!!
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