The Law Forbids Trump

//“The STOCK Act is intended to prevent public officials from using their office for private gains, period. And unlike other similar laws, this one applies to the president and vice president,” said Brendan Fischer, associate counsel at the nonprofit Campaign Legal Center.//

This GOP-Backed Law Forbids Trump From Using Presidency For Personal Profit


Now lets see how many republican kissasses say Trump has no need to follow the law

The Stock act forbids insider trading. Where did Trump do that?
Translation...Blues bitch slapped us again with facts. Go sit in your safe space and lick your wounds lib I destroyed you.
What facts ? Show me where what he owns, that hotel is legal once he becomes president and don't give me your bullshit from the past

Trump clobbered Hillary in the election, this has unhinged you lib.

He clobbered NO ONE, he couldn't even get the citizen's popular vote win with his elector win...


He won.big where it counts.

Trump won the ONLY thing that counts, the EC. There is no such thing as the 'popular' vote its not a popular vote election. Trump didn't bother spending time in California trying to win the 'popular' vote because its meaningless. Libs just have sour grapes that they lost and are being a bunch of cry babies. Whaaaa whaaaa we lost whaaaa. PROOF voters made the right decision electing Trump. Suck it libs.
You're right about that at least blues We were hurt very deeply ,,,,,,,,but now you'll be getting the same as you gave obama so don't go posting as if your hands are clean
Translation...Blues bitch slapped us again with facts. Go sit in your safe space and lick your wounds lib I destroyed you.
What facts ? Show me where what he owns, that hotel is legal once he becomes president and don't give me your bullshit from the past

Trump clobbered Hillary in the election, this has unhinged you lib.
Lost the popular vote by close to 3 million doesn't give the chump a mandate

Winning 30 of 50 states gives him a mandate.

winning 306 to hillarys 232 Electoral votes gives him a mandate.

What does losing popular vote by 2 million give him? I'll give a clue - NOT mandate.

OMG, another butt hurt idiot liberal who thinks the candidates campaigned for the popular vote, classic.

So you don't think how they campaign effects the election, but you think Russia can. The stupid in you is stunning
//“The STOCK Act is intended to prevent public officials from using their office for private gains, period. And unlike other similar laws, this one applies to the president and vice president,” said Brendan Fischer, associate counsel at the nonprofit Campaign Legal Center.//

This GOP-Backed Law Forbids Trump From Using Presidency For Personal Profit


Now lets see how many republican kissasses say Trump has no need to follow the law

The Stock act forbids insider trading. Where did Trump do that?
Using their office for PRIVATE GAINS now do you get it pub?
What facts ? Show me where what he owns, that hotel is legal once he becomes president and don't give me your bullshit from the past

Trump clobbered Hillary in the election, this has unhinged you lib.
Lost the popular vote by close to 3 million doesn't give the chump a mandate

Winning 30 of 50 states gives him a mandate.

winning 306 to hillarys 232 Electoral votes gives him a mandate.

What does losing popular vote by 2 million give him? I'll give a clue - NOT mandate.

OMG, another butt hurt idiot liberal who thinks the candidates campaigned for the popular vote, classic.

So you don't think how they campaign effects the election, but you think Russia can. The stupid in you is stunning

How many of these lefty nutters started thread about how Trump could never win the EC?

I swear, they've completely lost it.
Translation...Blues bitch slapped us again with facts. Go sit in your safe space and lick your wounds lib I destroyed you.
What facts ? Show me where what he owns, that hotel is legal once he becomes president and don't give me your bullshit from the past

Trump clobbered Hillary in the election, this has unhinged you lib.

He clobbered NO ONE, he couldn't even get the citizen's popular vote win with his elector win...


He won.big where it counts.
NOT SO BIG The 4 states he won that gave him the victory he won SMALL Good chance of reversal imo

Wow did you get the memo, recounts are benefitting Trump.

Just accept it, Trump is your next President.
//“The STOCK Act is intended to prevent public officials from using their office for private gains, period. And unlike other similar laws, this one applies to the president and vice president,” said Brendan Fischer, associate counsel at the nonprofit Campaign Legal Center.//

This GOP-Backed Law Forbids Trump From Using Presidency For Personal Profit


Now lets see how many republican kissasses say Trump has no need to follow the law

The Stock act forbids insider trading. Where did Trump do that?
Using their office for PRIVATE GAINS now do you get it pub?

You mean like Clinton using the State Department to solicit donations for her foundation from foreign governments?
//“The STOCK Act is intended to prevent public officials from using their office for private gains, period. And unlike other similar laws, this one applies to the president and vice president,” said Brendan Fischer, associate counsel at the nonprofit Campaign Legal Center.//

This GOP-Backed Law Forbids Trump From Using Presidency For Personal Profit


Now lets see how many republican kissasses say Trump has no need to follow the law

The Stock act forbids insider trading. Where did Trump do that?
Using their office for PRIVATE GAINS now do you get it pub?

Thats how dems.get rich, pubs are rich before they get the office, because they own business and have jobs outside govt.
//“The STOCK Act is intended to prevent public officials from using their office for private gains, period. And unlike other similar laws, this one applies to the president and vice president,” said Brendan Fischer, associate counsel at the nonprofit Campaign Legal Center.//

This GOP-Backed Law Forbids Trump From Using Presidency For Personal Profit


Now lets see how many republican kissasses say Trump has no need to follow the law

The Stock act forbids insider trading. Where did Trump do that?
Using their office for PRIVATE GAINS now do you get it pub?

Obviously you're not backing up your stories with actual Google searches
Yes he is our, or rather your president and as such he has to know his shit will stink here unlike what he got away with as a civilian
Translation...Blues bitch slapped us again with facts. Go sit in your safe space and lick your wounds lib I destroyed you.
What facts ? Show me where what he owns, that hotel is legal once he becomes president and don't give me your bullshit from the past

Trump clobbered Hillary in the election, this has unhinged you lib.
Lost the popular vote by close to 3 million doesn't give the chump a mandate

Winning 30 of 50 states gives him a mandate.

winning 306 to hillarys 232 Electoral votes gives him a mandate.

What does losing popular vote by 2 million give him? I'll provide a clue - NOT mandate.

If the popular vote elected the president, you might have a point.

it doesn't, and you don't
Translation...Blues bitch slapped us again with facts. Go sit in your safe space and lick your wounds lib I destroyed you.
What facts ? Show me where what he owns, that hotel is legal once he becomes president and don't give me your bullshit from the past

Trump clobbered Hillary in the election, this has unhinged you lib.
Lost the popular vote by close to 3 million doesn't give the chump a mandate

Winning 30 of 50 states gives him a mandate.

winning 306 to hillarys 232 Electoral votes gives him a mandate.

What does losing popular vote by 2 million give him? I'll provide a clue - NOT mandate.

Hahaha still dodging me bitch ?
Talking shit earlier, but now you run like a pussy and you can shove the up.your ass.
//“The STOCK Act is intended to prevent public officials from using their office for private gains, period. And unlike other similar laws, this one applies to the president and vice president,” said Brendan Fischer, associate counsel at the nonprofit Campaign Legal Center.//

This GOP-Backed Law Forbids Trump From Using Presidency For Personal Profit


Now lets see how many republican kissasses say Trump has no need to follow the law

The Stock act forbids insider trading. Where did Trump do that?
Using their office for PRIVATE GAINS now do you get it pub?

Thats how dems.get rich, pubs are rich before they get the office, because they own business and have jobs outside govt.
15 million jobs under obama how many do you think the chump will add?? 4.6% we're running out of workers
//“The STOCK Act is intended to prevent public officials from using their office for private gains, period. And unlike other similar laws, this one applies to the president and vice president,” said Brendan Fischer, associate counsel at the nonprofit Campaign Legal Center.//

This GOP-Backed Law Forbids Trump From Using Presidency For Personal Profit


Now lets see how many republican kissasses say Trump has no need to follow the law

The Stock act forbids insider trading. Where did Trump do that?
Using their office for PRIVATE GAINS now do you get it pub?

You mean like Clinton using the State Department to solicit donations for her foundation from foreign governments?

Democrats aren't corrupt like Republicans, so they can do whatever they want and we can assume it was innocent and just trust them. See how that works?
What facts ? Show me where what he owns, that hotel is legal once he becomes president and don't give me your bullshit from the past

Trump clobbered Hillary in the election, this has unhinged you lib.
Lost the popular vote by close to 3 million doesn't give the chump a mandate

Winning 30 of 50 states gives him a mandate.

winning 306 to hillarys 232 Electoral votes gives him a mandate.

What does losing popular vote by 2 million give him? I'll give a clue - NOT mandate.

OMG, another butt hurt idiot liberal who thinks the candidates campaigned for the popular vote, classic.

So you don't think how they campaign effects the election, but you think Russia can. The stupid in you is stunning

OMG another idiot that doesn't understand that this was a close election between two unpopular candidates and that neither had any real mandate.
//“The STOCK Act is intended to prevent public officials from using their office for private gains, period. And unlike other similar laws, this one applies to the president and vice president,” said Brendan Fischer, associate counsel at the nonprofit Campaign Legal Center.//

This GOP-Backed Law Forbids Trump From Using Presidency For Personal Profit


Now lets see how many republican kissasses say Trump has no need to follow the law

The Stock act forbids insider trading. Where did Trump do that?
Using their office for PRIVATE GAINS now do you get it pub?

Thats how dems.get rich, pubs are rich before they get the office, because they own business and have jobs outside govt.
15 million jobs under obama how many do you think the chump will add?? 4.6% we're running out of workers

Yeah the ACA had people cut journalist so.most of those were part time.
Trump will make that many full time while actually growing the economy.
//“The STOCK Act is intended to prevent public officials from using their office for private gains, period. And unlike other similar laws, this one applies to the president and vice president,” said Brendan Fischer, associate counsel at the nonprofit Campaign Legal Center.//

This GOP-Backed Law Forbids Trump From Using Presidency For Personal Profit


Now lets see how many republican kissasses say Trump has no need to follow the law

The Stock act forbids insider trading. Where did Trump do that?
Using their office for PRIVATE GAINS now do you get it pub?

Thats how dems.get rich, pubs are rich before they get the office, because they own business and have jobs outside govt.
15 million jobs under obama how many do you think the chump will add?? 4.6% we're running out of workers

We are? With the lowest labor participation rate since the 70s? The facts contradict you, Skippy
Trump clobbered Hillary in the election, this has unhinged you lib.
Lost the popular vote by close to 3 million doesn't give the chump a mandate

Winning 30 of 50 states gives him a mandate.

winning 306 to hillarys 232 Electoral votes gives him a mandate.

What does losing popular vote by 2 million give him? I'll give a clue - NOT mandate.

OMG, another butt hurt idiot liberal who thinks the candidates campaigned for the popular vote, classic.

So you don't think how they campaign effects the election, but you think Russia can. The stupid in you is stunning

OMG another idiot that doesn't understand that this was a close election between two unpopular candidates and that neither had any real mandate.

What does that have to do with what I said? The PV means zero. It neither gives him nor denies him a mandate. In big blue States Democrats run a well oiled machine and there are tens of millions of Republicans who have zero chance to effect the Presidential election. He could have won a PV landslide. Or not. No idea. You know why? THEY DIDN'T RUN FOR THE POPULAR VOTE.

What about that don't you understand? On the other hand three solid blue States went Trump. You are now a party with thin strips of support on the coasts
Kaz I did find this
Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act of 2012 or STOCK Act - (Sec. 3) Requires the congressional ethics committees to issue interpretive guidance of the rules of each chamber, including rules on conflicts of interest and gifts, with respect to the prohibition against the use by Members of Congress and congressional employees (including legislative branch officers and employees), as a means for making a private profit, of any nonpublic information derived from their positions as Members or congressional employees, or gained from performance of the individual's official responsibilities.

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