The leak was intentional

Of course it was intentional. Not only that, I'm sure it was sanctioned by the Biden regime, and possibly even ordered by them. This is a hail Mary to try to avoid the slaughter the DemoKKKrats are facing in November. It won't work, but it is what it is.
Yup. You notice how Psaki refused to condemn the leaker? The WH is either behind it, at worst, or very accepting of it, at best, because to Marxists, the end justifies the means.
I think I see the problem, here. That shred in question is completely lacking in the true believers here.

I mean, they all believe that women have penises and burning down businesses is an act of peacefulness, don't they?

Ideology blinds common sense, Ideology blinds the natural sense for right or wrong, ideology blinds what people see with their own two eyes and takes away their ability to think for themselves. When we hear Democrats for example who openly say they support identity politics, that is a great case in point.
That type of ideology also makes it impossible for them to listen to opposing view points without labeling the source of the view point as heretic or sub- human.
That is speculative at bet, which would never pass the test.

The signs and placards and protests came out the very next day, it was well organized. You can bet Schumie, Pelosie and Shiftie were all sitting on this one. You know well when it comes to community organizing and protest coordination the Democrats are light years ahead of the Republicans. Leaks and protests are to the Democrats what meat and potatoes are to the Irish. Cant believe you cant see this one.
How do you know it was a "leftist judge"? How would a leftist judge get ahold of the rough draft anyways?
I have read that Roberts is trying to turn 2 conservative justices.
I read that if anyone leaked it that would be a conservative justice staffer who believes overturning Roe would do more harm to SCOTUS and especially this country.
Yup. You notice how Psaki refused to condemn the leaker? The WH is either behind it, at worst, or very accepting of it, at best, because to Marxists, the end justifies the means.
It was leaked to a Politico reporter. Most likely from a conservative staffer.
This could go in either direction.

Why would the GOP leak it?

To get it out in the open as soon as possible. The further away from the midterms the greater the chance the issue cools off.

Why would the Democratic Party leak it?

To have a longer period to mobilize on the issue going into the midterms.

Granted, Im aware that the former is in conflict with the latter.
Jets, I know you're intelligent enough to see all the upside of the leak is for the democrats. That spin you put as a repub motivation is weaker than PH's commitment to open dialog.
The signs and placards and protests came out the very next day, it was well organized. You can bet Schumie, Pelosie and Shiftie were all sitting on this one. You know well when it comes to community organizing and protest coordination the Democrats are light years ahead of the Republicans. Leaks and protests are to the Democrats what meat and potatoes are to the Irish. Cant believe you cant see this one.
What I can't believe is all you have is gossip for proof.
Jets, I know you're intelligent enough to see all the upside of the leak is for the democrats. That spin you put as a repub motivation is weaker than PH's commitment to open dialog.

Yep. The leak gets Democrat voters motivated and out to vote. The Democrats love this leak, it gives them so much time before the elections to organize and spin. Had it been last minute it would be not so effective. Libs on this board are simply pretending, but what other choice do they have? Ideology first.
Yup. You notice how Psaki refused to condemn the leaker? The WH is either behind it, at worst, or very accepting of it, at best, because to Marxists, the end justifies the means.
You've now mentioned two of the attributes of the new neo-nazi hybrid the CIA has produced, such as Rubio and Nuland: communism and marxism. The third attribute is fascism, and this last one links especially well to the history of the Ukrainian rhizome that has been molested by the CIA for the last 70 years.

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