The left and the right can't get along, so what if we just split up?

It's not so much breaking up the United States of America, we are just sick of living with liberal nonsense that we can't tolerate. Oh! And did you hear? DumBama now wants to spend ten million of our tax dollars on diapers for the so-called poor, or as I call them, the irresponsible and lazy.

I do agree with you on the free diapers... Many of the parents are pacified and suck off the government , hard habit to stop.
Geeeezzzzz use cotton diapers and wash them. Better for the baby anyway.


This is the progressive path of Cradle-to-Grave.

You don't have a job but get pregnant. No problem, the taxpayer will foot the bill for your care and delivery.

So you have the kid and now have a legitimate reason not to work, but since you don't work, how are you going to feed this kid? No problem, we have WIC for that.

You can't feed a kid unless he has someplace to eat; someplace where you can have a bed for him and food in a refrigerator. No problem, you qualify for HUD.

Now you have a HUD home in the suburbs with this growing kid, but like most kids, he gets sick all the time and you need medical care for that. No problem, you qualify for Medicaid.

Wait a minute, how are you going to educate this kid? You don't have much education yourself since you had to drop out of school because you became pregnant. No problem, public schools are free.

But now the kid will be hungry if he goes to school because it's too much effort for you to make him a lunch. How will he eat? No problem, your school has free breakfast and lunch for your child.

Okay, I have free school for my kid, free food for my kid, a home in the suburbs, but what if this kid is smarter than me and needs to go to college? No problem, your kid was born when Hillary became President, so now, taxpayers will pay for his college too!

Gee, this suburban HUD home is nice, and me and my child eat very well, but we could always use more. How can I get more from the government? No problem, just get pregnant all over again, and this time, government will send you free diapers to boot!

I did my internship in a home to get drug addicted pregnant women off the street, get them clean and sober to have a healthy baby..They were put on government asst. I feel at times it may be necessary, but not for a long period of time ,,, except for those who are truly sick and can not work..

But your right on about the timetable , I have seen it in action..
I was without parents at 19 years old, I worked my ass off and never went on gov. asst.

I do think that the type of people who are lifetime welfare or in prison feel that they are victims and the world owes everything to them..


As long as we continue this kind of society where government does everything except tuck the kid in bed at night, what point is it to have parents anymore? Government is already taking care of 80% of the responsibilities for that child, so why not just take that other 20% leap and let government raise our children?

Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?

Rather than splitting up, we should simply rein in the union government back to it's constitutionally permitted activities. That would allow each of the member countries of the union to enact any particular policies their people prefer.

No need for a one-size-all solution being applied to fifty individual sovereign countries.

That would be nice, but that's the other problem with the left: they don't want to let go of control.

There should be no federal free cell phones, no federal Medicare or Medicaid, no federal Social Security, no federal food stamp programs......

If states want such programs, then that's fine, let them start those programs, but it shouldn't be operated or funded through Washington DC. What the federal government should be providing for it's citizens is listed in the US Constitution.

But that would be the nice thing about our country separating. Republicans can do it their way, and the Democrats could keep their federal overlord on their side of the wall.

I agree that ultimately if a particular state is run over roughshod by the other states in the union that its best final option would be to exit the union. I think that would probably be a last resort, but it certainly isn't prohibited in the constitution.

We could still be a union with separate governments. I didn't say divide the country entirely or one start their very own country, just divide the people and segregate them to one side of the country or the other.

Rush Limbaugh said it repeatedly: you can't convince somebody they are wrong. They have to realize that themselves. All you can do is give them the ammunition for them to make that decision.

I didn't start this thread to suggest we actually act on my idea, only for liberals to think for a minute what they would do if we had all liberal polices running the entire country. It would be a total mess and our country would never survive after that point.

It will soon be election time and people need to think before they vote. I mean, come on! Free diapers from your federal government?

Deep down inside, liberals know their ideas are failures, but they will never admit to it. My idea of dividing the country may just make some of these liberals think about what it would be like to live totally without Republicans and conservatives in their society.
You do understand ray from cleveland that the welfare given to million and billionaires and huge companies far outstrips welfare given to the needy and not so needy?

There is a leftist definition of welfare and a conservative definition of welfare:

We consider welfare when we give money to people that have never given (or contributed little) to society. It's free money or gifts.

The left considers welfare taking less tax money from people, therefore it's really not welfare at all. But as we both know, liberals feel that all earned money belongs to government first, and whatever they leave you with is their gift to you.

"Liberals believe that if you earn money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are."
Ken Blackwell
A one sided set of conservative or one sided set of liberal policies ensures the failure of a country. That is my point. I hope to see the division grow exponentially. It is entertaining. We Americans think we are so exceptional. Time for some humble pie.
Time for some education, conservatives built this country, without conservatives, liberals or democrats never would of had a sent to steal, or people to enslave. Conservatives slave for the Democrats.

Exceptional, of course we are, as individuals, no, but as a country, beyond a doubt. But hey, some follow Howard Zinn (unwittingly?), some love Socialism it allows them to fail, safely. Others are simply egotistical elitists who know best for everyone.
"For the framers of the Constitution were the most liberal thinkers of all the ages and the charter they produced out of the liberal revolution of their time has never been and is not now surpassed in liberal thought."
General Douglas MacArthur
A one sided set of conservative or one sided set of liberal policies ensures the failure of a country. That is my point. I hope to see the division grow exponentially. It is entertaining. We Americans think we are so exceptional. Time for some humble pie.
Time for some education, conservatives built this country, without conservatives, liberals or democrats never would of had a sent to steal, or people to enslave. Conservatives slave for the Democrats.

Exceptional, of course we are, as individuals, no, but as a country, beyond a doubt. But hey, some follow Howard Zinn (unwittingly?), some love Socialism it allows them to fail, safely. Others are simply egotistical elitists who know best for everyone.
"For the framers of the Constitution were the most liberal thinkers of all the ages and the charter they produced out of the liberal revolution of their time has never been and is not now surpassed in liberal thought."
General Douglas MacArthur
So? Did you know that MacArthur took his mommy with him?
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?

Probably not the best idea. As your dichotomy is oversimple both politically and geographically. Its far more than 2 sides.
A one sided set of conservative or one sided set of liberal policies ensures the failure of a country. That is my point. I hope to see the division grow exponentially. It is entertaining. We Americans think we are so exceptional. Time for some humble pie.
Time for some education, conservatives built this country, without conservatives, liberals or democrats never would of had a sent to steal, or people to enslave. Conservatives slave for the Democrats.

Exceptional, of course we are, as individuals, no, but as a country, beyond a doubt. But hey, some follow Howard Zinn (unwittingly?), some love Socialism it allows them to fail, safely. Others are simply egotistical elitists who know best for everyone.
"For the framers of the Constitution were the most liberal thinkers of all the ages and the charter they produced out of the liberal revolution of their time has never been and is not now surpassed in liberal thought."
General Douglas MacArthur
And, you know that a Liberal 200 years ago has nothing in common with today's Liberal, Liberalism of the early 20th century is not the same as today.
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?

Probably not the best idea. As your dichotomy is oversimple both politically and geographically. Its far more than 2 sides.

Not really.

For big government or against big government. That seems pretty simple to me, plus anything in between would have to choose a side.

I would love to live in a country where government was not so intrusive in my life. I remember as a teen back in the 70's how much less intrusive it was, and often discuss what it was like before I was born with people older than I.

Of course the founders realized this when they made the Constitution, but leave it to man to F-up even that. And as long as liberals can gain power in our government, it will get even worse in the future unless they are stopped.
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?
Your proposal is not realistic. Every state is half left and half right....for the most part. There are some states that have more left or more right, but you aren't going to get any of them to relocate.

But the right can't even get along with each other. Right now Trump is splitting the GOP in half....Thanks trump.

I didn't say it was realistic. I would certainly like to know how many (especially on the left) would approve of such a plan. Doesn't seem like many so far. Who can blame them?

The left will never admit it, but if all their policies were put in place on their side only, it would be a disaster in less than ten years.

Their side would be so far in debt they could never dig out. Taxes would be so high nobody would want to live there or open up a business. But even if a business did open up, the left would have so many people on social programs that nobody would want the jobs anyway.
Raygun tripled the national debt in his eight years. Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years. Clinton balanced the budget for the first time in over 150 years. Shrub jr. destroyed the balanced budget in only six months and doubled the national debt yet again, plus destroyed the U.S. and global economies.
Social Security and Medicare pay for themselves, except the republicans have stolen over $3 trillion from those funds for their fucking stupid wars. YOU GOT NOTHING!
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?
Your proposal is not realistic. Every state is half left and half right....for the most part. There are some states that have more left or more right, but you aren't going to get any of them to relocate.

But the right can't even get along with each other. Right now Trump is splitting the GOP in half....Thanks trump.

I didn't say it was realistic. I would certainly like to know how many (especially on the left) would approve of such a plan. Doesn't seem like many so far. Who can blame them?

The left will never admit it, but if all their policies were put in place on their side only, it would be a disaster in less than ten years.

Their side would be so far in debt they could never dig out. Taxes would be so high nobody would want to live there or open up a business. But even if a business did open up, the left would have so many people on social programs that nobody would want the jobs anyway.
Raygun tripled the national debt in his eight years. Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years. Clinton balanced the budget for the first time in over 150 years. Shrub jr. destroyed the balanced budget in only six months and doubled the national debt yet again, plus destroyed the U.S. and global economies.
Social Security and Medicare pay for themselves, except the republicans have stolen over $3 trillion from those funds for their fucking stupid wars. YOU GOT NOTHING!

Ever hear of those people we call Congress? You know, Congress, the people with our national checkbook?

So what happened again when you consider Congress? Well, Clinton served under a Republican Congress. Reagan served under a Democrat Congress. GW? He served with a Republican Congress that we eventually got rid of. DumBama? Walked into the White House with a Democrat Congress and started to spend, spend spend. It wasn't until the Republicans regained the leadership of Congress when the spending started to go down.
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?

Probably not the best idea. As your dichotomy is oversimple both politically and geographically. Its far more than 2 sides.

Not really.

For big government or against big government. That seems pretty simple to me, plus anything in between would have to choose a side.

I would love to live in a country where government was not so intrusive in my life. I remember as a teen back in the 70's how much less intrusive it was, and often discuss what it was like before I was born with people older than I.

Of course the founders realized this when they made the Constitution, but leave it to man to F-up even that. And as long as liberals can gain power in our government, it will get even worse in the future unless they are stopped.
You could move to an African country that is pretty much devoid of any sort of real government. It seems to be working out for them I hear.

On the other hand, you could thank the government for the roads you drive on, the education you received, or the protection you are afforded by both the military and police...but nah, that would require you to be grateful and think of somebody other than yourself, something you have failed to demonstrate thusfar.

Also, if you actually are concerned about how much the government is in your life, I'm really not sure why you are crying on this forum where we debate about national issues. If you actually do some research, your state and local governments have FAR greater effect and control over you than does the national government, get off of the internet and go talk to your local representatives if you are actually concerned and not just on the internet crying for some attention.
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?
The right would need all the natural resources to survive. The only right wing states that do at all well have money coming out of the ground. Without that they don't do so well.
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?

You tried that already, called the Civil War, and lost. This time you can leave but you leave the dirt where it is. American democracy doesn't work for you, that's ok it doesn't have to. But you don't get to take part of America with you.

I'm not interested in seeing the country split up and I don't mind a political back and forth between varying ideas, as long as they are honestly put forth. The Republicans figured out about ten years ago that the society was changing and the only way for them to win now is cheating. Voter suppression, passing law after law in the states to try to thwart federal law on abortion, on and on.

You don't fit in here, you have made that clear. Sad to see you go but you are free to go. Mexico needs some help righting the ship maybe you can go down there and build your neocon paradise.

There won't be another Civil War just because you miss the 1950s.
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?

Rather than splitting up, we should simply rein in the union government back to it's constitutionally permitted activities. That would allow each of the member countries of the union to enact any particular policies their people prefer.

No need for a one-size-all solution being applied to fifty individual sovereign countries.

That would be nice, but that's the other problem with the left: they don't want to let go of control.

There should be no federal free cell phones, no federal Medicare or Medicaid, no federal Social Security, no federal food stamp programs......

If states want such programs, then that's fine, let them start those programs, but it shouldn't be operated or funded through Washington DC. What the federal government should be providing for it's citizens is listed in the US Constitution.

But that would be the nice thing about our country separating. Republicans can do it their way, and the Democrats could keep their federal overlord on their side of the wall.

I agree that ultimately if a particular state is run over roughshod by the other states in the union that its best final option would be to exit the union. I think that would probably be a last resort, but it certainly isn't prohibited in the constitution.

We could still be a union with separate governments. I didn't say divide the country entirely or one start their very own country, just divide the people and segregate them to one side of the country or the other.

Rush Limbaugh said it repeatedly: you can't convince somebody they are wrong. They have to realize that themselves. All you can do is give them the ammunition for them to make that decision.

I didn't start this thread to suggest we actually act on my idea, only for liberals to think for a minute what they would do if we had all liberal polices running the entire country. It would be a total mess and our country would never survive after that point.

It will soon be election time and people need to think before they vote. I mean, come on! Free diapers from your federal government?

Deep down inside, liberals know their ideas are failures, but they will never admit to it. My idea of dividing the country may just make some of these liberals think about what it would be like to live totally without Republicans and conservatives in their society.

If they have different governments, they are different countries. The whole point of a "country" is to determine the kind of government you live under.
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?

Probably not the best idea. As your dichotomy is oversimple both politically and geographically. Its far more than 2 sides.

Not really.

For big government or against big government. That seems pretty simple to me, plus anything in between would have to choose a side.

I would love to live in a country where government was not so intrusive in my life. I remember as a teen back in the 70's how much less intrusive it was, and often discuss what it was like before I was born with people older than I.

Of course the founders realized this when they made the Constitution, but leave it to man to F-up even that. And as long as liberals can gain power in our government, it will get even worse in the future unless they are stopped.
You could move to an African country that is pretty much devoid of any sort of real government. It seems to be working out for them I hear.

On the other hand, you could thank the government for the roads you drive on, the education you received, or the protection you are afforded by both the military and police...but nah, that would require you to be grateful and think of somebody other than yourself, something you have failed to demonstrate thusfar.

Also, if you actually are concerned about how much the government is in your life, I'm really not sure why you are crying on this forum where we debate about national issues. If you actually do some research, your state and local governments have FAR greater effect and control over you than does the national government, get off of the internet and go talk to your local representatives if you are actually concerned and not just on the internet crying for some attention.

Yeah, I guess I could move to Africa, but I like our capitalist system. Capitalism works you know. Made this the greatest country in just over a few hundred years.

But what I can't figure out is why liberals always want to change this country to an all-government country. After all, there are already places like that. There's Cuba for instance, or North Korea, or perhaps China. Free healthcare, nobody has guns but the government, government is there when you wake up in the morning and when you go to bed at night. Sounds to me like a liberal utopia.
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?
How did those huge Bush tax cuts for the rich work out?
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?

You tried that already, called the Civil War, and lost. This time you can leave but you leave the dirt where it is. American democracy doesn't work for you, that's ok it doesn't have to. But you don't get to take part of America with you.

I'm not interested in seeing the country split up and I don't mind a political back and forth between varying ideas, as long as they are honestly put forth. The Republicans figured out about ten years ago that the society was changing and the only way for them to win now is cheating. Voter suppression, passing law after law in the states to try to thwart federal law on abortion, on and on.

You don't fit in here, you have made that clear. Sad to see you go but you are free to go. Mexico needs some help righting the ship maybe you can go down there and build your neocon paradise.

There won't be another Civil War just because you miss the 1950s.

Sorry, asshole, but who says you own the dirt? He isn't proposing a civil war. He's proposing a peaceful separation, so what don't you deal with the premise instead of acting like a Yankee douche bag?
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?
How did those huge Bush tax cuts for the rich work out?

About the same as they worked out for the middle-class who got them.
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?

You tried that already, called the Civil War, and lost. This time you can leave but you leave the dirt where it is. American democracy doesn't work for you, that's ok it doesn't have to. But you don't get to take part of America with you.

I'm not interested in seeing the country split up and I don't mind a political back and forth between varying ideas, as long as they are honestly put forth. The Republicans figured out about ten years ago that the society was changing and the only way for them to win now is cheating. Voter suppression, passing law after law in the states to try to thwart federal law on abortion, on and on.

You don't fit in here, you have made that clear. Sad to see you go but you are free to go. Mexico needs some help righting the ship maybe you can go down there and build your neocon paradise.

There won't be another Civil War just because you miss the 1950s.

Sorry, asshole, but who says you own the dirt? He isn't proposing a civil war. He's proposing a peaceful separation, so what don't you deal with the premise instead of acting like a Yankee douche bag?

You're like a woman who kisses alligators. On the mouth. And wants the world to know and is proud of it.

Other than that you're ok! :poke:
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?

Probably not the best idea. As your dichotomy is oversimple both politically and geographically. Its far more than 2 sides.

Not really.

For big government or against big government. That seems pretty simple to me, plus anything in between would have to choose a side.

I would love to live in a country where government was not so intrusive in my life. I remember as a teen back in the 70's how much less intrusive it was, and often discuss what it was like before I was born with people older than I.

Of course the founders realized this when they made the Constitution, but leave it to man to F-up even that. And as long as liberals can gain power in our government, it will get even worse in the future unless they are stopped.
You could move to an African country that is pretty much devoid of any sort of real government. It seems to be working out for them I hear.

On the other hand, you could thank the government for the roads you drive on, the education you received, or the protection you are afforded by both the military and police...but nah, that would require you to be grateful and think of somebody other than yourself, something you have failed to demonstrate thusfar.

Also, if you actually are concerned about how much the government is in your life, I'm really not sure why you are crying on this forum where we debate about national issues. If you actually do some research, your state and local governments have FAR greater effect and control over you than does the national government, get off of the internet and go talk to your local representatives if you are actually concerned and not just on the internet crying for some attention.

Yeah, I guess I could move to Africa, but I like our capitalist system. Capitalism works you know. Made this the greatest country in just over a few hundred years.

But what I can't figure out is why liberals always want to change this country to an all-government country. After all, there are already places like that. There's Cuba for instance, or North Korea, or perhaps China. Free healthcare, nobody has guns but the government, government is there when you wake up in the morning and when you go to bed at night. Sounds to me like a liberal utopia.

The government tit is the source of all liberalism. College professors are sucking on the government tit, and so are school teachers. Government employees are also sucking on the government tit. These people are the primary source of liberalism. These people then in turn pass their liberalism on to their charges. College professors indoctrinate journalism students who then go on to spew liberalism over the airwaves and slant the news to favor liberalism. Every dollar the government spends is a dollar used to promote liberalism.

Frankly, it's a miracle that anyone manages to maintain their conservative ideals.
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?

You tried that already, called the Civil War, and lost. This time you can leave but you leave the dirt where it is. American democracy doesn't work for you, that's ok it doesn't have to. But you don't get to take part of America with you.

I'm not interested in seeing the country split up and I don't mind a political back and forth between varying ideas, as long as they are honestly put forth. The Republicans figured out about ten years ago that the society was changing and the only way for them to win now is cheating. Voter suppression, passing law after law in the states to try to thwart federal law on abortion, on and on.

You don't fit in here, you have made that clear. Sad to see you go but you are free to go. Mexico needs some help righting the ship maybe you can go down there and build your neocon paradise.

There won't be another Civil War just because you miss the 1950s.

Sorry, asshole, but who says you own the dirt? He isn't proposing a civil war. He's proposing a peaceful separation, so what don't you deal with the premise instead of acting like a Yankee douche bag?

You're like a woman who kisses alligators. On the mouth. And wants the world to know and is proud of it.

Other than that you're ok! :poke:

Well that was relevant to the subject under discussion.

I never cease to be amazed at leftwingers who spew the vilest brand of venom and then have a hissy fit when they get the same in return.

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