The left and the right can't get along, so what if we just split up?


It's not so much breaking up the United States of America, we are just sick of living with liberal nonsense that we can't tolerate. .

boohoo. Democratic government produces losers. Deal with it.

Yes, it does produce losers. There's you, for instance.

You, the anarchist, always loses.

Everybody loses whenever turds like you get their way.

You want to secure our borders without a national government.

why don't you explain to us in detail how that would happen.

You can read about how it would work here:

The Idea of a Private Law Society
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?
Return the power to the states............ABSOLUTELY...............Then the Libs can run their state into the ground and be as stupid as they want, while we tell them to go to hell in our state....

Return to the Constitution..........I'm down with that.
You're like a woman who kisses alligators. On the mouth. And wants the world to know and is proud of it.

Other than that you're ok! :poke:

Well that was relevant to the subject under discussion.

I never cease to be amazed at leftwingers who spew the vilest brand of venom and then have a hissy fit when they get the same in return.

Never? You'd think just pure repetition would steel you for the onslaught and you would no longer be amazed. Like how people in war get used to the idea of dying. And this is just a message board!

You appear to be admitting that your knee-jerk ad hominem attacks are chronic.

Either that or making fun of your never-ending anger.

We distort, you deride.
Oh, right, you aren't angry. You personally attack people with every post because you're so happy-go-lucky.

You pretension that you don't insult people is hilarious. Next you'll be claiming you aren't a liberal.
If you don't agree with him he comes unglued..............It's actually funny to watch.
Well that was relevant to the subject under discussion.

I never cease to be amazed at leftwingers who spew the vilest brand of venom and then have a hissy fit when they get the same in return.

Never? You'd think just pure repetition would steel you for the onslaught and you would no longer be amazed. Like how people in war get used to the idea of dying. And this is just a message board!

You appear to be admitting that your knee-jerk ad hominem attacks are chronic.

Either that or making fun of your never-ending anger.

We distort, you deride.
Oh, right, you aren't angry. You personally attack people with every post because you're so happy-go-lucky.

You pretension that you don't insult people is hilarious. Next you'll be claiming you aren't a liberal.
If you don't agree with him he comes unglued..............It's actually funny to watch.

Then he tells you how mean and hateful you are.
Never? You'd think just pure repetition would steel you for the onslaught and you would no longer be amazed. Like how people in war get used to the idea of dying. And this is just a message board!

You appear to be admitting that your knee-jerk ad hominem attacks are chronic.

Either that or making fun of your never-ending anger.

We distort, you deride.
Oh, right, you aren't angry. You personally attack people with every post because you're so happy-go-lucky.

You pretension that you don't insult people is hilarious. Next you'll be claiming you aren't a liberal.
If you don't agree with him he comes unglued..............It's actually funny to watch.

Then he tells you how mean and hateful you are.
Yep...............It keeps me warm and cozy too...............he's a typical tyrant...........don't agree with me and you are Hitler or some other stupid shit like that.......

He's an amusing little beast.
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?
Return the power to the states............ABSOLUTELY...............Then the Libs can run their state into the ground and be as stupid as they want, while we tell them to go to hell in our state....

Return to the Constitution..........I'm down with that.

And not some liberal judges ruling on what the Constitution meant. Just use the words such as those in the Powers of Congress. General Welfare did not mean for the government to provide it, only to promote it.

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