The left and the right can't get along, so what if we just split up?

Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?

Just a thought. People like you need to take a deep breath and go on a cemetery vacation. Start at Arlington and then visit as many National Cemeteries as possible, read the names of the fallen, where and when they gave their life for The Union, and then go back to Arlington, cross the bridge and walk along the Vietnam Memorial Wall. If you're my age you will recognize many names, and in your mind's eye see them as they were.

If such an experience has no impact on your opinion, you are not a patriot and are one of the biggest assholes to post on this message board.
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?

Just a thought. People like you need to take a deep breath and go on a cemetery vacation. Start at Arlington and then visit as many National Cemeteries as possible, read the names of the fallen, where and when they gave their life for The Union, and then go back to Arlington, cross the bridge and walk along the Vietnam Memorial Wall. If you're my age you will recognize many names, and in your mind's eye see them as they were.

If such an experience has no impact on your opinion, you are not a patriot and are one of the biggest assholes to post on this message board.

The attempted guilt trip isn't working.
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?

Good thought. The Left will not go for it because they need The Right's money to pay for their shit.

That and it's their policies and philosophies in general.

Raise taxes on the rich and what happens? The rich leave and take their jobs with them. We've been telling liberals that for years, yet, anytime they talk about money--tax the rich even more.

If you make guns illegal, then only the criminals will have the guns because they don't listen to law. They would have an advantage over the average law abiding citizen in this country. But when gun issues are discussed, many of them are for getting rid of all guns.

We've been telling them that if you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't. And what's happening now? We have over 93 million Americans of working age not working or looking for work.

My dividing experiment only proves that liberal policies are a disaster. If we actually did divide up the country, their side would look like Detroit in just a few decades. Broke, nobody would want to work, businesses would not want to do business there, and crime would be out of control.
And what about states that are overrun by illegals they have little control over because it's mostly handled by the feds? Think those communities don't see the federal government as too intrusive?
I just wanted to address this part, in particular, because I cannot, for the life of me, make sense out of it. Are you saying here that you want to see the federal government more involved in your community? You speak about being overrun by illegals, which is handled by the feds...which would indicate that we need more federal power / regulation in order to get that issue under control. I'm not saying I disagree, what I am saying is that I thought you were anti government, not reaching for more reasons why you want more government in your life.

It's not so much breaking up the United States of America, we are just sick of living with liberal nonsense that we can't tolerate. .

boohoo. Democratic government produces losers. Deal with it.

So too do Communist, Fascist, and Socialist produce losers. Democrats are always promising US that their way will produce no losers which is ironic considering the Black Unemployment rate under Obama and the Democrats.
Raise taxes on the rich and what happens? The rich leave and take their jobs with them. We've been telling liberals that for years, yet, anytime they talk about money--tax the rich even more.
This is just plain false and proves you have little to no knowledge of economics or any clue about our current globalization trends. If this were true than all of our wealthy would live somewhere out in like the middle east where they can get by without paying anything to the government other than maybe a few bribes and a few bodyguards.

The wealthy that stay in our country and create jobs do it because of the resources available in America. They would move anywhere else if they were offered the same resources. It has little to do with our tax code. We have some of the best graduate level education in the world, producing some of the most brilliant minds. We have some of the best intellectual property laws protecting (maybe even to an undue degree) good ideas and the monetization from those ideas. The typical American is marked with a belief in his / herself and a willingness to be independent and try new ideas. The wealthy stay in America because America is one of the best nations in the world. Google, Facebook, Apple, McDonald's, Starbucks, these are all American corporations known internationally. You really think that these guys started these corporations or stayed here simply because of the tax code? Get real.
The left and the right can't get along, so what if we just split up?

Then who would pay for all the free stuff the Democrats keep promising their voters?
Raise taxes on the rich and what happens? The rich leave and take their jobs with them. We've been telling liberals that for years, yet, anytime they talk about money--tax the rich even more.
This is just plain false and proves you have little to no knowledge of economics or any clue about our current globalization trends. If this were true than all of our wealthy would live somewhere out in like the middle east where they can get by without paying anything to the government other than maybe a few bribes and a few bodyguards.

The wealthy that stay in our country and create jobs do it because of the resources available in America. They would move anywhere else if they were offered the same resources. It has little to do with our tax code. We have some of the best graduate level education in the world, producing some of the most brilliant minds. We have some of the best intellectual property laws protecting (maybe even to an undue degree) good ideas and the monetization from those ideas. The typical American is marked with a belief in his / herself and a willingness to be independent and try new ideas. The wealthy stay in America because America is one of the best nations in the world. Google, Facebook, Apple, McDonald's, Starbucks, these are all American corporations known internationally. You really think that these guys started these corporations or stayed here simply because of the tax code? Get real.

Not exclusively, but it's a major player.

One of the top reasons companies stay here is because it's so beneficial for a producer to be near their customers. Saves a lot on shipping. Wages too play a big part, but like taxes, not exclusive.

If you are an American born and raised here, it's very difficult to leave your own country. Sometimes you have to though.

One of our customers is a crate making company. They make big crates, little crates, crates the size of tractor-trailers. I've been to their customers when they shipped crates to the company for purposes of moving either out of state or out of the country entirely.

I've spoken with managers and company owners alike. It killed them to move out of the country, but they had no choice. They couldn't compete in the world market for various reasons as I listed above, but it was either move to another country, or go out of business and join your employees in the unemployment line.
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?

Just a thought. People like you need to take a deep breath and go on a cemetery vacation. Start at Arlington and then visit as many National Cemeteries as possible, read the names of the fallen, where and when they gave their life for The Union, and then go back to Arlington, cross the bridge and walk along the Vietnam Memorial Wall. If you're my age you will recognize many names, and in your mind's eye see them as they were.

If such an experience has no impact on your opinion, you are not a patriot and are one of the biggest assholes to post on this message board.

The attempted guilt trip isn't working.

Guilt trip? Hardly, and a sociopathic asshole like you has never felt guilt or empathy.
And what about states that are overrun by illegals they have little control over because it's mostly handled by the feds? Think those communities don't see the federal government as too intrusive?
I just wanted to address this part, in particular, because I cannot, for the life of me, make sense out of it. Are you saying here that you want to see the federal government more involved in your community? You speak about being overrun by illegals, which is handled by the feds...which would indicate that we need more federal power / regulation in order to get that issue under control. I'm not saying I disagree, what I am saying is that I thought you were anti government, not reaching for more reasons why you want more government in your life.

I don't think I implied that at all. What I mean is that states are held hostage by the feds. States should be allowed to make their own laws when it comes to the illegals. Arizona did it with great success. Unfortunately, that success was cut short by DumBama who took it to court to have their actions against foreigners stopped. Prior to that, illegals scattered like rats like somebody turned on the lights after they made new laws.

Another example: over here, they forced us to lower our speed limit many years ago. Again, federal blackmail. You do it our way or lose your highway funding. They used the same strategy to force us to lower our BAC for drivers to be considered drunk. Lower your levels or else.........

Now I'm just giving examples off the top of my head. I'm sure if I had the time, I would be able to think of many more things and research them. Like gasoline. WTF wants ethanal in their gasoline? Well, the feds make you put it in there to use in your state. It's more expensive, is known to cause engine damage, and is worse for the environment than producing gasoline itself.

It's not so much breaking up the United States of America, we are just sick of living with liberal nonsense that we can't tolerate. .

boohoo. Democratic government produces losers. Deal with it.

Yes, it does produce losers. There's you, for instance.

You, the anarchist, always loses.

Everybody loses whenever turds like you get their way.

You want to secure our borders without a national government.

why don't you explain to us in detail how that would happen.
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?

Just a thought. People like you need to take a deep breath and go on a cemetery vacation. Start at Arlington and then visit as many National Cemeteries as possible, read the names of the fallen, where and when they gave their life for The Union, and then go back to Arlington, cross the bridge and walk along the Vietnam Memorial Wall. If you're my age you will recognize many names, and in your mind's eye see them as they were.

If such an experience has no impact on your opinion, you are not a patriot and are one of the biggest assholes to post on this message board.

I fail to see your point. WTF does walking through Arlington cemetery have to do with my posts?

If anything, our solders fought for the freedom of people in this country; freedom that Democrats wish to limit at every corner. More government does indeed mean less freedom. The larger the government--the smaller the citizen.

Perhaps you should take your own suggestion and reflect on their sacrifice when you side with big government.
You tried that already, called the Civil War, and lost. This time you can leave but you leave the dirt where it is. American democracy doesn't work for you, that's ok it doesn't have to. But you don't get to take part of America with you.

I'm not interested in seeing the country split up and I don't mind a political back and forth between varying ideas, as long as they are honestly put forth. The Republicans figured out about ten years ago that the society was changing and the only way for them to win now is cheating. Voter suppression, passing law after law in the states to try to thwart federal law on abortion, on and on.

You don't fit in here, you have made that clear. Sad to see you go but you are free to go. Mexico needs some help righting the ship maybe you can go down there and build your neocon paradise.

There won't be another Civil War just because you miss the 1950s.

Sorry, asshole, but who says you own the dirt? He isn't proposing a civil war. He's proposing a peaceful separation, so what don't you deal with the premise instead of acting like a Yankee douche bag?

You're like a woman who kisses alligators. On the mouth. And wants the world to know and is proud of it.

Other than that you're ok! :poke:

Well that was relevant to the subject under discussion.

I never cease to be amazed at leftwingers who spew the vilest brand of venom and then have a hissy fit when they get the same in return.

Never? You'd think just pure repetition would steel you for the onslaught and you would no longer be amazed. Like how people in war get used to the idea of dying. And this is just a message board!

You appear to be admitting that your knee-jerk ad hominem attacks are chronic.

Either that or making fun of your never-ending anger.

We distort, you deride.
Just thought I would throw this out there to break away from the hundreds of posts about the election and candidates:

As time progresses, it seems the left and right drift more and more apart. So my question is, if we just decided to divide the country in half (conservative on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to choose a side) would you approve of it and if so, what would be the advantage to your side over the other?

As a conservative, on our side, I would like to see much less government regulation so as to attract more businesses. On our side, everybody would pay income tax regardless of income. Our social programs would be only for those who could absolutely not work, and prison would be a hellhole where most of the time prisoners spent would be in solitary confinement as to deter crime. People who use deadly force would not be held liable to the subject or family, and illegal immigrants would be immediately deported or jailed. Our death penalty would be carried out within six months after conviction (all appeals exhausted) and would be made public for all of society to witness.

So to the liberals, what would your side be like with huge taxation against the rich, an unarmed society, drugs run freely, and so many environmental regulations that nobody could possibly open up a business for profit?

Just a thought. People like you need to take a deep breath and go on a cemetery vacation. Start at Arlington and then visit as many National Cemeteries as possible, read the names of the fallen, where and when they gave their life for The Union, and then go back to Arlington, cross the bridge and walk along the Vietnam Memorial Wall. If you're my age you will recognize many names, and in your mind's eye see them as they were.

If such an experience has no impact on your opinion, you are not a patriot and are one of the biggest assholes to post on this message board.

The attempted guilt trip isn't working.

Guilt trip? Hardly, and a sociopathic asshole like you has never felt guilt or empathy.

Yankee assholes like you are responsible for the slaughter of 850,000 people. When are you going to experience any guilt about that?
Sorry, asshole, but who says you own the dirt? He isn't proposing a civil war. He's proposing a peaceful separation, so what don't you deal with the premise instead of acting like a Yankee douche bag?

You're like a woman who kisses alligators. On the mouth. And wants the world to know and is proud of it.

Other than that you're ok! :poke:

Well that was relevant to the subject under discussion.

I never cease to be amazed at leftwingers who spew the vilest brand of venom and then have a hissy fit when they get the same in return.

Never? You'd think just pure repetition would steel you for the onslaught and you would no longer be amazed. Like how people in war get used to the idea of dying. And this is just a message board!

You appear to be admitting that your knee-jerk ad hominem attacks are chronic.

Either that or making fun of your never-ending anger.

We distort, you deride.
Oh, right, you aren't angry. You personally attack people with every post because you're so happy-go-lucky.

You pretension that you don't insult people is hilarious. Next you'll be claiming you aren't a liberal.

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