The Left Controls the Media

Investigative stories... like Gasland? :lol:

you think the information contained in Gasland is fake? That there is no validity to serious concerns over fracking? With what information do you forge these views?
I know we always here that the left control the media, but, when you take a close look at it, the corporations that own the outlets simply allow to be marketed that which has an audience. There are plenty of venues that espouse mainly ideas that are right of center, some that are centrist, and indeed a great many that are to the liberal side of the aisle.

Overall, however, if it didn't sell, we wouldn't see it.
The left does not control the media.

Giant corporations control the media.
What's the point of the claim anyway? Other than to give a conservatives one more opportunity to blame something or someone other than themselves for their failures?
Maybe if conservatives had the business acumen that liberals apparently do, they could come up with conservative programming that would sell and then they could "control the media".
You certainly know talking points.

He is the Troll King of wingnut talking points and non sequiturs.
Luckily, Obamacare covers pre-existing conditions. Your butthurt will be covered.
You have once again failed to man up, which should surprise no one.

Is it or is it not a Rightwing talking point that the Liberal media will pick the president?

Not if it's true or not, only that it's a Rightwing claim.

Now watch, everybody, as daveman evades the question once again!
He is the Troll King of wingnut talking points and non sequiturs.
Luckily, Obamacare covers pre-existing conditions. Your butthurt will be covered.
You have once again failed to man up, which should surprise no one.

Is it or is it not a Rightwing talking point that the Liberal media will pick the president?

Not if it's true or not, only that it's a Rightwing claim.

Now watch, everybody, as daveman evades the question once again!
Yes, I suppose it's a rightwing talking point, if a couple of rightwingers saying something is a talking point.

But outside of this thread, I haven't heard it from any rightwingers. Do you have any links, or are you going to just insist it's true without providing any corroboration? You know -- like you usually do.

Oh, and I checked -- the death panels have decided your butthurt is too expensive to treat. Sucks to be you -- in a myriad of ways.

Now, were you saying something about avoiding the question? This is the part where you redefine some words so you can pretend you "won". :lol:
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Luckily, Obamacare covers pre-existing conditions. Your butthurt will be covered.
You have once again failed to man up, which should surprise no one.

Is it or is it not a Rightwing talking point that the Liberal media will pick the president?

Not if it's true or not, only that it's a Rightwing claim.

Now watch, everybody, as daveman evades the question once again!
Yes, I suppose it's a rightwing talking point, if a couple of rightwingers saying something is a talking point.

But outside of this thread, I haven't heard it from any rightwingers. Do you have any links, or are you going to just insist it's true without providing any corroboration? You know -- like you usually do.

Oh, and I checked -- the death panels have decided your butthurt is too expensive to treat. Sucks to be you -- in a myriad of ways.

Now, were you saying something about avoiding the question? This is the part where you redefine some words so you can pretend you "won". :lol:

Are you saying that if I come up with links, then you agree that it's a Rightwing talking point?

Oh, and "Death Panels" is a Rightwing talking point, also. You just can't help yourself, can you??? :lol:

Or do you need links for that, too?

Luckily, Obamacare covers pre-existing conditions. Your butthurt will be covered.
You have once again failed to man up, which should surprise no one.

Is it or is it not a Rightwing talking point that the Liberal media will pick the president?

Not if it's true or not, only that it's a Rightwing claim.

Now watch, everybody, as daveman evades the question once again!
Yes, I suppose it's a rightwing talking point, if a couple of rightwingers saying something is a talking point.

But outside of this thread, I haven't heard it from any rightwingers. Do you have any links, or are you going to just insist it's true without providing any corroboration? You know -- like you usually do.
The typical CON$ervative "Lie and Deny" tactic.

The whole CON$ervative rationalization for Operation Chaos in the 2008 election was that the "MEDIA" chose the GOP candidate. And CON$ also rationalized that the "MEDIA" created Obama, so the "MEDIA" chose both candidates in the 2008 election, so no matter which one won, the "MEDIA" picked it.

The same thing is happening now. CON$ are claiming that the "MEDIA" wants Romney and is out to destroy any non-Romney who leads in the GOP primaries. So again, whoever wins a Romney v Obama election was picked by the "MEDIA."
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You have once again failed to man up, which should surprise no one.

Is it or is it not a Rightwing talking point that the Liberal media will pick the president?

Not if it's true or not, only that it's a Rightwing claim.

Now watch, everybody, as daveman evades the question once again!
Yes, I suppose it's a rightwing talking point, if a couple of rightwingers saying something is a talking point.

But outside of this thread, I haven't heard it from any rightwingers. Do you have any links, or are you going to just insist it's true without providing any corroboration? You know -- like you usually do.

Oh, and I checked -- the death panels have decided your butthurt is too expensive to treat. Sucks to be you -- in a myriad of ways.

Now, were you saying something about avoiding the question? This is the part where you redefine some words so you can pretend you "won". :lol:

Are you saying that if I come up with links, then you agree that it's a Rightwing talking point?
If you come up with links, I'll be surprised, because you mostly never do.

Let's look at this from your pitiful point of view.

You consider me a conservative dittohead, incapable of original thought. Correct? Of course, that's utterly laughable, but you and reality don't get along too well.

If it were a rightwing talking point, I would have heard it. Right?

But I haven't.

Predictably, you will laughably claim I'm lying, but will have no way to prove it. NOTE: You throwing a hissy fit is not proof.
Oh, and "Death Panels" is a Rightwing talking point, also. You just can't help yourself, can you??? :lol:

Or do you need links for that, too?

I was making fun of you, dumbass. Holy shit, you really are a stupid, stupid little man. :lol:
You have once again failed to man up, which should surprise no one.

Is it or is it not a Rightwing talking point that the Liberal media will pick the president?

Not if it's true or not, only that it's a Rightwing claim.

Now watch, everybody, as daveman evades the question once again!
Yes, I suppose it's a rightwing talking point, if a couple of rightwingers saying something is a talking point.

But outside of this thread, I haven't heard it from any rightwingers. Do you have any links, or are you going to just insist it's true without providing any corroboration? You know -- like you usually do.
The typical CON$ervative "Lie and Deny" tactic.

The whole CON$ervative rationalization for Operation Chaos in the 2008 election was that the "MEDIA" chose the GOP candidate. And CON$ also rationalized that the "MEDIA" created Obama, so the "MEDIA" chose both candidates in the 2008 election, so no matter which one won, the "MEDIA" picked it.

The same thing is happening now. CON$ are claiming that the "MEDIA" wants Romney and is out to destroy any non-Romney who leads in the GOP primaries. So again, whoever wins a Romney v Obama election was picked by the "MEDIA."
Do you really want to hold me responsible for things I didn't say?

That's an interesting game.

I suppose you don't need oil, you ride the bus! And you support our troops when they shoot their officers.

Right? Or are you going to be a flaming hypocrite?
Yes, I suppose it's a rightwing talking point, if a couple of rightwingers saying something is a talking point.

But outside of this thread, I haven't heard it from any rightwingers. Do you have any links, or are you going to just insist it's true without providing any corroboration? You know -- like you usually do.
The typical CON$ervative "Lie and Deny" tactic.

The whole CON$ervative rationalization for Operation Chaos in the 2008 election was that the "MEDIA" chose the GOP candidate. And CON$ also rationalized that the "MEDIA" created Obama, so the "MEDIA" chose both candidates in the 2008 election, so no matter which one won, the "MEDIA" picked it.

The same thing is happening now. CON$ are claiming that the "MEDIA" wants Romney and is out to destroy any non-Romney who leads in the GOP primaries. So again, whoever wins a Romney v Obama election was picked by the "MEDIA."
Do you really want to hold me responsible for things I didn't say?

That's an interesting game.

I suppose you don't need oil, you ride the bus! And you support our troops when they shoot their officers.

Right? Or are you going to be a flaming hypocrite?
Keep those cliched right-wing talking points coming. :badgrin:
Maybe if conservatives had the business acumen that liberals apparently do, they could come up with conservative programming that would sell and then they could "control the media".

Yes, it was masterful the way Air America put Rush out of business.

But then, Air America did accomplish something Rush hasn't .. it was the springboard for one of its own to the Senate. And Rush still sits flabbing his fat mouth to his lemmings on the not-so-Excellence in Broadcasting Network.
Maybe if conservatives had the business acumen that liberals apparently do, they could come up with conservative programming that would sell and then they could "control the media".

Yes, it was masterful the way Air America put Rush out of business.

But then, Air America did accomplish something Rush hasn't .. it was the springboard for one of its own to the Senate. And Rush still sits flabbing his fat mouth to his lemmings on the not-so-Excellence in Broadcasting Network.

Air America was more political, Rush is just a bad comedian, he used to be funnier and people were drawn to his wit. Then he got off drugs and now he's just vicious. He wouldn't run because he knows he wouldn't win.

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